Will JAX WS Web Service generation always create XSD file - web-services

I am using RAD 7.5 to generate WSDL from java service class using JAX-WS. My Server is WAS 7.0. I am not able to see any option in RAD to exclude the XSD generation and include the request & response type object details in WSDL itself.
Is this possible to create a WSDL file which will also hold the request & response object detail using JAX-WS? I dont want to have XSD file.
I am new to Web Service, please let me know if I am thinking something rubbish :)


Why is there no need for wsdl in grails web service?

I have a project where we have developed the webservices using grails.
Here we have given the mapping in URLMappings.groovy and have controller and Services defined along with domain clasess.
When we get a request we generate an xml or json response based on the request.
Here we have not used any wsdl file.
Can anyone explain how this works in background and why we don't need a wsdl here?

Different WSDL after creating the web service from a WSDL

I have a wsdl and can create the server from it in various ways. But I need the wsdl generated by the web service is just like the original wsdl.
I have the .wsdl file and generate the .asmx file (for example using the wsdl.exe)
When caught the URL localhost/MyWS.asmx?wsdl the wsdl generated is not equal to the source.
It is possible that the wsdl is equal after the generated webservice?

Generating a WCF client for MODIS Web Service

I want to create a WCF client for MODIS Web Service available on this website: http://daac.ornl.gov/MODIS/MODIS-menu/modis_webservice.html There is a link to WSDL file, which can I use to generate proxy class. The problem is, that this file is somehow malformed, I cannot create clients with .NET tools like Add Service Reference, wsdl.exe or svcutil.exe. When I try to generate proxy class through website, I get following response:
I've tried to download the WSDL file and create proxy class from local copy, but then I've got this error:
These errors are the same for Add Service Reference and for console output of wsdl.exe and svcutil.exe utils. Is there any other way to create a WCF client to this service or is it impossible in .NET?
I've managed that the problem occurs, becouse the WSDL is in RPC/Endoded standard and .NET tools cannot handle it properly. I've tried to convert it to Document/literal standard but it's still not working. Can somebody look at my WSDL file and check what I have wrong? It's available under this link: https://wklej.to/67rR7
removing wsdl:documentation blocks inside the element
tags helps to generating codes via svcutil.exe or wsdl.exe.
Baseline for this solution
Hopes this helps.

Which is better to generate the WS client from the WSDL URL or from the WSDL file?

I am using a wsdl file sent to me via email to generate a WS client application but I wonder if it is better to have the WSDL hosted on a server and to use an URL to request it.
Actually, I requested the URL but apparently this WSDL don't have one and I can ask to create an Url for the wsdl if it is really necessary.
Can you tell me please what are the benefits of using the WSDL Url to create a WS client ?
There is not difference for you how to generate WS client. In both cases this is just WSDL document, no matter where it located is.
I see only one benefit direct accessible WSDL against WSDL file - WSDL will be always actual and and all web service changes will be reflected to WSDL document.
If you using axis 2, you can try call your webservice with ?wsdl suffix to get WSDL document
if this your webservice url
This is wsdl location

Send/Receive a SOAP request using SPRING JAVA

I am new to Spring web services. I am going to create an xml request, and send it as a SOAP request to a web service and receive the response.I read different documents but still confused as I could not find a working sample yet.
I know that I should use WebServiceTemplate and WebServiceMessageSender, SaajSoapmessageFactory (please let me know if I am wrong) but not sure how to use them.
Do I need WSDL? if yes why?
If you have any sample code please send me to get clear on it.
If you want to send SOAP requests, you would like to be a SOAP client. Seems like you want to use spring-ws project. Check out their great documentation on the client side. The same documentation will guide you through the process of creating a server. There are plenty of examples and ready-made configuration snippets waiting for you.
Spring-WS is built on top of XML Schema description of your message, so you will need WSDL to generate e.g. JAXB models of your requests and responses.
AFAIK, for "web services" , the WSDL file is the machine blueprint of the "ports" as they are called However! ports in WSDL "means" java language(or any other programming language used with a routine or sub or procedure or function) method and has a specific naming scheme associate the .wsdl xml file(template of the service). Each WSDL port(language method) has specifications of return value and data specifications for how to feed it arguments and their type values.