How to consume web service in SharePoint site? - web-services

I have web service application created in VS 2010. I created this web service using ASP.NET Web Service Application template in VS 2010. My InfoPath form consumes my webservice. However to fill out my IP form, I first have to make sure I run my web service, otherwise I get errors like cannot connect to the webservice.
How can I make sure my web services are properly deployed to my SharePoint site that hosts infoPath form services? Please let me know the necessary steps. If my web services are deployed to my SharePoint site then there's no need to manually run my web service in the browser everytime I need to fill out the form. Thanks.
Here's the error message I got when I tried to browse my custom web service deployed to layouts folder:
I couldn't find relevant message in 14-->LOGS. Any idea what's causing this? Thanks.
My own analysis: Please visit the web.config inside LAYOUTS folder and set Customerros to Off to get more meaningful error message.

I Googled "How to consume web service in SharePoint site".
The third hit was Walkthrough: Creating a Custom ASP.NET (ASMX) Web Service in SharePoint 2010. The post shows how to create, deploy and consume the service.


Not able to invoke web services using web app which was deployed in Azure

I have a deployed html file by creating web app in Azure and hosted using FTP tool. when I hit the run in intellij, able to submit the values using html file and able to hit the web services. but am not able to hit the web services when i trying to deploy and run the nodes in command prompt.
It looks like your web app does not have the proper url of your web server.
Feel free to see an example of how we had build a front end web app at:
The front-end is simple angular web app.

Automatically create test page for RESTful webservice

I have a bunch of RESTful JSON webservices created with Spring WebMVC and I wonder if there's any library or framework that could automatically generate web pages with forms to call these services and test them.
I know some application servers have web control panels that dynamically generate this kind of form when you deploy webservices to them, but I'm trying to find an open source solution that could be embedded in my web app and deployed a simple Tomcat or Jetty server.

Cant create liferay 6.1 web service

I try to develop simple web service to liferay 6.1. I follow such manuals as
Portlet creates successfully, but service does not appear in /api/secure/axis
Portlet specific web services do not appear in /api/secure/axis, but can be found at /your-portlet/api/axis. Those web service URLs have changed in Liferay 6.1.

Web Parts and Web Services

I am working with Visual Studio 2008 and SharePoint 2007. I have created a web part , a web user control that pulls data from a web service (binding a DropDownlist from web service) has been wrapped in my Web Part. When I deploy my web part it doesn't show me the data pulled from web service (Empty DropDownList). please advice how to use web parts that interacts with external web services.
Thanks a lot.
This should have everything you need.

SharePoint 2010 Web Part expose web service?

Is it possible for a SharePoint 2010 Web Part to expose a web service (WCF?)?
I want a Web Part to send emails if a certain condition is met. The web part should be hit every 15 mins via a call initiated from a custom in-house scheduler.
A web part is just a visual component. It can expose a web service. However, custom web services can be created and deployed to SharePoint where you can access data from a site (a list maybe) and add custom logic to send the email.
Here's a good guide on how to deploy web services to SharePoint.