Multi-threaded Server handling multiple clients in one thread - c++

I wanted to create a multi-threaded socket server using C++11 and standard linux C-Librarys.
The easiest way doing this would be opening a new thread for each incoming connection, but there must be an other way, because Apache isn't doing this. As far as I know Apache handles more than one connection in a Thread. How to realise such a system?
I thought of creating one thread always listening for new clients and assigning this new client to a thread. But if all threads are excecuting an "select()" currently, having an infinite timeout and none of the already assigned client is doing anything, this could take a while for the client to be useable.
So the "select()" needs a timeout. Setting the timeout to 0.5ms would be nice, but I guess the workload could rise too much, couldn't it?
Can someone of you tell me how you would realise such a system, handling more than one client for each thread?
PS: Hope my English is well enough for you to understand what I mean ;)

The standard method to multiplex multiple requests onto a single thread is to use the Reactor pattern. A central object (typically called a SelectServer, SocketServer, or IOService), monitors all the sockets from running requests and issues callbacks when the sockets are ready to continue reading or writing.
As others have stated, rolling your own is probably a bad idea. Handling timeouts, errors, and cross platform compatibility (e.g. epoll for linux, kqueue for bsd, iocp for windows) is tricky. Use boost::asio or libevent for production systems.
Here is a skeleton SelectServer (compiles but not tested) to give you an idea:
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
class SelectServer {
enum ReadyType {
void CallWhenReady(ReadyType type, int fd, std::function<void()> closure) {
SocketHolder holder;
holder.fd = fd;
holder.type = type;
holder.closure = closure;
socket_map_[fd] = holder;
void Run() {
fd_set read_fds;
fd_set write_fds;
while (1) {
if (socket_map_.empty()) break;
int max_fd = -1;
for (const auto& pr : socket_map_) {
if (pr.second.type == READABLE) {
FD_SET(pr.second.fd, &read_fds);
} else {
FD_SET(pr.second.fd, &write_fds);
if (pr.second.fd > max_fd) max_fd = pr.second.fd;
int ret_val = select(max_fd + 1, &read_fds, &write_fds, 0, 0);
if (ret_val <= 0) {
// TODO: Handle error.
} else {
for (auto it = socket_map_.begin(); it != socket_map_.end(); ) {
if (FD_ISSET(it->first, &read_fds) ||
FD_ISSET(it->first, &write_fds)) {
} else {
struct SocketHolder {
int fd;
ReadyType type;
std::function<void()> closure;
std::map<int, SocketHolder> socket_map_;

First off, have a look at using poll() instead of select(): it works better when you have large number of file descriptors used from different threads.
To get threads currently waiting in I/O out of waiting I'm aware of two methods:
You can send a suitable signal to the thread using pthread_kill(). The call to poll() fails and errno is set to EINTR.
Some systems allow a file descriptor to be obtained from a thread control device. poll()ing the corresponding file descriptor for input succeeds when the thread control device is signalled. See, e.g., Can we obtain a file descriptor for a semaphore or condition variable?.

This is not a trivial task.
In order to achieve that, you need to maintain a list of all opened sockets (the server socket and the sockets to current clients). You then use the select() function to which you can give a list of sockets (file descriptors). With correct parameters, select() will wait until any event happen on one of the sockets.
You then must find the socket(s) which caused select() to exit and process the event(s). For the server socket, it can be a new client. For client sockets, it can be requests, termination notification, etc.
Regarding what you say in your question, I think you are not understanding the select() API very well. It is OK to have concurrent select() calls in different threads, as long as they are not waiting on the same sockets. Then if the clients are not doing anything, it doesn't prevent the server select() from working and accepting new clients.
You only need to give select() a timeout if you want to be able to do things even if clients are not doing anything. For example, you may have a timer to send periodic infos to the clients. You then give select a timeout corresponding to you first timer to expire, and process the expired timer when select() returns (along with any other concurrent events).
I suggest you have a long read of the select manpage.


Concurrent TCP server in C++

I am trying to create a concurrent c++ TCP server using threads. In particular I was wondering if I could use std::async to accept connections and serve each one in its own thread.
So far I have created a rough mockup but can't really tell if I am on the correct path.
void networking::TCP_Server::acceptConnection() {
std::string stringToSend{"This is a test string to be replied to"};
int new_fd = accept(listeningFD, nullptr, nullptr);
send(new_fd, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
std::cout << ("End of thread");
(fds[i].fd == listeningFD) {
do {
std::cout << ("New incoming connection - %d\n", new_fd);
std::async(std::launch::async, acceptConnection)
} while (new_fd != -1);
} /* End of existing connection is readable */
} /* End of loop through pollable descriptors */
I am connecting at the same time to the server with two clients and would expect for the loop to run through both new connections and create a thread for each one. As of now it is as it runs in deferred mode, one gets accepted, the other waits until the first finishes.
Any ideas?
(Pardon any mistakes in the code)
std::async returns a std::future which the code doesn't save into a variable, hence its destructor is called immediately. std::future::~future() blocks the calling thread until the future becomes ready.
You may like to use (detached) std::thread instead of std::async.
There are more scalable strategies to handle many clients. I highly recommend reading old but instructive The C10K problem.
You may also like to get familar with Asio C++ Library.

UDP real time sending and receiving on Linux on command from control computer

I am currently working on a project written in C++ involving UDP real time connection. I receive UDP packets from a control computer containing commands to start/stop an infinite while loop that reads data from an IMU and sends that data to the control computer.
My problem is the following: First I implemented an exit condition from the loop using recvfrom() and read(), but the control computer sends a UDP packet every second, which was delaying the whole loop and made sending the data in the desired time interval of 5ms impossible.
I tried to fix this problem by usingfcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);and using only read(), which actually works fine, but I am unsure whether this is a wise idea or not, since I am not checking for errors anymore. Is there any elegant way how to solve this problem? I thought about using Pthreads or something like that, however I have never worked with threads or parallel programming so I would have to spend some time learning that.
I appreciate any advice on that problem you could give me.
Here is a code example:
int main() {
RNet cmd; //RNet: struct that contains all the information of the UDP header and the command
RNet* pCmd = &cmd;
ssize_t b;
int fd2;
struct sockaddr_in snd; // sender is control computer
socklen_t length;
// further declaration of variables, connecting to socket, etc...
fcntl(fd2, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
while (1)
// read messages from control computer
if ((b = read(fd2, pCmd, 19)) > 0) {
memcpy(&cmd, pCmd, b);
// transmission
while (cmd.CLout.MotionCommand == 1) // MotionCommand: 1 - send messages; 0 - do nothing
if(time_elapsed >= 5) // elapsed time in ms
// update sensor values
//sendto ()
// update control time, timestamp, etc.
if (recvfrom(fd2, pCmd, (int)sizeof(pCmd), 0, (struct sockaddr*) &snd, &length) < 0) {
perror("error receiving data");
return 0;
// checking Control Model Command
if ((b = read(fd2, pCmd, 19)) > 0) {
memcpy(&cmd, pCmd, b);
I really like the "blocking calls on multiple threads" design. It enables you to have distinct independent tasks, and you don't have to worry about how each task can disturb another. It can have some drawbacks but it is usually a good fit for many needs.
To do that, just use pthread_create to create a new thread for each task (you may keep the main thread for one task). In your case, you should have a thread to receive commands, and another one to send your data. You also need for the receiving thread to notify the sending thread of the commands. To do that, you can use some synchronization tool, like a mutex.
Overall, you should have your receiving thread blocking on recvfrom, and the sending thread waiting for a signal from the mutex (wait for the mutex to be freed, technically). When the receiving thread receive a start command, it signals the mutex and go back to recvfrom (optionally you can set a variable to provide more information to the other thread).
As a comment, remember that UDP are 1-to-many, thus your code here will react to any packet sent to you (even from some random or malicious host). You may want to filter with the remote sockaddr after recvfrom, or use connect + recv. It depends on what you want.

How to Break C++ Accept Function?

When doing socket programming, with multi-threading,
if a thread is blocked on Accept Function,
and main thread is trying to shut down the process,
how to break the accept function in order to pthread_join safely?
I have vague memory of how to do this by connection itself to its own port in order to break the accept function.
Any solution will be thankful.
Some choices:
a) Use non-blocking
b) Use AcceptEx() to wait on an extra signal, (Windows)
c) Close the listening socket from another thread to make Accept() return with an error/exception.
d) Open a temporary local connection from another thread to make Accept() return with the temp connection
The typical approach to this is not to use accept() unless there is something to accept! The way to do this is to poll() the corresponding socket with a suitable time-out in a loop. The loop checks if it is meant to exit because a suitably synchronized flag was set.
An alternative is to send the blocked thread a signal, e.g., using pthread_kill(). This gets out of the blocked accept() with a suitable error indication. Again, the next step is to check some flag to see if the thread is meant to exit. My preference is the first approach, though.
Depending on your system, if it is available, I would use a select function to wait for the server socket to have a read, indicating a socket is trying to connect. The amount of time to time to wait for a connection can be set/adjusted to to what every time you want to wait for a client to connect(infinity, to seconds, to 0 which will just check and return). The return status needs to be checked to see if the time limit was reached (no socket is trying to connect), or if there is something waiting to be serviced (your server socket indicating there is a client which would like to connect). You can then execute the accept knowing there is a socket to connect based on the returned status.
If available I would use a select function with a timeout in a loop to achieve this functionality.
as Glenn suggested
The select function with a timeout value will wait for a socket to connect for a set period of time. If a socket attempts to connect it can be accepted during that period. By looping this select with a timeout it is possible to check for new connections until the break condition is met.
Here is an example:
std::atomic<bool> stopThread;
void theThread ( std::atomic<bool> & quit )
struct timeval tv;
int activity;
// reset the time value for select timeout
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 1000000;
//wait for an activity on one of the sockets
activity = select( max_sd + 1 , &readfds , NULL , NULL , &tv);
if ((activity < 0) && (errno!=EINTR))
printf("select error");
if (FD_ISSET(master_socket, &readfds))
if ((new_socket = accept(master_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&address, (socklen_t*)&addrlen))<0)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
stopThread = false;
std::thread foo(theThread, std::ref(stopThread));
stopThread = true;
return 0;
A more complete example of 'Select'
I am pretty new to C++ so I am sure my code and answer can be improved.
Sounds like what you are looking for is this: You set a special flag variable known to the listening/accepting socket, and then let the main thread open a connection to the listening/accepting socket. The listening/accepting socket/thread has to check the flag every time it accepts a connection in order to know when to shut down.
Typically if you want to do multi-threaded networking, you would spawn a thread once a connection is made (or ready to be made). If you want to lower the overhead, a thread pool isn't too hard to implement.

passing information to multiple thread

I am working on MultiThreaded TCP Server(c++) which will serve multiple client to stream Video.
I have decided to go with "thread per client" approach. There're no more than 100 simultaneous clients.
I am multiplexing the client using select system call and accepting the (accept) and then creating thread to stream video.
Is this Correct approach in this scenario?
I need to pass certain information like (socket id and handle to thread,threadID etc and other information to steam the video). How can i pass these information to all the thread, as these information are not common to all thread. I dont want to take array of HANDLE for the thread and thread id.
Please don'r "reinvent the wheel".
For example, the boost::asio library gives enormous help in creating a server such as you describe. There are lots of tutorials and examples - perhaps the most immediately useful to you would be
usually starting a thread,
ether using standard approach of void function or functor class:
class StreamInfo
int _id;
std::string _ip;
int _port;
int status;
StreamInfo(int id, string ip, int p):_id(id), _ip(ip), _port(p){};
void myThread(void* datastruct)
StreamInfo* info = static_cast<StreamInfo*>(datastruct);
//busy wait..
// check for some new info
multimap<int, StreamInfo*> mmap;
SOCK s=null;
StramInfo* i=null;
while(s = accept(sock))
i=new StreamInfo(12, "localhost", 5000);
id = createThread(...myThread, i);
mmap.append(pair<..,..>(id, i);
//...some other thread
/// change StreamInfo status for thread 12
mmap.last(12).status = 134;
//... then thread 12 will automatically recon this change in busy wait.
its just one approach, you could use observer pattern as well.
But this would require more work.
I imagine streaming is quite bandwidth, cpu and memory consuming.
So switching between threads might be not efficient enough though.
Maybe look at the asynchronous approach.
Boost::ASIO is pretty decent for that purpose and works on all platforms.
"Thread per client" is not scalable approach, especially for video streaming server (usually high-performance required). Have a look at Boost.Asio library, especially at example "An HTTP server using a single io_service and a thread pool calling io_service::run()." (just ignore HTTP-specific stuff). Using Boost.Asio you'll receive high-performance scalable multithreaded server w/o headache.

Non blocking socket from within a DLL (no window)

I have a DLL wich connects to a server through a single socket.
I am facing the following problem : If server's IP address & port are false or server is down, the application using this DLL freezes until half a minute.
My idea is to use non-blocking sockets to avoid that problem, by showing a window indicating connection progress, and also allowing to cancel this process.
But how could I use WSAAsyncSelect function as I have no window handler ?
If you want to use WSAAsyncSelect type sockets then your Dll will need to create at least one message window to handle socket events. As the window will never be visible, its WindowProc would consist only of a handler for your custom message (WM_USER+1) probably that you passed to WSAAsyncSelect - everything else goes straight to DefWindowProc.
You are going to have to create a modeless progress window on connect anyway to show your connecting UI.
It seems to me that your root problem is that IO operations are blocking your UI thread. I would try to move the connection to a separate thread as that should not block the UI, but run in parallel with it. It's a good idea to keep IO operations separate from the UI thread anyway. You can communicate between the two threads using the normal mechanisms such as semaphores.
Take a look at boost threads if you can, they're quite easy to use.
I suggest using an appropriate library, such as boost::asio which is also crossplatform and offers async connection handling capabilities
Another approach with a nonblocking socket is to use the select() function.
You can determine the completion of the connection by checking to see if the socket is writeable,
and you can also specify a timeout on the select.
I would agree that using a non-blocking socket, and then select() is the way to go in C. Here's some basic sample code that does a non-blocking connect on Windows with a 15 second timeout.
int s;
long on = 1L;
int socketsFound;
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set wfds;
struct addrinfo *addrInfo,
s = socket(addrInfo->ai_family, addrInfo->ai_socktype, addrInfo->ai_protocol);
if (s < 0)
/* Error */
return ;
if (ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, (u_long *)on))
/* Error */
return ;
if (connect(s, addrInfo->ai_addr, addrInfo->ai_addrlen) < 0)
/* Connection failed */
/* 15 second timeout */
timeout.tv_sec = (long)15;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(s, &wfds);
socketsFound = select((int)s+1, NULL, &wfds, NULL, &timeout);
if (socketsFound > 0 && FD_ISSET( s, &wfds ))
/* Connected */
Using WSAAsyncSelect isn't your only choice for non-blocking sockets in Winsock. It's actually the old Winsock 1.1/Win16 way of doing asynchronous sockets.
The Winsock 2+/Win32 way is to used overlapped I/O. See this article for a description of overlapped I/O with sockets.
Pass HWND_MESSAGE as the parent window to CreateWindow. This will create a message queue without a window. You will still need a WndProc, of course, because that's where you will process the messages.