Are futures a safe way to check for individual thread completion? - c++

I've been toying around with Boost's futures and was wondering if they were an acceptable and safe way to check if an individual thread has completed.
I had never used them before so most of the code I wrote was based off of Boost's Synchronization documentation.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
int calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything()
return 42;
int main()
boost::packaged_task<int> task(calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything);
boost::unique_future<int> f(task.get_future());
boost::thread th(boost::move(task));
std::cout << "waiting!" << std::endl;
std::cout << f.get() << std::endl;
This appears to wait for the calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything() thread to return 42. Could something possibly go wrong with this?

Yes, futures are safe to use in that way, and the code is (at a quick glance) safe and correct.
There are other ways to do the same thing (e.g. using an atomic_flag, or mutex-protected data, or many others) but your code is a valid way to do it.
N.B. instead of f.is_ready() and this_thread::sleep(seconds(1)) you could use f.wait_for(seconds(1)), which would wake as soon as the result is made ready. That waits directly on the future, instead of checking the future, then waiting using a separate mechanism, then checking, then waiting with a separate mechanism etc.
And instead of packaged_task and thread you could use async.
Using C++11 names instead of boost ...
int main()
auto f = std::async(std::launch::async, calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything);
while(f.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)) == std::future_status::timeout)
std::cout << "waiting!" << std::endl;
std::cout << f.get() << std::endl;

I've been toying around with Boost's futures and was wondering if they were an acceptable and safe way to check if an individual thread has completed.
Futures are a mechanism for asynchronous evaluation, not a synchronization mechanism. Although some of the primitives do have synchronization properties (future<>::get), the library is not designed to synchronize, but rather to fire a task and ignore it until the result is needed.


Benefits of using std::stop_source and std::stop_token instead of std::atomic<bool> for deferred cancellation?

When I run several std::threads in parallell and need to cancel other threads in a deferred manner if one thread fails I use a std::atomic<bool> flag:
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
void threadFunction(unsigned int id, std::atomic<bool>& terminated) {
while (!terminated) {
int r = rand() % 100;
if (r == 0) {
std::cerr << "Thread " << id << ": an error occured.\n";
terminated = true; // without this line we have to wait for other thread to finish
int main()
std::atomic<bool> terminated = false;
std::thread t1(&threadFunction, 1, std::ref(terminated));
std::thread t2(&threadFunction, 2, std::ref(terminated));
std::cerr << "Both threads finished.\n";
int k;
std::cin >> k;
However now I am reading about std::stop_sourceand std::stop_token.
I find that I can achieve the same as above by passing both a std::stop_sourceby reference and std::stop_token by value to the thread function?
How would that be superior?
I understand that when using std::jthread the std::stop_token is very convenient if I want to stop threads from outside the threads.
I could then call std::jthread::request_stop() from the main program.
However in the case where I want to stop threads from a thread is it still better?
I managed to achieve the same thing as in my code using std::stop_source:
void threadFunction(std::stop_token stoken, unsigned int id, std::stop_source source) {
while (!stoken.stop_requested()) {
int r = rand() % 100;
if (r == 0) {
std::cerr << "Thread " << id << ": an error occured.\n";
source.request_stop(); // without this line we have to wait for other thread to finish
int main()
std::stop_source source;
std::stop_token stoken = source.get_token();
std::thread t1(&threadFunction, stoken, 1, source);
std::thread t2(&threadFunction, stoken, 2, source);
std::cerr << "Both threads finished.\n";
int k;
std::cin >> k;
Using std::jthread would have resulted in more compact code:
std::jthread t1(&threadFunction, 1, source);
std::jthread t2(&threadFunction, 2, source);
But that did not seem to work.
It didn't work because std::jthread has a special feature where, if the first parameter of a thread-function is a std::stop_token, it fills that token in by an internal stop_source object.
What you ought to do is only pass a stop_source (by value, not by reference), and extract the token from it within your thread function.
As for why this is better than a reference to an atomic, there are a myriad of reasons. The first being that stop_source is a lot safer than a bare reference to an object whose lifetime is not under the local control of the thread function. The second being that you don't have to do std::ref gymnastics to pass parameters. This can be a source of bugs since you might accidentally forget to do that in some place.
The standard stop_token mechanism has features beyond just requesting and responding to a stop. Since the response to a stop happens at an arbitrary time after issuing it, it may be necessary to execute some code when the stop is actually requested rather than when it is responded to. The stop_callback mechanism allows you to register a callback with a stop_token. This callback will be called in the thread of the stop_source::request_stop call (unless you register the callback after the stop was requested, in which case it's called right when you register it). This can be useful in limited cases, and it's not simple code to write yourself. Especially when all you have is an atomic<bool>.
And then there's simple readability. Passing a stop_source tells you exactly what is going on without having to even see the name of a parameter. Passing an atomic<bool> tells you very little from just the typename; you have to look at the parameter name or its usage in the function to know that it is for halting the thread.
Apart from being more expressive and communicating intentions better, stop_token and friends achieve something really important for jthread. To understand it you have to consider its destructor which looks something like this:
// Not only user code, but the destructor as well
// will let your callback know it's time to go.
by encapsulating a stop_source, jthread facilitates what is called cooperative cancellation. As you've also noted, you never have to pass the stop_token to a jthread, just provide a callback that accepts the token as its first parameter. What happens next is that the class can detect that your callback accepts a stop token and pass a token to its internal stop source when calling it.
What does this mean for cooperative cancellation? Safer termination of course! Since jthread will always attempt to join on destruction, it now has the means to prevent endless loops and deadlocks where two or more threads wait for each other to finish. By using stop_token your code can make sure that it can safely join when it's time to go.
However in the case where I want to stop threads from a thread is it still better?
Now regarding the feature you are requesting, that's what C# calls "linked cancellation". Yes, there are requests and discussions to add a parameter in the jthread constructor so that it can refer to an external stop source, but that's not yet available (and has many implications). Doing something similar purely with stop tokens would require a stop_callback to tie all cancellations together, but still it could be suboptimal (as shown in the link). The bottom line is that jthread needs stop_token, but in some cases you may not need jthread, especially if the following solution does not appeal to you:
stop_source ssource;
std::stop_callback cb {ssource.get_token(), [&] {
ssource.request_stop(); // This stops boths threads.
The good news is that if you don't fall into the suboptimal pattern described in the link (i.e. you don't need an asynchronous termination), then this functionality is easy to abstract into a utility, something like:
auto linked_cancellations = [](auto&... jthreads) {
stop_source s;
return std::make_pair(s, std::stop_callback{
s.get_token(), [&]{ (jthreads.request_stop(), ...); }});
which you'd use as
auto [stop_source, cb] = linked_cancellations(t1, t2);
// or as many thread objects as you want to link ^^^
stop_source.request_stop(); // Stops all the threads that you linked.
Now if you want to control the linked threads from within the thread, I'd use the initial pattern (std::atomic<bool>), since having a callback with both a stop token and a stop source is somewhat confusing.

What's the proper way of implementing 'sleeping' technique using C++?

Two thread. Main one is constantly gathering notifications while the other one is processing some of them.
The way i implemet it - is not correct as i've been told. What problems is it causing and what's wrong about it?
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
std::condition_variable foo;
std::mutex mtx;
void secondThread()
while (true)
std::cout << " ----------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "|processing a notification...|" << std::endl;
std::cout << " ----------------------------" << std::endl;
int main()
std::thread subThread = std::thread(&secondThread);
int count = 0;
while (true)
if (count % 10 == 0)
std::cout << "Main thread working on gathering notifications..." << std::endl;
return 0;
I was told that this foo.wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mtx)) line of code is not a good practice according to the C++ spec. This is not a proper way of solving this kind of problem. It's also called, sleeping(not busy waiting).
Before you call wait, you must check that the thing you are waiting for hasn't already happened. And before you stop calling wait, you must check that the thing you are waiting for has happened. Condition variables are stateless and have no idea what you're waiting for. It's your job to code that.
Also, the associated mutex must protect the thing you're waiting for. The entire point of a condition variable is to provide an atomic "unlock and wait" operation to prevent this problem:
You check if you need to wait under the protection of a mutex.
You decide you do need to wait.
You unlock the mutex so other threads can make progress.
You wait.
But what if the thing you're waiting for happens after you unlocked the mutex but before you waited? You'll be waiting for something that already happened.
This is why the wait function takes a lock holder -- so that it can perform steps 3 and 4 atomically.

Boost w/ C++ - Curious mutex behavior

I'm experimenting with Boost threads, as it's to my knowledge I can write a multi-threaded Boost application and compile it in Windows or Linux, while pthreads, which I'm more familiar with, is strictly for use on *NIX systems.
I have the following sample application, which is borrowed from another SO question:
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#define NAP_DURATION (10000UL) // 10ms
boost::mutex io_mutex;
void count(int id)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(io_mutex);
std::cout << "Thread ID:" << id << ": " << i << std::endl;
if (id == 1)
std::cout << "I'm thread " << id << " and I'm taking a short nap" << std::endl;
std::cout << "I'm thread " << id << ", I drink 100 cups of coffee and don't need a nap" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Thread ID:" << id << ": " << i << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::thread thrd1( boost::bind(&count, 1));
boost::thread thrd2( boost::bind(&count, 2));
return 0;
I installed Boost on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system via:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
And I compile the above code via:
g++ test.cpp -lboost_system -lboost_thread -I"$BOOST_INLCUDE" -L"$BOOST_LIB"
I've run into what appears to be some interesting inconsistencies. If I set a lengthy NAP_DURATION, say 1 second (1000000) it seems that only thread 1 ever gets the mutex until it completes its operations, and it's very rare that thread 2 ever gets the lock until thread 1 is done, even when I set the NAP_DURATION to be just a few milliseconds.
When I've written similar such applications using pthreads, the lock would typically alternate more or less randomly between threads, since another thread would already be blocked on the mutex.
So, to the question(s):
Is this expected behavior?
Is there a way to control this behavior, such as making scoped locks behave like locking operations are queued?
If the answer to (2) is "no", is it possible to achieve something similar with Boost condition variables and not having to worry about lock/unlock calls failing?
Are scoped_locks guaranteed to unlock? I'm using the RAII approach rather than manually locking/unlocking because apparently the unlock operation can fail and throw an exception, and I'm trying to make this code solid.
Thank you.
I'm aware that putting the calling thread to sleep won't unlock the mutex, since it's still in scope, but the expected scheduling was along the lines of:
Thread1 locks, gets the mutex.
Thread2 locks, blocks.
Thread1 executes, releases the lock, and immediately attempts to lock again.
Thread2 was already waiting on the lock, gets it before thread1.
Is this expected behavior?
Yes and no. You shouldn't have any expectations about which thread will get a mutex, since it's unspecified. But it's certainly within the range of expected behavior.
Is there a way to control this behavior, such as making scoped locks behave like locking operations are queued?
Don't use mutexes this way. Just don't. Use mutexes only such that they're held for very short periods of time relative to other things a thread is doing.
If the answer to (2) is "no", is it possible to achieve something similar with Boost condition variables and not having to worry about lock/unlock calls failing?
Sure. Code what you want.
Are scoped_locks guaranteed to unlock? I'm using the RAII approach rather than manually locking/unlocking because apparently the unlock operation can fail and throw an exception, and I'm trying to make this code solid.
It's not clear what it is you're worried about, but the RAII approach is recommended.
Why are you surprised, exactly ?
If you were expecting thread 2 to acquire the mutex while thread 1 is asleep, then, yes, this is expecting behaviour and your understanding was wrong, because your lock is in scope.
But if you are surprised because of lack of alternance between thread 1 and thread 2 at the end of loop iteration, then you can have a look at this SO question about scheduling that seems "unfair"

Why do you have to explicitly join threads?

So this seems pretty straightforward:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
void second() {
cout << "Don't thread on me!" << endl;
int main() {
thread t { second };
return 0;
If I don't include join() then the system calls abort(). I don't understand this, shouldn't the thread exit on its own? Having to join threads seems like it will make the code harder to encapsulate properly. What's the deal with this?
That is part of the design of the C++ threading library. You don't need to join the thread, you can also detach it. But I would not recommend that you default to detach-ing threads, as that brings it's own set of complications.
Contrary to what you are saying, I don't think this makes the code harder to encapsulate at all. There are different levels of abstraction, and choosing the thread level means that you need to be aware that there are threads and you need to handle them.
For different things you may choose different levels of abstractions, for example:
int main() {
auto f = std::async([](){ std::cout << "Don't tread on me\n" << std::flush; });
f.get(); // Wait for the task to complete
By default threads have to join so that the spawning thread can keep track of and wait for its children to complete (for example you delegate a bunch of work to 2+ threads and then join them all to signal when the work is done).
You can use detach to cause the thread to detach from its spawning thread and that will cause the threads to run independently.

Delayed Function Call

What's the most elegant way of performing a delayed (and therefore also asynchronous) functional call using C++11, lambdas and async? Suggested naming: delayed_async. Reason for asking is that I want a GUI alert light to be switched off after given time (in this case one second) without blocking the main (wxWidgets main loop) thread of course. I've use wxWidgets' wxTimer for this and I find wxTimer rather cumbersome to use in this case. So that got my curious about how much more convenient this could be implemented if I instead used C++11's async1, 2. I'm aware of that I need to protect the resources involved with mutexes, when using async.
You mean something like this?
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
int main()
// Use async to launch a function (lambda) in parallel
std::async(std::launch::async, [] () {
// Use sleep_for to wait specified time (or sleep_until).
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds{1});
// Do whatever you want.
std::cout << "Lights out!" << std::endl;
} );
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds{2});
std::cout << "Finished" << std::endl;
Just make sure that you don't capture a variable by reference in the lambda.