Mutex behavior on Windows - c++

I've the following code...
On one machine it throws ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and on other it throws ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (Handle is not NULL). I'd like to understand why two different behaviors. On both the machines user is a domain user part of local system administrators group. I tried running three instances simultaneously.
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
void * _hMutex = NULL;
void createMyMutex()
_hMutex = CreateMutex(
NULL, // default security attributes
false, // initially not owned
L"LockTest"); // named mutex
if (_hMutex == NULL)
cout<< GetLastError()<< " Error creating mutex handle"<<endl;
if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
cout<< GetLastError()<< " Mutex already created" <<endl;
void Lock()
cout<<"Acquiring Lock..."<< endl;
if(_hMutex != NULL)
WaitForSingleObject(_hMutex, INFINITE);
cout<< "Acquired Lock." <<endl;
void Unlock()
cout<< "Releasing Lock..." <<endl;
if(_hMutex != NULL)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout<<"Creating lock"<<endl;
cout<<"Lock create success"<<endl;
cout<<"Taking lock"<<endl;
cout<<"Got the lock"<<endl;
cout<<"Waiting for 20 seconds"<<endl;
cout<<"Wait over"<<endl;
cout<<"Releasing lock"<<endl;
cout<<"Lock released successfully"<<endl;
cout<<"exiting the program"<<endl;
return 0;

From MSDN:
If the mutex is a named mutex and the object existed before this function call, the return value is a handle to the existing object, GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, bInitialOwner is ignored, and the calling thread is not granted ownership. However, if the caller has limited access rights, the function will fail with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and the caller should use the OpenMutex function.
So try using OpenMutex instead with just the SYNCHRONIZE access right.
Also note that the Windows type BOOL is different from the C++ type bool. So you should use the corresponding values TRUE and FALSE when calling Windows API functions that take BOOL, not true and false.

I guess you're getting the ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS when calling createMyMutex(); and the ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when calling Lock();. I's suggest to choose an object name in the global namespace. So you better use something like
CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, "Global\\LockTest" );
See Object Namespaces on MSDN for details.


C++ - Cannot See Created Mutex Using WinObj

I am using this really simple code to try to create a mutex
int main(){
HANDLE hMutex = ::CreateMutex(nullptr, FALSE, L"SingleInstanceMutex");
wchar_t buff[1000];
_snwprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), L"Failed to create mutex (Error: %d)", ::GetLastError());
::MessageBox(nullptr, buff, L"Single Instance", MB_OK);
return 0x1;
} else {
::MessageBox(nullptr, L"Mutex Created", L"Single Instance", MB_OK);
return 0x0;
And I get the message "Mutex Created" like if it is correctly created, but when I try to search it using the tool WinObj of SysInternals I can't find it.
Also if I restart the program many times while another instance is running I always get the message "Mutex Created" and never an error because the mutex already exists.
I'm trying it on a Windows 7 VM.
What I'm doing wrong?
Ah I'm compiling on Linux using:
i686-w64-mingw32-g++ -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ Mutex.cpp
Thank you!
In order to use a Windows mutex (whether a named one like yours or an unnamed one), you need to use the following Win APIs:
CreateMutex - to obtain a handle to the mutex Windows kernel object. In case of a named mutex (like yours) multiple processes should succeed to get this handle. The first one will cause the OS to create a new named mutex, and the others will get a handle referring to that same mutex.
In case the function succeeds and you get a valid handle to the named mutex, you can determine whether the mutex already existed (i.e. that another process already created the mutex) by checking if GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS.
WaitForSingleObject - to lock the mutex for exclusive access. This function is actually not specific to mutex and is used for many kernel objects. See the link above for more info about Windows kernel objects.
ReleaseMutex - to unlock the mutex.
CloseHandle - to release the acquired mutex handle (as usual with Windows handles). The OS will automatically close the handle when the process exists, but it is good practice to do it explicitly.
A complete example:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
// Create the mutex handle:
HANDLE hMutex = ::CreateMutex(nullptr, FALSE, L"SingleInstanceMutex");
if (!hMutex)
std::cout << "Failed to create mutex handle." << std::endl;
// Handle error: ...
return 1;
bool bAlreadyExisted = (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
std::cout << "Succeeded to create mutex handle. Already existed: " << (bAlreadyExisted ? "YES" : "NO") << std::endl;
// Lock the mutex:
std::cout << "Atempting to lock ..." << std::endl;
DWORD dwRes = ::WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE);
if (dwRes != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
std::cout << "Failed to lock the mutex" << std::endl;
// Handle error: ...
return 1;
std::cout << "Locked." << std::endl;
// Do something that required the lock: ...
std::cout << "Press ENTER to unlock." << std::endl;
// Unlock the mutex:
if (!::ReleaseMutex(hMutex))
std::cout << "Failed to unlock the mutex" << std::endl;
// Handle error: ...
return 1;
std::cout << "Unlocked." << std::endl;
// Free the handle:
if (!CloseHandle(hMutex))
std::cout << "Failed to close the mutex handle" << std::endl;
// Handle error: ...
return 1;
return 0;
Error handling:
As you can see in the documentation links above, when CreateMutex,ReleaseMutex and CloseHandle fail, you should call GetLastError to get more info about the error. WaitForSingleObject will return a specific return value upon error (see the documentation link above). This should be done as a part of the // Handle error: ... sections.
Using a named mutex for IPC (interprocess communication) might be the only good use case for native Windows mutexes.
For a regular unnamed mutex it's better to use one of the available standard library types of mutexes: std::mutex,std::recursive_mutex,std::recursive_timed_mutex (the last 2 support repeated lock by a thread, similarly to Windows mutex).

Returning code from pthread creation in C++ is 11

I have thread creation problem using Pthread. My code is as follows. I show only some portion due to space constraints.
Main.c create Detectdirection instance and send to the function.
d = new Detectdirection();
int ret = d->run_parallel(d);
if(ret == -1)
run = false;
My Detectdirection Class has two functions to run in parallel:
class Detectdirection{
int run_parallel(void*p);
void *Tracking(void *p);
static void *Tracking_helper(void * p);
void *ReadImage(void *p );
static void *ReadImage_helper(void *p );
pthread_t thread[2];
void *Detectdirection::ReadImage(void *p){
Detectdirection *app = (Detectdirection*)p;
void *Detectdirection::Tracking(void *p){
Detectdirection *app = (Detectdirection*)p;
void *Detectdirection::Tracking_helper(void *p){
Detectdirection *app = (Detectdirection*)p;
return ((Detectdirection*)p)->Tracking(app);
void *Detectdirection::ReadImage_helper(void *p ){
Detectdirection *app = (Detectdirection*)p;
return ((Detectdirection*)p)->ReadImage(app);
int Detectdirection::run_parallel(void* p){
Detectdirection *app = (Detectdirection*)p;
int rc = pthread_create(&thread[0], NULL, app->ReadImage_helper, app);
if (rc) {
printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc);
return -1;
rc = pthread_create(&thread[1], NULL, app->Tracking_helper, app);
if (rc) {
printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc);
return -1;
return 0;
Compile is ok and when I run, I have thread creation error. That sort of return type 11 happens only when many threads are created. But now I create only two thread and I have that error. What could be wrong?
I believe your are getting EAGAIN (based on the error code 11). That (obivously) means your system doesn't have enough resources to create threads anymore.
POSIX documentation says:
[EAGAIN] The system lacked the necessary resources to create another
thread, or the system-imposed limit on the total number of threads in
a process {PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX} would be exceeded.
I am not quite sure the following is true.
But now I create only two thread and I have that error. What could be wrong?
int ret = d->run_parallel(d);
if(ret == -1)
run = false;
You are creating in a loop and each call d->run_parallel() creates two threads. So, you are potentially creating infinite number of threads
as the loop only breaks when pthread_create() fails. So, you may want to look at this loop carefully whether you really want to do as it is right now.
You don't seem to join with the threads you create. So, you could detach the threads so that thread-specific resources are released immediately when the thread(s) exit.
You can do:
in both ReadImage_helper() and Tracking_helper() functions to detach them. This could potentially solve your resource issue.
If it's still present then you have to look at ways to limit the number of threads that are simultaneously running on your system. One possible option is to use thread pools -- create a fixed number of threads and assign them new tasks as the threads complete their current task(s).

Close handle to a mutex in another process

I want to close a handle to a mutex located in another process, so I can run more than one instance of the application.
I already know this can be done, see Process Explorer. Example: Windows Minesweeper (Windows 7) uses a mutex to only allow one game, so I thought I would use it as an example since it's pre-installed with Windows and therefore easier for you guys to guide me.
The mutex that I need to close is \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Oberon_Minesweeper_Singleton, which I found using Process Explorer.
After closing this mutex I was able to launch two games of Minesweeper, but I want to do this in my program using C++.
After some searching I have found that I might need the API DuplicateHandle. So far I haven't been able to close the handle on this mutex.
Here is my code so far:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printerror(LPSTR location){
printf("Error: %s_%d", location, GetLastError());
int main(){
DWORD pid = 0;
HWND hMineWnd = FindWindow("Minesweeper", "Minesveiper");
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hMineWnd, &pid);
HANDLE hProc =OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, 0, pid);
if(hProc == NULL){
return 1;
HANDLE hMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, "Oberon_Minesweeper_Singleton");
if(hMutex == NULL){
return 2;
if(DuplicateHandle(hProc, hMutex, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE) == 0){
return 3;
if(CloseHandle(hMutex) == 0){
return 4;
return 0;
This code returns 0, but the mutex is still there, and I am not able to launch more games of Minesweeper. I think some of my parameters to DuplicateHandle are wrong.
The second argument to DuplicateHandle expects "an open object handle that is valid in the context of the source process", however I believe the handle you're passing in would only be valid within the current process (OpenMutex creates a new handle to an existing mutex object). You'll likely need to determine what the mutex's handle is in the remote process, and use that value when calling DuplicateHandle.

How to use WaitForSingleObject

In order to try out how to program with the Win32 API, I wrote a program that creates a process.
Then I want to check if my process waits for the newly created process, close the handle and then check WaitForSingleObject again (the second process is sleeping for 700 ms)
First process:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void main()
bool ret;
bool retwait;
STARTUPINFO startupinfo;
GetStartupInfo (&startupinfo);
wchar_t wcsCommandLine[] = L"D:\\betriebssystemePRA1PRO2.exe";
ret = CreateProcess(NULL, wcsCommandLine, NULL, NULL, false, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL,
NULL, &startupinfo, &pro2info);
cout<<"hProcess: "<<pro2info.hProcess<<endl;
cout<<"dwProcessId: "<<pro2info.dwProcessId <<endl;
if (retwait= WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, INFINITE)==true)
cout<<"waitprocess:true"<<endl; //The process is finished
CloseHandle (pro2info.hProcess);//prozesshandle schließen, "verliert connection"
if (retwait= WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, INFINITE)==true) //When the process has finished
//cout<<GetLastError()<<endl; //Output the last error.
Second process:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void main()
int b;
b = GetCurrentProcessId();
cout << b << endl;
cout << "Druecken Sie Enter zum Beenden" << endl;
//Wait until the user confirms
Sleep (700);
The first process prints false, false ; but it should print true, false.
Instead of the if-else statement, I used this:
//switch(WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, INFINITE)){
// case WAIT_OBJECT_0: cout << "ja";
// break;
// case WAIT_FAILED:cout << "nein";
// break;
// break;
// cout<<"waitprocess:true"<<endl;//prozess ist fertig
// cout<<"waitprocess:false"<<endl;
And this seems to work. What did I do wrong with my if-else statement?
You really need to pay attention to the meaning for the return value of the API functions. You cannot ignore a FALSE return from CreateProcess(). WaitForSingleObject() can return several values, it returns 0 if the wait completed successfully. Which makes you print "false".
According to MSDN, WaitForSingleObject will return WAIT_OBJECT_0 if the wait wasn't aborted. If you check the documentation, the value of WAIT_OBJECT_0 happens to be 0x00000000L, which happens to be the value commonly converted to false, not true. Hence your comparison fails.
Promoting the return value of WaitForSingleObject to a bool is IMHO not a good idea given that you get several potentially illuminating non-zero return codes that indicate why the wait expired.
If you still want to keep the above code as using a boolean check, change the tests to !WaitForSingleObject(...) instead.
I think you sort of answered your question yourself. The point is that WaitForSingleObject doesn't return true or false, but WAIT_OBJECT_0 et al.
So instead of
if (retwait= WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, INFINITE)==true)
you need
if (retwait= WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, INFINITE)==WAIT_OBJECT_0)

Send command to service from C++

how can I send command to a Windows service from C++? Equivalent .NET code is:
ServiceController sc = new ServiceController("MyService");
From native C++, you will need to:
Open a handle to the service control manager,
Use the service control manager to obtain a service handle for the service you want to control,
Send a control code or codes to the service, and
Close the handles opened in steps 1 and 2.
For example, this code restarts the time synchronization service. First, I create a wrapper class for the service handles, to close them automatically when leaving the block.
CSC_HANDLE(SC_HANDLE h) : m_h(h) { }
~CSC_HANDLE() { ::CloseServiceHandle(m_h); }
operator SC_HANDLE () { return m_h; }
Then, I open the service control manager (using OpenSCManager()) and the service I want to control. Note that the dwDesiredAccess parameter to OpenService() must include permissions for each control I want to send, or the relevant control functions will fail.
BOOL RestartTimeService()
if (NULL == hSCM) return FALSE;
if (NULL == hW32Time) return FALSE;
To stop the service, I use ControlService() to send the SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP code, and then check the return value to make sure the command succeeded. If any error other than ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE is reported, I assume that starting the service is not going to succeed.
SERVICE_STATUS ss = { 0 };
BOOL success = ::ControlService(hW32Time, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ss);
if (!success)
DWORD le = ::GetLastError();
switch (le)
return FALSE;
After instructing the service to stop, I wait for the service manager to report that the service is in fact stopped. This code has two potential bugs, which you may wish to correct for production code:
Sleep(1000) will suspend the message loop on this thread, so you should use another method to delay execution if this function will run on a UI thread. You can construct a suitable sleep-with-message-loop using MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().
The DWORD returned from GetTickCount() will wrap around to zero eventually; if it wraps around while this function is waiting, the wait may give up sooner than I intended.
DWORD waitstart(::GetTickCount());
while (true)
ZeroMemory(&ss, sizeof(ss));
::QueryServiceStatus(hW32Time, &ss);
if (SERVICE_STOPPED == ss.dwCurrentState) break;
DWORD tick(::GetTickCount());
if ((tick < waitstart) || (tick > (waitstart + 30000))) return FALSE;
Finally, knowing that the service is in a stopped state, I call StartService() run it again.
success = ::StartService(hW32Time, 0, NULL);
if (!success) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
You use ControlService, see Service Control Requests.
Here is a little program which will connect to a service called "MYSERVICE" then send a command 141 (which is defined by the service)
// ServiceCommunicator.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
SC_HANDLE managerHandle;
SC_HANDLE serviceHandle;
SERVICE_STATUS controlParms;
DWORD retStatus;
managerHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ);
if (NULL != managerHandle)
if (NULL != serviceHandle)
cout << "connected to Service" << endl;
retStatus = ControlService(serviceHandle, 141, &controlParms);
if (retStatus)
//Get the return code from the service
cout << "For command 141, return code from service was " << controlParms.dwWin32ExitCode << endl;
cout << "Sending command 141 failed" << endl;
cout << "could not connect to Service" << endl;
cout << "could not open service manager" << endl;
return 0;