How to optimize writing this data to a postgres database - c++

I'm parsing poker hand histories, and storing the data in a postgres database. Here's a quick view of that:
I'm getting a relatively bad performance, and parsing files will take several hours. I can see that the database part takes 97% of the total program time. So only a little optimization would make this a lot quicker.
The way I have it set-up now is as follows:
Read next file into a string.
Parse one game and store it into object GameData.
For every player, check if we have his name in the std::map. If so; store the playerids in an array and go to 5.
Insert the player, add it to the std::map, store the playerids in an array.
Using the playerids array, insert the moves for this betting round, store the moveids in an array.
Using the moveids array, insert a movesequence, store the movesequenceids in an array.
If this isn't the last round played, go to 5.
Using the movesequenceids array, insert a game.
If this was not the final game, go to 2.
If this was not the last file, go to 1.
Since I'm sending queries for every move, for every movesequence, for every game, I'm obviously doing too many queries. How should I bundle them for best performance? I don't mind rewriting a bit of code, so don't hold back. :)
Thanks in advance.

It's very hard to answer this without any queries, schema, or a Pg version.
In general, though, the answer to these problems is to batch the work into bigger coarser batches to avoid repeating lots of work, and, most importantly, by doing it all in one transaction.
You haven't said anything about transactions, so I'm wondering if you're doing all this in autocommit mode. Bad plan. Try wrapping the whole process in a BEGIN and COMMIT. If it's a seriously long-running process the COMMIT every few minutes / tens of games / whatever, write a checkpoint file or DB entry your program can use to resume the import from that point, and open a new transaction to carry on.
It'll help to use multi-valued inserts where you're inserting multiple rows to the same table. Eg:
INSERT INTO some_table(col1, col2, col3) VALUES
You can improve commit rates with synchronous_commit=off and a commit_delay, but that's not very useful if you're batching work into bigger transactions.
One very good option will be to insert your new data into UNLOGGED tables (PostgreSQL 9.1 or newer) or TEMPORARY tables (all versions, but lost when session disconnects), then at the end of the process copy all the new rows into the main tables and drop the import tables with commands like:
INSERT INTO the_table
SELECT * FROM the_table_import;
When doing this, CREATE TABLE ... LIKE is useful.
Another option - really a more extreme version of the above - is to write your results to CSV flat files as you read and convert them, then COPY them into the database. Since you're working in C++ I'm assuming you're using libpq - in which case you're hopefully also using libpqtypes. libpq offers access to the COPY api for bulk-loading, so your app wouldn't need to call out to psql to load the CSV data once it'd produced it.


Performant way to handle arrays in Athena/Quicksight

I currently have a large set of json data that I'd like to import into Amazon Athena for visualization in Amazon Quicksight. In each json, there are two fields: one is a comma separated string of ids (orderlist), and the other field is an array of strings(locations). Because Quicksight doesn't support array searching, I'm currently resorting to creating a view where I generate crossjoins across the two string arrays:
select id,
try_CAST(orderid AS bigint) orderid_targeting,
from advertising_json
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(split(orderlist, ',')) as x(orderid)
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(locations) t (location)
With two cross joins, this can explode out the data to 20x-30x the original size.
If I were working on individual queries on Athena, I could use Presto array functions to search through the arrays. Is there a better way to make these fields accessible for filtering on Quicksight?
You have two options: keep doing what you're doing or implement an ETL workflow where you periodically materialise the view, for example using CTAS. The latter has the added benefit that you can produce Parquet files, which could help speed up your queries.
On the other hand it's not as simple as it sounds. If you're in luck you can use INSERT INTO to transform partitions from your current table into an optimised table after a point in time when they will not change – but in my experience most of the time your most recent data gets updated during some window of time, but you still want to be able to query it during that window. In that situation the ETL process becomes much more complicated since you need to remove data from the optimised table to avoid ending up with duplicate data. It's not hard, it's just a lot of code and juggling S3 and Glue Data Catalog operations so that you never have tables that have duplicate data nor too little data.
Unless you feel like your current setup with the view is too slow, don't go implementing something big and complicated. Remember that you pay for bytes scanned in Athena, not the amount of time Athena spends crunching your query. You get quite a lot of compute power running your queries and in my experience there's rarely any point in micro-optimisation of queries, the gains you make are orders of magnitude lower than minimising the amount of data you process, either through clever partitioning or moving to columnar file formats. Most of the time the gains from small optimisations are not measurable because the error bars caused by Athena's query queue and waiting for S3 operations. You may get your query to run 50ms faster, but sometimes it gets queued for 500ms, and spends another 2000ms doing list operations on S3 so how can you tell?
If you decide to go down the materialisation route, first do it once using CTAS and run your QuickSight visualisation against the results. Don't implement the whole ETL workflow before you've checked that you get something that is significantly more performant.
If all you are worried about is that it's less performant to apply filters after the unnesting of your arrays than using array functions, write the two versions of the query and benchmark them against each other. I suspect array functions are going to be slightly faster – but for the same reasons I mentioned above, the gains may drown in the error bars caused by Athena's queuing and other operations.
Make sure to benchmark at different points during the day, and be especially conscious of the fact that top-of-the-hour behaviour in Athena is extremely different from other times (run queries at 10:00 and then at 10:10 – your total execution times will be very different because everyone's cron jobs run at the top of the hour).

Check a fingerprint in the database

I am saving the fingerprints in a field "blob", then wonder if the only way to compare these impressions is retrieving all prints saved in the database and then create a vector to check, using the function "identify_finger"? You can check directly from the database using a SELECT?
I'm working with libfprint. In this code the verification is done in a vector:
def test_identify():
cur = DB.cursor()
cur.execute('select id, fp from print')
id = []
gallary = []
for row in cur.fetchall():
data = pyfprint.pyf.fp_print_data_from_data(str(row['fp']))
gallary.append(pyfprint.Fprint(data_ptr = data))
n, fp, img = FingerDevice.identify_finger(gallary)
There are two fundamentally different ways to use a fingerprint database. One is to verify the identity of a person who is known through other means, and one is to search for a person whose identity is unknown.
A simple library such as libfprint is suitable for the first case only. Since you're using it to verify someone you can use their identity to look up a single row from the database. Perhaps you've scanned more than one finger, or perhaps you've stored multiple scans per finger, but it will still be a small number of database blobs returned.
A fingerprint search algorithm must be designed from the ground up to narrow the search space, to compare quickly, and to rank the results and deal with false positives. Just as a Google search may come up with pages totally unrelated to what you're looking for, so too will a fingerprint search. There are companies that devote their entire existence to solving this problem.
Another way would be to have a mysql plugin that knows how to work with fingerprint images and select based on what you are looking for.
I really doubt that there is such a thing.
You could also try to parallelize the fingerprint comparation, ie - calling:
in parallel, on different cores/machines
You can't check directly from the database using a SELECT because each scan is different and will produce different blobs. libfprint does the hard work of comparing different scans and judging if they are from the same person or not
What zinking and Tudor are saying, I think, is that if you understand how does that judgement process works (which is by the way, by minutiae comparison) you can develop a method of storing the relevant data for the process (the *minutiae, maybe?) in the database and then a method for fetching the relevant values -- maybe a kind of index or some type of extension to the database.
In other words, you would have to reimplement the libfprint algorithms in a more complex (and beautiful) way, instead of just accepting the libfprint method of comparing the scan with all stored fingerprint in a loop.
other solutions for speeding your program
use C:
I only know sufficient C to write kind of hello-world programs, but it was not hard to write code in pure C to use the fp_identify_finger_img function of libfprint and I can tell you it is much faster than pyfprint.identify_finger.
You can continue doing the enrollment part of the stuff in python. I do it.
use a time / location based SELECT:
If you know your users will scan their fingerprints with more probability at some time than other time, or at some place than other place (maybe arriving at work at some time and scanning their fingers, or leaving, or entering the building by one gate, or by other), you can collect data (at each scan) for measuring the probabilities and creating parallel tables to sort the users for their probability of arriving at each time and location.
We know that identify_finger tries to identify fingers in a loop with the fingerprint objects you provided in a list, so we can use that and give it the objects sorted in a way in which the more likely user for that time and that location will be the first in the list and so on.

Binary-tree data storage implementation

I have started using binary trees in c++, and i must say i really like the idea and things are clear for me, until i think of storing data on the disk in an order where later i can instantly read a chunk of data.
So far i have stored everything (nodes) into the ram... but this is just a simple and not real life app. I am not interested in storing the whole binary tree on the disk as that would be useless again since you have to read it again back to the memory! what i am after is a method just like for example MYSQL.
I haven't found any good article on this so i would appreciate if i someone include some urls or books.
The main difference from b-tree and b+tree:
- The leaf nodes are linked for fast lockup sequential reads. Can point ascending, can point descending , or both (like i saw in one IBM DB)
You should write it on disk, if the table or file grows, you will have memory problems.
(SEEK operations on files ARE REALLY FAST. You can create a 1 GB file on disk in less than 1 second... C# filestream,method .SetFilesize)
If you manage to have multiple readers/writers, you need concurrency control over the index and table(or file).... You gona do that in memory? If a power failure occures, how do you rollback?Ye, you dont.
IE:Field f1 is indexed.
WHERE 1=1 (dont need to access b+tree, give me all and the order is irrelevant)
WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY f1 ASC/DESC (Need to access b+tree, give me all by ascending/descending order)
WHERE f1>=100 (Need to access b+tree, lock up where the leaf node =100 and give all leaf node items following right pointers. If this process is a multithreaded read, they probablly come with a strange order, but no problem... no order by in clause).
WHERE f1>=100 order by f1 asc (Need to access b+tree, lock up where the leaf node =100 and give all leaf node items following right pointers. This process shouldnt be multithreaded following the b+tree, comes naturally in order.
Field f2 indexed with a b+tree and type string.
Where name like '%ODD' (Internally, the compared value must be inverted and the all symbol stays at the end Like starts with 'DDO' and ends with anything. 'DDOT' is in the group so 'TODD' must belongs to the result!!!! Tricky, tricky logic ;P)
with this statement,
WHERE name like '%OD%' (has in the middle 'OD'). The things get hot :))))
Internally, the result is the UNION of the sub result for 'OD%' with the sub result inverted 'DO%'. After that, removes of starting 'OD' and ending 'OD' without 'OD' in the middle, otherwise its a valid result('ODODODODOD' its a valid result. Invalid results 'ODABCD' and 'ABCDOD' ).
Consider what i said and check some more things if you gona do deep:
- FastIO on files:C# Filestream no_buffered_flag, wriththought disk flag on.
- Memory mapped files/memory views: Yes we can manipulate an huge file in small portions as we need it
- Indexes:Bitmap index, hash index (hash function;perfect hash function;ambiguity of the hashfunction), sparse index, dense index, b+tree, r-tree, reversed index.
- Multithreads: lock, mutexes,semaphores
- Transactional conciderations (Log file, 2phase commit;3phase commit);
- Locks (database,table,page,record)
- Deadlocks: 3 ways to kill it (longer conflicting process;Younger conflicting process;The process which locks more objects). Modern RDBMs use a mixed of the 3 ways...
- SQL parsing (AST-Tree).
- Caching recurrent queries.
- Triggers, procedures, views, etc.
- Passing parameters to the procedures (can use the object type ;P)
DONT LOAD EVERYTHING IN MEMORY,INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS LOADS PARTS AS THEY NEED IT AND RELEASES WHEN ITS NO LONGER USABLE. Why=> your db engine (and PC) becomes more responsive using less memory. Using b+tree for lockup the branch leaf nodes needs just 2 Disk IO's. Knowing the lockup value, you get the record long pointer. SEEK the main file for the position, read the content. This is too fast. Memory is faster... Yes it is, but can you put 10 GB's of a b+tree on memory? If so, how your DB engine program starts to behave? Slowlly?
Forget binary trees and convencional btrees: they are academic tutorials. Real life they are replaced by hashtables or b+trees (B PLUS TREE showing storage and ordered ascending-
Consider using dataspaces for the db data in multiple disks. You can parallelize Disk IO performance. Dont forget to mirrored them... Each dataspace, should have a fragment of the table with a fragment of the indice, with a partial log file. You should develop the coordinator which presents wiselly the queries for the sub units.
IE: 3 dataspaces...
INSERT INTO etc...... only should happend in 1 table space.
select * from TB_XPTO, should be presented to all dataspaces.
select * from TB_XPTO order by an indexed field, should be presented to all dataspaces. Each data space executes the instruction, so now we have a 3 subsets by their sub order.
The result will be on the coordinator, where will reorder it again.
Confuse, BUT FAST!!!!!!
The coordinator should controls the master transaction.
if dataspace A commited
dataspace B commited
dataspace C is in uncommited state
the coordinator will rollback a C,B and A.
if dataspace A commited
dataspace B commited
dataspace C commited
the coordinator will Commit the overall transaction.
1111 INSERT len byte array
1111 INSERT len byte array
2222 INSERT len byte array
2222 INSERT len byte array
3333 INSERT len byte array
3333 ---> No more nothing..... Power failure here!!!!!!!
On startup coordinator check if the db was properlly closed, if not, it will check his log file. Well, is missing a master commit line like COMMIT 121212. So it will enquire the data spaces for the log consistency.
A,B repplies COMMITED, but C, after checked his log file, detects a failure. Replies UNCOMMITED.
Master Coordinator FORCES TABLESPACE A,B,C FOR ROLLBACK 1111,2222,3333
After that, himself rollbacks his master transaction and puts DB state=OK.
The main point here is speed on insert,selects, updates, and deletes
Consider to maintain the index well balanced. Many deletes on the index will unbalanced it. An unbalanced index drops its performance.... Add a heap on the head of the index file, for controlling it. Some math here would help. If deletes are higher than 5% of records, balance it and reset the counter. If an update is over on an indexed field, should count it too.
Be smart considering the field index. If the column is Gender, there are only 2 options(i hope, lol.... ops, can be nullable too....), a bitmap index is well applied. If the distinctness (i think i spell it badlly) of a field is 100% (all values heterogeneous), like a sequence applied on a field like Oracle do, or an identity field like SQL Server do, a b+tree is well applied. If a field is kind of geometric type, like in Oracle, the R-Tree is the best. For strings, reversed Index is well applied, or b+tree if heterogenous.
Houston, we have problems....
NULL value fields, should be considered too in the index. Its a value too!!!!
IE: WHERE F1 is null
Add some socket functionality:Async TCP/IP SERVER
-If you delete a record, dont resize the file right now. Mark it as deleted. You should do some metrics here too. If unused space > x and transactions =0, do a database lock and re-allocate pointers, then resize database. Some spaces appears on the DB file, you can try to do some page locks instead of database lock... Things can keep going and no one gets hurt.... Measure the last unlocked page of the DB, lock it for you. Check a deleted page that you can fill with your page. Not Found, release lock; If found, move for the new position, fix pointers, mark old page as deleted, resize file, release lock. Why so many operations? To keep the log well formed!!!! You can split the page in small pages, but you get fragmentation (argh...we lost speed commander?)... 2 algorithms comes here. Best-Fit, and Worst-Fit....Google it. The best is .... using both :P
And if you solve all of this stuff, you can shout out loud "DAM, I DID A DATABASE... IM GONA NAME IT ORACLE!!!!" ;P

What is cheaper: cast to int or Trim the strings in C++?

I am reading several files from linux /proc fs and I will have to insert those values in a database. I should be as optimal as possible. So what is cheaper:
i) to cast then to int, while I stored then in memory, for later cast to string again while I build my INSERT statement
ii) or keep them as string, just sanitizing the values (removing ':', spaces, etc...)
iii) What should I take in account to learn to make this decision?
I am already doing a split in the lines, because the order they came is not good enough for me.
Edit - Clarification
Sorry guys, my scenario is the following: I am measuring cpu, memory, network, disk, etc... every 10 seconds. We are developing our database system, so I cannot count with anything more than just INSERT statements.
I got interested in this optimization because the frequency off parsing data. Its gonna be write once - there will be no updates over the data after it is written.
You seem to be performing some archiving activity [write-once, read-probably-atmost-once] (storing the DB for a later rare/non-frequent use), if not, you should put the optimization emphasize based on how the data will be read (not written).
If this is the archiving case, maybe inseting BLOBs (binary large objects, [or similar concepts]) into the DB will be more efficient.
Apparently it will depend on how you will read the data. Are you just listing the data for browse purpose later on, or there will be more complex fetching queries based on the benchmark values.
For example if you are later performing something like: SELECT * from db.Log WHERE log.time > time1 and Max (Memory) < 5000 then it is best to keep each data in its original format (int in integer, string in String, etc) so that the main data processing is left to DB server.

Efficient update of SQLite table with many records

I am trying to use sqlite (sqlite3) for a project to store hundreds of thousands of records (would like sqlite so users of the program don't have to run a [my]sql server).
I have to update hundreds of thousands of records sometimes to enter left right values (they are hierarchical), but have found the standard
update table set left_value = 4, right_value = 5 where id = 12340;
to be very slow. I have tried surrounding every thousand or so with
update table set left_value = 4, right_value = 5 where id = 12340;
but again, very slow. Odd, because when I populate it with a few hundred thousand (with inserts), it finishes in seconds.
I am currently trying to test the speed in python (the slowness is at the command line and python) before I move it to the C++ implementation, but right now this is way to slow and I need to find a new solution unless I am doing something wrong. Thoughts? (would take open source alternative to SQLite that is portable as well)
Create an index on
create index table_id_index on table(id)
Other than making sure you have an index in place, you can checkout the SQLite Optimization FAQ.
Using transactions can give you a very big speed increase as you mentioned and you can also try to turn off journaling.
Example 1:
2.2 PRAGMA synchronous
The Boolean synchronous value controls
whether or not the library will wait
for disk writes to be fully written to
disk before continuing. This setting
can be different from the
default_synchronous value loaded from
the database. In typical use the
library may spend a lot of time just
waiting on the file system. Setting
"PRAGMA synchronous=OFF" can make a
major speed difference.
Example 2:
2.3 PRAGMA count_changes
When the count_changes setting is ON,
the callback function is invoked once
operation. The argument is the number
of rows that were changed. If you
don't use this feature, there is a
small speed increase from turning this