Segfault on FD_ISSET - c++

I've run into a rather strange problem:
I use select() in order to determine if a socket becomes readable. However, whenever a client connects, I get a segfault when I call FD_ISSET() to check if a given socket is present in the fd_set.
/* [...] */
while( /* condition */ ){
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = SELECT_TIMEOUT;
//this simply fills sockets with some file descriptors (passed in by clients - both parameters are passed by reference)
maxfd = this->build_fd_set( clients, sockets );
//wait until something relevant happens
readableCount = select( maxfd + 1, &sockets, (fd_set*)NULL, (fd_set*)NULL, &timeout );
if( readableCount > 0 ){
//Some sockets have become readable
printf( "\nreadable: %d, sockfd: %d, maxfd: %d\n",
readableCount, this->sockfd, maxfd );
//Check if listening socket has pending connections
if( FD_ISSET( this->sockfd, &sockets ) ) {
DBG printf( "new connection incoming" );
this->handle_new_connection( clients );
/* [...] */
}else {
// Data is pending on some socket
/* [...] */
}else if( readableCount < 0 ) {
//An error occured
/* [...] */
}else {
// select has timed out
/* [...] */
Yeah, sorry for the sparse info: I've updated the code.
this->sock_fd is set up to be a descriptor for a listening socket, created usingthis->sockfd = socket( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); and then made listening via listen( this->sockfd, ACCEPT_BACKLOG ).
int SvcServer::build_fd_set( const vector<int>& clients, fd_set& sockets ) {
//build up the socket set
FD_ZERO( &sockets );
FD_SET( this->sockfd, &sockets ); //listening socket is always part of the set
int maxfd = this->sockfd;
//Add all currently connected sockets to the list
for( vector<int>::const_iterator it = clients.begin() ; it != clients.end() ; ++it ) {
FD_SET( *it, &sockets );
maxfd = max( maxfd, *it );
return maxfd;
It really doesn't matter what clients is, it' just empty and meant to be filled once clients connect, which is not happening since the whole thing segfaults on the first incoming connection.
Also, here's some sample output:
readable: 1, sockfd: 3, maxfd: 3
Segmentation fault
The things I can derive here are:
The call to select() works, readable is set correctly
Also sockfd and maxfd are valid descriptors.
I'm afraid I can't provide you with any debugging info (e.g. gdb) since I'm cross compiling and gdb is not available on the platform I'm compiling to.

Nevermind, I figured it out. * stupid me *
Turns out, the segfault was never actually occuring at the suspected position, the last printf before the segfault never got shown because it stdout wasn't flushed. The actual segfault occured a little later and was (of course) my mistake.
thx nevertheless


Using timer with zmq

I am working on a project where I have to use zmq_poll. But I did not completely understand what it does.
So I also tried to implement it:
zmq_pollitem_t timer_open(void){
zmq_pollitem_t items[1];
if( items[0].socket == nullptr ){
printf("error socket %s: %s\n", zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
items[0].socket = gsock;
items[0].fd = -1;
items[0].events = ZMQ_POLLIN;
// get a timer
items[0].fd = timerfd_create( CLOCK_REALTIME, 0 );
if( items[0].fd == -1 )
printf("timerfd_create() failed: errno=%d\n", errno);
items[0].socket = nullptr;
int rc = zmq_poll(items,1,-1);
if(rc == -1){
printf("error poll %s: %s\n", zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
return items[0];
I am very new to this topic and I have to modify an old existing project and replace the functions with the one of zmq. On other websites I saw examples where they used two items and the zmq_poll function in an endless loop. I have read the documentation but still could not properly understand how this works. And these are the other two functions I have implemented. I do not know if it is the correct way to implement it like this:
void timer_set(zmq_pollitem_t items[] , long msec, ipc_timer_mode_t mode ) {
struct itimerspec t;
timerfd_settime( items[0].fd , 0, &t, NULL );
void timer_close(zmq_pollitem_t items[]){
if( items[0].fd != -1 )
items[0].socket = nullptr;
I am not sure if I need the zmq_poll function because I am using a timer.
void some_function_timer_example() {
// We want to wait on two timers
zmq_pollitem_t items[2] ;
// Setup first timer
ipc_timer_set_(&items[0], 1000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_SHOT);
// Setup second timer
ipc_timer_set_(&items[1], 1000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_SHOT);
// Now wait for the timers in a loop
while (1) {
//ipc_timer_set_(&items[0], 1000, IPC_TIMER_REPEAT);
//ipc_timer_set_(&items[1], 5000, IPC_TIMER_REPEAT);
int rc = zmq_poll (items, 2, -1);
assert (rc >= 0); /* Returned events will be stored in items[].revents */
if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
// Process task
std::cout << "revents: 1" << std::endl;
if (items [1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
// Process weather update
std::cout << "revents: 2" << std::endl;
Now it still prins very fast and is not waiting. It is still waiting only in the beginning. And when the timer_set is inside the loop it waits properly, only if the waiting time is the same like: ipc_timer_set(&items[1], 1000,...) and ipctimer_set(&items[0], 1000,...)
So how do I have to change this? Or is this the correct behavior?
zmq_poll works like select, but it allows some additional stuff. For instance you can select between regular synchronous file descriptors, and also special async sockets.
In your case you can use the timer fd as you have tried to do, but you need to make a few small changes.
First you have to consider how you will invoke these timers. I think the use case is if you want to create multiple timers and wait for them. This would be typically the function in yuor current code that might be using a loop for the timer (either using select() or whatever else they might be doing).
It would be something like this:
void some_function() {
// We want to wait on two timers
zmq_pollitem items[2];
// Setup first timer
ipc_timer_set(&item[0], 1000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_REPEAT);
// Setup second timer
ipc_timer_set(&item[1], 5000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_SHOT);
// Now wait for the timers in a loop
while (1) {
int rc = zmq_poll (items, 2, -1);
assert (rc >= 0); /* Returned events will be stored in items[].revents */
Now, you need to fix the ipc_timer_open. It will be very simple - just create the timer fd.
// Takes a pointer to pre-allocated zmq_pollitem_t and returns 0 for success, -1 for error
int ipc_timer_open(zmq_pollitem_t *items){
items[0].socket = NULL;
items[0].events = ZMQ_POLLIN;
// get a timer
items[0].fd = timerfd_create( CLOCK_REALTIME, 0 );
if( items[0].fd == -1 )
printf("timerfd_create() failed: errno=%d\n", errno);
return -1; // error
return 0;
Edit: Added as reply to comment, since this is long:
From the documentation:
If both socket and fd are set in a single zmq_pollitem_t, the ØMQ socket referenced by socket shall take precedence and the value of fd shall be ignored.
So if you are passing the fd, you have to set socket to NULL. I am not even clear where gsock is coming from. Is this in the documentation? I couldn't find it.
And when will it break out of the while(1) loop?
This is application logic, and you have to code according to what you require. zmq_poll just keeps returning everytime one of the timer hits. In this example, every second the zmq_poll returns because the first timer (which is a repeat) keeps triggering. But at 5 seconds, it will also return because of the second timer (which is a one shot). Its up to you to decide when you exit the loop. Do you want this to go infinitely? Do you need to check for a different condition to exit the loop? Do you want to do this for say 100 times and then return? You can code whatever logic you want on top of this code.
And what kind of events are returned back
ZMQ_POLLIN since timer fds behave like readable file descriptors.

Check if lan device is connected using c++ in linux

I have a device on my network (wi-fi with only static IP's) with a static IP address of I use it in input for part of my code in a c++ program in linux, but if it disconnects/is powered off, the program stops responding because it tries to pull data from a non-existent location. Is there a way I can check if it disconnects so that I can stop the program before it goes out of control? Thanks for the helpful responses I know are coming!
Use ioctl SIOCGIFFLAGS to check is the interface UP and RUNNING:
struct ifreq ifr;
memset( &ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr) );
strcpy( ifr.ifr_name, ifrname );
if( ioctl( dummy_fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr ) != -1 )
up_and_running = (ifr.ifr_flags & ( IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING )) == ( IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING );
// error
Input variable is ifrname. It should be the interface name "eth0", eth1", "ppp0" ....
Because ioctl() needs a file descriptor as parameter, you can use for example some temporary UDP socket for that:
dummy_fd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
Remember to close the socket, when not used anymore.
See how to go very low-level and use ioctl(7). See lsif by Adam Risi for an example.
Try to ping before proceeding
int status = system("ping -c 2");
if (-1 != status)
ping_ret = WEXITSTATUS(status);
cout<<"Ping successful"<<endl; ////Proceed
cout<<"Ping not successful"<<endl; ///Sleep and agin check for ping

Libevent writes to the socket only after second buffer_write

Libevent is great and I love it so far. However, on a echo server, the write only sends to the socket on a second write. My writing is from another thread, a pump thread that talks to a db and does some minimal data massaging.
I verified this by setting up a callback for the write:
bufferevent_setcb( GetBufferEvent(), DataAvailable, DataWritten, HandleSocketError, this );
calling bufferevent_flush( m_bufferEvent, EV_READ|EV_WRITE, BEV_NORMAL ) doesn't seem to have any effect.
Here is the setup, just in case I blew it somewhere. I have dramatically simplified the overhead in my code base in order to obtain some help. This includes initialization of sockets, my thread init, etc. This is a multi-threaded app, so there may be some problem there. I start with this:
m_LibEventInstance = event_base_new();
m_listener = evconnlistener_new_bind( m_LibEventInstance,
-1,// no maximum number of backlog connections
(struct sockaddr*)&ListenAddress, socketSize );
if (!m_listener) {
perror("Couldn't create listener");
return false;
evconnlistener_set_error_cb( m_listener, OnSystemError );
AFAIK, this is copy and paste from samples so it should work. My OnAccept does the following:
void OnAccept( evconnlistener* listenerObj, evutil_socket_t newConnectionId, sockaddr* ClientAddr, int socklen, void* context )
// We got a new connection! Set up a bufferevent for it.
struct event_base* base = evconnlistener_get_base( listenerObj );
struct bufferevent* bufferEvent = bufferevent_socket_new( base, newConnectionId, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE );
bufferevent_setcb( GetBufferEvent(), DataAvailable, DataWritten,
HandleSocketError, this );
// We have to enable it before our callbacks will be called.
bufferevent_enable( GetBufferEvent(), EV_READ | EV_WRITE );
DisableNagle( m_connectionId );
Now, I simply respond to data coming in and store it in a buffer for later processing. This is a multi-threaded application, so I will process the data later, massage it, or return a response to the client.
void DataAvailable( struct bufferevent* bufferEventObj, void* arg )
const U32 MaxBufferSize = 8192;
MyObj* This = (MyObj*) arg;
U8 data[ MaxBufferSize ];
size_t numBytesreceived;
/* Read 8k at a time and send it to all connected clients. */
while( 1 )
numBytesreceived = bufferevent_read( bufferEventObj, data, sizeof( data ) );
if( numBytesreceived <= 0 ) // nothing to send
if( This )
This->OnDataReceived( data, numBytesreceived );
the last thing that happens, once I look up my data, package into a buffer, and then on a threaded timeslice I do this:
bufferevent_write( m_bufferEvent, buffer, bufferOffset );
It never, ever sends the first time. To get it to send, I have to send a second buffer full of data.
This behavior is killing me and I have spent a lot of hours on it. Any ideas?
I finally gave up and used this hack instead... there just was not enough info to tell me why libevent wasn't writing to the socket. This works just fine.
int result = send( m_connectionId, (const char* )buffer, bufferOffset, 0 );
I met the problem, too! I spent one day on this problem. At last, I solved it.
When the thread you call event_base_dispatch, it will be asleep until any semaphore wakes it up. So, when it sleeps, you call bufferevent_write, the bufferevent's fd adds to the event list, but it won't be epoll until next time. So you must send semaphore to wake up the dispatch thread after you called bufferevent_write. The way you can use is set up an event bind pair socket and add it to event_base. Then send 1 byte anytime when you need to wake up the disptach thread.

Why does select only show file descriptors as ready if data is already being sent?

I'm using select() in a thread to monitor a datagram socket, but unless data is being sent to the socket before the thread starts, select() will continue to return 0.
I'm mixing a little C and C++; here's the method that starts the thread:
bool RelayStart() {
sock_recv = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
memset(&addr_recv, 0, sizeof(addr_recv));
addr_recv.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr_recv.sin_port = htons(18902);
addr_recv.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
bind(sock_recv, (struct sockaddr*) &addr_recv, sizeof(addr_recv));
isRelayingPackets = true;
return true;
The method that stops the thread:
bool RelayStop() {
isSendingVideo = false;
return true;
And the method run in the thread:
void Run() {
fd_set read_fds;
int select_return;
struct timeval select_timeout;
FD_SET(sock_recv, &read_fds);
while (isRelayingPackets) {
select_timeout.tv_sec = 1;
select_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
select_return = select(sock_recv + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &select_timeout);
if (select_return > 0 && FD_ISSET(sock_recv, &read_fds)) {
// ...
The problem is that if there isn't a process already sending UDP packets to port 18902 before RelayStart() is called, select() will always return 0. So, for example, I can't restart the sender without restarting the thread (in the correct order.)
Everything seems to work fine as long as the sender is started first.
The Run thread only constructs read_fds once.
The select call updates read_fds to have all its bits cleared for all descriptors that did not have data ready, and all its bits set for those that were set before and do have data ready.
Hence, if no descriptor has any data ready and the select call times out (and returns 0), all the bits in read_fds are now cleared. Further calls passing the same all-zero bit-mask will scan no file descriptors.
You can either re-construct the read-set on each trip inside the loop:
while (isRelayingPackets) {
FD_SET(sock_recv, &read_fds);
or use an auxiliary variable with a copy of the bit-set:
while (isRelayingPackets) {
fd_set select_arg = read_fds;
... same as before but use &select_arg ...
(Or, of course, there are non-select interfaces that are easier to use in some ways.)
How were you expecting it to behave? The point of select() is to sleep to a timeout until data are available to be read; in this case, it will time out after 1 second and return 0. Perhaps you don't actually want a timeout before the start of a stream?

Listening socket connecting without accept being called on Linux

I am running code on Ubuntu Linux it is supposed to use a Set and select to check when a listening socket has activity (ie someone trying to connect) and let them connect, the trouble is select ALLWAYS returns 0, and when I try to connect it just connects straight away.
but on the server Accept is never called as select always returns 0, so I am wondering what could cause this?
namespace SocketLib
const int MAX = FD_SETSIZE;
class SocketSet
void AddSocket( const Socket& p_sock );
void RemoveSocket( const Socket& p_sock );
inline int Poll( long p_time = 0 )
// this is the time value structure. It will determine how long
// the select function will wait.
struct timeval t = { 0, p_time * 1000 };
// copy the set over into the activity set.
m_activityset = m_set;
// now run select() on the sockets.
#ifdef WIN32
return select( 0, &m_activityset, 0, 0, &t );
if( m_socketdescs.size() == 0 ) return 0;
return select( *(m_socketdescs.rbegin()), &m_activityset, 0, 0, &t );
inline bool HasActivity( const Socket& p_sock )
return FD_ISSET( p_sock.GetSock(), &m_activityset ) != 0;
// a set representing the socket descriptors.
fd_set m_set;
// this set will represent all the sockets that have activity on them.
fd_set m_activityset;
// this is only used for linux, since select() requires the largest
// descriptor +1 passed into it. BLAH!
#ifndef WIN32
std::set<sock> m_socketdescs;
is the code running the poll in case it helps
Additional code is:
#include <algorithm>
#include "SocketSet.h"
namespace SocketLib
FD_ZERO( &m_set );
FD_ZERO( &m_activityset );
void SocketSet::AddSocket( const Socket& p_sock )
// add the socket desc to the set
FD_SET( p_sock.GetSock(), &m_set );
// if linux, then record the descriptor into the vector,
// and check if it's the largest descriptor.
#ifndef WIN32
m_socketdescs.insert( p_sock.GetSock() );
void SocketSet::RemoveSocket( const Socket& p_sock )
FD_CLR( p_sock.GetSock(), &m_set );
#ifndef WIN32
// remove the descriptor from the vector
m_socketdescs.erase( p_sock.GetSock() );
} // end namespace SocketSet
also it is being used here
// define a data socket that will receive connections from the listening
// sockets
DataSocket datasock;
// detect if any sockets have action on them
int i=m_set.Poll();
if( i > 0 )
// loop through every listening socket
for( size_t s = 0; s < m_sockets.size(); s++ )
// check to see if the current socket has a connection waiting
if( m_set.HasActivity( m_sockets[s] ) )
// accept the connection
datasock = m_sockets[s].Accept();
// run the action function on the new data socket
m_manager->NewConnection( datasock );
as you can see, it wont do a .Accept until AFTER it has got activity from the select, but it never gets that far
Bind and listen call is here
void ListeningManager::AddPort( port p_port )
if( m_sockets.size() == MAX )
Exception e( ESocketLimitReached );
throw( e );
// create a new socket
ListeningSocket lsock;
// listen on the requested port
lsock.Listen( p_port );
// make the socket non-blocking, so that it won't block if a
// connection exploit is used when accepting (see Chapter 4)
lsock.SetBlocking( false );
// add the socket to the socket vector
m_sockets.push_back( lsock );
// add the socket descriptor to the set
m_set.AddSocket( lsock );
select() requires the largest fd+1. You give it the largest fd, unmodified. If you see this error on Linux and not Windows, this is the most likely cause.