Checking for concatenation in Prolog - list

This is another prolog task that I can't solve at this moment. I have to write a predicat p(X,Y), where X is list of lists of number and Y is a list of numbers. The predicat has to verify:
1) if X can be presented as a concatenation between 2 elements from Y.
2) X has a odd number of elements.
3) Sum of all elements in X is last element in Y.
Maybe as a separate tasks 2, 3 could be written easy. Problem is at 1)
Thank you in advance. I feel sorry for posting such an easy tasks, but prolog really drives me crazy. I have read all my lections over and over again. But the situation is similar to this:
school: 3+x=5, x = ?
exam: cos(x+y+z) + lim (5x+y)/t = .... If you know what I mean. Thank you once again!

Checking for concatenations is done with append/3, which is more commonly used to build them but like many Prolog predicates works "in the opposite direction" as well. More specifically, append(A,B,C) checks whether C is the concatenation of A and B. So,
member(A, Y),
member(B, Y),
append(A, B, X)
checks whether there is a element A in Y and a element B in Y such that their concatenation unifies with X.
(Note that this does not check whether A and B are distinct elements of Y.)


Prolog - How to get the sum of a list's elements?

I'm very new to prolog and I am trying to write a little program that, given a list, returns the sum of the list's elements. Following all the examples I've seen led me to a solution that looks like this:
addup([FirstNumber | RestOfList], Total) :-
addup(RestOfList, TotalOfRest),
Total is FirstNumber + TotalOfRest.
But when I test that solution with these values:
?- addup([1,2,3,4],0).
I just get garbage values from it like _34521.
Then I tried a second solution that looks like this:
sum([], 0).
sum([H|T], N):-
X is H+N,
sum(T, X).
This one is able to add up the numbers correctly, but it is unable to pass the final value of X, which is the true answer, into N. So for the test case:
?- sum([1,2,3,4], 0).
I get an answer of 6, the final value of N, and the second-to-last value of X, instead of 10, the final value of X. Any help and/or explanations of why neither of these solutions work would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Firstly, the sum of an empty list is 0 - this is the base case, which you already had.
Secondly, the sum N of an element H and a list T is the sum of the list T added to H. Prolog operates on unification, so this says that N is unified with the sum of H and T, where the sum of T is unified with X using sum(T,X).
sum([], 0).
sum([H|T], N):-
sum(T, X),
N is X + H.
This gives:
?- sum([1,2,3,4],N).
N = 10.
In your original question, ?- sum([1,2,3,4], 0). actually says "this is true if the sum of the list [1,2,3,4] is 0" - you need to pass a variable as the second argument to sum to be unified with the answer.
Further information:
_34521 is a representation of an unbound variable - this says that there is a variable, but that it has not yet been unified with a value.
Secondary consideration:
For a suitably long list, the implementation above will run out of stack space, as each frame of the recursion must be stored, so that the addition can happen from the bottom up. In order to prevent a stack error, we can use a tail-recursive accumulator like so:
sum(L, N):-
sum(L, 0, N).
sum([H|T],A,N) :-
A1 is A + H,
... which retains the signature of the original method, wrapping sum/3. As there is no choice-point in the body of the rule (given that A + H is always the same for a given A and H, and the list is either empty or not), Prolog will discard each frame as it leaves scope (as there is nothing more to be done with it) and, on completion, will return to the original caller.
Simplified stack for sum([1,2,3],N) in each instance:
Note that the tail-recursive stack has a limited depth for any length of list (dependent on what is calling it), where the non-tail-recursive stack goes to a depth directly proportional to the length of the list.
Thus, a call such as N is 10^7,length(L,N),maplist(=(1),L),sum(L,N). (as raised by #false) will likely fail without tail-recursion, and likely succeed with it.

Confused about workings of a Haskell list comprehension

I'm a new programmer and using Haskell. I've found a line of code called find that matches up a String with its corresponding pair in a list. Like so
find a b = [x|(y,x) <- b, a==y]
I don't understand fully what this program is saying, for the list comprehension, as I've never seen the x|(y,x) used in such a way before, I've mainly seen it used as x|x or x|x^2. So, does this mean that find the string A, from your input list B = a list comprehension of x, where x is a pair of (String, Char) from your B, and for which the y equals your inputted a? A little confused here.
I would pronounce that comprehension
The list of all x such that (y, x) is drawn from b and a == y.
Another way to read it, more sequentially:
Draw pairs (y, x) from b. For each such pair, check whether a == y. If so, produce x; otherwise, move on to the next one.
I should also note that the variable names are a bit confusing. It's idiomatic in Haskell to give lists or other containers plural names. So something more like
find a abs = [x | (y, x) <- abs, a == y]
You seem to view "x|x" as a thing. Rather, list comprehensions work like this:
[ expression to return | stuff to iterate over ]
What your example basically says is "draw (x, y) from b, throw away anything which doesn't satisfy a == y, and then return x".
Lets give you an example in order to visualize it:
find a b = [x|(y,x) <- b, a==y]
Let a=2, b=[(1,3),(2,4),(3,5),(2,7)]
(y,x) will get each of (1,3),(2,4),(3,5),(2,7) as a couple and check if the first element equals 2 (we said that a equals 2). If True, the function will return the second element of that couple - x, and put it in a list with the rest of the answers.
So the output for that function would be [4,7]

Prolog: square numbers in a list

Ho do I square numbers in a list in prolog?
The list can contain numbers, atoms and lists.
for example: [a,b,2,3,4,[3],[c,d,9]] and the answer should be [a,b,4,9,16,[3],[c,d,9]].
As we see in the answer it should be a shallow squaring of the values in the list.
What I have tried so far,
square([A|B],X):-number(A), A is A*A, square(B,X).
X will contain squared values. Base case is when empty list is received. I check if head (A) is a number then I go ahead square the number and change A to A * A. Then go ahead and call the square function for remaining part B.
Please suggest where I am doing wrong.
EDIT: Correct answer as follows. By aBathologist. Please read his comment for detailed explanation.
squared_members([], []).
squared_members([L|Ls], [SqrdL|SqrdLs]) :-
SqrdL is L * L,
squared_members(Ls, SqrdLs).
squared_members([L|Ls], [L|SqrdLs]) :-
squared_members(Ls, SqrdLs).
squared_members([], []).
squared_members([L|Ls], [M|Ms]) :-
( number(L)
-> M is L * L, squared_members(Ls, Ms)
; M = L, squared_members(Ls, Ms)
We're defining a predicate which describes the relationship between one list, A, and another list, B: B should have all the same elements as A, except that any number in A should be squared in B.
Where you've gone wrong:
Your ground condition, square([],X), says that when A is empty, then B is anything (so, for instance, even something like square([], 15) is true). But this doesn't capture the meaning we're after, since the second argument should be a list with the same number of members as the first. That is, when the first list is empty then the second list should be empty.
The same problem occurs with your recursive rule, since, at each iteration, an undetermined variable is passed along, and there is never anything said about the relationship between the first list and the second.
This rule will only succeed if the first element of alist is a number. In the case where the first element is, e.g., a (like in your example), number(a) will be false. Since there are no additional rules for the predicate, it will simply be false unless every member of the first list is a number.
Variables in Prolog must always have the same, consistent value throughout the context in which they appear. They function like variables in arithmetic formula. The formula a + b - b = a is true for any values of a and b but *only if a and b are each assigned one, consistent value throughout the equation. The same is true in Prolog statements of the form <variable> is <expression>. What you've written says a = a * a which cannot be the case.
*What you're definition says is, roughly, this: The list B is a squared version of the list A if A is an empty list and B is anything OR if the first element of A is a number, and that number is equal to itself squared, and B is a squared version of the rest of A.
Here's one possible solution:
squared_members([], []).
squared_members([L|Ls], [SqrdL|SqrdLs]) :-
SqrdL is L * L,
squared_members(Ls, SqrdLs).
squared_members([L|Ls], [L|SqrdLs]) :-
squared_members(Ls, SqrdLs).
Notice that this definition is able to establish a meaningful relationship between the two lists by having them either share variables, or contain elements related by a chain of relations between variables (i.e., SqrdL is related to L by virtue of being L * L). This definition has one more clause then yours, which enables it to take account of the members of a list which are not numbers: those are added to the second list unaltered.
An alternative definition, using If-Then-Else notation for cleaner expression, would be the following:
squared_members([], []).
squared_members([L|Ls], [M|Ms]) :-
( number(L)
-> M is L * L, squared_members(Ls, Ms)
; M = L, squared_members(Ls, Ms)

Prolog list of transitive pairs

I've been trying to solve the following problem for a while now, but can't seem to find the right solution.
Lets say there is a function test(X,Y,Z) such that X is a single pair of numbers, Y is a list of pairs, and Z is the resulting list of transitive pairs.
For example:
test((1,5), [(7,3),(5,2),(5,9)], Z).
Z = [(1,2),(1,9)]
(because of transitivity 1->5->2 and 1->5->9)
So far I've managed to create the following code:
test(_,[],_):- false.
test((X1,X2),[_|YT],Result) :- test((X1,X2),YT,Result).
It returns each individual result pair like so:
Z = (1, 2) ;
Z = (1, 9) ;
But I can't seem to return them all into a single list like in the example above:
Z = [(1,2),(1,9)]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think the problem is that you're not building the list of transitive pairs. You're just returning a single pair as the third argument of test/3.
Here's one possible solution:
I made a predicate to handle comparing pairs and describing their transitive marriage, so that i didn't have to juggle those tuples in the subsequent rules:
transit((X,T), (T,Y), (X,Y)).
Then it's just a matter of standard list processing with recursive predicates:
t(_, [], []).
t(X, [T|ToTransit], [Y|Transited]) :-
t(X, [T|ToTransit], Transited) :-
\+ transit(X,T,_),
t(X,ToTransit, Transited).
Of course, once you have a predicate like transit/3 that defines the relation, you can also do something like
findall( TP,
( member(T, [(2,2), (2,5), (1,5)]), transit((1,2), T, TP) ),

How to add and compare members in a list

I'm trying to write a predicate is_multi(M), defined as:
every element of M has the form X / N, where X is an atom, and N is an integer greater than 0;
M does not contain two elements with the same atom, for what
is_multi([a / 2, b / 2]).
are satisfied, but
is_multi([a, b/2]).
is_multi([a/0, b/2]).
is_multi([a/2, 2/4])
is_multi([a/2, b/3, a/2])
is_multi([a/3, b/-4, c/1])
are not.
Here's what I have written so far:
is_multi(M) :- M = [].
is_multi(M) :-
M = [Head|Tail],
Head = X/N,
N > 0,
But it does not compare two elements if with the same atom. For example, is_multi([a/2, a/3]) is not satisfied. I got stuck for one day with this; could somebody give me some hints?
First, you can simplify your code considerably by moving some of your unifications from the body to the head.
is_multi([X/N|Tail]) :-
integer(N), N > 0,
Cleaning it up reveals one thing you're not doing here which is in your spec is checking that X is an atom. Fix by adding atom(X) to the body.
OK, so this takes care of the basic form, but doesn't ensure that the atoms do not repeat. The simplest thing to do would be to split this into two checks, one that checks that each item is well-formed, and one that checks that the list is well-formed. In fact, I would be inclined to use maplist/2 with a predicate that checks a single element. But all you really have to do is something like this:
is_valid([X/_|T]) :- is_valid(T), \+ memberchk(X/_, T).
This just says that the empty list is valid, and if the tail is valid, a list is valid if X over something doesn't occur in the tail.
If that's all you wanted, stop reading there. If you want to refactor, this is how I would approach it:
well_formed(X/N) :- atom(X), integer(N), N > 0.
no_repeating_numerators([X/_|T]) :- no_repeating_numerators(T), \+ memberchk(X/_, T).
is_multi(L) :- maplist(well_formed, L), no_repeating_numerators(L).
Just to complete Daniel's instructive answer (+1 by me), I want to showcase how your task could be solved by means of some library predicates:
is_multi(L) :-
forall(select(E, L, R),
(E = A/N, atom(A), integer(N), N > 0, \+memberchk(A/_, R))).