Print pointer in OpenCL - c++

Can I print a pointer in an OpenCL function?
I can use printf in kernel functions however I can't find the way to print a pointer.
Is there some equivalent to the following?:
int *ptr = 5;
printf("%p \n", (void *)ptr);

What is wrong with this?
int x = 5;
int *ptr;
ptr = &x;
printf("%p \n", ptr);
You can't make ptr point to 5. Pointers must point to memory on:
The stack: int x
the heap: int* ptr = new int(5)


what happens when a pointer is passed as a pointer to a pointer inside another function?

So can someone explain what would happen if I pass ...*p as the argument name for the foo function
int main()
int i = 10;
int *const p = &i;
printf("%d\n", *p);
void foo(int **p)
int j = 11;
*p = &j;
printf("%d\n", **p);
Don't do that. You'll have a pointer to an undefined memory location on the stack. Any other function call between foo(&p); and printf("%d\n", *p); is bound to overwrite that memory location with new data.
Let's look at a simple example here! We have a function print_address, which takes an address and prints it. We're gonna print the address of an int, as well as the address of a pointer to that int, and a pointer of a pointer to that int.
#include <stdio.h>
void print_address(void* addr) {
printf("Address: %p\n", addr);
int main()
int value = 0;
int* value_ptr = &value;
int** value_ptr_ptr = &value_ptr;
return 0;
When I run this code, I get the following output:
Address: 0x7fffa4936fec
Address: 0x7fffa4936ff0
Address: 0x7fffa4936ff8
The first address is to value, the second address is to value_ptr, and the third address is to value_ptr_ptr. Each address is a little higher than the previous one, because each variable has been stored a little higher up on the stack.
The same thing happens with function calls. When we call a function, the memory for all the local variables in that function is stored a little higher up on the stack then the memory for all the local variables in the current function:
#include <stdio.h>
void print_address(void* addr) {
printf("Address: %p\n", addr);
void f3(int*** ptr) {
void f2(int** ptr) {
void f1(int* ptr) {
int main()
int value = 0;
return 0;
This time when I ran it, the output was
Address: 0x7ffeca71dc2c
Address: 0x7ffeca71dc08
Address: 0x7ffeca71dbe8
If you notice, the gaps between addresses are higher, but that's because of the extra stack space it takes to do a function call.
j is destoyed after exiting foo, so doing anything with it after foo calling in main is incorrect, until you reset it on another object (I mean printf("%d\n", *p)).
Well, what you're doing is passing pointer on pointer on integer.
As you could see, pointers are often used to pass arrays:
void print_array(int* a, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d ", a[i]);
And pointers on pointers are used to pass two-dimensional arrays, for example in int main(int argc, char** argv) { ... } argv is array of strings or array of arrays of char-s.
You can't pass *p, but let's say you could...
It looks like you are trying to get your function to update a parent variable - and passing &p is the correct way to do it. But you are adding one too many dereference. I highly recommend you read this:
// Let's assume you only have 4 memory locations for variables: 1 2 3 and 4.
// let's call these m[1] m[2] m[3] and m[4]
// i is at 1, p is at 2, j is at 3, and the p inside the function is at 4.
// let's call that second p, q rather
// so you have: m[1..4] = { i, p, j, q }
// now execute the code in your head:
int main()
int i = 10; // m[1] = 10
int *const p = &i; // m[2] = 1
foo(&p); // foo(2)
printf("%d\n", *p); // printf m[2]
void foo(int **q) // q = m[m[2]] = m[1] = 10
int j = 11; // m[3] = 11
*q = &j; // m[10] = 3 // segfault!
printf("%d\n", **q); // printf m[m[10]] = m[3] = 11 // if it didnt' segfault
It looks like this is what you are trying to do:
#include <stdio.h>
void b(int *q,int n) {
int main() {
int i=123;
int *p=&i; // *p and i are now synonymous
printf("%i ",i);
printf("%i ",*p); // same thing
printf("%i ",i);
b(&i,111);a // same thing
printf("%i ",i);

Issue regarding pointer to array? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
difference between pointer to an array and pointer to the first element of an array
(6 answers)
What is array to pointer decay?
(11 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I was trying to learn pointer to an array , but I'm not able to understand as to why *ptr and ptr print the same value
/*Here is the source code.*/
int main()
int arr[] = { 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 };
int *p = arr;
int (*ptr)[5] = &arr;
printf("p = %u, ptr = %u\n", p, ptr);
printf("*p = %d, *ptr = %d\n", *p, *ptr);
return 0;
and here is a snapshot of the output I got:
Change the way you print to this:
printf("p = %p, ptr = %p\n", (void*)p, (void*)ptr);
printf("*p = %d, *ptr = %p\n", *p, (void*)*ptr);
since the format specifier p is used to print a pointer. Moreover, the pointer should be casted into a void pointer, when you intend to print it.
Possible output:
p = 0x7ffed5b62fd0, ptr = 0x7ffed5b62fd0
*p = 3, *ptr = 0x7ffed5b62fd0
where now you see that they are the same.

Try to modify const reference

I've got an argument with my co-workers.
Once I did try to modify constant reference.
Sample of code is below:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
const int* A = NULL;
printf("A = %p\n", A);
int** pA = const_cast<int**>(&A);
*pA = new int(5);
if (pA != NULL)
printf("pA = %p, value = %d\n", pA, *pA);
printf("pA null pointer\n");
if (A != NULL)
printf("A = %p, value = %d\n", A, *A);
printf("A null pointer\n");
return 0;
Everything works fine and the log is
A = 00000000
pA = 0028FED8, value = 4068760
A = 003E1598, value = 5
I think it works that way:
I create a const pointer variable A with '0' (zero) value is stack. It is local variable wich occupies 4 bytes of memory in stack.
then I create a pointer to pointer variable, I cast away constant modification and take address of the variable
I think this code works fine and will not lead to a bug. But I need some kind of explanations. Am I right?
const int *a and int * const a are different.
Case 1
[const is used on *a]
Here the value of a is constant. The address pointed by a can be changed.
const int *a = malloc(sizeof (int));
if (a)
//*a = 10; //not allowed
a = malloc(sizeof (int));; //allowed
Case 2
[const is used on a]
Here the address of a is constant. The value of a can be changed.
int * const a = malloc(sizeof (int));
if (a)
*a = 10; //allowed
//a = malloc(sizeof (int));; //not allowed
As suggested by #lifeOfPI, read about using const_cast .

Pointers and dynamic memory in C and C++

A few days ago I had to use C and when working with pointers I got a little surprise.
An example in C:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void GetPointer(int* p) {
p = malloc( sizeof(int) );
if(p) {
*p = 7;
printf("IN GetPointer: %d\n",*p);
} else {
printf("MALLOC FAILED IN GetPointer\n");
void GetPointer2(int* p) {
if(p) {
*p = 8;
printf("IN GetPointer2: %d\n",*p);
} else {
printf("INVALID PTR IN GetPointer2");
int* GetPointer3(void) {
int* p = malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p) {
*p = 9;
printf("IN GetPointer3: %d\n",*p);
} else {
printf("MALLOC FAILED IN GetPointer3\n");
return p;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
int* ptr = 0;
if(!ptr) {
} else {
printf("NOW *PTR IS: %d\n",*ptr);
int* ptr2 = malloc(sizeof(int));
if(ptr2) {
printf("NOW *PTR2 IS: %d\n",*ptr2);
int* ptr3 = GetPointer3();
if(ptr3) {
printf("NOW *PTR3 IS: %d\n",*ptr3);
return 0;
The output:
IN GetPointer: 7
IN GetPointer2: 8
IN GetPointer3: 9
In this example, the first pointer will only have "value" inside the GetPointer method. Why using malloc inside lasts only for the lifetime of the method?
I tried this in C++ and got the same behaviour. I thought it would retain its value, but no. I found a way through, though:
void GetPointer(int*& p) {
p = new int;
if(p) {
*p = 7;
printf("IN GetPointer: %d\n",*p);
} else {
printf("MALLOC FAILED IN GetPointer\n");
In C I can't do this trick. Is there a way to do the same in C or I have to be careful and "malloc" the pointer before attempting to give it a value?
If you want to reassign what the pointer points to in C, you have to use int**, ie a pointer to a pointer.
That is because pointers are copied by value as arguments, so if want the change made in the pointers pointee to be visible outside the scope of the function, you need another level of indirection.
void GetPointer(int* p) {
p = malloc( sizeof(int) );
if(p) {
*p = 7;
printf("IN GetPointer: %d\n",*p);
} else {
printf("MALLOC FAILED IN GetPointer\n");
does absolutely nothing part from creating a memory leak.
the reason it doesn't do anything is that you pass a copy of the pointer to the function (int* p), if you want to change what p points to you need to pass the address of the pointer instead.
void GetPointer(int** p)
void GetPointer(int** pp) {
int *p = malloc( sizeof(int) );
if(p) {
*p = 7;
printf("IN GetPointer: %d\n",*p);
} else {
printf("MALLOC FAILED IN GetPointer\n");
*pp = p;
In void GetPointer(int* p) you are losing the pointer pointing to the dynamic memory as soon as you exit the function block.
Try using pointer to pointer approach:
GetPointer(int ** p) {
*p = malloc( sizeof(int) );
if(*p) {
**p = 7;
printf("IN GetPointer: %d\n",**p);
} else {
printf("MALLOC FAILED IN GetPointer\n");
p = malloc( sizeof(int) );
malloc( sizeof(int)); will return a pointer which is then assigned to p. But p is local to GetPointer,since the pointer itself is passed by value to it.
| |
xx +----+ malloc returns this block
| |
xx +----+ local variable p is assigned this block
| 7 |
xx +----+ p modifies value of this block
Function ends and so does p leaving behind a memory leak
| 7 |
xx +----+ No one points to it anymore
For GetPointer2 and GetPointer3 you do a malloc,
| |
yy +----+ malloc returns some other block
For the first call to GetPointer, you need to pass in a pointer to a pointer to an int. (unlike C++, which allows reference passing with the & operator in the function signature, C always passes things in by value, which means that your code is passing in a copy of ptr into the GetPointer function.) You need to pass in the address of that pointer (i.e. the location in memory where the pointer ptr is stored so that code inside the GetPointer method can put something in that location, thereby modifying ptr itself.
i.e. the call should be:
and the functions should look like:
void GetPointer(int** p) {
*p = malloc( sizeof(int) );
if(*p) {
**p = 7;
printf("IN GetPointer: %d\n",**p);
} else {
printf("MALLOC FAILED IN GetPointer\n");

Strange optimization of initialization

I realize that my example not correct in general. But interesting to find out how it works.
/* C/C++ (gcc-4.3.4) */
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
/*volatile*/ int i = 5;
int j = 500;
int *p = &j;
printf( "%d %x\n", *p, p );
printf( "%d %x\n", *p, p ); // works correct with volatile (*p is 5)
//printf( "%d %x\n", *p, &i ); // works correct without volatile
return 0;
Is it some kind of optimization?
Ok i got about UB. I won't hope on another else.
BUT if i have 2 int vars which placed adjacent to each others (see addresses) why this code shouldn't works?
The code has undefined behavior. Pointer is pointing to some garbage location. Dereferencing it leads to unpredicted results.
What do you call corerct?
It isn't guaranted, how variables will be stored, so ANY result is correct
Both variables are not necessarly adjacent in memory. You could use an array to do this.
#define PRINT(p) (printf("%i %p\n", *(p), (void *)(p)))
int t[2];
int *a = &t[0];
int *b = &t[1];
*a = 5;
*b = 6;
int *p = a;