Extracting modulus and exponent from public key using Openssl and C++ - c++

So I'm currently studying how networking works. I've got a bunch of packets from wireshark which I have already copied in buffers(only the content, without header. Wireshark->Follow TPC Stream->C arrays). I can understand the protocol but in the 3rd packet it requires a key exchange. After some googling I found that I need RSA encryption. It sends me a public key + token. And I shoud return encrypted shared key(just generated) and encrypted token which I received earlier.
RSA_key needs exponent and modulus, So my question is: How can I create RSA_key object from single char[] buffer(the public key).
NOTE:I'm posting here after long time googling. I may not be using the right keywords because I'm not english speaker. I could find threads asking this with php only.
The most useful (I think) link I found is http://www.techper.net/2012/06/01/converting-rsa-public-key-modulus-and-exponent-into-pem-file/
P.S. I'm sniffing minecraft and simulating client side(I choosed it because its popular game and I knew I will find resources on the web if I get stuck). However my question is exacly how to get modulus and exponent from a public key with format: http://pastebin.com/J9ddhgW5 (thats the bytes representing the public key)
Ohh I forgot, first column is the byte position, second column is the byte value typecasted to int, 3th column is again value but (int)(unsigned char) so I can see if its +127, 4th colums is the hex representation of the value and the last column is character based on ascii table(if its visible character).

The data you posted is an ASN.1 encoded (DER) RSA public key:
$ openssl ssl rsa -inform der -pubin -text < 12120862.key
Public-Key: (1024 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
writing RSA key
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
In OpenSSL, you can use the d2i_RSA_PUBKEY function to get a public key from an ASN.1-encoded file (like this one).


Parsing the PEM Certificate output into JSON

I've got a PEM certificate that's been decoded for me via CLI/REST (see: https://support.sonus.net/display/SBXDOC111/Request+System+-+CLI under the pki command).
If the API/commands allowed for the PEM certificate string still encoded I could use openSSL directly and just decode it myself.
Due to the Session Boarder Controller command decoding it for me, I'm looking for a parser. Much like the question asked at parse a PEM certificate into JSON I was wondering whether there's a C++ library that could take the string output and convert it into json or potentially create a class/structure that I can then serialize into the JSON format at my leasure.
I'm currently thinking that the easiest way of achieving something like this would be using regexes to take each important section of the output and store them into the structure/class that I would then serialize as needed. But to me that seems quite heavy handed although would achieve a desired result assuming the structure matches the example output every certificate attempted.
result Certificate:
Version: 1 (0x0)
Serial Number: 13211600523504912060 (0xb75908ad95e006bc)
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=US, ST=MA, L=Westford, O=VeriSign
Not Before: Apr 28 09:56:54 2015 GMT
Not After : Jul 12 09:56:54 2033 GMT
Subject: C=IN, ST=TN, L=Chennai
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (2048 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
No Trusted Uses.
No Rejected Uses.
Alias: Server Cert
Key Id: 79:70:FC:99:1A:2B:15:A7:A1:33:21:F7:8A:57:0C:A7:07:7B:96:35

EPP Server SSL_Read hang after greeting

I have strange problems in ssl_read/ssl_write function with EPP server
After connected I read greeting message successfully.
bytes = SSL_read(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf)); // get reply & decrypt
buf[bytes] = 0;
ball+= bytes;
cc = getInt(buf);
printf("header: %x\n",cc);
printf("Received: \"%s\"\n",buf+4);
First 4 bytes are 00, 00, 09, EB and read 2539 bytes in greeting message.
After that, all operations like hello or logins are hand when SSL_read();
xml= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?><eppxmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0\"><hello/></epp>";
char bb[1000] = {0};
makeChar(strlen(xml)+4, bb);
memcpy(bb+4, xml, strlen(xml)+4);
bytes = SSL_write(ssl,xml,strlen(xml)+4);
usleep(500000); //sleep 0.5 sec
memset(buf, 0, 1024);
printf("read starting.\n");
bytes = SSL_read(ssl, buf, 1024); //always hang here
printf("%d : %s", bytes, buf);
I am confused. I read RFC documentations but I can not find answer.
in EPP documentation, they said "In order to verify the identity of the secure server you will need the ‘Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority’ root certificate available free from www.verisign.com".
is it important?
is it important?
Yes, as outlined in RFC 5734 "Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Transport over TCP", the whole security of an EPP exchange is bound to 3 properties:
access list based on IP address
TLS communication and verification of certificates (mutually, which is why you - as registrar aka client in EPP communication - have often to send in advance the certificate you will use ot the registry)
the EPP credentials used at <login> command.
Failure to properly secure the connection can mean:
you as registrar sending confidential information (your own EPP login, various details on domains you sponsor or not, including <authInfo> values, etc.) to a third party not being the registry
and in reverse, someone mimicking you in the eyes of the registry hence doing operations on which you will have to get the burden of, including financially for all domains bought, and legally.
But even in general for all cases of TLS handshake, if you want to be sure to be connected, as client, to the server you think you are, you need to verify its certificate.
Besides trivial things (dates, etc.), the certificate:
should at least be signed by an AC you trust (your choice who you trust)
and/or is a specific certificate with specific fingerprint/serial and other characteristics (but you will have to maintain that when the other party changes its certificate)
and/or matches DNS TLSA records
In short, if you are new to both EPP and TLS and C/C++ (as you state yourself in your other question about Verisign certificate), I hugely recommend you do not try to do all of this by yourself at a so low level (for example you should never manipulate XML as you do above, it shouldn't be a string. Again, there are libraries to properly parse and generate XML documents). You should use an EPP library that leverage most of the things for you. Your registry may provide an "SDK" that you can use, you should ask it.
PS: your read is probably hanging because you are not sending the payload in the correct fashion (again, something an EPP library will do for you). You need to send the length, as 4 bytes (which you need to compute after converting your string to bytes using the UTF-8 encoding), and then the payload itself. I am not sure this is what your code does. Also your reading part is wrong: you should first read 4 bytes from server, this will give you the length (but do note they can theoretically arrive not necessarily in a single packet so one "ssl read" might not give all 4 of them, you need a loop), after which you know the length of the payload you will get which allows you to set up proper buffers, if needed, as well as detecting properly when you received everything.

OpenSSL GCM Encryption using 16-byte IV

In reference to the github project:
And another StackOverflow question:
Unable to set IV for aes gcm using openssl
I'm attempting to use OpenSSL to perform GCM encryption with a 128-bit IV. The default IV is 96-bits, 12 bytes. When I set this to 16-bits the value isn't updated and as a result the encrypted data and IV or not correct.
I tried verifying this using the following function which reads back a value of 12, when I was expecting it to change to 16 after setting it via the second following function:
int EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx)
And help with be awesome! Thanks!

RSA Signature Size Mismatch

As stated here, the length of the message signature is equal to the modulus of the Private Key, aka the Public Key.
I'm implementing a system that signs a message, and I have a size mismatch that I can't solve.
I use crypto++.
Here is the code I use :
/* Create RSA Keys */
RSA::PrivateKey privateKey;
privateKey.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(prng, 3072);
RSA::PublicKey publicKey(privateKey);
cout << ">> RSA Keys generated";
/* Key Size */
string spki;
StringSink sSink(spki);
cout <<" ("<< spki.size()<<" bytes)"<<endl;
RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer signer(privateKey);
size_t length = signer.MaxSignatureLength();
cout <<"MaxSignatureLength " <<length<<endl;
SecByteBlock signature( length );
And the output is :
>> RSA Keys generated (420 bytes)
>> ServerHello sent (436 bytes)
MaxSignatureLength 384
RSA Signature length 384
Shouldn't the MaxSignatureLength, and the RSA Signature length 420 bytes long ?
Is the problem with the algorithm I use ?
Shouldn't the MaxSignatureLength, and the RSA Signature length 420 bytes long ?
No. You are asking for a key with 3072-bits or 384 bytes. That's the limit on the size of the signature.
Each cryptosystem will likely be different in this area.
cout <<" ("<< spki.size()<<" bytes)"<<endl;
This is the size of {OID,n,e} with the ASN.1 framing or overhead. See your previous question Sending PublicKey within packet payload for what it looks like (in particular, the output of the command dumpasn1 rsa-public.der).
cout <<"MaxSignatureLength " <<length<<endl;
This is n - 1 for RSA, if I recall correctly.
Is the problem with the algorithm I use ?
No, you are doing things correctly by calling MaxSignatureLength().
>> RSA Keys generated (420 bytes)
>> ServerHello sent (436 bytes)
I'm just speculating, but it appears you appear to have design issues, too.
When you encrypt a message, like the ServerHello, you usually encrypt it under a symmetric cipher, like AES or Camellia. Then, you take that symmetric cipher key, and encrypt it under the RSA key. Finally, you send the pair {encrypted symmetric cipher key, encrypted message under symmetric cipher} to the other party.
In the system partially described above, you're only encrypting 16 or 32 bytes under the public key.
I think what you should be doing is using an Integrated Encryption Scheme to send encrypted message back and forth. For that, see Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES) and Discrete Logarithm Integrated Encryption Scheme (DLIES). ECIES operates over elliptic curves, and DLIES operate over integers.
Integrated Encryption Schemes have some very desireable security properties, like they are IND-CCA2. They achieve it by not allowing you to do some things, like reusing a security context, so the security is baked into the scheme.
You still have to solve the key distribution problem, though. That's a thorny problem, and we don't have a good, scalable solution.
And now you see why algorithm agility is important, and why you want that OID sent as part of the key during the handshake phase :)

MS OPM (Output Protection Manager) Initializing X509 chain

I trying to OPM (Output Protection Manager) with Visual C++ (native) using
OPMAPI. My goal is enable HDCP session between HDMI device driver and display to protect contents through out HDMI cable.
I got an example from MSDN
In example code there's some undocumented function about certifications.
(ValidateX509Certificate, GetPublicKeyFromCertificate)
Here follows example code.
OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER random; // Random number from driver.
ZeroMemory(&random, sizeof(random));
BYTE *pbCertificate = NULL; // Pointer to a buffer to hold the certificate.
ULONG cbCertificate = 0; // Size of the certificate in bytes.
PUBLIC_KEY_VALUES *pKey = NULL; // The driver's public key.
// Get the driver's certificate chain + random number
HRESULT hr = pVideoOutput->StartInitialization(
&cbCertificate );
// Validate the X.509 certificate. (Not shown.)
hr = ValidateX509Certificate(pbCertificate, cbCertificate);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
// Get the public key from the certificate. (Not shown.)
hr = GetPublicKeyFromCertificate(
&pKey );
According to MSDN, IOPMVideoOutput::StartInitialization() retrieves random number and X509 certificate chain (pbCertificate).
ValidateX509Certificate() and GetPublicKeyFromCertificate() function are not shown.
Could anyone explain to me the way to write above two function please?
Or I want to know how decode X.509 cert chain data (DER) into CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT.
The StartInitialization function returns the complete certificate chain of the driver as signed PKCS7 data with DER encoding. This is not the usual X509 certificate with DER encoding we commonly deal with. Unfortunately this is not mentioned in the MSDN pages.
The certificates/certificate chain can be extracted from signed PKCS7 DER using any crypto library/framework. We can verify and get the public key using Microsoft crypto framework with the folloing steps.
Get certificate chain with CryptGetMessageCertificates function
Optionally you can verify the certificate chain as explained "Performing X.509 Certificate Verification with CryptoAPI"
Get the subject certificate CERT_CONTEXT as explained in Step 2. The subject public key can be retrieved from pCertInfo of CERT_CONTEXT.
It is much easier (at least I feel like) to do with OpenSSL which is explained "how to Read the certificates file from the PKCS7.p7b certificate file usind openssl". It shows how to retrieve the certificates and you can easily retrieve public key using X509_get_pubkey function.
Here is a sample code to implement the missed function mentioned MSDN, and show how to use OPM and the related crypto implementation based on the standard window API, https://github.com/wangf1978/D3DTest, CryptoUtil.cpp/OPMSession.cpp