visual c++ program issue - c++

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. When I am building my application in Debug mode, it is producing an EXE file (like it is supposed to be doing). But then (which is very surprising for me), when I change the mode from Debug to the Release mode, the compiler builds the application as a .DLL file?
I have only very recently started to use Visual Studio 2010, so don't know my way around it yet. How do I fix this so that when it is compiling in Release mode, to build the application as an .exe file ?

Set your project type to Windows Application.
In the IDE, right click on your project, and select Properties.
Configuration Properties->General->Configuration Type set to 'Application (.exe)'

In project options you should be able to choose whether you're building a .DLL or .EXE. I thought these were the same for all configurations, but you can check to see for yourself.


MyProject.dll is not a valid win32 application

I have copied a C++ solution folder written with visual studio 2013 to my Pc and tried to run it (I mean VS Debugging) with VS 2022. the solution Contains 5 projects but I just target one of them so unloaded the rest and set the one as Startup project and this error happened.
Error Image
Solution file is working well on first pc and project is not a win32 project its x64 (I don't know much from win32 or x64).
Unable to start program. [VALUE].dll is not a valid Win32 application error in Visual Studio 2017
According to this question I tried selecting project, setting as startup, repairing VS, installing vcredist_x64 but non helped.
After Running, VS make Debug folder in solution Directory not the project "LP_Dll\x64\Debug" (LP_Dll is the solution name) without any .exe file, and the error path is exactly this folder, can it be from that?
Project properties the "Configuration Type" was mistakenly changed to .dll.

FLTK on Visual Studio 2019 x64, "Cannot open include file: 'dirent.h': No such file or directory

I am using the FLTK library in Visual Studio Community 2019 and building my application for x86 works fine. Now, I would like to build it for x64. However, I am getting the error "Cannot open include file: 'dirent.h': No such file or directory.".
The error occurs in the file, named 'filename.H'. This header file comes with the FLTK library.
Has anyone an idea how I could fix this problem?
The dirent.h library is not recognized, because its an C POSIX library, as described in the link here below. However, the question still remains, namely, how can I fix this problem?
<dirent.h> in visual studio 2010 or 2008
The link above refers to a link with an alternative dirent.h file. I've tried to include this file in my project, however, now another errors occur. These errors occur in the file Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H. The type specifiers fl_OPENFILENAMEW and fl_BROWSEINFOW are unknown in this file.
On Windows, dirent.h should not be included in the FLTK code. Even though it is 64 bit, WIN32 must be defined when using the FLTK libraries ( Your problem will probably be solved if you define WIN32 at the beginning of your code or if you add WIN32 in your Visual Studio project properties - C/C++ - Preprocessor - Preprocessor Definitions, in x64 platform.
The way I would create an x64 solution is
Open ide\VisualC2010\fltk.sln
If you are using another version of Visual Studio, let it convert.
Change the solution configuration to Debug (somehow Visual Studio always defaults to Debug Cairo)
Click on solution platforms and select Configuration Manager
When the Configuration Manager appears, under Active solution platforms select New
When the next dialog appears, under type or select new platforms select x64
Click on the OKs etc to close the windows
Now change the solution platform to x64 and start the build.
You shouldn't get any dirent.h errors.

convert visual studio C++ dll project to exe

I'm working on a C++ dynamic library that I want to use in Unity3D, except I'm encountering an error somewhere in it and would like to debug it in visual studio. To do this, I would like to convert the VS2010 project temporarily into an .exe project. What steps would I need to follow to do this? I've already tried changing the target extension, linker output file, and set the entry point but it just won't start.
Found that I can attach the VS debugger to Unity3D process, which does what I need.

How to build exe in Visual Studio C++

I am a .NET C# developer and trying to learn C++.
I am having issues in trying to create an exe from a console app from Microsoft Visual Studio when I do a build compile and check the Debug folder. There isn't any exe, just some manifest files and other files. I am asking this because I am not sure if this is how it works? is there any another way of doing this?
I have tried the Microsoft Visual Studio console and c:\cl test.cpp, this gives me an test.exe but can it be done from the MSVS GUI like in C#?
Have you checked the debug folder at the solution level? I believe this is the default target directory. The DEBUG folder in the project is for the output of temporary build files.
Did it compile successfully ? Also, check your active configuration if its debug or Release ?
Also, check the output path to double check the location of executable.
It works the same as C#, so there is no need for command line.

visual c++ 2008 release problem

I've made a simple C++ program in VC++ 2008 Pro and it runs fine in the pc I used to develop it but when I run it in a pc without VC++ installed, it just gives me a
"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect"
error. I fixed this before by statically linking my project but now when I try to do /MT or /MTD , I get a slew of link errors and it just won't go...
I've also tried installing the vs 2008 redist package too, still doesn't work.
Check my answer here.
Essentially the C/C++ runtimes are now deployed as side-by-side win32 assemblies. The embedded manifest in the compiled EXE will determine what dlls it binds to from the C:\Windows\WinSxS folder.
One question: is this a release or debug build? I would try a release build to make sure it's not a debug runtime issue (which I believe won't be present on a PC that doesn't have visual studio on it).