Application connection to database - c++

I have an application interacts with Access database using DAO class, recently I converted the database to a sqlite database.
I do not know which connection method is better for the design as following:
Create only one database connection using a public variable when open the application, any queries use the only connection object for interaction during the run time, the connection is then closed when close the application
Create database connection every time before running a query, then close the database connection instantly after loading the resultset to the memory.

I recommend that you encapsulate your db access, so that the decision on whether to keep a persistent connection or not open can be changed at a later point.
Since you are using SqlLite I am assuming that it is a single user DB, so concurrency , connection contention, locking etc. are not likely to be issues.
Typically the main reasons to reuse short running connections is usually on a multi user web or service oriented system, where scalability and licensing considerations are important. This doesn't seem to be applicable in your case.
In short, there doesn't seem any reason not to keep a connection open for the entire duration of your app / user's login session based on the above assumptions.
If you use transactions however, I would suggest that you commit these after each successful atomic activity

You know your two options have + and -. For your special case I think to create database connection every time is not so bad idea, because creating connection to sqlite is very fast and no time consuming. Also this way you may create/close more than one connection at once, which is a good benefit, maybe you don't do it now, but in the future maybe you will have to.


Is having a active MySQL Connection for long periods of time bad?

I'm developing an MMORPG, it's pretty far along.
However, I'm noticing now that the MySQL Server has a automatic connection terminate time limit. So after x time, a connection is terminated. So what's happening with my server is after about 8 hours of run time, users can't login or update their characters on logout.
A simple fix would be to make the time out value very very large, but I want to know if this is a bad idea?
Another solution would be, to check if the connection is still valid before making a SQL Query, and if not start a new connection. Although I prefer the first option if it has no bad side-effects.
In case you're not already doing that I'd like to say that the best option would be to use a proper connection pool on the server instead of reusing a single connection.
Now, increasing the timeout SHOULD be safe, but MySQL might have memory leaks (of sorts) that are tied to the connection, so dropping the connection from time to time might be much safer.
For example, if you're using dynamically generated prepared queries (some APIs do that to make the queries safe from the SQL injection attacks) then MySQL might have a problem caching all the prepared queries in memory.
You might have to implement such eviction yourself, unfortunately.

Access .ldb file & multiple connection.

I have an API which opens an access database for read and write. The API opens the connection when it's constructed and closes the connection when it's destructed. When the db is opened an .ldb file is created and when it closes it's removed (or disappears).
There are multiple applications using the API to read and write to the access db. I want to know:
Is ldb file used to track multiple connections
Does calling an db.close() closes all connections or just one instance.
Will there be any sync issues with the above approach.
db.Close() closes one connecton. The .ldb is automatically removed when all connections are closed.
Keep in mind that while Jet databases (i.e. Access) do support mutiple simultaneous users, they're not extremely well-suited for a very large concurrent user base; for one thing, they are easily corrupted when there are network issues. I'm actually dealing with that right now. If it comes to that, you will want to use a database server.
That said, I've used Jet databases in that way many times.
Not sure what you mean when you say "sync issues".
Yes, it's required to open database in shared mode by multiple users. Seems it stands for "Lock Database". See more info in MSDN: Introduction to .ldb files in Access 2000.
Close() closes only one connection, others are unaffected.
Yes, it's possible if you try to write records that another user has locked. However data will remain consistent, you will just receive error about write conflict.
Actually MS Access is not best solution for multi-connection usage scenario.
You may take a look at SQL Server Compact which is light version of MS SQL Server. It runs in-process, supports multiple connections and multithreading, most of robust T-SQL features (excluding stored procs) etc.
As an additional note to otherwise good answers, I would strongly recommend keeping a connection to a dummy table open for the lifetime of the client application.
Closing connections too often and allowing the lock file to be created/deleted every time is a huge performance bottleneck and, in some cases of rapid access to the database, can actually cause queries and inserts to fail.
You can read a bit more in this answer I gave a while ago.
When it comes to performance and reliability, you can get quite a lot out of Access databases providing that you keep some things in mind:
Keep a connection open to a dummy table for the duration of the life of the client (or at least use some timeout that would close the connection after like 20 seconds of inactivity if you don't want to keep it open all the time).
Engineer your clients apps to properly close all connections (including the dummy one when i'ts time to do it), whatever happens (eg crash, user shutdown, etc).
Leaving locks in place is not good, as it could mean that the client has left the database in an unknown state, and could increase the likelihood of corruption if other clients keep leaving stale locks.
Compact and repair the database regularly. Make it a nightly task.
This will ensure that the database is optimised, and that any stale data is removed and open locks properly closed.
Good, stable network connectivity is paramount to data integrity for a file-based database: avoid WiFi like the plague.
Have a way to kick out all clients from the database server itself.
For instance, have a table with for instance a MaintenanceLock field that clients poll regularly. If the field is set, the client should disconnect, after giving an opportunity for the user to save his work.
Similarly, when a client app starts, check this field in the database to allow or disallow the client to connect to it.
Now, you can quick out clients at any time without having to go to each user and ask them to close the app. It's also very useful to ensure that no client left open at night are still connected to the database when you run Compact & Repair maintenance on it.

Best strategy to reduce DB connections in a multithreading application using the Qt framework

I have a server that communicates to a lot of devices (>1000). Each connection has its own thread. Now, I realized that I would have to set my mysql config to allow >1000 open concurrent connections what seems to be a very bad idea in my opinion.
Qt docs say that every thread needs its own connection:
So, I have to call
QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL", "thread specific string");
in every thread.
What is the best practice here?
I would think some sort of resource pooling would be appropriate here.
Depending on the database workload from the >1000 device threads a single database thread could maybe manage it or then you will need several database threads.
Then setup a queuing system from the device threads to the database thread(s), where the devices push the work and the database thread(s) pulls work units off and perform the query.
I just realised that I was thinking of writing to database only like some sort of logging, and this idea may not work without modification if what you are doing is reading from the database and writing to devices.
Honestly speaking I don't know much about QT but if I take your problem in general then I would advise you to create a "Connection Pool"
If you don't want or can't implement a Connection Pool then its fine to increase Max_Connections in MySQL configuration and leave the pooling on MySQL, it has its own Connection Pooling mechanism.

Multiple permanent connection for Django?

My website is using Django, and now I want to port part of the logic to a Redis, so I need a Redis connection for my code, obvious I can't write connect to redis code in because it might be called multiple times, so I need to put the connect somewhere in the django, perhaps middleware?
But I don't want to make this complicated, just the same place where the MySQL database connected, I want to add a global object for Redis connection. Perhaps later for XMPP conenction and ZeroMQ.
How to do this?
ANy idea is appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
in typical Django server settings multiple requests will be handled by the same worker process.
You can simply put a global variable to hold the connection on top of and use the conenction in each view function/class, the connection will be established when the worker process starts and closes when the worker process got recycled. It's semi-permanent connection but good enough.
MySQL connection works the same way in Django. It's not each db connection per request but per worker process life-span
It isn't obvious you want to do that. It isn't obvious why you would want to do that.
So why not connect in To use a single "global connection" will mean adding locking/serialization code to ensure that your connection is safe to use amongst many calls to your views. I actually create and connect right in the method in my various and sundry files. Sometimes I connect to one instance or another. I've seen no performance issues and also don't have to worry about concurrency safety. I let Redis figure that out.
Another aspect of a global shared connection is degraded performance - you'll have one page view waiting on another's to finish before it can run. By allowing each to have it's own connection you avoid one view slowing down another while waiting on access to a global connector.
Consider this: if your queries are so small and fast that you don't expect to see a performance hit from serializing every page that accesses Redis, then you won't see any performance degradation from a connection per page as you connect, query, and close. I highly doubt that the cost of setting up the connection is significantly more than serializing all page accesses that connect to Redis.
So my suggestion is to just try it. If and only if you see an issue should you worry about implementing something you will probably not need.
There is a great piece of code for this already.

c++ Mysql C API Connection Question

I'm building an application which uses Mysql, I was wondering what would be the best way to manage the connection to the actual Mysql server?
I'm still in the design phase, but currently I have it Connecting (or aborting if error) before every query and disconnecting after which is just for testing as right now I'm only running 1 query to see if the code I've setup so far works.
My App might be performing a few queries every 5/10/20/30 minutes depending on settings and doesn't really need to do anything with SQL until that time.
So I'm wondering if its more beneficial to use a continuous connection that exists for the lifetime of the application (if possible) or to simply connect to sql before I intend to use it, do what the app needs to do then disconnect?
Connecting once and performing many queries will naturally be more efficient.
However, if performance isn't a major concern for your project, maybe aiming for simplicity in your code might be a better option (especially if you are the only connection to the database).
If you want to get clever, then maybe connect as and when you need to, then keep the connection alive until you stop making queries. Eg, drop the connection if there have been no queries for 30 seconds or something like that.
How many instances of this app will be connecting to MySQL? If it's just one, keeping a MySQL connection open for convenience shouldn't cause any problems, but remember there's a (configurable) limit to the number of MySQL connections you can have open to the server. In this case, I would recommend opening a connection, running whatever queries you need to run, and then closing it. Connecting per query adds more overhead as you add queries to your application.