C++: Checking whether a string character is a digit using isdigit. . - c++

I am reading input for my program in a loop using getline.
string temp(STR_SIZE, ' ');
string str_num(STR_SIZE, ' ');
getline(cin, temp, '\n');
After which, I use a function to find the next delimiter(white space) and assign all the characters before the white space to str_num. Looks something like this:
str_num.assign(temp, 0, next_white_space(0));
I have verified that this works well. The next step in my solution would be to convert str_num to an int(this part also works well), but I should check to make sure each character in str_num is a digit. Here's the best of what I've tried:
if(!isdigit(str_num[0] - '0')) {
cout << "Error: Not an appropriate value\n";
break; /* Leave control structure */
For some reason, This always prints the error message and exits the structure.
Why is that?
I've used operator[] for string objects before, and it seemed to work well. But, here, it's totally messing me up.

std::isdigit takes a char's integer value and checks it.
So, remove the - '0' and just pass str_num[index] to isdigit().
Note: because this function comes from C, the old style of treating chars as integers shows through in the method taking an int. However, chars can promote to int values, so a char becomes an int just fine and this works.


want to optimize this string manipulation program c++

I've just solve this problem:
Here's my solution:
int main(void)
string s, sub;
int f,e,i;
while(getline(cin, s)){
while(f< s.size()){
e= s.find_first_of("[]", f+1);
sub = s.substr(f, e-f);
s.insert(0, sub);
f=s.find_first_of("[", f+1);
for(i=0; i<s.size(); i++){
while((s[i]==']') || (s[i]=='[')) s.erase(s.begin()+i);
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
I get TLE ,and I wanna know which operation in my code costs too expensive and somehow optimize the code..
Thanks in advance..
If I am reading your problem correctly, you need to rethink your design. There is no need for functions to search, no need for erase, substr, etc.
First, don't think about the [ or ] characters right now. Start out with a blank string and add characters to it from the original string. That is the first thing that speeds up your code. A simple loop is what you should start out with.
Now, while looping, when you actually do encounter those special characters, all you need to do is change the "insertion point" in your output string to either the beginning of the string (in the case of [) or the end of the string (in the case of ]).
So the trick is to not only build a new string as you go along, but also change the point of insertion into the new string. Initially, the point of insertion is at the end of the string, but that will change if you encounter those special characters.
If you are not aware, you can build a string not by just using += or +, but also using the std::string::insert function.
So for example, you always build your output string this way:
out.insert(out.begin() + curInsertionPoint, original_text[i]);
The out string is the string you're building, the original_text is the input that you were given. The curInsertionPoint will start out at 0, and will change if you encounter the [ or ] characters. The i is merely a loop index into the original string.
I won't post any more than this, but you should get the idea.

How exactly does the extract>> operator works in C++

I am a computer science student, an so do not have much experience with the C++ language (considering it is my first semester using this language,) or coding for that matter.
I was given an assignment to read integers from a text file in the simple form of:
19 3 -2 9 14 4
5 -9 -10 3
This sent me of on a journey to understand I/O operators better, since I am required to do certain things with this stream (duh.)
I was looking everywhere and could not find a simple explanation as to how does the extract>> operator works internally. Let me clarify my question:
I know that the extractor>> operator would extract one continues element until it hits space, tab, or newline. What I try to figure out is, where would the pointer(?) or read-location(?) be AFTER it extracts an element. Will it be on the last char of the element just removed or was it removed and therefore gone? will it be on the space/tab/'\n' character itself? Perhaps the beginning of the next element to extract?
I hope I was clear enough. I lack all the appropriate jargon to describe my problem clearer.
Here is why I need to know this: (in case anyone is wondering...)
One of the requirements is to sum all integers in each line separately.
I have created a loop to extract all integers one-by-one until it reaches the end of the file. However, I soon learned that the extract>> operator ignores space/tab/newline. What I want to try is to extract>> an element, and then use inputFile.get() to get the space/tab/newline. Then, if it's a newline, do what I gotta do.
This will only work if the stream pointer will be in a good position to extract the space/tab/newline after the last extraction>>.
In my previous question, I tried to solve it using getline() and an sstring.
For the sake of answering my specific question, of how operator>> works, I had to accept Ben Voigt's answer as the best one.
I have used the other solutions suggested here (using an sstring for each line) and they did work! (you can see it in my previous question's link) However, I implemented another solution using Ben's answer and it also worked:
if(readFile.is_open()) {
while (readFile >> newInput) {
char isNewLine = readFile.get(); //get() the next char after extraction
if(isNewLine == '\n') //This is just a test!
cout << isNewLine; //If it's a newline, feed a newline.
cout << "X" << isNewLine; //Else, show X & feed a space or tab
lineSum += newInput;
allSum += newInput;
minInt = min(minInt, newInput);
maxInt = max(maxInt, newInput);
if(isNewLine == '\n') {
statFile << "The sum of line " << lineCounter
<< " is: " << lineSum << endl;
lineSum = 0;
With no regards to my numerical values, the form is correct! Both spaces and '\n's were catched:
Thank you Ben Voigt :)
Nonetheless, this solution is very format dependent and is very fragile. If any of the lines has anything else before '\n' (like space or tab), the code will miss the newline char. Therefore, the other solution, using getline() and sstrings, is much more reliable.
After extraction, the stream pointer will be placed on the whitespace that caused extraction to terminate (or other illegal character, in which case the failbit will also be set).
This doesn't really matter though, since you aren't responsible for skipping over that whitespace. The next extraction will ignore whitespaces until it finds valid data.
In summary:
leading whitespace is ignored
trailing whitespace is left in the stream
There's also the noskipws modifier which can be used to change the default behavior.
The operator>> leaves the current position in the file one
character beyond the last character extracted (which may be at
end of file). Which doesn't necessarily help with your problem;
there can be spaces or tabs after the last value in a line. You
could skip forward reading each character and checking whether
it is a white space other than '\n', but a far more idiomatic
way of reading line oriented input is to use std::getline to
read the line, then initialize an std::istringstream to
extract the integers from the line:
std::string line;
while ( std::getline( source, line ) ) {
std::istringstream values( line );
// ...
This also ensures that in case of a format error in the line,
the error state of the main input is unaffected, and you can
continue with the next line.
According to cppreference.com the standard operator>> delegates the work to std::num_get::get. This takes an input iterator. One of the properties of an input iterator is that you can dereference it multiple times without advancing it. Thus when a non-numeric character is detected, the iterator will be left pointing to that character.
In general, the behavior of an istream is not set in stone. There exist multiple flags to change how any istream behaves, which you can read about here. In general, you should not really care where the internal pointer is; that's why you are using a stream in the first place. Otherwise you'd just dump the whole file into a string or equivalent and manually inspect it.
Anyway, going back to your problem, a possible approach is to use the getline method provided by istream to extract a string. From the string, you can either manually read it, or convert it into a stringstream and extract tokens from there.
std::ifstream ifs("myFile");
std::string str;
while ( std::getline(ifs, str) ) {
std::stringstream ss( str );
double sum = 0.0, value;
while ( ss >> value ) sum += value;
// Process sum

cin.getline(char, int) gets skipped when in a loop

This is the code I have been trying to execute on TurboC++ 3.0 (Yes, I know it's ancient but can't help it), when the program goes into the loop, it skips the value of y every time including the first attempt. Any help would be appreciated but please avoid rubbing salt into wounds by asking why TurboC++ 3.0. Thanks in advance.
void main()
int x, z;
char y[10];
for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
cin >> x;
cout.write(y, 10)<<"\n";
and even if I use cin.get(var) where var is a character, i still get weird results like a heart, diamond or even a smiley.
You get weird results because you are not terminating your c style string with a null character.('\0').
The problem you are facing is because , fail bit or eof bit is set. To remove that, do the following:-
You can use
cin.clear() ;
to clear if any error bits are set and then use
cin.ignore(100, '\n') ;
// 100 is just a random no, change it depending on your size of input.
to ignore any irrelevant characters int the stream.
or you can do the following:-
after cin>>x just type cin.ignore(), it will flush out any newline characters present in the buffer .
it skips the value of y
cin >> x reads the input until it finds something that's not a digit - in this case, the end-of-line character. That character is left in the stream.
getline reads the input until it finds an end-of-line character (or the end of the stream). Since you've left one in the stream, it finds it straight away and doesn't read anything.
You can call cin.ignore(-1,'\n') to ignore the remainder of the first line after reading x (assuming your prehistoric library behaves like the modern one).
i still get weird results like a heart, diamond or even a smiley
cout.write(y, 10) is wrong - there are up to 9 valid characters in y, followed by the null terminator. You want cout << y to treat it as a null-terminated string and print only the valid characters.

ASCII and isalpha if statement issue

I am writing a program that takes a user inputted character, such as A, and a user inputted number, such as 7. The program checks the validity of the character, if true runs thru till it gets to this loop inside of a function. I am using ascii decimal for this loop inside of a function. This loop needs to check isalpha and if it is run the code inside the {}'s, it's doing that correctly. The else is not working the way I want and am not sure how to correct it. I need the else (is not alpha) to add a 1 back to the counter in the loop and increase the ascii by 1. If I run it as so, it gives off a retry/ignore/abort error. If I run it without the num++; it runs and stops after the loop ends. So, if you put in a Z and choose 3, it runs thru the loop 3 times and outputs just a Z. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I need it to output something like: Input: Z Input: 4 it should output: Z A B C to the screen. It needs to ignore other ascii non alpha characters.
string buildSeries(char A, int num)
//builds the output with the info the
//user inputted
stringstream str1;
string outted;
int DeC=(int)A, i = 0;
//loop builds the output
if (isalpha(DeC))
//converts the decimal to a letter
//adds a space
str1<<" ";
//increases the decimal
//builds the sstream and puts it in
//variable "outted"
outted = str1.str();
return outted;
If you need to loop back to 'A' at Z change your DeC++ to
if DecC == 'Z'
DecC = 'A'
Or you could get fancy and use the modulus operator
I think the problem may be that this stringstream insertion operator, >>, doesn't have an overload that handles a char. It's converting the char to a short or an int then inserting it. Try using string::append(size_t size, char c) instead. That should handle inserting a char.
That is replace you calls to str1<<(char)DeC; with outted.append(1, (char)DeC) and remove your use of the string stream
What is DeC? The phrase "ascii list" makes me suspect it's a 'C' string, in which case you are calling isAlpha() on the pointer not on the value in the string.
edit: If for example you have
char DeC[40];
// read in a string form somewhere
// DeC is a pointer to some memory it has a value of a 32 or 64bit number
if ( isAlpha(DeC) {
// what you might have meant is
if ( isAlpha(*DeC) { // the character value at the current position in DeC

How to check the length of an input? (C++)

I have a program that allows the user to enter a level number, and then it plays that level:
char lvlinput[4];
std::cin.getline(lvlinput, 4)
char param_str[20] = "levelplayer.exe "
strcat_s(param_str, 20, lvlinput);
And the level data is stored in folders \001, \002, \003, etc., etc. However, I have no way of telling whether the user entered three digits, ie: 1, 01, or 001. And all of the folders are listed as three digit numbers. I can't just check the length of the lvlinput string because it's an array, so How could I make sure the user entered three digits?
Why not use std::string?
This makes storage, concatenation, and modification much easier.
If you need a c-style string after, use: my_string.c_str()
Here is a hint: To make your input 3 characters long, use std::insert to prefix your number with 0's.
You are really asking the wrong question. Investigate the C++ std::string class and then come back here.
Eh? Why do they need to enter 3 digits? Why not just pad it if they don't? If you really want to check that they entered 3 digits, use strlen. But what I recommend you do is atoi their input, and then sprintf(cmd, "levelplayer.exe %03d", lvlinput_as_integer)
Here's how you could do this in C++:
std::string lvlinput;
std::getline(std::cin, lvlinput);
if (lvlinput.size() > 3) { // if the input is too long, there's nothing we can do
throw std::exception("input string too long");
while (lvlinput.size() < 3) { // if it is too short, we can fix it by prepending zeroes
lvlinput = "0" + lvlinput;
std::string param_str = "levelplayer.exe ";
param_str += lvlinput;
You've got a nice string class which takes care of concatenation, length and all those other fiddly things for you. So use it.
Note that I use std::getline instead of cin.getline. The latter writes the input to a char array, while the former writes to a proper string.
What do you mean you can't check the length of the string? getline generates a NULL terminated c-string so just use strlen(lvlinput).
Neil told you where you should start, your code might look like this.
std::string level, game = "levelplayer.exe ";
std::cout << "Enter the level number : ";
std::cin >> level;
if(level.size() != 3)
// Error!
// if you have more processing, it goes here :)
game += level;
You can check the length of your NULL terminated string that getline returns by using:
int len = strlen(lvlinput);
This works because getline returns a NULL-terminated string.
However, this is besides the point to your problem. If you want to stay away from std::string (and there isn't any particular reason why you should in this case), then you should just convert the string to an integer, and use the integer to construct the command that goes to the system file:
char lvlinput[4];
std::cincin.getline(lvlinput, 4);
char param_str[20];
snprintf(param_str, 20, "levelplayer.exe %03d", atoi(lvlinput));