Stopping a threaded sound loop in Clojure - clojure

I have a threaded looping sound clip:
(def f
(let [sound-file ( "/path/to/file.wav")
sound-in (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/getAudioInputStream sound-file)
format (.getFormat sound-in)
info (javax.sound.sampled.DataLine$Info. javax.sound.sampled.Clip format)
clip (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/getLine info)]
(.open clip sound-in)
(.loop clip javax.sound.sampled.Clip/LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY))))
The problem is that when I try to kill the thread:
(future-cancel f)
it doesn't stop the clip, which plays forever. I found that the only way to stop it was to call (.stop clip) explicitly. My question: what would be the best/idiomatic way of doing this? I'm pretty new to Clojure, so I only experimented with future so far, but maybe an agent would be better suited in this context?
Update: given that the .loop function is non-blocking (as was discussed below), I simplified my design by getting rid of the initial future:
(defn play-loop [wav-fn]
(let [sound-file ( wav-fn)
sound-in (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/getAudioInputStream sound-file)
format (.getFormat sound-in)
info (javax.sound.sampled.DataLine$Info. javax.sound.sampled.Clip format)
clip (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/getLine info)]
(.open clip sound-in)
(.loop clip javax.sound.sampled.Clip/LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY)
along with a controlling atom:
(def ^:dynamic *clip* (atom nil))
with which I start the loop:
(when (nil? #*clip*)
(reset! *clip* (play-loop "/path/to/file.wav")))
and stop it:
(when #*clip*
(future (.stop #*clip*) ; to avoid a slight delay caused by .stop
(reset! *clip* nil)))

You can try something like this:
(def f
(let [sound-file ( "/path/to/file.wav")
sound-in (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/getAudioInputStream sound-file)
format (.getFormat sound-in)
info (javax.sound.sampled.DataLine$Info. javax.sound.sampled.Clip format)
clip (javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem/getLine info)
stop (fn [] (.stop clip))]
(.open clip sound-in)
(.loop clip javax.sound.sampled.Clip/LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY)
(def stop-loop #f)


How can I return a vector?

I have a channel where I am putting values into inside a doseq loop.
This code reads from a list of isbns and for each isbn, does an amazon search to return contents of a book, and then calls another function to get the title and rank
(def book_channel (chan 10))
make sure you use clojure.core.async/into rather than clojure.core/into. Here is an example of a round trip from collection to channel and back to collection:
user> (require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! <!! >!! >! chan go]])
user> (def book-chan (async/to-chan [:book1 :book2 :book3]))
user> (<!! (clojure.core.async/into [] book-chan))
[:book1 :book2 :book3]
clojure.core.async/into returns a channel that will have exactly one item written to it. That one item will be written once it's input channel closes. This keeps the whole thing asynchronous and it does require that the code putting things into the book-channel close the chan to signal that all the books are there.
You need to do some type of coordination to determine when all of your work is finished. You can pull that coordination out into the main thread fairly easily:
(def book_channel (chan 10))
(defn concurrency_test
(doseq [isbn list_of_isbns]
(go (>! book_channel
(amazon_search isbn)))))
(prn (loop [results []]
(if (= (count results) (count list_of_isbns))
(recur (conj results (<!! book_channel)))))))
Here, I used a loop that keeps waiting for results and adding them to the vector until we have as many results as we do isbns. You'll want to make sure that get_title_and_rank_for_one_isbn always generates a result that can be put on a channel, otherwise the loop will wait forever.
You should close! the book_channel after you finish pushing stuff into it. Per async/into documentation - "ch must close before into produces a result."
(let [book> (chan)]
(doseq [e (range 8)]
(>! book> e))
(close! book>))
(<!! (async/into [] book>)))
Alternatively, you can use async/onto-chan which will close the channel for you:
(let [book> (chan)]
(async/onto-chan book> (range 8))
(<!! (async/into [] book>)))

Core.async: Take all values from collection of promise-chans

Consider a dataset like this:
(def data [{:url "" :type :a}
{:url "" :type :a}
{:url "" :type :a}
{:url "" :type :b}])
The contents of those URL's should be requested in parallel. Depending on the item's :type value those contents should be parsed by corresponding functions. The parsing functions return collections, which should be concatenated, once all the responses have arrived.
So let's assume that there are functions parse-a and parse-b, which both return a collection of strings when they are passed a string containing HTML content.
It looks like core.async could be a good tool for this. One could either have separate channels for each item ore one single channel. I'm not sure which way would be preferable here. With several channels one could use transducers for the postprocessing/parsing. There is also a special promise-chan which might be proper here.
Here is a code-sketch, I'm using a callback based HTTP kit function. Unfortunately, I could not find a generic solution inside the go block.
(defn f [data]
(let [chans (map (fn [{:keys [url type]}]
(let [c (promise-chan (map ({:a parse-a :b parse-b} type)))]
(http/get url {} #(put! c %))
result-c (promise-chan)]
(go (put! result-c (concat (<! (nth chans 0))
(<! (nth chans 1))
(<! (nth chans 2))
(<! (nth chans 3)))))
The result can be read like so:
(go (prn (<! (f data))))
I'd say that promise-chan does more harm than good here. The problem is that most of core.async API (a/merge, a/reduce etc.) relies on fact that channels will close at some point, promise-chans in turn never close.
So, if sticking with core.async is crucial for you, the better solution will be not to use promise-chan, but ordinary channel instead, which will be closed after first put!:
(let [c (chan 1 (map ({:a parse-a :b parse-b} type)))]
(http/get url {} #(do (put! c %) (close! c)))
At this point, you're working with closed channels and things become a bit simpler. To collect all values you could do something like this:
;; (go (put! result-c (concat (<! (nth chans 0))
;; (<! (nth chans 1))
;; (<! (nth chans 2))
;; (<! (nth chans 3)))))
;; instead of above, now you can do this:
(->> chans
(async/reduce into []))
UPD (below are my personal opinions):
Seems, that using core.async channels as promises (either in form of promise-chan or channel that closes after single put!) is not the best approach. When things grow, it turns out that core.async API overall is (you may have noticed that) not that pleasant as it could be. Also there are several unsupported constructs, that may force you to write less idiomatic code than it could be. In addition, there is no built-in error handling (if error occurs within go-block, go-block will silently return nil) and to address this you'll need to come up with something of your own (reinvent the wheel). Therefore, if you need promises, I'd recommend to use specific library for that, for example manifold or promesa.
I wanted this functionality as well because I really like core.async but I also wanted to use it in certain places like traditional JavaScript promises. I came up with a solution using macros. In the code below, <? is the same thing as <! but it throws if there's an error. It behaves like Promise.all() in that it returns a vector of all the returned values from the channels if they all are successful; otherwise it will return the first error (since <? will cause it to throw that value).
(defmacro <<? [chans]
`(let [res# (atom [])]
(doseq [c# ~chans]
(swap! res# conj (serverless.core.async/<? c#)))
If you'd like to see the full context of the function it's located on GitHub. It's heavily inspired from David Nolen's blog post.
Use pipeline-async in async.core to launch asynchronous operations like http/get concurrently while delivering the result in the same order as the input:
(let [result (chan)]
20 result
(fn [{:keys [url type]} ch]
(let [parse ({:a parse-a :b parse-b} type)
callback #(put! ch (parse %)(partial close! ch))]
(http/get url {} callback)))
(to-chan data))
if anyone is still looking at this, adding on to the answer by #OlegTheCat:
You can use a separate channel for errors.
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async]
[cljs-http.client :as http])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(go (as-> [(http/post <url1> <params1>)
(http/post <url2> <params2>)
(async/merge chans (count chans))
(async/reduce conj [] chans)
(async/<! chans)
(<callback> chans)))

what's the best way to alts!! on a vector of channel multiple times?

I'm using core.async to do something in parallel, and then using alts!! wait on certain amount of result with timeout.
(ns c
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a]))
(defn async-call-on-vector [v]
(mapv (fn [n]
(a/go (a/<! (a/timeout n)) ; simulate long time work
(defn wait-result-with-timeout [chans num-to-get timeout]
(let [chans-count (count chans)
num-to-get (min num-to-get
(if (empty? chans)
(let [timeout (a/timeout timeout)]
(loop [result []
met 0]
(if (or (= (count result) num-to-get)
(= met chans-count)) ; all chan has been consumed
(let [[v c] (a/alts!! (conj chans timeout))]
(if (= c timeout)
(case v
nil (do (println "got nil") (recur result met)) ; close! on that channel
(recur (conj result v) (inc met)))))))))))
and then invoke like:
user=> (-> [1 200 300 400 500] c/async-call-on-vector (c/wait-result-with-timeout 2 30))
this expression will prints out a lot of got nil. It seems channel returned by go block will close that channel after result has been returned. And this will causes alts!! return nil on this case. but this is very CPU unfriendly, it just like busy waiting. Is there a way to avoid this?
I solved this by define a macro like go, but return a channel that will not closed on result returned. Is this a right way to solve it?
I'm using core.async to do something in parallel, and then using alts!! wait on certain amount of result with timeout.
It looks like you want to collect all of the values that will be delivered by some channels, until all of those channels are closed, or until a timeout occurs. One way to do that is to merge those channels onto a single channel, and then use alts! within a go-loop to collect the values into a vector:
(defn wait-result-with-timeout [chans timeout]
(let [all-chans (a/merge chans)
t-out (a/timeout timeout)]
(a/go-loop [vs []]
(let [[v _] (a/alts! [all-chans t-out])]
;; v will be nil if either every channel in
;; `chans` is closed, or if `t-out` fires.
(if (nil? v)
(recur (conj vs v)))))))
It seems channel returned by go block will close that channel after result has been returned.
You are correct, that is the documented behavior of a go block.
I solved this by define a macro like go, but return a channel that will not closed on result returned. Is this a right way to solve it?
Probably not, although it's not for me to say whether it's right or wrong for your particular use case. Generally speaking, channels should close if they are done delivering values, to indicate the semantics of being done delivering values. For example, the above code uses the closing of all-chans to indicate that there is no more work to wait on.

Evaluate foo on `mousemove` but only when `mousedown`

How to evaluate foo when mouse is down and moving using core/async?
Whilst attempting to learn the concepts behind core/async I have worked through the ClojureScript 101 tutorial (but I suspect this question applies to clojure to).
I create a channel where mouse movement events are placed using the following:
;; helper to get a channel where a dom event type will be put
(defn listen [el type]
(let [out (chan)]
(events/listen el type
(fn [e] (put! out e)))
;; create a channel for mouse moves, take the values
;; and pass them to the console
(let [moves (listen (dom/getElement "canvas") "mousemove")]
(go (while true
(foo (<! moves)))))
This works, foo is evaluated when the mouse moves. But how can this be done only when the mouse is down?
My first guess would be to use an atom and two new channels for mousedown and mouseup. Then update atom with the mouse state and test against this in the go block. But I suspect this is wrong due to the use of an atom; hence the question.
Answering my own question, here is the closest I have got. Appears to work.
;; Util for create DOM channels
(defn listen [el type]
"Takes a DOM element and an event type. Returns a channel for the event"
;; out is a new channel
(let [out (chan (sliding-buffer 1))]
;; attach an event listener
(events/listen el type
;; the handler/callback of the listener takes the
;; event and put! in on the channel. We are using
;; put because we are not in a go block
(fn [e] (put! out e)))
;; return the channel
(def canvas-el (dom/getElement "canvas"))
(def mouse-up (listen canvas-el "mouseup"))
(def mouse-down (listen canvas-el "mousedown"))
(def mouse-move (listen canvas-el "mousemove"))
(go (while true
(<! mouse-down)
(loop []
(let [[v ch] (alts! [mouse-move mouse-up])]
(when (= ch mouse-move)
(.log js/console "move" (.-clientX v) (.-clientY v))

Executing a function with a timeout

What would be an idiomatic way of executing a function within a time limit? Something like,
(with-timeout 5000
Unless do-something returns within 5000 throw an exception or return nil.
EDIT: before someone points it out there is,
clojure (with-timeout ... macro)
but with that the future keeps executing that does not work in my case.
I think you can do this reasonably reliably by using the timeout capability within futures:
(defmacro with-timeout [millis & body]
`(let [future# (future ~#body)]
(.get future# ~millis java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS)
(catch java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException x#
(future-cancel future#)
A bit of experimenting verified that you need to do a future-cancel to stop the future thread from continuing to execute....
What about?
(defn timeout [timeout-ms callback]
(let [fut (future (callback))
ret (deref fut timeout-ms ::timed-out)]
(when (= ret ::timed-out)
(future-cancel fut))
(timeout 100 #(Thread/sleep 1000))
;=> :user/timed-out
This isn't something you can do 100% reliably on the JVM. The only way to stop something after a while is to give it a new thread, and then send that thread an exception when you want it to stop. But their code can catch the exception, or they can spin up another thread that you don't control, or...
But most of the time, and especially if you control the code that's being timed out, you can do something like we do in clojail:
If you wanted to make that prettier you could define a macro like
(defmacro with-timeout [time & body]
`(thunk-timeout (fn [] ~#body) ~time))
It's a quite a breeze using clojure's channel facilities
require respective namespace
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer [>! alts!! timeout chan go]])
the function wait takes a timeout [ms], a function [f] and optional parameters [args]
(defn wait [ms f & args]
(let [c (chan)]
(go (>! c (apply f args)))
(first (alts!! [c (timeout ms)]))))
third line pops off the call to f to another thread. fourth line consumes the result of the function call or (if faster) the timeout.
consider the following example calls
(wait 1000 (fn [] (do (Thread/sleep 100) 2)))
=> 2
(wait 50 (fn [] (do (Thread/sleep 100) 2)))
=> nil
You can probably use an agent, and then await-for it.
Adding a possible (macro-less) alternative to the mix (though the macro isn't required in the accepted answer of course)
(defn with-timeout [f ms]
(let [p (promise)
h (future
(deliver p (f)))
t (future
(Thread/sleep ms)
(future-cancel h)
(deliver p nil))]
Requires two threads, but just an idea.