django ratings app , negative scoring - django
class Restaurant(models.Model)
food_rating = RatingField(range=2, weight=5,can_change_vote = True,allow_delete = True,allow_anonymous = True)
service_rating = RatingField(range=2, weight=5,can_change_vote = True,allow_delete = True,allow_anonymous = True)
ambience_ratiing = RatingField(range=2, weight=5,can_change_vote = True,allow_delete = True,allow_anonymous = True) code
r = Restaurant.objects.get(pk=1)
r.food_rating.add(score = -1 , user = request.user , ip_address =request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
print r.food_rating.score
djangoratings.exceptions.InvalidRating: -1 is not a valid choice for food_rating
my food_rating field is eligible to take two scores , how am i supposed to change the score so that i can implement vote up and vote down feature , on vote up , i should be able to add 1 to the existing score and on vote down i should be able to subtract a vote , please help , thanks in advance

The problem comes from this script:
if score < 0 or score > self.field.range:
raise InvalidRating("%s is not a valid choice for %s" % (score,
Short answer: convert the [-x:y] interval you want to use for display, into [-x+x:y+x] in your code to avoid this problem. If you wanted [-5:5], then use [-5+5:5+5] which is [0:10]. If you wanted [-50:100] then use [-50+50:100+50] = [0:150] and so on ... It's a simple formula, that shouldn't be a problem for a programer ;)
Long answer: either you fork djangoratings, either you open an issue asking to add a setting enabling negative ratings ... and probably he'll reject it, because of the simple interval conversion workaround, here's some more concrete examples:
class Restaurant(models.Model):
# blabla :)
ambience_rating = RatingField(range=5, weight=5,can_change_vote = True,allow_delete = True,allow_anonymous = True)
def get_adjusted_ambiance_rating(self):
return self.ambience_rating - 3
So, if ambience_rating is "1" (the lowest score), get_adjusted_ambiance_rating() will return -2.
If ambience_rating is "5" (the highest score), get_ambiance_rating_with_negative() will return 2.
Adapt this example/trick to your needs.
You should probably make a single method for all ratings:
def get_adjusted_rating(self, which):
return getattr(self, '%s_rating' % which) - 3
Callable as such:
# etc ...
And maybe a template filter:
def get_adjusted_rating(restaurant, which):
return restaurant.get_adjusted_rating(which)
Usable as such:
{{ restaurant|get_adjusted_rating:"ambiance" }}
{{ restaurant|get_adjusted_rating:"food" }}
{# etc, etc #}
More details about template filters.


Django validation of number from query string

Im having this code to create and add students to database.
I need to make validation of count which must be integer, only positive, equal or less 100.
Please help.
def generate_students(request):
count = request.GET.get('count')
studentslist = []
for student in range(0, int(count)):
student = Student.objects.create(first_name = fake.first_name(), last_name = fake.last_name(), age = random.randint(18,100))
output = ', '.join(
[f"id = {} {student.first_name} {student.last_name}, age = {student.age};" for student in studentslist]
return HttpResponse(str(output))
The best way is likely to work with a form, since a form has a lot of validation inplace, can clean the object, and print sensical errors.
We thus can work with a simple form:
from django import forms
class CountForm(forms.Form):
count = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=100)
then we can validate the input with:
def generate_students(request):
form = CountForm(request.GET)
if form.is_valid():
count = form.cleaned_data['count']
studentslist = [
Student.objects.create(first_name = fake.first_name(), last_name = fake.last_name(), age = random.randint(18,100))
for _ in range(count)
output = ', '.join(
[f'id = {} {student.first_name} {student.last_name}, age = {student.age};'
for student in studentslist]
return HttpResponse(str(form.errors))
return HttpResponse(str(output))
Note: Section 9 of the HTTP protocol
specifies that requests like GET and HEAD should not have side-effects, so you
should not change entities with such requests. Normally POST, PUT, PATCH, and
DELETE requests are used for this. In that case you make a small <form> that
will trigger a POST request, or you use some AJAX calls.

Django: How to take my query out of my for loop

I got the following code, that contains N queries:
for qty in total_qty_bought:
product_id = qty["product"]
quantity = int(qty["quantity__sum"])
method_title = (
.method_title.replace("Hent-selv", "")
To solve the issue I tried to take the method_title query out of the for loop like this:
quantity = 0
for qty in total_qty_bought:
quantity = int(qty["quantity__sum"])
method_title = (
.method_title.replace("Hent-selv", "")
Note! There will be a full refrence further down, to understand the bigger picture
The issue in my solution is, that I am hard choosing which dict to enter , as I select [0] before order_id, and not in a for loop like before, would be selecting every individual item in the loop.
Is there a more sufficient way to do this? I do not see a solution without the for loop, but django debugger tool tells me it creates 2k+ queries.
class InventoryStatusView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
template_name = "lager-status.html"
cinnamon_form = CinnamonForm(prefix="cinnamon_form")
peber_form = PeberForm(prefix="peber_form")
pc_model = InventoryStatus
product_model = Product.objects.all()
order_item_model = WCOrderItem.objects.all()
shipment_model = WCOrderShipment.objects.all()
def get(self, request):
# Get all added objects that hasn't been deleted
objects = self.pc_model.objects.filter(is_deleted=False)
# Get all added objects that has been deleted
deleted_objects = self.pc_model.objects.filter(is_deleted=True)
# Sum all cinnamon that isn't deleted
total_cinnamon = (
.get("cinnamon__sum", 0.00)
# Sum all peber that isn't deleted
total_peber = (
.get("peber__sum", 0.00)
# Get the amount of kilo attached to products
product_data = {}
queryset = ProductSpy.objects.select_related('product')
for productSpy in queryset:
product_data[productSpy.product.product_id] = productSpy.kilo
# Get quantity bought of each product
total_qty_bought = self.order_item_model.values(
"order_id", "product"
# Get the cities from the inventory model
cities = dict(self.pc_model.CITIES)
# Set our total dict for later reference
our_total = {}
product = Product.objects.filter(
product_id__in={qty['product'] for qty in total_qty_bought}
# Check if we deal with kanel or peber as a product based on slug
index = 0
if product.slug.startswith("kanel-"):
index = 0
elif product.slug.startswith("peber-"):
index = 1
# Sum the total quantity bought
quantity = 0
for qty in total_qty_bought:
quantity = int(qty["quantity__sum"])
# Get the inventory the order is picked from based on shipment method title
method_title = (
self.shipment_model.get(order_id=total_qty_bought[0]['order_id']) # The error
.method_title.replace("Hent-selv", "")
# If the order isn't picked, but sent, use this inventory
if method_title not in cities.values():
method_title = "Hovedlager"
# Get the total of kanel and peber bought
kilos = quantity * product_data[]
# If there is no inventory, set it to 0 peber and 0 kanel
if method_title not in our_total:
our_total[method_title] = [0, 0]
# Combine place and kilos
our_total[method_title][index] += kilos
except KeyError as ex:
except WCOrderShipment.DoesNotExist as ed:
# Quantities BOUGHT! (in orders!)
context = {
"cinnamon_form": self.cinnamon_form,
"peber_form": self.peber_form,
"objects": objects,
"deleted_objects": deleted_objects,
"total_cinnamon": total_cinnamon,
"total_peber": total_peber,
"our_total": our_total,
return render(request, self.template_name, context)
You can only do one query by using the __in operator:
shipments = self.shipment_model.get(order_id__in=list_containing_order_ids)
Then you can do a normal for loop in which you verify that condition.

How to override Django admin `change_list.html` to provide formatting on the go

In Django admin, if I want to display a list of Iron and their respective formatted weights, I would have to do this.
class IronAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
model = Iron
fields = ('weight_formatted',)
def weight_formatted(self, object):
return '{0:.2f} Kg'.format(object.weight)
weight_formatted.short_description = 'Weight'
I.e: 500.00 Kg
The problem with this however is that I would have to write a method for every field that I want to format, making it redundant when I have 10 or more objects to format.
Is there a method that I could override to "catch" these values and specify formatting before they get rendered onto the html? I.e. instead of having to write a method for each Admin class, I could just write the following and have it be formatted.
class IronAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
model = Iron
fields = ('weight__kg',)
def overriden_method(field):
field.value = '{0:.2f} Kg'.format(field.value)
I.e: 500.00 Kg
After hours scouring the source , I finally figured it out! I realize this isn't the most efficient code and it's probably more trouble than it's worth in most use cases but it's enough for me. In case anyone else needs a quick and dirty way to do it:
In order to automate it, I had to override django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_list.result_list with the following:
def result_list_larz(cl):
Displays the headers and data list together
resultz = list(results(cl)) # Where we override
""" Overriding starts here """
""" Have to scrub the __kg's as result_header(cl) will error out """
for k in cl.list_display:
cl.list_display[cl.list_display.index(k)] = k.replace('__kg','').replace('__c','')
headers = list(result_headers(cl))
num_sorted_fields = 0
for h in headers:
if h['sortable'] and h['sorted']:
num_sorted_fields += 1
return {'cl': cl,
'result_hidden_fields': list(result_hidden_fields(cl)),
'result_headers': headers,
'num_sorted_fields': num_sorted_fields,
'results': resultz}
Then overriding results(cl)'s call to items_for_result() wherein we then override its call to lookup_field() as follows:
def lookup_field(name, obj, model_admin=None):
opts = obj._meta
f = _get_non_gfk_field(opts, name)
except (FieldDoesNotExist, FieldIsAForeignKeyColumnName):
# For non-field values, the value is either a method, property or
# returned via a callable.
if callable(name):
attr = name
value = attr(obj)
elif (model_admin is not None and
hasattr(model_admin, name) and
not name == '__str__' and
not name == '__unicode__'):
attr = getattr(model_admin, name)
value = attr(obj)
""" Formatting code here """
elif '__kg' in name or '__c' in name: # THE INSERT FOR FORMATTING!
actual_name = name.replace('__kg','').replace('__c', '')
value = getattr(obj, actual_name)
value = '{0:,.2f}'.format(value)
prefix = ''
postfix = ''
if '__kg' in name:
postfix = ' Kg'
elif '__c' in name:
prefix = 'P'
value = '{}{}{}'.format(prefix, value, postfix)
attr = value
attr = getattr(obj, name)
if callable(attr):
value = attr()
value = attr
f = None
""" Overriding code END """
attr = None
value = getattr(obj, name)
return f, attr, value

setting an attribute at create retrieves None value - Python

So I have an Article class that models the articles in a store. When I create a new article, I want it to have an EAN 13 code. So I initialize the article with a 12 digits code and use the check_ean13() funtion to retrieve the control digit. It works but seems like in any moment, when the object is created, rewrite the ean13 attribute and replaces it for None. Any ideas?
if __name__ == "__main__":
# create article
art1 = Article("123456789087", "Article 1", 145.6, 200.0)
print art1
print art1.get_ean13()
class Article
class Article:
def __init__(self, cod, art_name, cost, listprice):
self.ean13 = self.set_ean13(cod)
self.art_name = art_name
self.cost = cost
self.listprice = listprice
self.commission = None
def get_ean13(self):
return self.ean13
def set_ean13(self,cod):
cd = self.check_ean13(cod)
ean13 = cod + str(cd)
def check_ean13(self, code):
checksum = 0
for i, digit in enumerate(reversed(code)):
checksum += int(digit) * 3 if (i % 2 == 0) else int(digit)
return (10 - (checksum % 10)) % 10
None - Article 1 list price: 400.0
self.ean13 = self.set_ean13(cod)
set_ean13 doesn't return anything, so you're effectively doing self.ean13 = None here. Just call the method without assigning the result.

Getting next and previous objects in Django

I'm trying to get the next and previous objects of a comic book issue. Simply changing the id number or filtering through date added is not going to work because I don't add the issues sequentially.
This is how my views are setup and it WORKS for prev_issue and does return the previous object, but it returns the last object for next_issue and I do not know why.
def issue(request, issue_id):
issue = get_object_or_404(Issue, pk=issue_id)
title = Title.objects.filter(issue=issue)
prev_issue = Issue.objects.filter(title=title).filter(number__lt=issue.number)[0:1]
next_issue = Issue.objects.filter(title=title).filter(number__gt=issue.number)[0:1]
Add an order_by clause to ensure it orders by number.
next_issue = Issue.objects.filter(title=title, number__gt=issue.number).order_by('number').first()
I know this is a bit late, but for anyone else, django does have a nicer way to do this, see
So the answer here would be something something like
next_issue = Issue.get_next_by_number(issue, title=title)
Django managers to do that with a bit of meta class cleaverness.
If it's required to find next and previous objects ordered by field values that can be equal and those fields are not of Date* type, the query gets slightly complex, because:
ordering on objects with same values limiting by [:1] will always produce same result for several objects;
object can itself be included in resulting set.
Here's are querysets that also take into account the primary keys to produce a correct result (assuming that number parameter from OP is not unique and omitting the title parameter as it's irrelevant for the example):
prev_issue = (Issue.objects
.order_by('-number', '-id')
next_issue = (Issue.objects
.order_by('number', 'id')
from functools import partial, reduce
from django.db import models
def next_or_prev_instance(instance, qs=None, prev=False, loop=False):
if not qs:
qs = instance.__class__.objects.all()
if prev:
qs = qs.reverse()
lookup = 'lt'
lookup = 'gt'
q_list = []
prev_fields = []
if qs.query.extra_order_by:
ordering = qs.query.extra_order_by
elif qs.query.order_by:
ordering = qs.query.order_by
elif qs.query.get_meta().ordering:
ordering = qs.query.get_meta().ordering
ordering = []
ordering = list(ordering)
if 'pk' not in ordering and '-pk' not in ordering:
qs = qs.order_by(*ordering)
for field in ordering:
if field[0] == '-':
this_lookup = (lookup == 'gt' and 'lt' or 'gt')
field = field[1:]
this_lookup = lookup
q_kwargs = dict([(f, get_model_attr(instance, f))
for f in prev_fields])
key = "%s__%s" % (field, this_lookup)
q_kwargs[key] = get_model_attr(instance, field)
return qs.filter(reduce(models.Q.__or__, q_list))[0]
except IndexError:
length = qs.count()
if loop and length > 1:
return qs[0]
return None
next_instance = partial(next_or_prev_instance, prev=False)
prev_instance = partial(next_or_prev_instance, prev=True)
note that do not use object.get( + 1) these sorts of things, IntegrityError occurs if object at that pk is deleted, hence always use a query set
for visitors:
''' Useage '''
# Declare our item
store = Store.objects.get(pk=pk)
# Define our models
stores = Store.objects.all()
# Ask for the next item
new_store = get_next_or_prev(stores, store, 'next')
# If there is a next item
if new_store:
# Replace our item with the next one
store = new_store
''' Function '''
def get_next_or_prev(models, item, direction):
Returns the next or previous item of
a query-set for 'item'.
'models' is a query-set containing all
items of which 'item' is a part of.
direction is 'next' or 'prev'
getit = False
if direction == 'prev':
models = models.reverse()
for m in models:
if getit:
return m
if item == m:
getit = True
if getit:
# This would happen when the last
# item made getit True
return models[0]
return False
original author
# you MUST call order by to pass in an order, otherwise QuerySet.reverse will not work
qs = Model.objects.all().order_by('pk')
q = qs[0]
prev = get_next_or_prev(qs, q, 'prev')
next = get_next_or_prev(qs, q, 'next')
next_obj_id = int(current_obj_id) + 1
next_obj = Model.objects.filter(id=next_obj_id).first()
prev_obj_id= int(current_obj_id) - 1
prev_obj = Model.objects.filter(id=prev_obj_id).first()
#You have nothing to loose here... This works for me