How do you change the target machine configuration in fortran? - fortran

I am using the Intel Fortran Compiler on Linux. I know that if I type in "ifort -dumpmachine" it will provide the target machine configuration for the compilation (e.g. "x86_64-linux-gnu") but I need to know how to change this if I want to compile for a different operating system (e.g. a different version of linux). The "-arch" compiler option allows you to chagne the processor architecture but I need to know how to also change the operating system.

Cross compilation is highly processor dependent stuff, so there is no general Fortran answer. As far as I know Intel Fortran is available only for a limited number of architectures - x86 and x86-64. There are separate products for Linux, Windows and OS X and you can not cross-compile between them.
You did not specify what you mean by different version of Linux. You should find in the manual of your version of the compiler, what kernel version need the resulting executables. In principle you can then target all such distributions. There may be also problems with the right Intel runtime libraries and glibc and also your other libraries you use. You can solve this by statically linking your libraries on your machine (use -static, or -static-intel for Intel runtime libraries only), but be aware, that they have to be also compatible with your target architecture (In particular, if they require advanced instruction set, like SSE(2) or AVX).


How to set up a C++ toolchain for cross-compilation?

I have a target system Astra Linux Smolensk, which has access to very outdated packages with GCC 6 among them. It does not support C++17, which is required for some very useful 3rd party libraries and language features. At some point I am considering a possibility of using concepts from 20 standard. But there is no easy way to achieve that.
Basically, I see 2 ways:
Compile needed version of GCC by myself and have a custom version of Astra Linux for building with additional packages (which is not a good option since we have restrictions for system modification). I am about to try out this option, but it is not the subject of this question.
Cross-compile with latest GCC on Ubuntu using a toolchain.
So, what do I need in order to create a toolchain for a custom version of Linux? The only thing I am sure of is the Linux Core version. Can I use an existing Linux toolchain or do I have to export system libraries and create a custom toolchain?
Here I found out some tools that seem to be helpful. For instance:
Buildroot is a complete build system based on the Linux kernel configuration system and supports a wide range of target architectures. It generates root file system images ready to be written to flash. In addition to having a huge number of packages which can be compiled into the image, it also generates a cross toolchain to build those packages from source. Even if you don't want to use buildroot for your root filesystem, it is a useful tool for generating a toolchain. Buildroot supports uClibc-ng, glibc and musl.
I wonder if it does what I need and can I use a latest GCC compiler with those generated toolchains.
I found similar questions:
How to build C++17 application in old linux distro with old stdlib and libc?
How can I link to a specific glibc version?
Some clarification is needed:
The project relies heavily on a lot of 3rd party dependencies from the target linux's package repository. Moreover, I use dynamic .so modules that may be loaded both implicitly and explicitly.
Today with docker and modern CI/CD pipelines based on container, we don't rely on process compile very often as old days.
With the help of musl, we can even create universal Linux binaries with static linkage: We use all static libraries rather than dynamic libraries. Then we ship one executable file.
According to musl's doc, it needs
Linux kernel >=2.6.39
This is a very old version released around 2011, so even old Linux distro's can run our binaries.
Musl is widely used in many projects, especially in Rust projects, we provide Musl builds for users as conveniences.
Note that we may need to fix our codebase when using Musl, there are very slight differences with GNU libc, which we should be aware.

G++ ABI compatibility list

I have compiled my preload file on Ubuntu server (two files for x32 and x64). Where I can get list, in which I will see with what OS my compiled files are compatible and with what I should recompile for compatibility?
Use Linux App Checker developed by ISPRAS and The Linux Foundation. It's designed to perform cross-distro compatibility checks for Linux applications. See sample reports here.
I would start by attempting to execute the program on various Linux distributions in a virtual machine. Pick the top three most popular Linux distributions or the ones your users are most likely to have.
Also, you may be better off to distribute a statically linked binary and offer the source code to others who wish to build it themselves (if you are allowed to distribute source).
I don't know if I fully understand you, but, if my understanding is not that wrong, I'd start by ldd -v. Any OS that is architecture compatible and has the dependent libraries installed in compatible versions should work.
Next, if you plan to support more architectures, you need explicitly to know it and cross compile for every one of it.
So, you must recompile for:
1. Every different architecture.
2. When library versions are not compatible.
This last one is more tricky, since your code may need specific versions to work, but you must know it anyway from start.
Please tell me if it is not what you wanted.

Is it possible to compile a C/C++ source code that executes in all Linux distributions without recompilation?

Is it possible to compile a C/C++ source code that executes in all Linux distributions without recompilation?
If the answer is yes, can I use any external (non-standard C/C++) libraries?
I want distribute my binary application instead of distribute of source code.
No, you can't compile an executable the executes in all Linux distributions. However, you can compile an executable that works on most distributions that people will tend to care about.
Compile 32-bit. Compile for the minimum CPU level you're willing to support.
Build your own version of glibc. Use the --enable-kernel option to set the minimum kernel version you're willing to support.
Compile all other libraries you plan to use yourself. Use the headers from your glibc build and your chosen CPU/compiler flags.
Link statically.
For anything you couldn't link to statically (for example, if you need access to the system's default name resolution or you need PAM), you have to design your own helper process and API. Release the source to the helper process and let them (or your installer) compile it.
Test thoroughly on all the platforms you need to support.
You may need to tweak some libraries if they call functions that cannot work with this mechanism. That includes dlopen, gethostbyname, iconv_open, and so on. (These kinds of functions fundamentally rely on dynamic linking. See step 5 above. You will get a warning when you link for these.)
Also, time zones tend to break if you're not careful because your code may not understand the system's zone format or zone file locations. (You will get no warning for these. It just won't work.)
Most people who do this are building with the minimum supported CPU being a Pentium 4 and the minimum supported kernel version being 2.6.0.
There are two differences which are among installations. Architecture and libraries.
Having one binary for different architectures is not directly possible; there was an attempt to have binary for multiple archs in one file (fatelf), but it is not widely used and unlikely to gain momentum. So at least you have to distribute separate binaries for ia32, amd64, arm, ... (most if not all amd64 distros have kernel compiled with support for running ia32 code, though)
Distributions contain different versions of libraries. You're fine as long as the API does not change, you can link to that library. Some libs ensure inary backwards-compatibility within major number (so GTK2.2 app will run fine with GTK2.30 lib, but not necessarily vice versa). If you want to be sure, you have to link statically with all libs that you use, except the most basic ones (probably only libc6, which is binary-compatible accross distros AFAIK). This can increase size of the binary, and it one of reasons why e.g. Acrobat Reader is relatively big download, although the app itself is not specially rich functionality-wise.
There was a transitional period for c++ ABI, which changed between gcc 2.9 and 3 (IIRC), but the old ABI would be really just on ancient installations. This should no longer be an isse for you, and if you link statically, it is irrelevant anyway.
Generally no.
There are several bariers.
Different architectures
While a 32bit binary will run on a x86_64 system, it won't work vice versa. Plus there is a lot of ARM systems.
Kernel ABI
Kernel ABI changes very slowly, but it does change, therefore you can't really support all possible versions. Note that in some places kernel 2.2 is still in use.
What you can do is to create a statically linked binary. Such binary will include all libraries your app depends on, and it will work on all systems with the same architecture and a reasonably similar kernel version.

Runtime or compile time for platform-specific libraries?

I'm creating a library in C++. It links against Windows libraries on Windows and Linux libraries on Linux. It's abstracted, all is well.
However, is it feasible to dynamically detect, load and use libraries (and copying header files for use) so it could be used on any platform if it was running under LLVM JIT?
Unfortunately, the LLVM intermediate representation in the bitcode files is not machine completely machine independent. You could probably get away with x86 Linux and Windows, but that same bitcode would probably not run on x86_64 systems, for example.

Compiling a C program with a specific architecture

I was recently fighting some problems trying to compile an open source library on my Mac that depended on another library and got some errors about incompatible library architectures. Can somebody explain the concept behind compiling a C program for a specific architecture? I have seen the -arch compiler flag before and have seen values passed to it such as ppc, i386 and x86_64 which I assume maps to the CPU "language", but my understanding stops there. If one program uses a particular architecture, do all libraries that it loads need to be on the same architecture as well? How can I tell what architecture a given program/process is running under?
Can somebody explain the concept behind compiling a C program for a specific architecture?
Yes. The idea is to translate C to a sequence of native machine instructions, which have the program coded into binary form. The meaning of "architecture" here is "instruction-set architecture", which is how the instructions are coded in binary. For example, every architecture has its own way of coding for an instruction that adds two integers.
The reason to compile to machine instructions is that they run very, very fast.
If one program uses a particular architecture, do all libraries that it loads need to be on the same architecture as well?
Yes. (Exceptions exist but they are rare.)
How can I tell what architecture a given program/process is running under?
If a process is running on your hardware, it is running on the native architecture which on Unix you can discover by running the command uname -m, although for the human reader the output from uname -a may be more informative.
If you have an executable binary or a shared library (.so file), you can discover its architecture using the file command:
% file /lib/
/lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped
% file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped
You can see that these binaries have been compiled for the very old 80386 architecture, even though my hardware is a more modern i686. The i686 (Pentium Pro) is backward compatible with 80386 and runs 80386 binaries as well as native binaries. To make this backward compatibility possible, Intel went to a great deal of trouble and expense—but they practically cornered the market on desktop CPUs, so it was worth it!
One thing that may be confusing here is that the Mac platform has what they call a universal binary, which is really two binaries in one archive, one for intel and the other for ppc architecture. Your computer will automatically decide which one to run. You can (sometimes) run a binary for another architecture in an emulation mode, and some architectures are supersets of others (ie. i386 code will usually run on a i486, i586, i686, etc.) but for the most part the only code you can run is code for your processor's architecture.
For cross compiling, not only the program, but all the libraries it uses, need to be compatible with the target processor. Sometimes this means having a second compiler installed, sometimes it is just a question of having the right extra module for the compiler availible. The cross compiler for gcc is actually a seperate executable, though it can sometimes be accessed via a command line switch. The gcc cross compilers for various architectures are most likely separate installs.
To build for a different architecture than the native of your CPU, you will need a cross-compiler, which means that the code generated cannot run natively on the machine your sitting on. GCC can do this fine. To find out which architecture a program is built for check out the file command. In Linux-based systems at least, a 32-bit x86 program will require 32-bit x86 libs to go along with it. I guess it's the same for most OSes.
Does ldd help in this case?