Access members of derived class through base class pointer C++ - c++

Is there any way to have a general code access members of derived class through base class pointer? Or any other way around this?
Let's say I have a class Shape. I have classes Square and Triangle which inherit it. Both have their own private members which have nothing to do with each other so there is no point in having them in the base class. Now, what if I need to write a class into a file, but I don't know if the class is Square or Triangle until the moment I need to write it in the file?
I've been trying to figure out how to solve this problem. The worst case solution would be to write the data of both Square AND Triangle into a file, add an identifier (Triangle or Square) for both reading and writing and have a small parser put the class together when loading data. This would be inefficient and waste of time.
I was wondering if there is some trick or design pattern or anything that can help with the situation.

This serialization should be done using virtual functions. Define a function in the base class that shall serialize the object. The Triangle and the Square overrides this functions and write
the identifier
all data that should be serialized
You may implement the common part in the base class if appropriate.
When you want load the file you will need factory method that creates the class instance corresponding to the identifier. The new instance virtual deserialize method must be called to load the actual data.

You can have a pure virtual getter in your Base Class. and all your Derived classes will override that. like this
class Shape{
virtual int data() const = 0;
class Square: public Shape{
int _member;
virtual int data() const{
//do something with private members and return it
return _member;

I think there is no direct way to remove this overhead. Normally this is done by a two things. First of all, the object needs a serialization mechanism:
To serialize things, one need a location to serialize to. In this case, we will do this using a data container, but this can also be a file stream or a container class. Serialization can be made from within the object or from outside, most easy implementation is now from the inner side:
The simple serialization part:
class Shape{
virtual void serialize( Datacontainer &o ) const = 0;
class Triangle: public Shape{
void serialize( Datacontainer &o ) const{
std::vector<point> corners;
class Circle: public Shape{
void serialize( Datacontainer &o ) const{
point center;
double radius;
During serialization, you can do this by using the basic class Shape:
Shape *tri = new Triangle;
tri->serialize( dataContainer or file );
Deserialization is not as easy, because you need to know the type. A good pattern for this is the Builder pattern. Despite this, we can implement a more C++ likely way to do this:
Add the following thing to all of your classes:
static Shape* createFrom( Datacontainer &o );
For eg. the Circle implementation:
Shape* Circle::createFrom( Datacontainer &o )
Circle *c = new Circle()
c->center = o.get();
c->radius = o.get();
This enables us to create a concrete instance, but we have a common function footprint for the method. Now one can implement a very easy builder like this one:
class ShapeBuilder
static Shape* createShape( Datacontainer& o )
char id = o.get();
case 'T':
return Triangle::createFrom(o);
case 'C':
return Circle::createFrom(o);

You need to declare virtual methods in your base class, and have derived classes define them. If you want to save them to a file though - you will need a way to identify what specific class instance is in the file, since they may have different memory layouts.

Probably the best way is to do something like this. The basic patten is that you can put common code, that is guaranteed always to be the same for every derived class, in the base. Things that need to differ, put in a virtual function that the derived classes each implement differently.
class Shape {
virtual void writeSerialData(std::ostream &) const = 0;
void writeToFile(const std::string &filename) const {
std::ofstream outfile(filename); // filename.c_str() in C++03
if (!outfile.close()) {
// report the error
virtual ~Shape() {}
class Square : public Shape {
double length;
virtual void writeSerialData(std::ostream &out) const {
out << "Square{" << length << '}';
Square(double l) : length(l) {}
Now you have the next problem -- how do you read an object back from a file, without knowing in advance which derived class it is? For that you need a way to see the text Square and either (a) call a static function of the class Square that knows how to interpret the data or (b) instantiate the class Square by giving it the data to interpret. It's worth looking into Boost Serialization, or other serialization libraries, before you go too far down that path.


Functionality of a pure virtual function with variable return type - workaround/design?

I'm working on a very, very simple data access layer (DAL) featuring two classes: DataTransferObject (DTO) and DataAccessObject (DAO). Both classes are abstract base classes and need to be inherited and modified for a specific use case.
class DataTransferObject {
//protected constructor to prevent initialization
class DataAccessObject {
virtual bool save(DataTransferObject o) = 0;
virtual DataTransferObject* load(int id) = 0;
in case of a House class from the business logic layer, the implementation of the DAL classes would read something along these lines:
class Dto_House : public DataTransferObject {
int stories;
string address; //...which are all members of the House class...
Dto_House(House h);
class Dao_House : public DataAccessObject {
bool save(Dto_House h) { /*...implement database access, etc...*/ }
Dto_House* load(int id) {/*...implement database access, etc...*/ }
EDIT: Of course, the derived classes know about the structure of the House class and the data storage.
Simple, nice, okidoke.
Now I wanted to provide a method toObject() in the DTO class in order to quickly convert the Dto_House into a House object. I then read about the automatic return type deduction in C++14 and tried:
class DataTransferObject {
virtual auto toObject() = 0;
But I had to discover: No automatic return type deduction for virtual functions. :(
What are your ideas about implementing a "virtual function with deduced return type" for this specific case? I want a general toObject() function in my DTO "interface".
The only thing that came to my mind was something like:
template <typename T>
class DataTransferObject {
virtual T toObject() = 0;
class Dto_House : public DataTransferObject<House> {
int stories;
string address;
House toObject() {return House(stories, address);}
A possible use case would be:
House h(3, "231 This Street");
//save it
Dto_House dtoSave(h);
Dao_House dao;; //even shorter:;
//now load some other house
Dto_House dtoLoad = dao.load(id 2);
h = dtoLoad.toObject();
But the house does not know it can be saved and loaded.
Of course, the abstract DAO class may be derived to further refine it for the use with, e.g. Sqlite, XML files or whatever... I just presented the very basic concept.
How about setting an empty abstract class - practically, an interface, then have both of your types implement it and set this as the toObject returning reference type?
class Transferable
virtual ~Transferable() = 0;
And then:
class DataTransferObject {
//Return a reference of the object.
virtual Transferable& toObject() = 0;
Dto_House : public DataTransferObject, Transferable { /*...*/ }
House : public DataTransferObject, Transferable { /*...*/ }
The example above is to get my point.
Even better, you can use the DataTransferObject for this cause as your returning reference type, and no other abstract class:
class DataTransferObject {
virtual DataTransferObject& toObject() = 0;
Dto_House : public DataTransferObject { /*...*/ }
House : public DataTransferObject { /*...*/ }
Update: If you want to have the classes separated apart, separating any association between data and operations by convention, you could set the name of the base class on something that represents the data i.e.: Building, Construction etc, and then use it for the reference type in toObject.
You can also have the class manipulating those operations on the API of data manipulation.
In general, you can not have a virtual function returning different types in different subclasses, as this violates the whole concept of statically typed language: if you call DataTransferObject::toObject(), the compiler does not know what type it is going to return until runtime.
And this highlight the main problem of your design: why do you need a base class at all? How are you going to use it? Calling DataTransferObject::toObject(), even if you use some magic to get it work (or use a dynamically typed language), sounds like a bad idea since you can not be sure what the return type is. You will anyway need some casts, or some ifs, etc, to get it working — or you will be using only the functionality common for all such objects (House, Road, etc.) — but then you just need a common base class for all of them.
In fact, there is one exception to the same return type rule: if you return a pointer to a class, you can use the Covariant return type concept: a subclass may override a virtual function to return a subclass of the original return type. If all your "objects" have a common base class, you may use something along the lines of
struct DataTransferObject {
virtual BaseObject* toObject() = 0;
struct Dto_House : public DataTransferObject {
virtual House* toObject() { /*...*/ } // assumes that House subclasses BaseObject
However, this will still leave the same problem: if all you have in your code is DataTransferObject, even if you (but not the compiler) know it is a Dto_House, you will need some cast, which might be unreliable.
On the other hand, you template solution seems quite good except that you will not be able to explicitly call DataTransferObject::toObject() (unless you know the type of the object), but that's a bad idea as I have explained.
So, I suggest you think on how you are going to actually use the base classes (even write some sample code), and make your choice based on that.

C++ : Add a method to a base class interface

Suppose I have a third-party library with a large polymorphic class hierarchy:
Base => Sub1, Sub2, Sub3 => SubSub1, SubSub2 ... etc.
I can take a bunch of objects from various subclasses within the hierarchy, stuff pointers of type *Base into a STL container, then use an iterator to call a specific base class method on each.
What if I want to add a new virtual method to the base class then do the same thing, calling that method for each object in the container?
The base class is part of a library, so I can't just add a new virtual method to it. Deriving a subclass does not work because I lose access to all of the other subclasses. In Java, I would create an interface and have each of the relevant subclasses implement it. I am not sure how best to handle this problem in C++, though.
(1) The visitor pattern suggested below would be a great solution, but requires that the original base class be written with that pattern in mind.
(2) The plug-in pattern suggested below is a generalized solution that works, but can be very slow in certain use-cases.
(3) Deriving a subclass from Base, then refactoring the whole hierarchy so that it derives from this subclass is cumbersome and might break if the library code is upgraded.
(4) I try to avoid multiple inheritance, but it works in my (simple) use-case:
#include <third_party_lib.h>
class MyBase {
virtual ~MyBase() {}
virtual void myMethod() = 0;
class MySub1 : public ThirdPartyLib::Sub1, MyBase {
void myMethod() { /*...*/ }
class MySub2 : public ThirdPartyLib::Sub2, MyBase {
void myMethod() { /*...*/ }
void doSomething() {
std::vector<ThirdPartyLib::Base*> vec;
// fill vector with instances of MySub1, MySub2, etc
for (auto libHandle : vec) {
// call a method from the library class hierarchy ...
// call the virtual method declared in MyBase ...
MyBase* myHandle = dynamic_cast<MyBase*>(libHandle);
if (myHandle) {
} else {
// deal with error
If you don't have the option of modifying the base class, you can use a pattern that I call the plugin pattern.
You create a global function or a function in an appropriate namespace to perform operations given an object of type Base.
You provide a mechanism where the implementation for a derived type can register itself.
In the implementation of the function, you iterate over the registered functions/functors to check whether there is an implementation for the type of the object. If yes, you perform the operation. Otherwise, you report an error.
Let's say you have:
struct Shape
// Shape details
struct Triangle : public Shape
// Triangle details
struct Rectangle : public Shape
// Rectangle details
For the purpose of illustration, let's say that Shape does not have an interface to compute the area of Shape objects. To implement the ability to compute the area of a shape, you can do this:
Create a function to get area of a Shape.
extern double getArea(Shape const& shape);
Add a registration mechanism for functions that can compute area of Shapes.
typedef double (*GetAreaFunction)(Shape const& shape, bool& isSuccess);
extern void registerGetAreaFunction(GetAreaFunction fun);
Implement the core functions in a .cc file.
static std::set<GetAreaFunction>& getRegistry()
static std::set<GetAreaFunction> registry;
return registry;
void registerGetAreaFunction(GetAreaFunction fun)
double getArea(Shape const& shape)
double area = 0.0;
for ( auto fun: getRegistry() )
bool isSuccess = false;
area = fun(shape, isSuccess);
if ( isSuccess )
return area;
// There is no function to compute the area of the given shape.
// Throw an exception or devise another mechanism to deal with it.
Add functions to compute the area of Triangle and Rectangle, wherever it seems appropriate in your code base.
double getArea(Triangle const& triangle)
// Do the needful and return the area.
double getArea(Rectangle const& rectangle)
// Do the needful and return the area.
Add a function that can be registered with the core API.
double getAreaWrapper(Shape const& shape, bool& isSuccess)
// Do dynamic_cast to see if we can deal with the shape.
// Try Triangle first.
Triangle const* trianglePtr = dynamic_cast<Triangle const*>(&shape);
if ( trianglePtr )
isSuccess = true;
return getArea(*trianglePtr);
// Try Rectangle next.
Rectangle const* rectanglePtr = dynamic_cast<Rectangle const*>(&shape);
if ( rectanglePtr )
isSuccess = true;
return getArea(*rectanglePtr );
// Don't know how to deal with the given shape.
isSuccess = false;
return 0.0;
Register the function with the core.
This is an elaborate method for avoiding a long if-else block in one function.
It avoids hard dependencies in the core to deal with derived types.
Most important - don't use this for any function that needs to get called millions of times. That will kill performance.
There are actually two ways to accomplish this.
1) Add a class ( say base1 ) for which base would be your "base" class in library. Then let all other classes to derive from base1 rather than base.
2) Use multiple inheritance. You add another class "base1" , and then let other derived classes inherit both from "base" as well as "base1".
I would prefer former approach as multiple inheritance has it's own bottlenecks.

Access child class' functions within parent class

I've been coding a simple board game to learn concepts of C++ in practice. I have implemented the board: it consists of tiles, each of which is a child class inheriting from a parent class. The board is a class that has a vector of the tiles.
There are several kinds of tiles. Some of them can be bought by players. There are several different kinds of buyable tiles as well with different properties, so I deemed it cute to make a base class TileOnSale for tiles that can be bought and make child classes of the actual types, two of which I have provided in the below code.
Now my problem is that how can I access the child members' functions not defined within the parent class (TileOnSale)? Board gets initialized with all kinds of different tiles, so I can extract a Tile from there using getTile(int location) function. However, this gets interpreted as just a Tile, not a TileOnSale or a StreetTile. I know of no way to grasp StreetTile's buildHouses function this way.
So, is there a robust, or even better, a neat way of doing this? Can I make a template or something to hold Tile objects that might be StreetTiles or StationTiles or something else that is a Tile?
Or should I just redesign the class structure?
Here's a bare bones code. I have tried to provide only what is needed for understanding the question. Also, originally Tile and Board were in their own header files. I decided it not necessary to show the Player class that has a vector of owned TileOnSale objects but which retains the exact same access problem as Board.
// Board.h
#include "Tile.h"
typedef vector<Tile> Tiles;
class Board
Tile getTile(int location);
Tiles tiles;
// Tile.h
class Tile
tileType tile_type; // this is enum containing unique type
string description;
class TileOnSale : public Tile
virtual int getRent() const { return 0; };
class StreetTile : public TileOnSale
int getRent() override;
void buildHouses(int number);
int houses;
class StationTile : public TileOnSale
int getRent() override;
EDIT: added a potentially clarifying comment to code.
You might want to take a look at the visitor pattern.
In essence, the visitor allows one to add new virtual functions to a family of classes without modifying the classes themselves; instead, one creates a visitor class that implements all of the appropriate specializations of the virtual function. The visitor takes the instance reference as input, and implements the goal through double dispatch.
The double dispatch means you are actually calling a virtual function twice: first on the subject which in turn polymorphically calls the visitor.
In your case there is just one method, namely building houses, but you might want to add others later (like drawing them on a screen for example). Given your current example you should add this method to Tile and StreetTile:
virtual void accept(Visitor& v) { v.visit(*this); }
This is the Visitor base class implementation:
class Visitor {
virtual void accept(Tile& t) = 0;
virtual void accept(StreetTile& t) = 0;
After that you can implement a Builder class:
class Builder: public Visitor {
int numberOfHouses;
Builder(int n): numberOfHouses(n) {}
virtual void accept(Tile& t) {}
virtual void accept(StreetTile& t) {
After that all you have to do is construct such a builder, and call it on every tile in your vector of tiles:
Builder b(10);
for (Tile tile : tiles) {
A Simple way is to add a unique id (enum or string) to each type. The player class can ask for the type (defined in the base class) and cast to the derived class accordingly.
Since it needs to call a function on the derived (e.g. specialized) class it has the knowledge to perform the cast.
Having a type ID is also nice for debugging purposes.

Multiple inheritance in C++ leading to difficulty overriding common functionality

In a C++ physics simulation, I have a class called Circle, and Square. These are Shapes, and have a method called push(), which applies force to it. There is then a special case of Circle, call it SpecialCircle, in which push() should exhibit slightly different properties. But in fact, there is also SpecialSquare() which should exhibit the same force properties. So I'd like to have an abstract base class called Shape which takes care of Circles and Squares, but then I'd also like an abstract base class called Special, which applies special properties to force().
What's the best way to design this class structure?
So far, I've got:
class Shape {
virtual void push();
class Circle : public Shape {};
class Square : public Shape {};
class Special {
virtual void push();
class SpecialCircle : public Circle, Special {};
class SpecialSquare : public Square, Special {};
Of course, the above won't compile, since Special::push() and Shape::push() conflict. I get "error: request for member ‘push’ is ambiguous", as expected.
How can I re-organize my class structure so that Circle and Square can share certain properties with each other, but SpecialCircle and SpecialSquare can still inherit from Shape, and also inherit modified functionality from Special?
ps., is this the diamond inheritance problem?
Another solution (it may or may not fit your needs, it depends on the details of your implementation):
Have the class Behavior, and let NormalBehavior and SpecialBehavior inherit from it.
Have the class Shape, and let Square and Circle inherit from it. Let Shape be an aggregate type, with a Behavior member (i.e. you pass a Behavior object to the various Shape constructors). In other words, let a Shape have a Behavior.
Delegate the actual differences in the behavior of shapes to methods of the Behavior hierarchy.
Conversely, you can:
Have the class PhysicalObject, and let NormalObject and SpecialObject inherit from it;
Have the class Shape, and let Square and Circle inherit from it;
Let a PhysicalObject have a Shape.
Prefer aggregation over inheritance. This is an application of the Bridge pattern. The advantage of this strategy with respect to having Square, SpecialSquare, Circle, and SpecialCircle, is that tomorrow you'll have to add Rectangle, Hexagon and so on, and for each shape you add you'll have to implement two classes (duplicated code is evil); this is, in my opinion, the real issue that Bridge addresses.
It's said that every problem in software can be solved by adding an additional layer of indirection.
Herb Sutter has an excellent article on how to solve your problem: Multiple Inheritance - Part III
In short, you use intermediate classes to 'rename' the virtual functions. As Herb says:
Renaming Virtual Functions
If the two inherited functions had different signatures, there would be no problem: We would just override them independently as usual. The trick, then, is to somehow change the signature of at least one of the two inherited functions.
The way to change a base class function's signature is to create an intermediate class which derives from the base class, declares a new virtual function, and overrides the inherited version to call the new function
Here's a long example using your classes:
class Shape {
virtual void push() = 0;
class Circle : public Shape
void push() {
printf( "Circle::push()\n");
class Square : public Shape
void push() {
printf( "Square::push()\n");
class Special {
virtual void push() = 0;
class Circle2: public Circle
virtual void pushCircle() = 0;
void push() {
class Square2: public Square
virtual void pushSquare() = 0;
void push() {
class Special2 : public Special
virtual void pushSpecial() = 0;
void push() {
class SpecialCircle : public Circle2, public Special2
void pushSpecial() {
printf( "SpecialCircle::pushSpecial()\n");
void pushCircle() {
printf( "SpecialCircle::pushCircle()\n");
class SpecialSquare : public Square2, public Special2
void pushSpecial() {
printf( "SpecialSquare::pushSpecial()\n");
void pushSquare() {
printf( "SpecialSquare::pushSquare()\n");
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
SpecialCircle sc;
SpecialSquare ss;
// sc.push(); // can't be called - ambiguous
// ss.push();
Circle* pCircle = &sc;
Square* pSquare = &ss;
Special* pSpecial = &sc;
pSpecial = &ss;
return 0;
Rather than thinking of code reuse through inheritance, the use of mixins will give you the code reuse you want without the problems of multiple inheritance.
If you are unfamiliar with the technique, do a search on SO or Google. Make sure you search for both "mixin" and "Curiously Recurring Template Pattern". There are heaps of great articles around to get you started.
When you have to inherit from multiple interfaces with the same method the compiler can't tell which one are you trying to call, you can fix this by overriding such method and call the one you want.
class SpecialCircle : public Circle, Special {
virtual void push() { Special::push(); }
class SpecialSquare : public Square, Special {
virtual void push() { Special::push(); }
But in this case I think the correct OO approach is to factor out the push behavior in its own class, like Federico Ramponi have suggested.
Have a SpecialShape from Shape and SpecialCircle and SpecialSquare from SpecialShape.
Well, if the special and normal circles can be both applied forces to, and the special circle has another method that applies special forces, why not have two interfaces and two methods?
struct Applicable {
virtual ~Applicable() { }
// if it applies force, better be explicit with naming it.
virtual void applyForce() = 0;
struct SpecialApplicable {
virtual ~SpecialApplicable() { }
virtual void applySpecialForce() = 0;
struct Shape {
virtual ~Shape() { }
Size getSize();
Point getPosition();
// ...
struct Circle : Shape, Applicable {
virtual void applyForce() { /* ... */ }
struct SpecialCircle : Circle, SpecialApplicable {
virtual void applySpecialForce() { /* .... */ }
If it doesn't make sense if there is both a special and a normal apply method (which the name of the class - SpecialCircle - suggests), then why not do even this:
struct Circle : Shape, Applicable {
virtual void applyForce() { /* ... */ }
struct SpecialCircle : Circle {
// applies force, but specially
virtual void applyForce() { /* .... */ }
You can also put the applyForce into the Shape class. It also depends on the environment in which those classes are used. What, in any case, you really should avoid is having the same method in two base classes that appear in two difference base-lattices. Because that inevitable will lead to such ambiguity problems. The diamond inheritance is when you use virtual inheritance. I believe there are other good answers on stackoverflow explaining that. It isn't applicable for your problem, because the ambiguity arises because the method appears in two base class sub-objects of different types. (It only solves such cases where the base classes have the same type. In those cases, it will merge the base classes and there will only be one base class sub-object contained - inherited by virtual inheritance)

Looking for a better way than virtual inheritance in C++

OK, I have a somewhat complicated system in C++. In a nutshell, I need to add a method to a third party abstract base class. The third party also provides a ton of derived classes that also need the new functionality.
I'm using a library that provides a standard Shape interface, as well as some common shapes.
class Shape
virtual ~Shape();
virtual position GetPosition() const;
virtual void SetPosition(position);
virtual double GetPerimeter() const = 0;
private: ...
class Square : public Shape
Square(position, side_length);
class Circle, Rectangle, Hexagon, etc
Now, here's my problem. I want the Shape class to also include a GetArea() function. So it seems like I should just do a:
class ImprovedShape : public virtual Shape
virtual double GetArea() const = 0;
class ImprovedSquare : public Square, public ImprovedShape
And then I go and make an ImprovedSquare that inherits from ImprovedShape and Square. Well, as you can see, I have now created the dreaded diamond inheritance problem. This would easily be fixed if the third party library used virtual inheritance for their Square, Circle, etc. However, getting them to do that isn't a reasonable option.
So, what do you do when you need to add a little functionality to an interface defined in a library? Is there a good answer?
Why does this class need to derive from shape?
class ImprovedShape : public virtual Shape
virtual double GetArea() const = 0;
Why not just have
class ThingWithArea
virtual double GetArea() const = 0;
ImprovedSquare is a Shape and is a ThingWithArea
We had a very similar problem in a project and we solved it by just NOT deriving ImprovedShape from Shape. If you need Shape functionality in ImprovedShape you can dynamic_cast, knowing that your cast will always work. And the rest is just like in your example.
I suppose the facade pattern should do the trick.
Wrap the 3rd party interface into an interface of your own, and your application's code works with the wrapper interface rather than the 3rd party interface. That way you've nicely insulated changes in the uncontrolled 3rd party interface as well.
Perhaps you should read up on proper inheritance, and conclude that ImprovedShape does not need to inherit from Shape but instead can use Shape for its drawing functionality, similar to the discussion in point 21.12 on that FAQ on how a SortedList doesn't have to inherit from List even if it wants to provide the same functionality, it can simply use a List.
In a similar fashion, ImprovedShape can use a Shape to do it's Shape things.
Possibly a use for the decorator pattern? [][1]
Is it possible to do a completely different approach - using templates and meta-programming techniques? If you're not constrained to not using templates, this could provide an elegant solution. Only ImprovedShape and ImprovedSquare change:
template <typename ShapePolicy>
class ImprovedShape : public ShapePolicy
virtual double GetArea();
virtual ~ImprovedShape(void);
ShapePolicy shape;
and the ImprovedSquare becomes:
class ImprovedSquare : public ImprovedShape<Square>
// ...
You'll avoid the diamond inheritance, getting both the inheritance from your original Shape (through the policy class) as well as the added functionality you want.
Another take on meta-programming/mixin, this time a bit influenced by traits.
It assumes that calculating area is something you want to add based on exposed properties; you could do something which kept with encapsulation, it that is a goal, rather than modularisation. But then you have to write a GetArea for every sub-type, rather than using a polymorphic one where possible. Whether that's worthwhile depends on how committed you are to encapsulation, and whether there are base classes in your library you could exploit common behaviour of, like RectangularShape below
#import <iostream>
using namespace std;
// base types
class Shape {
Shape () {}
virtual ~Shape () { }
virtual void DoShapyStuff () const = 0;
class RectangularShape : public Shape {
RectangularShape () { }
virtual double GetHeight () const = 0 ;
virtual double GetWidth () const = 0 ;
class Square : public RectangularShape {
Square () { }
virtual void DoShapyStuff () const
cout << "I\'m a square." << endl;
virtual double GetHeight () const { return 10.0; }
virtual double GetWidth () const { return 10.0; }
class Rect : public RectangularShape {
Rect () { }
virtual void DoShapyStuff () const
cout << "I\'m a rectangle." << endl;
virtual double GetHeight () const { return 9.0; }
virtual double GetWidth () const { return 16.0; }
// extension has a cast to Shape rather than extending Shape
class HasArea {
virtual double GetArea () const = 0;
virtual Shape& AsShape () = 0;
virtual const Shape& AsShape () const = 0;
operator Shape& ()
return AsShape();
operator const Shape& () const
return AsShape();
template<class S> struct AreaOf { };
// you have to have the declaration before the ShapeWithArea
// template if you want to use polymorphic behaviour, which
// is a bit clunky
static double GetArea (const RectangularShape& shape)
return shape.GetWidth() * shape.GetHeight();
template <class S>
class ShapeWithArea : public S, public HasArea {
virtual double GetArea () const
return ::GetArea(*this);
virtual Shape& AsShape () { return *this; }
virtual const Shape& AsShape () const { return *this; }
// don't have to write two implementations of GetArea
// as we use the GetArea for the super type
typedef ShapeWithArea<Square> ImprovedSquare;
typedef ShapeWithArea<Rect> ImprovedRect;
void Demo (const HasArea& hasArea)
const Shape& shape(hasArea);
cout << "Area = " << hasArea.GetArea() << endl;
int main ()
ImprovedSquare square;
ImprovedRect rect;
return 0;
Dave Hillier's approach is the right one. Separate GetArea() into its own interface:
class ThingWithArea
virtual double GetArea() const = 0;
If the designers of Shape had done the right thing and made it a pure interface,
and the public interfaces of the concrete classes were powerful enough, you could
have instances of concrete classes as members. This is how you get SquareWithArea
(ImprovedSquare is a poor name) being a Shape and a ThingWithArea:
class SquareWithArea : public Shape, public ThingWithArea
double GetPerimeter() const { return square.GetPerimeter(); }
double GetArea() const { /* do stuff with square */ }
Square square;
Unfortunately, the Shape designers put some implementation into Shape, and you
would end up carrying two copies of it per SquareWithArea, just like in
the diamond you originally proposed.
This pretty much forces you into the most tightly coupled, and therefore least
desirable, solution:
class SquareWithArea : public Square, public ThingWithArea
These days, it's considered bad form to derive from concrete classes in C++.
It's hard to find a really good explanation why you shouldn't. Usually, people
cite Meyers's More Effective C++ Item 33, which points out the impossibility
of writing a decent operator=() among other things. Probably, then, you should
never do it for classes with value semantics. Another pitfall is where the
concrete class doesn't have a virtual destructor (this is why you should
never publicly derive from STL containers). Neither applies here. The poster
who condescendingly sent you to the C++ faq to learn about inheritance is
wrong - adding GetArea() does not violate Liskov substitutability. About
the only risk I can see comes from overriding virtual functions in the
concrete classes, when the implementer later changes the name and silently breaks
your code.
In summary, I think you can derive from Square with a clear conscience.
(As a consolation, you won't have to write all the forwarding functions for
the Shape interface).
Now for the problem of functions which need both interfaces. I don't like
unnecessary dynamic_casts. Instead, make the function take references to
both interfaces and pass references to the same object for both at the call site:
void PrintPerimeterAndArea(const Shape& s, const ThingWithArea& a)
cout << s.GetPerimeter() << endl;
cout << a.GetArea() << endl;
// ...
SquareWithArea swa;
PrintPerimeterAndArea(swa, swa);
All PrintPerimeterAndArea() needs to do its job is a source of perimeter and a
source of area. It is not its concern that these happen to be implemented
as member functions on the same object instance. Conceivably, the area could
be supplied by some numerical integration engine between it and the Shape.
This gets us to the only case where I would consider passing in one reference
and getting the other by dynamic_cast - where it's important that the two
references are to the same object instance. Here's a very contrived example:
void hardcopy(const Shape& s, const ThingWithArea& a)
Printer p;
if (p.HasEnoughInk(a.GetArea()))
Even then, I would probably prefer to send in two references rather than
dynamic_cast. I would rely on a sane overall system design to eliminate the
possibility of bits of two different instances being fed to functions like this.
GetArea() need not be a member. It could be templated function, so that you can invoke it for any Shape.
Something like:
template <class ShapeType, class AreaFunctor>
int GetArea(const ShapeType& shape, AreaFunctor func);
The STL min, max functions can be thought of as an analogy for your case. You can find a min and max for an array/vector of objects given a comparator function. Like wise, you can derive the area of any given shape provided the function to compute the area.
There exists a solution to your problem, as I understood the question. Use the addapter-pattern. The adapter pattern is used to add functionality to a specific class or to exchange particular behaviour (i.e. methods). Considering the scenario you painted:
class ShapeWithArea : public Shape
Shape* shape_;
virtual ~ShapeWithArea();
virtual position GetPosition() const { return shape_->GetPosition(); }
virtual void SetPosition(position) { shape_->SetPosition(); }
virtual double GetPerimeter() const { return shape_->GetPerimeter(); }
ShapeWithArea (Shape* shape) : shape_(shape) {}
virtual double getArea (void) const = 0;
The Adapter-Pattern is meant to adapt the behaviour or functionality of a class. You can use it to
change the behaviour of a class, by not forwarding but reimplementing methods.
add behaviour to a class, by adding methods.
How does it change behaviour? When you supply an object of type base to a method, you can also supply the adapted class. The object will behave as you instructed it to, the actor on the object will only care about the interface of the base class. You can apply this adaptor to any derivate of Shape.