getline(cin,_string); - c++

I know that getline(cin,_string); works perfectly
but this dosen't:
char* _chArr = new char;
Even this alson doesn't work:
char* _chArr = new char[30];
Isn't char* a string??

isn't char* is a string
No, it's a pointer to a char and that's that. The function std::getline does some cool stuff (extending the string and all) that can't be done easily on a char *.

Well think of it logically. the char* is just a pointer to a character type memory block. You have to assign it some amount of dynamic memory and then copy data into it using strcpy() or manually. Direct input is not supported in C++. Strings are in fact objects which contain size within themselves. They are designed by the experts in this industry, and they have provided the direct input and dynamic growth as in built functionality.
There is a differnce between string and cstring. Cstring is the char*.

No, C++ strings are not just character arrays, they are a full blown class, usually with quite a bit of extra stuff under the covers, over and above what a character array provides.


better approach to copy portion of char array than strncpy

I used std::strncpy in c++98 to copy portion of a char array to another char array. It seems that it requires to manually add the ending character '\0', in order to properly terminate the string.
As below, if not explicitly appending '\0' to num1, the char array may have other characters in the later portion.
char buffer[] = "tag1=123456789!!!tag2=111222333!!!10=240";
char num1[10];
std::strncpy(num1, buffer+5, 9);
num1[9] = '\0';
Is there better approach than this? I'd like to have a one-step operation to reach this goal.
Yes, working with "strings" in C was rather verbose, wasn't it!
Fortunately, C++ is not so limited:
const char* in = "tag1=123456789!!!tag2=111222333!!!10=240";
std::string num1{in+5, in+15};
If you can't use a std::string, or don't want to, then simply wrap the logic you have described into a function, and call that function.
As below, if not explicitly appending '\0' to num1, the char array may have other characters in the later portion.
Not quite correct. There is no "later portion". The "later portion" you thought you observed was other parts of memory that you had no right to view. By failing to null-terminate your would-be C-string, your program has undefined behaviour and the computer could have done anything, like travelling back in time and murdering my great-great-grandmother. Thanks a lot, pal!
It's worth noting, then, that because it's C library functions doing that out-of-bounds memory access, if you hadn't used those library functions in that way then you didn't need to null-terminate num1. Only if you want to treat it as a C-style string later is that required. If you just consider it to be an array of 10 bytes, then everything is still fine.

What is the internal structure of an object of the (EDIT: MFC) CString class?

I need to strncpy() (effectively) from a (Edit: MFC) CString object to a C string variable. It's well known that strncpy() sometimes fails (depending on the source length **EDIT and the length specified in the call) to terminate the dest C string correctly. To avoid that evil, I'm thinking to store a NUL char inside the CString source object and then to strcpy() or memmove() that guy.
Is this a reasonable way to go about it? If so, what must I manipulate inside the CString object? If not, then what's an alternative that will guarantee a properly-terminated destination C string?
strncpy() only "fails" to null-terminate the destination string when the source string is longer than the length limit you specify. You can ensure that the destination is null-terminated by setting its last character to null yourself. For example:
#define DEST_STR_LEN 10
char dest_str[DEST_STR_LEN + 1]; // +1 for the null
strncpy(dest_str, src_str, DEST_STR_LEN);
dest_str[DEST_STR_LEN] = '\0';
If src_str is more than DEST_STR_LEN characters long, dest_str will be a properly-terminated string of DEST_STR_LEN characters. If src_str is shorter than that, strncpy() will put a null terminator somewhere within dest_str, so the null at the very end is irrelevant and harmless.
CSimpleStringT::GetString gives a pointer to a null-terminated string. Use this as the soure for strncpy. As this is C++, you should only use C-style strings when interfacing with legacy APIs. Use std::string instead.
One of the alternative ways would be to zero string first and then cast or memcpy from CString.
I hope they don't changed from when I used them: that was many years ago :)
They used an interesting 'trick' to handle the refcount and the very fast and efficient automatic conversion to char*: i.e the pointer is to LPCSTR, but some back byte is reserved to keep the implementation state.
So the struct can be used with the older windows API (LPCSTR without overhead). I found at the time the idea interesting!
Of course the key ìs the availability of allocators: they simply offsets the pointer when mallocing/freeing.
I remember there was a buffer request to (for instance) modify the data available: GetBuffer(0), followed by ReleaseBuffer().
If you are not compiling with _UNICODE enabled, then you can get a const char * from a CString very easily. Just cast it to an LPCTSTR:
CString myString("stuff");
const char *byteString = (LPCTSTR)myString;
This is guaranteed to be NULL-terminated.
If you have built with _UNICODE, then CString is a UTF-16 encoded string. You can't really do anything directly with that.
If you do need to copy the data from the CString, this very easy, even using C-style code. Just make sure that you allocate sufficient memory and are copying the right length:
CString myString("stuff");
char *outString = (char*)malloc(myString.Length() + 1);
strncpy(outString, (LPCTSTR)myString, myString.Length());
CString ends with NULL so as long as your text is correct (no NULL characters inside) then copying should be safe. You can write:
char szStr[256];
strncpy(szStr, (LPCSTR) String, 3);
szStr[3]='\0'; /// b-cos no null-character is implicitly appended to the end of destination
if you store null somehere inside CString object you will probably cause yourself more problems, CString stores its lenght internally.
Another alternative solution would rather involve support from CPU or compiler, as it's much better approach - simply make sure that when copying memory in "safe" mode, at any time after every atomic operation there is zero added on the end, so when whole loop fails, the destination string will still be terminated, without need to zero it fully before making copy.
There could be also support for fast zero - just mark start and stop of zeroed region and it's instantly cleared in RAM, this would make things a lot easier.

C++: Is it safe to move a jpeg around in memory using a std::string?

I have an external_jpeg_func() that takes jpeg data in a char array to do stuff with it. I am unable to modify this function. In order to provide it the char array, I do something like the following:
//what the funcs take as inputs
std::string my_get_jpeg();
void external_jpeg_func(const char* buf, unsigned int size);
int main ()
std::string myString = my_get_jpeg();
external_jpeg_func(, myString.length() );
My question is: Is it safe to use a string to transport the char array around? Does jpeg (or perhaps any binary file format) be at risk of running into characters like '\0' and cause data loss?
My recommendation would be to use std::vector<char>, instead of std::string, in this case; the danger with std::string is that it provides a c_str() function and most developers assume that the contents of a std::string are NUL-terminated, even though std::string provides a size() function that can return a different value than what you would get by stopping at NUL. That said, as long as you are careful to always use the constructor that takes a size parameter, and you are careful not to pass the .c_str() to anything, then there is no problem with using a string here.
While there is no technical advantage to using a std::vector<char> over a std::string, I feel that it does a better job of communicating to other developers that the content is to be interpreted as an arbitrary byte sequence rather than NUL-terminated textual content. Therefore, I would choose the former for this added readability. That said, I have worked with plenty of code that uses std::string for storing arbitrary bytes. In fact, the C++ proto compiler generates such code (though, I should add, that I don't think this was a good choice for the readability reasons that I mentioned).
std::string does not treat null characters specially, unless you don't give it an explicit string length. So your code will work fine.
Although, in C++03, strings are technically not required to be stored in contiguous memory. Just about every std::string implementation you will find will in fact store them that way, but it is not technically required. C++11 rectifies this.
So, I would suggest you use a std::vector<char> in this case. std::string doesn't buy you anything over a std::vector<char>, and it's more explicit that this is an array of characters and not a possibly printable string.
I think it is better to use char array char[] or std::vector<char>. This is standard way to keep images. Of course, binary file may contain 0 characters.

single character c-style string full of junk

It's a shame I can't figure out such basic thing about c++, but c-style strings are acting as I wouldn't expect. For example, I create it like this:
char* cstr = new char[1];
It's initialized to: Íýýýýý««««««««îţ . Like normal, I can set just first char because others are not really existing (or I thought that they aren't). While working whit c-style strings all this junk is ingored and everything works fine.
Now I mixed std::string whit those c-stlye one and what I get is a mess. Whit this code:
std::string str = "aaa";
str += cstr;
I end up whit: aaaÍýýýýý««««««««îţ , but now those characters actually exist as string.size() returns length including this junk.
I can't find why is this happening, but it must be connected whit string creating, because something like char* cstr = "aaa" results in aaa without any additional junk, but trying to change string initialized this way results in memory access violation. Could someone explain me this behavior please? Thanks!
PS: My JavaScript Failed to load so if someone could format this post properly, I'd be glad!
Answer: Oh god! How could I forget on that... thanks to all for, well, immediate answer. Best one was from minitech so I'll mark this as answer as soon as my java script loads up :/
All C-style strings are null-terminated. So, a string initialized using new char[1] leaves you space for no characters. You can't set the first character to anything but \0, otherwise normal string operations will keep reading into memory until they find a zero. So use new char[2] instead.
When working with C-style strings you need to have a null terminator:
char* cstr = new char[2];
cstr[0] = 'X';
cstr[1] = '\0';
Having said all that, it is really bad code to do the above. Just use std::string unless you have a very good reason not too. It takes care of the memory allocations and deallocations for you.
C-style strings require a NUL ('\0') terminator; they don't have a length associated with them like C++ strings do. So your single-character string must be new char[2]; it will not be initialized; and you will need to make sure it's terminated with \0.
When you use new char[1], you request space for an array of characters. There is no request that said characters are initialized. Thus, the "junk" that you see is uninitialized memory. Before treating the array as a C-style string, you should do this:
cstr[0] = '\0';
c-style strings are NULL delimited. So, to ignore any junk in memory you need to place NULL byte('\0') in the string body. Otherwise, system library function will look at all bytes starting with your string start until they meet NULL byte in the memory (which will be at some random position).
This also mean that to have c-style string of one character you actually need to allocate 2 bytes: one for a meaningful character and second for '\0'.

Getting a char* from a _variant_t in optimal time

Here's the code I want to speed up. It's getting a value from an ADO recordset and converting it to a char*. But this is slow. Can I skip the creation of the _bstr_t?
_variant_t var = pRs->Fields->GetItem(i)->GetValue();
if (V_VT(&var) == VT_BSTR)
char* p = (const char*) (_bstr_t) var;
The first 4 bytes of the BSTR contain the length. You can loop through and get every other character if unicode or every character if multibyte. Some sort of memcpy or other method would work too. IIRC, this can be faster than W2A or casting (LPCSTR)(_bstr_t)
Your problem (other than the possibility of a memory copy inside _bstr_t) is that you're converting the UNICODE BSTR into an ANSI char*.
You can use the USES_CONVERSION macros which perform the conversion on the stack, so they might be faster. Alternatively, keep the BSTR value as unicode if possible.
to convert:
char* p = strdup(OLE2A(var.bstrVal));
// ...
remember - the string returned from OLE2A (and its sister macros) return a string that is allocated on the stack - return from the enclosing scope and you have garbage string unless you copy it (and free it eventually, obviously)
This creates a temporary on the stack:
char *p=W2A(var.bstrVal);
This uses a slightly newer syntax and is probably more robust. It has a configurable size, beyond which it will use the heap so it avoids putting massive strings onto the stack:
char *p=CW2AEX<>(var.bstrVal);
_variant_t var = pRs->Fields->GetItem(i)->GetValue();
You can also make this assignment quicker by avoiding the fields collection all together. You should only use the Fields collection when you need to retrieve the item by name. If you know the fields by index you can instead use this.
_variant_t vara = pRs->Collect[i]->Value;
Note i cannot be an integer as ADO does not support VT_INTEGER, so you might as well use a long variable.
Ok, my C++ is getting a little rusty... but I don't think the conversion is your problem. That conversion doesn't really do anything except tell the compiler to consider _bstr_t a char*. Then you're just assigning the address of that pointer to p. Nothing's actually being "done."
Are you sure it's not just slow getting stuff from GetValue?
Or is my C++ rustier than I think...