Continuous integration tool for django project - django

We would like to use a continuous integration tool for our django project. Would like to know if there are any options which will allow us to run this in a cloud environment or locally.

I am sure you must have started using one of the tool, though you can configure django-jenkins to do Continuous integration.
Here are the configuration steps documentation. Hope it helps!

you can use husdon for CI

Recently I found this one, but, in my opinion, $129/month minimal plan is too much.


SonarQube integration withn GCP cloud build

I have a task to use SonarQube.
My build are done using Google Cloud Build. How can I integrate SonarQube with Google Cloud Build
Thanks for your help
You can use custom builders. At the end, each build step is a container image:
Cloud builders are container images with common languages and tools installed in them. You can configure Cloud Build to run a specific command within the context of these builders.
There GCP documentation provides a guide on how to create a custom build. However, notice that it's inteded to be general and doesn't include any specific functionality that you might require. Nevertheless, is a great starting point for understanding how the custom builders work and create your own.
Aside from this approach, there is a community builder for Sonarqube that you can use as reference or might even suit your needs.
In case your question is about code analysis with Sonarqube. The community builder is still relevant as it allows you to run static code analysis for your project from

Google Cloud Data Fusion + CI/CD for Data Pipelines

I am just getting started with both, GCP & Google Cloud Data Fusion. Just viewed the intro video. I see that pipelines can be exported. I was wondering how we might promote a pipeline from say, Dev to Prod env? My guess is that after some testing, the exported file is copied to the Prod branch on Git, from where we need to invoke the APIs to deploy it? Also, what about connection details, how do we avoid hard-coding the source/destination configurations & credentials?
Yes. You would have to export and re-import the pipeline.
About the first question, if you have different environments for development and production, you can export your pipeline and import it in the correct environment.
I didn't understand the second question very well. In the official Data Fusion plugins there is a standard way to provide your credentials. If you need a better answer, please explain a little more carefully your doubt.

Codacy API: Send API Code for Analyzation

Is it possible to use the Codacy API to analyze a snippet of code? We would like to analyze code without creating a GitHub repo for the code.
You can try to analyse your project/snippet of code locally, using codacy-analysis-cli that is available on github and is still under development.
no, codacy only integrates with git repositories at this moment

Utilizing EC2 or Azure to scale out a distributed C# build system?

Quite a few build and CI systems support steps for pushing build output to Azure, but I haven't seen any which can actually run on Azure (or EC2). Ideally I would like to be able to spin up an arbitrary number of instances (depending on the # of pending submits) to deal with the actual build + quality gates (UTs, FXCop, other static analysis tools) + source repository checkin process.
Are there existing tools which can do this, or has anyone built something which they can discuss?
[Edit: I found this question which is quite similar but didn't have any informative answers, so I'll keep my question alive]
If you're using Git or Mercurial for source control, AppHarbor might be what you're looking for. It's a CI build/deploy environment that runs exclusively in the cloud (EC2), and can deploy build output to Azure.
Here are some links for reference:
The open souce Jenkins CI server has an EC2 plugin that will spin up EC2 instances automatically depending on your build load. I couldn't find anything for Azure, but I highly recommend Jenkins - it's easy to configure, well maintained and has stacks of features.
Continuous Integration on Windows Azure (over Mercurial)
Disclaimer: work produced by my 1st year CS students
Also Teamcity has support for this:

Django deployment tools

I'm looking for some tool (or set of tools) that could help me automate deploying Django projects with all required dependencies.
I googled for some solutions but I am curious what are your favorite ones.
I'll second meder's suggestion: user virtualenv + pip. These will give isolated environments that can be mantained and replicated easily.
Once you got that running, you have two choices:
fabric: Is great for simpler setups. You can script many deploy situations (code checkout, multiple servers, etc). Fabric makes little assumptions on what and how you are deploying, so it's pretty flexible.
Zope's buildout : is more complex and harder to setup, but can do pretty much any deploy scenario you throw at it.
Best regards
You can also have a look at silver-lining. It's a bit early-on, but seems okay, as long as you are doing everything the same way in your project.
Are you looking for something like pip requirements?