xsl - select node by child - xslt

I have a problem selecting just elements of an xml, which contain a specific child node. Asumme the following part of an xml:
Now I have an xsl part like this to get the sum of 'Saldo':
<xsl:variable name="FACT0" select="sum(//root/Navision.Buchungen/Saldo)"/>
But how can I select just the Saldo for 'Bereich' 1 for example?

Use this XPath:
//root/Navision.Buchungen[Navision.Kontostruktur/Bereich = 1]/Saldo

//root/Navision.Buchungen[Navision.Kontostruktur/Bereich = 1]/Saldo
oh already posted.
For further problems you can use one of the online testbeds like this one. And of course good manuals like those from w3schools, also with testbeds for xsl


XSLT 1.0 Index of node or sibling no

Maybe a noob question, but here goes...
I need to extract the index number of a node that is deep within an xml.
Let's say I'd like to find the index (wich of the int-nodes) that has the value 3 in the following XML:
Anyone got a simple solution for this?
Best regards,
I am not sure I fully understand your question. From the context of the / root node:
<xsl:value-of select="count(Result/races/int[.='3']/preceding-sibling::int)" />
will return the 0-based index number of the specified int node (1 in the given example).

pre-processing script to switch product codes

I have a snippet of code I've inherited and I'm trying to get it to work on multiples of the match pattern and set a tag from looking up a value from a table using another tag. What happens is that, for every item, the same lookup is performed and not the relative one for the node. I can't work out the syntax to work thru all entries and substitute the correct one. It's got to be simple it's just that I am simpler :)
My source xml contains this (within an outer /oomsdoc document node not shown):
<lineqty> 1</lineqty>
<linesku>BNLP5008 </linesku>
<linedesc>London Pride (Bot500mlx8) </linedesc>
<lineqty> 1</lineqty>
<linesku>BNBL5008 </linesku>
<linedesc>Bengal Lancer (Bot500mlx8) </linedesc>
I want to substitute the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in each linecustprod tag with the material from the lookup table using the value of the linesku tag.
This is my lookup table:
<product sku='BNLP5008 ' material='LONDON PRIDE'/>
<product sku='BNBL5008 ' material='BENGAL LANCER'/>
and this is my xslt code.
<xsl:variable name="SkuList" select="document('d:\test\transforms\catalogue.xml')/Materials"/>
<xsl:template match="/oomsdoc/item/linecustprod">
<xsl:variable name="MySku" select="/oomsdoc/item/linesku"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$SkuList/product[#sku=$MySku]/#material"/>
I'm guessing some kind of xsl foreach would work but just can't find a usable example to crib :)
Your guidance again would be appreciated at this point in my frustration :)
Changing the variable definition to
<xsl:variable name="MySku" select="../linesku"/>
should be sufficient, this will pull out the linesku that is a sibling to the linecustprod you're currently looking at. As currently defined the variable will contain a node set of all the linesku elements in the document, so the value-of will give you the first entry from $SkuList that matches any entry in the main input file.
In addition to Ian Roberts' answer, please change
<xsl:variable name="SkuList" select="document('d:\test\transforms\catalogue.xml')/Materials"/>
<xsl:variable name="SkuList" select="document('/d:\test\transforms\catalogue.xml')/Materials"/>
for some reason, the first throws an error (malformed URL).

Refer to specific cell in xslt import/export filter for Calc

I am using xslt filter for importing/exporting data from Calc worksheet. Is it possible to refer to a specific cell address ? For example, if we want to export data from cell B2, how do we refer to this cell address in export xslt ?
Without knowing much about Openoffice or their xslt filter function, I can tell you that you're probably going to need a fairly simple XPath to reference a specific Cell's data - I doubt it would be as simple as calling getCell('B2') unless they have provided you with some custom xslt functions (I'm assuming they've put you in a raw XSLT environment).
Anyway, I think this question may be more about XSLT and xpath, than it is about openoffice. With that in mind, I'm going to fashion my own sample xml and examples and hopefully that will be enough to get you started.
For an input xml that looks something like this:
<ooo_sheet num="1" name="sheet1">
<ooo_row num="2">
<ooo_row num="3">
An absolute XPath to access cell B2's data would look like this ooo_calc_export/ooo_sheet/ooo_row[#num='2']/secondCell/text()
But the above is an absolute path and in XSLT, we would often author relative xpaths as we are in the midst of processing a document. Imagine you're in a template which matches on the ooo_calc_export node and you wanted to store Cell B2's data in a variable for later use. Consider this example:
<xsl:template match="/ooo_calc_export">
<!-- a relative xpath does not being with a forward slash -->
<xsl:variable name="B2" select="ooo_sheet/ooo_row[#num='2']/secondCell/text()" />
Now lets imagine you wanted a template to match on the cell B2 node itself:
<xsl:template match="ooo_row[#num='2']/secondCell">
<!-- a relative xpath does not being with a forward slash -->
<xsl:variable name="B2_text" select="text()" />
This is a good tutorial on XSLT to get you started. Also, the W3 Schools references on XPath and XSLT aren't the worst.

XSLT Filter on property

I am needing a little help with filtering my xml based on a property
I have the XML in the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<root id="-1">
<LandingPage id="1067" parentID="1050" level="2"
writerID="0" creatorID="0" nodeType="1066" template="1073"
sortOrder="0" createDate="2013-02-04T14:29:39"
updateDate="2013-02-07T11:08:27" nodeName="About"
urlName="about" writerName="Pete" creatorName="Pete"
path="-1,1050,1067" isDoc="">
What I need to do is filter these elements where hideInNavigation = 0
I have tried the following:
[#isDoc and #hideInNavigation ='0']
(I need the #isDoc attribute too) but realised this would only work if hideInNavigation was an attribute of the LandingPage tag so I tried
but this didn't seem to do anything either. After much searching for the answer, I haven't come up with anything so was wondering if it is possible
Supposing the current context was the <root> element, you could select the LandingPages with hideInNavigation = 0 with:
LandingPage[hideInNavigation = '0']
If you would share your XSLT, I van give you more specific guidance on how to amend it for this particular case.
And was the #isDoc test in your first example something you wanted? Do you want to filter LandingPages that have an isDoc attribute and a hideInNavigation value of 0?
'hideInNavigation'='0' compares the two strings 'hideInNavigation' and '0', which are guaranteed to be different.
In the context of root, LandingPage[hideInNavigation=0] would match the LandingPage element in your example.
This XPath return all LandingPage with isDoc attribute empty and hideInNavigation element content is '0'
//LandingPage[#isDoc="" and hideInNavigation='0']

Question on XSLT following-sibling

My XML structure looks like this
"COMPANY Node repeats"
What I want to do is I want to do I want to check for COMPANY-DATA='ABC' and get its ID
I tried using
<xsl:value-of select="//COMPANY-DATA/.='ABC'/following-sibling::ID/."/>
But this doesn't seem to work and throwing error
Expression must evaluate to node-set
//COMPANY-DATA/.= -->'ABC'<--
Edit: I found the solution
**<xsl:value-of select="//COMPANY-DATA[.='ABC']/following-sibling::ID/."/>**
The first thing i noticed ist, that whe snipped you postet is no valid XML. The Element <ID> is closed by the End-Element </ISSUED_ID> and there is a single closing Element </COMPANY-ISSUE-INFO>
But if i get you right, you want to find the ID of the <COMPANY> Element where the <COMPANY-DATA> is ABC. So your Comment on your question should do this. But you could also use
<xsl:value-of select="//COMPANY[COMPANY-DATA='ABC']/ID"/>
This removes the need of having the Comapny-Data and ID in a specific sequence.
<xsl:value-of select="//COMPANY-DATA[.='ABC']/following-sibling::ID/."/>