.wav C++ data not outputting correctly - c++

So I know I have asked this question before, however, I am still stuck and before I can move on with my project. Basically, I'm trying to read in a .wav file, I have read in all of the required header information and then stored all the data inside a char array. This is all good, however, I then recast the data as an integer and try and output the data.
I have tested the data in MatLab, however, I get very different results:
Matlab -0.0078
C++: 1031127695
Now these are very wrong results, and someone kindly from here said it's because I'm outputting it as an integer, however, I have tried pretty much every single data type and still get the wrong results. Someone has suggestion that it could be something to do with Endianness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness) .. Does this seem logical?
Here is the code:
bool Wav::readHeader(ifstream &file)
file.read(this->chunkId, 4);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->chunkSize), 4);
file.read(this->format, 4);
file.read(this->formatId, 4);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->formatSize), 4);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->format2), 2);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->numChannels), 2);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->sampleRate), 4);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->byteRate), 4);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->align), 2);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->bitsPerSample), 4);
char testing[4] = {0};
int testingSize = 0;
while(file.read(testing, 4) && (testing[0] != 'd' ||
testing[1] != 'a' ||
testing[2] != 't' ||
testing[3] != 'a'))
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&testingSize), 4);
file.seekg(testingSize, std::ios_base::cur);
this->dataId[0] = testing[0];
this->dataId[1] = testing[1];
this->dataId[2] = testing[2];
this->dataId[3] = testing[3];
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->dataSize), 4);
this->data = new char[this->dataSize];
file.read(data, this->dataSize);
unsigned int *te;
te = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&this->data);
cout << te[3];
return true;
Any help would be really appreciated. I hope I've given enough details.
Thank you.

I think there're several issues with your code. One of them are the casts, for instance this one:
unsigned int *te;
te = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&this->data); // (2)
cout << te[3];
te is a pointer to unsigned int, while you try to cast to a pointer to int. I would expect compilation error at line (2)...
And what do you mean by te[3]? I expect some garbage from *(te + 3) memory location to be outputed here.


Wrong output when printing a string from inside a struct pointer (VC++ 2010)

I've found a very strange issue with both printf (and printf_s), and also std::cout. I'm not sure if it's some short of "glitch" or error in these functions, or if I'm doing something wrong. Since both functions do the same, I'm assuming I'm not doing it the right way.
I have the following structures in my program (By the way, this is a Visual C++ 2010 project):
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct nameentry
char NAME[17];
char EXT[4];
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct fileentry
unsigned int ID;
unsigned int GPFID;
unsigned long long int FPOINTER;
size_t FILESIZE;
#pragma pack(pop)
Now I have the following portion of code:
NAMEENTRY fname = MCreateNameEntry("LONGFILE.JPG");
FILEENTRY* myfile_ = SearchFileByPkgID(0, fname);
printf("%s", myfile_->FILENAME.NAME);
So what this code is supposed to do is, create an instance of NAMEENTRY with NAME=LONGFILE, and EXT=JPG. Both character arrays are null terminated (last byte is a 0). Then create an instance of FILEENTRY with it's corresponding data from a database I'm developing, then print the name of the file from the FILEENTRY's NAMEENTRY structure.
After running the code, what I get instead of the name of the file, is... garbage. The classic garbage you get when trying to print text from a bad pointer. If I try to print any of the other fields, I also get wrong values.
So obviously, my first thought was that one of my functions were not returning the right value. So I started inspecting the code and, to my surprise, they are actually returning the right values and the structure is filled with the right data. I get the proper values in each field, every character array ends with a 0, etc.
So then I said... "What if I copy the entire block into another instance of FILEENTRY?", and I tried this:
NAMEENTRY fname = MCreateNameEntry("LONGFILE.JPG");
FILEENTRY* myfile_ = SearchFileByPkgID(0, fname);
memcpy(&dMem, myfile_, sizeof(FILEENTRY));
printf("%s", dMem.FILENAME.NAME);
And guess what? It works perfectly fine. I get the name of the file, no garbage. So I'm assuming, either the problem is inside of printf (I also tried std::cout with the same results), or I am doing something wrong when using these functions.
Well, that helps. Seems like the problem was trying to return a pointer to a local variable, as Igor Tandetnik suggested.
So as a workaround, I'm not sure if this is a proper way of handling this, instead of define a local variable, I'm using calloc to allocate a memory block for a FILEENTRY pointer, then fill it and return it. And yes, it seems to work this way.
This is the actual code of the function:
FILEENTRY* SearchFileByPkgID(int ID, NAMEENTRY fname)
FILEENTRY* myFile = (FILEENTRY*)calloc(sizeof(FILEENTRY),1);
std::vector<int> results;
unsigned int* dptable = GetDPTableByPkgId(ID);
bool found = false;
for(int x = 0; x < 1024; x++)
if(dptable[x] > 0)
fseek(PDBFILE, dptable[x], SEEK_SET);
fread(myFile, sizeof(FILEENTRY), 1, PDBFILE);
if(strcmp(myFile->FILENAME.EXT, fname.EXT) == 0)
if(myFile->FILENAME.NAME[0] == fname.NAME[0])
for(int y = 0; y < results.size(); y++)
fseek(PDBFILE, results[y], SEEK_SET);
fread(myFile, sizeof(FILEENTRY), 1, PDBFILE);
if(strcmp(myFile->FILENAME.NAME, fname.NAME) == 0)
found = true;
return myFile;
return 0L;
Any more suggestions are wellcome.

Array variable type in C++ recursion is not working

I'm starting to study recursion in C++ and I'm facing a problem that I can't figure out.
What's happening is that Eclipse and g++ are saying that my variable type is not matching with the function declaration but I believe it does.
Please take a look, first at the screen dump from Eclipse, showing the error:
And also the code in textual rather than graphical form:
int saida(char **matriz, char dir,int entrada_l, int entrada_c,int* zeros,int** tracker) {
int flag3,flag4,tamanho_martiz = 8;
int resp;
if(dir == 'c'){
if(matriz[entrada_l++][entrada_c] == '0'){
resp = saida(matriz, 'c',entrada_l,entrada_c,&zeros,tracker);
return 0;
You pass the address of zeros in your recursive call:
resp = salida (matrix, 'c', entrada_l, entrada_c, &zeros, tracker);
// ^
That's an extra level of indirection from what it expects, an int *, while you're giving it an int **.
Get rid of the & in the call and that should fix the problem.

Segmentation fault : Address out of bounds for a pointer in C

I am trying to build and run some complicated code that was written by someone else, I don't know who they are and can't ask them to help. The code reads a bpf (brain potential file) and converts it to a readable ascii format. It has 3 C files, and 2 corresponding header files. I got it to build successfully with minor changes, however now it crashes
with a segmentation fault.
I narrowed the problem down to FindSectionEnd() (in ReadBPFHeader.c) and find that the error occurs when sscanfLine() (in the file sscanfLine.c) is called (code for both is below).
ui1 is defined as unsigned char.
si1 is defined as char.
Just before returning from sscanfLine(), the address pointed to by dp is 0x7e5191, or something similar ending with 191. However, on returning to FindSectionEnd(), dp points to 0x20303035 and it says 'Address 0x20303035 is out of bounds', which then causes a fault at strstr(). The loop in FindSectionEnd() runs without problem for 14 iterations before the fault occurs. I have no idea what is going wrong. I really hope the information I have given here is adequate.
ui1 *FindSectionEnd(ui1 *dp)
si1 Line[256], String[256];
int cnt=0;
while (sscanfLine(dp, Line) != EOF){
dp = (ui1 *)strstr(dp, Line);
dp+= strlen(Line);
si1 *sscanfLine(ui1 *dp, si1 *s)
int i = 0;
*s = NULL;
int cnt = 0;
while (sscanf(dp, "%c", s + i) != EOF){
if(*(s + i) == '\n') {
*(s + i + 1) = '\0';
return s;
*(s + i) = '\0';
return s;
The sscanfLine function doesn't respect the size of the buffer passed in, and if it doesn't find '\n' within the first 256 bytes, happily trashes the stack next to the Line array.
You may be able to work around this by making Line bigger.
If you're going to improve the code, you should pass the buffer size to sscanfLine and make it stop when the count is reached even if a newline wasn't found. While you're at it, instead of returning s, which the caller already has, make sscanfLine return the new value of dp, which will save the caller from needing to use strstr and strlen.
My first guess would be that your string is not null terminated and strstr() segfaults because it reads past the boundaries of the array

length of sub-sequence in the string

I need to implement lastSeq function,which gets as argument string str and char chr
and returns the length of last sequence of repeated chr (the sequence can be of any length)
for example:
lastSeq("abbaabbbbacd",'a') should return 1
lastSeq("abbaabbbbacd",'b') should return 4
lastSeq("abbaabbbbacd",'t') should return 0
Is there C++ function which can solve it?
This appear to be homework, so I'm just going to give you direction so that you can find the answer by yourself.
First, how would you do it yourself, without a computer to give the correct result for your samples. From those manual run, how would you generalize then in simple steps so that you can solve the problem for all different inputs.
By this point you should have a rough algorithm to solve the problem. What do you know about storage of string in C++, and the method that are available from that class? Can some one them be used to solve some of the steps of your algorithm?
Try to write a program using those function, to compile it and to run it. Do you get the expected result? If not, can you try to print intermediate state (using std::cout << "Some value: " << variable << "\n";) to try to debug it.
Once you have done all of that, and if you are still having issues, update your question with your code, and we'll be able to give you more directed help.
int lastSeq(char *str, char chr)
int i = strlen(str);
int l = 0;
if(*(str + i) == chr && ++l)
while(--i>=0 && chr == *(str + i) && ++l);
return l;

How can text in my main C++ file (in code that hasn't executed yet) show up in a string?

I'm new to C++ so there's a lot I don't really understand, I'm trying to narrow down how I'm getting exc_bad_access but my attempts to print out values seems to be aggravating (or causing) the problem!
#include <iostream>
#include "SI_Term.h"
#include "LoadPrefabs.h"
int main() {
SI_Term * velocity = new SI_Term(1, "m/s");
std::cout<<"MAIN: FIRST UNITS "<<std::endl;
return 0;
The above code produces an error (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) before the std::cout<< line even occurs. I traced it with xcode and it fails within the function call to new SI_Term(1, "m/s").
Re-running with the cout line commented out it runs and finishes. I would attach more code but I have a lot and I don't know what is relevant to this line seeming to sneak backwards and overwrite a pointer. Can anyone help me with where to look or how to debug this?
I narrowed it down to this block. I should explain at this point, this block is attempting to decompose a set of physical units written in the format kg*m/s^2 and break it down into kg, m, divide by s * s. Once something is broken down it uses LoadUnits(const char*) to read from a file. I am assuming (correctly at this point) that no string of units will contain anywhere near my limit of 40 characters.
UnitSet * decomposeUnits(const char* setOfUnits){
std::cout<<"Decomposing Units";
int i = 0;
bool divide = false;
UnitSet * nextUnit = 0;
UnitSet * temp = 0;
UnitSet * resultingUnit = new UnitSet(0, 0, 0, 1);
while (setOfUnits[i] != '\0') {
int j = 0;
char decomposedUnit[40];
std::cout<<"Wiped unit."<<std::endl;
while ((setOfUnits[i] != '\0') && (setOfUnits[i] != '*') && (setOfUnits[i] != '/') && (setOfUnits[i] != '^')) {
std::cout<<"Adding: " << decomposedUnit[i]<<std::endl;
decomposedUnit[j] = setOfUnits[i];
decomposedUnit[j] = '\0';
nextUnit = LoadUnits(decomposedUnit);
//The new unit has been loaded. now check for powers, if there is one read it, and apply it to the new unit.
//if there is a power, read the power, read the sign of the power and flip divide = !divide
if (setOfUnits[i] == '^') {
//there is a power. Analize.
double power = atof(&setOfUnits[i]);
temp = *nextUnit^power;
delete nextUnit;
nextUnit = temp;
temp = 0;
//skip i and j till the next / or * symbol.
while (setOfUnits[i] != '\0' && setOfUnits[i] != '*' && setOfUnits[i] != '/') {
++i; ++j;
temp = resultingUnit;
if (divide) {
resultingUnit = *temp / *nextUnit;
} else {
resultingUnit = *temp * *nextUnit;
delete temp;
delete nextUnit;
temp = 0;
nextUnit = 0;
// we just copied a word and setOfUnits[i] is the multiply or divide or power character for the next set.
if (setOfUnits[i] == '/') {
divide = true;
return resultingUnit;
I'm tempted to say that SI_Term is messing with the stack (or maybe trashing the heap). Here's a great way to do that:
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, "I'm writing too much into a buffer");
Your function will probably finish, but then wreak havoc. Check all arrays you have on the stack and make sure you don't write out of bounds.
Then apply standard debugging practices: Remove code one by one until it doesn't crash anymore, then start reinstating it to find your culprit.
You are mentioning xcode, so I assume you're on a MAC. I'D then suggest looking at the valgrind tool from http://valgrind.org/ That's a memory checker giving you information when yo're doing something wrong with memory. If your program was build including debugging symbols it should give you an stacktrace helping you to find the error.
Here, I removed the unimportant stuff:
while (setOfUnits[i] != '\0') {
while ((setOfUnits[i] != '\0') && (setOfUnits[i] != '*') && (setOfUnits[i] != '/') && (setOfUnits[i] != '^')) {
nextUnit = LoadUnits(decomposedUnit);
if (...) {
double power = ...;
temp = *nextUnit^power;
delete nextUnit;
temp = resultingUnit;
delete temp;
delete nextUnit;
There are a number of problems with this:
In the inner-loop, you increment i until setOfUnits[i] == '\0', the end of the string. Then you increment i again, past the end of the string.
nextUnit is of type UnitSet, which presumably overloads ^. Though it's possible that it overloads it to mean "exponentiation", it probably doesn't (and if it does, it shouldn't): in C-based languages, including C++, ^ means XOR, not exponentiation.
You are deleting pointers returned from other functions - that is, you have functions that return dynamically-allocated memory, and expect the caller to delete that memory. While not incorrect, and in fact common practice in C, it is considered bad practice in C++. Just have LoadUnits() return a UnitSet (rather than a UnitSet*), and make sure to overload the copy constructor and operator= in the UnitSet class. If performance then becomes a concern, you could return a const UnitSet& instead, or use smart pointers.
In similar vein, you are allocating and deleting inside the same function. There is no need for this: just make resultingUnit stack-allocated:
UnitSet resultingUnit(0, 0, 0, 1);
I know that last bullet-point sounds very confusing, but once you finally come to understand it, you'll likely know more about C++ than 90% of coders who claim to "know" C++. This site and this book are good places to start learning.
Good luck!