How to Read from a Text File, Character by Character in C++ - c++

I was wondering if someone could help me figure out how to read from a text file in C++, character by character. That way, I could have a while loop (while there's still text left) where I store the next character in the text document in a temp variable so I could do something with it, then repeat the process with the next character. I know how to open the file and everything, but temp = textFile.getchar() doesn't seem to work.

You could try something like:
char ch;
fstream fin("file", fstream::in);
while (fin >> noskipws >> ch) {
cout << ch; // Or whatever

#cnicutar and #Pete Becker have already pointed out the possibility of using noskipws/unsetting skipws to read a character at a time without skipping over white space characters in the input.
Another possibility would be to use an istreambuf_iterator to read the data. Along with this, I'd generally use a standard algorithm like std::transform to do the reading and processing.
Just for example, let's assume we wanted to do a Caesar-like cipher, copying from standard input to standard output, but adding 3 to every upper-case character, so A would become D, B could become E, etc. (and at the end, it would wrap around so XYZ converted to ABC.
If we were going to do that in C, we'd typically use a loop something like this:
int ch;
while (EOF != (ch = getchar())) {
if (isupper(ch))
ch = ((ch - 'A') +3) % 26 + 'A';
To do the same thing in C++, I'd probably write the code more like this:
[](int ch) { return isupper(ch) ? ((ch - 'A') + 3) % 26 + 'A' : ch;});
Doing the job this way, you receive the consecutive characters as the values of the parameter passed to (in this case) the lambda function (though you could use an explicit functor instead of a lambda if you preferred).

To quote Bjarne Stroustrup:"The >> operator is intended for formatted input; that is, reading objects of an expected type and format. Where this is not desirable and we want to read charactes as characters and then examine them, we use the get() functions."
char c;
while (input.get(c))
// do something with c

Here is a c++ stylish function your can use to read files char by char.
void readCharFile(string &filePath) {
ifstream in(filePath);
char c;
if(in.is_open()) {
while(in.good()) {
// Play with the data
if(!in.eof() &&
cout << "error reading " << filePath << endl;

char END_OF_FILE = '#';
char singleCharacter;
//Get a character from the input file
//Read the file until it reaches #
//When read pointer reads the # it will exit loop
//This requires that you have a # sign as last character in your text file
while (singleCharacter != END_OF_FILE)
cout << singleCharacter;
//If you need to store each character, declare a variable and store it
//in the while loop.

Re: textFile.getch(), did you make that up, or do you have a reference that says it should work? If it's the latter, get rid of it. If it's the former, don't do that. Get a good reference.
char ch;
textFile >> ch;

Assuming that temp is a char and textFile is a std::fstream derivative...
The syntax you're looking for is
textFile.get( temp );

There is no reason not to use C <stdio.h> in C++, and in fact it is often the optimal choice.
#include <stdio.h>
main() // (void) not necessary in C++
int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
// do something with 'c' here
return 0; // technically not necessary in C++ but still good style


How to replace Hi with Bye in a file

I want to replace hi with a bye by reading a file and outputting another file with the replaced letters.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream myfile;
ofstream output;"outputfile.txt");"infile.txt");
char letter;
while (!myfile.eof()) {
if (letter == 'H') {
char z = letter++;
if (z == 'i')
output << "BYE";
else output << letter;
return 0;
My outputs are repeated capital I's that is repeated infinity times.
Here is my input file
a Hi Hi a
Hi a a Hi
Don't check eof
The eof method is returning the location of the input stream read pointer, and not the status of the get. It is more like telling you whether or not get will succeed, so you could write something like:
while (!myfile.eof()) {
char letter;
In this way, you would at least be getting a new letter at each iteration, and the loop ends when the read pointer reaches the end of the input.
But, there are other cases that might cause the get to not succeed. Fortunately, these are captured by the stream itself, which is returned by get. Testing the status of the stream is as easy as treating the stream as a boolean. So, a more idiomatic way to write the loop is:
char letter;
while (myfile.get(letter)) {
Peek at the next letter
When you want to look at the next letter in the input following the detected 'H', you perform an increment.
char z = letter++;
But, this does not achieve the desired result. Instead, it just sets both letter and z variables to the numerical successor of 'H' ('H' + 1), and does not observe the next letter in the input stream.
There is another method you can use that is like get, but leaves the input in the input stream. It is called peek.
char z;
auto peek = [&]() -> decltype(myfile) {
if (myfile) z = myfile.peek();
return myfile;
if (peek()) {
And now, you can check the value of z, but it is still considered input for the next get on letter.
Close to what you implemented
So, the complete loop could look like:
char letter;
while (myfile.get(letter)) {
if (letter == 'H') {
char z;
auto peek = [&]() -> decltype(myfile) {
if (myfile) z = myfile.peek();
return myfile;
if (peek() && z == 'i') {
output << "BYE";
output << letter;
With this approach, you will be able to correctly handle troublesome cases like HHi as input, or the last letter in the input being an H.
Your two lines:
while (!myfile.eof()) {
are wrong.
First off you only read letter once, hence your infinite loop.
Secondly you don't use eof in a while loop.
You want something more like:
while (myfile.get(letter)) {
char z = letter++;
is wrong, you want to read another letter:
but you have to be careful that you get something, so
if(!myfile.get(z)) {
output << letter;
So finally:
char letter;
while (myfile.get(letter)) {
if (letter == 'H') {
char z;
if(!myfile.get(z)) {
output << letter;
if (z == 'i') {
output << "BYE";
else output << letter << z;
else output << letter;
But now we are consuming the character after any H which may not be desirable.
See #jxh's answer for a way to do this with look ahead.
There is a dedicated function to replace patterns in strings. For example, you could use std::regex_replace. That is very simple. We define, what should be searched for and with what that would be replaced.
Some comments. On StackOverflow, I cannot use files. So in my example program, I use a std::istringstream instead. But this is also an std::istream. You can use any other std::istream as well. So if you define an std::ifstream to read from a file, then it will work in the same way as the std::istringstream. You can simply replace it. For the output I use the same mechanism to show the result on the console.
Please see the simple solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <regex>
// The source file
std::istringstream myfile{ R"(Hi
a Hi Hi a
Hi a a Hi)" };
// The destination file
std::ostream& output{ std::cout };
int main() {
// Temporary string, to hold one line that was read from a file
std::string line{};
// Read all lines from the file
while (std::getline(myfile, line)) {
// Replace the sub-string and write to output file
output << std::regex_replace(line, std::regex("Hi"), "Bye") << "\n";
return 0;

Input from a file in C++

I want to read from a file character by character and perform a certain operation on every character I am using the following loop:
ifstream in
//some operation
I don't want to read the character in condition for while because then cursor will move to next position and I'll miss that character.
The problem is that the end of the file is not properly signalled and the last character is read two times. Please give a way to avoid this
Eg. if The string in the file is
it is read as armyy (when I print)
char ch;
while(in.get(ch)){ } //or in>>std::noskipws>>c
Would be the proper way as the character you want is stored in ch. what is the problem with that?
If you really want it the way you want, then you may use peek() to see the next character and perform appropriate opeartion as:
char c = in.peek(); //this will give you the next character in the stream
//if its an eof, do appropriate
Use the other overload of get:
while (in.get(ch)) {
// do something with ch
for (char ch; in.get(ch); ) {
// do something with ch
You can also use sscanf for reading char.. In that example you can see that 3 input are reading from text . First two are string , last is float .. And also you can use a vector to store values..
Hope this example can be helpfull
std::string str;
char buf_1[50];
char buf_2[50];
while(std::getline(in, str))
if(sscanf(str.c_str(), "%s %s %f", buf_1, buf_2, &faceStatistics.statistics) == 3)
faceStatistics.faceName_1 = buf_1;
faceStatistics.faceName_2 = buf_2;
std::cout << "No param in string " << str << std::endl;
vector assign
struct Fstat {
std::string faceName_1;
std::string faceName_2;
float statistics;

C++: Check istream has non-space, non-tab, non-newline characters left without extracting chars

I am reading a std::istream and I need to verify without extracting characters that:
The stream is not "empty", i.e. that trying to read a char will not result in an fail state (solved by using peek() member function and checking fail state, then setting back to original state)
That among the characters left there is at least one which is not a space, a tab or a newline char.
The reason for this is, is that I am reading text files containing say one int per line, and sometimes there may be extra spaces / new-lines at the end of the file and this causes issues when I try get back the data from the file to a vector of int.
A peek(int n) would probably do what I need but I am stuck with its implementation.
I know I could just read istream like:
while (myInt << myIstream) {…} //Will fail when I am at the end
but the same check would fail for a number of different conditions (say I have something which is not an int on some line) and being able to differentiate between the two reading errors (unexpected thing, nothing left) would help me to write more robust code, as I could write:
while (something_left(myIstream)) {
myInt << myIstream;
if ( {…} //Horrible things happened
Thank you!
There is a function called ws which eats whitespace. Perhaps you could call that after each read. If that hits eof, then you know you've got a normal termination. If it doesn't and the next read doesn't produce a valid int, then you know you've got garbage in your file. Maybe something like:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::ifstream infile("test.dat");
while (infile)
int i;
infile >> i;
if (!
std::cout << i << '\n';
std::cout << "garbage\n";
this is what I did to skip whitespace/detect EOF before the actual input:
char c;
if (!(cin >> c)) //skip whitespace
return false; // EOF or other error
This is independent of what data you are going to read.
This code relies on the skipws manipulator being set by default for standard streams, but it can be set manually cin >> skipw >> c;
And simple
if(!(myIstream >> myInt)){
if(myIstream.eof()) {
//end of file
//not an integer
// Do something with myInt
does not work? Why you need to know if there are numbers left?
Edit Changed to Ben's proposition.
The usual way to handle this situation is not to avoid reading from the stream, but to put back characters, which have been read, if needed:
int get_int(std::istream& in)
int n = 0;
while(true) {
if (in >> n)
return n;
void clean_input(std::istream& in)
if ( {
// throw away (skip) pending characters in input
// which are non-digits
char ch;
while (in >> ch) {
if (isdigit(ch)) {
// stuff digit back into the stream
error("No input"); // eof or bad

C++ introduction: self study

I created the program to read from text file and remove special characters. I can't seem to code better the if statement. Please help. I searched online for the right code statements but they have all advanced code statements. The book I am learning from has the last(14th) chapter with strings and file open and closing code. I tried creating an array of special chars, but did not work. Please help me!
int main()
string paragraph = "";
string curChar = "";
string fileName = "";
int subscript=0;
int numWords=0;
ifstream inFile; //declaring the file variables in the implement
ofstream outFile;
cout << "Please enter the input file name(C:\owner\Desktop\para.txt): " << endl;
cin >> fileName;, ios::in); //opening the user entered file
//if statement for not finding the file
cout<<"error opening the file.";
while (subscript < numWords)
curChar = paragraph.substr(subscript, 1);
curChar=="%"||curChar=="$"||curChar=="!"||curChar==" ["||curChar=="]"||
curChar=="{"||curChar=="}"||curChar=="_"||curChar==" <"||curChar==">"
paragraph.erase(subscript, 1);
You might want to look into the strchr function which searches a string for a given character:
include <string.h>
char *strchr (const char *s, int c);
The strchr function locates the first occurrence of c (converted to a char) in the
string pointed to by s. The terminating null character is considered to be part of the
The strchr function returns a pointer to the located character, or a null pointer if the
character does not occur in the string.
Something like:
if (strchr (",.();:-\"&?%$![]{}_<>/#*_+=", curChar) != NULL) ...
You'll have to declare curChar as a char rather than a string and use:
curChar = paragraph[subscript];
rather than:
curChar = paragraph.substr(subscript, 1);
but they're relatively minor changes and, since your stated goal was I want to change the if statement into [something] more meaningful and simple, I think you'll find that's a very good way to achieve it.
In <cctype> header we have functions like isalnum(c) which returns true iff c is an alpanumeric character, isdigit(c) etc... I think the condition you are looking for is
if(isgraph(c) && !isalnum(c))
But c must be a char, not an std::string (well, technically speaking c must be int, but the conversion is implicit:) hth
P.S. This isn't the best idea, but if you want to keep sticking with std::string for curChar, c will be this char c = curChar[0]
since you are learning c++, I will introduce you the c++ iterator way of erasing.
for (string::iterator it = paragraph.begin();
it != paragraph.end();
while (it != paragraph.end() && (*it == ',' || *it == '.' || ....... ))
it = paragraph.erase(it);
First, try using iterator. This won't give you best performance, but its concept would help you work with other c++ structure.
if(curChar==","||curChar=="."||curChar==")" ......
Second, single quote ' and double quote " differs. You use ' for char.

Why doesn't this change the .txt file?

I'm trying to edit a text file to remove the vowels from it and for some reason nothing happens to the text file. I think it may be because a mode argument needs to be passed in the filestream.
#include "std_lib_facilities.h"
bool isvowel(char s)
return (s == 'a' || s == 'e' || s =='i' || s == 'o' || s == 'u';)
void vowel_removal(string& s)
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
s[i] = ' ';
int main()
cout << "Enter file name.\n";
string filename;
cin >> filename;
ifstream f(filename.c_str());
string word;
while(f>>word) wordhold.push_back(word);
ofstream out(filename.c_str(), ios::out);
for(int i = 0; i < wordhold.size(); ++i){
out << wordhold[i] << " ";}
Reading and writing on the same stream results in an error. Check f.bad() and f.eof() after the loop terminates. I'm afraid that you have two choices:
Read and write to different files
Read the entire file into memory, close it, and overwrite the original
As Anders stated, you probably don't want to use operator<< for this since it will break everything up by whitespace. You probably want std::getline() to slurp in the lines. Pull them into a std::vector<std::string>, close the file, edit the vector, and overwrite the file.
Anders was right on the money with his description. Think of a file as a byte stream. If you want to transform the file in place, try something like the following:
remove_vowel(char& ch) {
if (ch=='a' || ch=='e' || ch=='i' || ch =='o' || ch=='u') {
ch = ' ';
main() {
char const delim = '\n';
std::fstream::streampos start_of_line;
std::string buf;
std::fstream fs("file.txt");
start_of_line = fs.tellg();
while (std::getline(fs, buf, delim)) {
std::for_each(buf.begin(), buf.end(), &remove_vowel);
fs.seekg(start_of_line); // go back to the start and...
fs << buf << delim; // overwrite the line, then ...
start_of_line = fs.tellg(); // grab the next line start
return 0;
There are some small problems with this code like it won't work for MS-DOS style text files but you can probably figure out how to account for that if you have to.
Files are sort of like a list, a sequential byte stream. When you open the file you position the file pointer at the very start, every read/write repositions the file pointer in the file with an offset larger than the last. You can use seekg() to move back in the file and overwrite previous content. Another problem with your approach above is that there will probably be some delimiters between the words typically one or more spaces for instance, you will need to handle read/write on these too.
It is much easier to just load the whole file in memory and do your manipulation on that string then rewriting the whole thing back.
Are you sure your while loop is actually executing? Try adding some debugging output to verify that it's doing what you think it is.