Prefix recursion notation in c++ - c++

I was looking for recursive solution for evaluating expression in Polish prefix notation, didn't find, but i found pseudo code for that and I wanted to translate it to the C++ but it is hard. I wrote BIG LETTERS where I don't know how to do it. Please correct me I am java guy and for me C++ is big mess, but can't help it.
int preEval(stack<string> stos){
string el = "";
return 0;
}else if( IS VALUE){
string el =;
return atoi(el.c_str());
}else if( IS OPERATOR){
int x = preEval(stos);
int y = preEval(stos);
return x OPERATOR y;
return 0;
When I have expression like / 10 5 Should stack suppose to have elements(from top) / 10 5, or 5 10 / ? Just asking because if I want it in / 10 5 I have to read string somehow backwards.

I think, a better solution would be to split the work into 2 stages: lexing and parsing.
At the lexing stage, you classify each token to see whether it's an operator (+, -, etc.) or a constant, or maybe a variable. Then you pack the parsed entity into a structure containing the type and additional information.
At the parse stage, which is presented by your code, you work not with strings, but with structures. Looking at the structure, you can easily find out its type. (It can be either a field inside the structure or a structure's type if you choose to build a hierarchy of structures derived from a common base.)
Actually, the logic should be the same in both Java and C++.

If you have functions like these:
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
using std::stack;
using std::string;
using std::cerr;
enum Operator {
Operator tokenOperator(const string &token)
if (token=="+") return operator_plus;
if (token=="-") return operator_minus;
return operator_none;
int applyOperator(Operator op,int x,int y)
switch (op) {
case operator_plus: return x+y;
case operator_minus: return x-y;
case operator_none:
return 0;
bool isValue(const string &token,int &output_value)
char *end = 0;
output_value = strtol(token.c_str(),&end,10);
if (errno!=0) return false;
return *end=='\0';
bool isOperator(const string &token,Operator &output_operator)
output_operator = tokenOperator(token);
return output_operator!=operator_none;
Then preEval can be implemented like this:
int preEval(stack<string> &stos)
if (stos.empty()) return 0;
string el =;
int value = 0;
Operator op = operator_none;
if (isValue(el,value)) return value;
if (isOperator(el,op)) {
int x = preEval(stos);
int y = preEval(stos);
return applyOperator(op,x,y);
return 0;

#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
bool is_value(string s) {
return s.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == string::npos;
int do_add(int x, int y) {
return x + y;
int do_subtract(int x, int y) {
return x - y;
// etc.
typedef int (*binary_op)(int, int); // Give this function pointer type a nice name
map<string, binary_op> ops;
// Somewhere before the preEval() is ever called
ops["+"] = do_add;
ops["-"] = do_subtract; // etc.
binary_op lookup_op(string s) {
map<string, binary_op>::const_iterator it = ops.find(s);
if (it != ops.end()) {
return *it;
} else {
return NULL;
Now, instead of separately testing whether the token is an operator and later performing that operator, use a single function call to get a pointer to the operator function that needs to be called (if the token is an operator) or NULL otherwise. I.e.:
}else if( IS OPERATOR){
int x = preEval(stos);
int y = preEval(stos);
return x OPERATOR y;
} else {
binary_op op = lookup_op(;
if (binary_op != NULL) {
stos.pop(); // This fixes the bug I mentioned in my top comment
int x = preEval(stos);
int y = preEval(stos);
return op(x, y);
} else {


Evaluate expression in a string recursively

Lets say we would like to evaluate expressions in a string. Expressions represented by (###) for simplicity in the example. We only count the hashtags in the example for simplicity. Expressions can be nested.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::string expression{ "(###(##)#(###)##)" };
int countHash(std::string::iterator stringIterator, std::string::iterator stringEnd)
int result = 0;
while (stringIterator != stringEnd)
if (*stringIterator == '#')
result += 1;
else if (*stringIterator == '(')
result += countHash(++stringIterator, stringEnd);
else if (*stringIterator == ')')
return result += countHash(++stringIterator, stringEnd);
return result;
int main()
std::cout << countHash(expression.begin(), expression.end()) << std::endl;
return 0;
Output: 51
Expexted output: 11
So my problem is when I return from the recursive call the iterator is not updated. It is behind. The processing goes through parts of the string multiple times. How should I handle this?
My main goal by the way is to be able to evaluate expressions like this:
std::string expr = "(+1 (+22 3 25) 5 (+44 (*3 2)))";
EXPECT(106== evalExpression(expr.begin(), expr.end()));
I updated my question based on the suggestions in the comments.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
std::string expression{ "#####-###-##" };
int countHash(std::string::iterator & stringIterator, std::string::iterator stringEnd)
int result = 0;
while (stringIterator != stringEnd)
switch (*stringIterator++)
case '#':
result += 1;
case '-':
result += countHash(stringIterator, stringEnd);
// indicate error ?
return result;
int main()
std::string::iterator b = expression.begin();
std::cout << countHash(b, expression.end()) << std::endl;
return 0;
OK so as I edited my original question, here is a solution for that:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::string expression{ "(###((##)#)(#(#)#)#(#))" };
int countHash(std::string::iterator& stringIterator, std::string::iterator stringEnd)
int result = 0;
while (stringIterator != stringEnd)
if (*stringIterator == '#')
result += 1;
else if (*stringIterator == '(')
result += countHash(++stringIterator, stringEnd);
else if (*stringIterator == ')')
return result;
return result;
int countHash(std::string expression)
auto it = expression.begin();
return countHash(it, expression.end());
int main()
std::cout << countHash(expression) << std::endl;
return 0;
Output: 11
So one important thing was that you need to pass the string by reference to avoid processing the same segments of the string multiple times after you return from your recursive calls.
What I also had difficulty with is that you need to do a continue after the recursive call in my while loop. This is because you don't want to increment stringIterator after your return from the recursive call.
You could also do this with the post increment operator and with a switch-case as #bruno did it in his answer. That was the insight for me. If you are not only checking for characters switch-case is not possible though. You could use a do-while loop but I don't like that.
On more important thing was that you need to increment your iterator before returning from the ) branch. That is because that's the end of an expression and if it was a recursive call you want to go on with the expression on the caller side.
One other problem was that you cant pass expression.begin() if your function takes a reference to iterator.
For the
std::string expr = "(+1 (+22 3 25) 5 (+44 (*3 2)))";
expression my solution is available at I don't like it as it is now but I will try to improve it later. (Happy to hear suggestions.) It is working however. Thanks everyone for your help, I'm marking #bruno answer as accepted because it helped me the most.

conditional in value assignment

In c++, I want to use conditionals when assigning values, for example:
int i = true && 5 || 3;
For example, using Lua you can write this:
i = true and 5 or 3
I am not sure that this is possible
Here is something that I tried:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
void main()
int test = (true && 5) || 1;
int test2 = (false && 6) || 2;
std::cout << "Test: " << test << std::endl << "Test2: " << test2 << std::endl;
C++ isn't Lua.
In Lua, true and 5 expression results in 5. That's simply how Lua works with boolean expressions.
And that's not how C++ works with boolean expressions. In C++, a boolean expression results in a boolean value. That is, either true or false.
If you want to select between two values based on a condition, we have an operator for that:
int i = true ? 5 : 3;
If the condition is true, you get the value before the :. If it's false, you get the value after the :.
I suspect you're looking for int test = true ? 5 : 1;
What you need is a conditional expression:
int i = true ? 2 : 5;
In this case i will be 2.
If we really wanted to, as of c++11 (which gives us the and and or keywords as a synonyms for && and ||), we could almost strong-arm the c++ compiler into compliance, and get it to compile this:
int x = when_true(b) and 5 or 6;
In order to do this we would need to provide some scaffolding:
#include <iostream>
struct maybe_int {
bool cond;
int x;
operator int() const { return x; }
int operator || (const maybe_int& l, int r) {
if (l.cond) return l.x;
return r;
struct when_true {
when_true(bool condition)
: _cond(condition)
auto operator&&(int x) const {
return maybe_int { _cond, x };
bool _cond;
int main()
using namespace std;
auto b = false;
int x = when_true(b) and 5 or 6;
cout << x << endl;
return 0;
My suggestion would be that you don't try this kind of thing at work.

Vector losing contents between files in C++

I have some methods in lexer.h which make use of a Vector made of Tokens.
In this method void getNextToken() I am making use of the said vector where I am adding new tokens to it.
The problem is, that when I go to a different file, I am trying to access ANOTHER method which makes use of this vector, but it is crashing with an out of bounds error (most probably it's being deferenced or something)
Is there a way how I can fix this?
The methods in concern are:
Token* nextToken()
if (it!= tokensUsed.end())
// we Assigned what is found in the iterator it (of the vector)
// so we get the data found in that pointer
itrToken = &*it;
//Move Iterator forward
it ++;
return itrToken;
Used in Parser to go get the PREVIOUS Tokens
Token* prevToken()
itrToken --;
if (it!= tokensUsed.begin())
itrToken = &*this->it;
return itrToken;
void getNextToken()
if (ch == '"')
cout << "STRING: " << strBuffer << endl; //TEST
//create new token and push it into the vector
tk = new Token (Token::ttString, strBuffer, row, col);
tokensUsed.push_back(*tk); //Add the new token to the Vector
startNewString(); //Clear the string
tokenMatch = true;
The above is just partial code, to show an example.
Now in Parser.h I am using this method to call the lexer.h:
void relOpP()
Token* tk = nextToken();
if (tk -> getType() == Token::ttString)
cout << "Ture";
which calls the Lexer's nextToken() it crashes, and when I tried checking it's contents it goes outofBounds error (and CodeBlocks giving me a SIGSEGV error)
I know it's something from the pointers that it's going awry, but how can I fix it?
These are the global variables I have declared:
vector<Token>::iterator it;
vector<Token> tokensUsed;
Token* itrToken; // used for iterator
bool checkQuote = false;
Token* tk = new Token (syNewToken, "", 1,0);
Token token; // Creates an instance of the class Token found in the file token.h
Token* t;
#include <iostream>
#include "lexer.h"
#include "parser.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Lexer* l;
l -> getNextToken();
Parser p(l);
Token (int type, string sBuffer, int rRow, int cCol)
this->tType = type;
this->strBuffer = sBuffer;
this->row = rRow;
this->col = cCol;
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "lexer.h"
#include "token.h"
using namespace std;
class Parser{
Lexer* lexer;
string tree = "";
Parser (Lexer* l)
this -> lexer = l;
Token nextToken()
Token tk = lexer -> nextToken();
return tk;
void relOpP()
Token tk = nextToken();
if (tk.getType() == 1)
cout << "Ture";
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Token
int tType; //identifier or reserved by compiler?
string strBuffer; //string found in buffer at that moment
int row;
int col;
enum tokenType
// The instance of a token with 4 parameters resulting the type, the contents of the string that represents that type
// the row it is found in and the column.
Token (int type, string sBuffer, int rRow, int cCol)
this->tType = type;
this->strBuffer = sBuffer;
this->row = rRow;
this->col = cCol;
Token (Token* getT)
this-> tType = getT -> tType;
this->strBuffer = getT -> strBuffer;
this->row = getT -> row;
this->col = getT -> col;
int getType ()
return this->tType;
//return the string contents
string getBuffer()
return this->strBuffer;
//return row
int getRow()
return row;
//return col
int getCol ()
return col;
#include "token.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Lexer
Token tk = new Token (1, "", 1,0);
vector<Token>::iterator it;
vector<Token> tokensUsed;
Token itrToken; // used for iterator
Token nextToken()
if (it!= tokensUsed.end())
// we Assigned what is found in the iterator it (of the vector)
// so we get the data found in that pointer
itrToken = &*it;
//Move Iterator forward
it ++;
return &itrToken;
cout << "ERROR" << endl;
return nullptr;
void getNextToken()
cout << "Test" << endl;
string strBuffer = "test";
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
tk = new Token (1,strBuffer,row,col);
In nextToken() and prevToken() there is no return for the case the if evaluates to false. The return value in that case is not very likely to be something (it could be anything...) that you can then dereference.
If you want to keep the current design you should return nullptr or (NULL if you don't have C++11 support) in that case. Then you need to change any code that uses the result of those functions to check if the pointer is valid before dereferencing it.
You would probably be better changing your design to not involve so much manual pointer manipulation. But to fix up your current version you should change your prevToken and nextToken to be something along the lines of:
Token* nextToken()
if (it!= tokensUsed.end())
return itrToken;
return nullptr;
Then if tk is the result of calling one of these functions you must not use tk-> or *tk if it is nullptr. Any code wanting to work with the result will need to check first.
So for example you could change you if statement to be:
if (tk && // Make sure tk is not nullptr
tk -> getType() == Token::ttString)
There are too many problems with your code for me to address them all in this post. The first, and most obvious one is this.
In the main function:
Lexer* l;
l -> getNextToken();
Here, you did not create a Lexer object. You just created an uninitialized pointer to one. Then you called a member function as if it pointed to an object. This is undefined behavior. You then pass this pointer to your Parser class, which continues to treat it as a valid object, resulting in more undefined behavior.
There are many other problems with your code, but most of them have to do with your mishandling of pointers, indicating a lack of understanding of how they work. The best suggestion for you is to stop using them entirely. There is no reason you need to use any pointers whatsoever to do what you are doing. If you can't figure out how to do what you are trying to do without pointers, it is because of a lack of fundamental understanding of the language. You need to read a C++ book, to completion. Here's a list of some good ones.
The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

Iterating over list of structs

I'm creating a list of structs:
struct task{
int task_id;
bool is_done;
char* buffer;
int length;
} task;
list<task> taskList;
And trying to iterate over the tasks in order to check the is_done status:
for (std::list<task>::const_iterator iterator = taskList.begin(), end = taskList.end(); iterator != end; ++iterator) {
if(iterator->is_done) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
Where am I wrong?
I get: Missing template argument before '->' token
The iterator's operator-> does the dereferencing already. So instead of
you need
is equivalent to
which as a sidenote is equivalent to the easier to read
. Even better, you could also use std::any_of:
#include <algorithm>
if (any_of(begin(taskList), end(taskList),
[](task const &t) { return t.is_done; }))
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
Informal note: There is no need to qualify any_of, begin and end with std::, because taskList is of type std::list<?>, and the C++-compiler will look up those functions in the std-namespace for you already.
Like this
if (iterator->is_done==true){
no need for * and ->.
And not the question you asked but
if (iterator->is_done==true) {
is exactly the same as the easier to understand
if (iterator->is_done) {
Don't compare booleans to true and false, they already are true and false.
Use std::find_if instead:
#include <algorithm>
bool isDone(const task &task)
return task.is_done;
return std::find_if(taskList.begin(), taskList.end(), isDone) == taskList.end() ? 2 : 1;
Try this. Note change to task struct and referencing iterator. (I changed name of iterator - to be more concise - but not actually required). I just think looks less confusing.
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct task{
int task_id;
bool is_done;
char* buffer;
int length;
int main() {
std::list<task> taskList;
task task1;
task1.buffer = "qwerty";
task1.is_done = true;
task1.length = 6;
task1.task_id = 1;
for (std::list<task>::const_iterator it = taskList.begin(), end = taskList.end();
it != end; ++it) {
return 1;
return 2;
return 0;

All possible combinations(with repetition) as values in array using recursion

I'm trying to solve a problem in which I need to insert math operations(+/- in this case) between digits or merge them to get a requested number.
For ex.: 123456789 => 123+4-5+6-7+8-9 = 120
My concept is basically generating different combinations of operation codes in array and calculating the expression until it equals some number.
The problem is I can't think of a way to generate every possible combination of math operations using recursion.
Here's the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
enum {noop,opplus,opminus};//opcodes: 0,1,2
int applyOp(int opcode,int x, int y);
int calculate(int *digits,int *opcodes, int length);
void nextCombination();
int main()
int digits[9] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int wantedNumber = 100;
int length = sizeof(digits)/sizeof(digits[0]);
int opcodes[length-1];//math symbols
while(calculate(digits,opcodes,length) != wantedNumber)
//recursive combination function here
return 0;
int applyOp(int opcode,int x, int y)
int result = x;
case noop://merge 2 digits together
result = x*10 + y;
case opminus:
result -= y;
case opplus:
result += y;
return result;
int calculate(int *digits,int *opcodes, int length)
int result = digits[0];
for(int i = 0;i < length-1; ++i)//elem count
result = applyOp(opcodes[i],result,digits[i+1]);//left to right, no priority
return result;
The key is backtracking. Each level of recursion handles
a single digit; in addition, you'll want to stop the recursion
one you've finished.
The simplest way to do this is to define a Solver class, which
keeps track of the global information, like the generated string
so far and the running total, and make the recursive function
a member. Basically something like:
class Solver
std::string const input;
int const target;
std::string solution;
int total;
bool isSolved;
void doSolve( std::string::const_iterator pos );
Solver( std::string const& input, int target )
: input( input )
, target( target )
std::string solve()
total = 0;
isSolved = false;
doSolve( input.begin() );
return isSolved
? solution
: "no solution found";
In doSolve, you'll have to first check whether you've finished
(pos == input.end()): if so, set isSolved = total == target
and return immediately; otherwise, try the three possibilities,
(total = 10 * total + toDigit(*pos), total += toDigit(*pos),
and total -= toDigit(*pos)), each time saving the original
total and solution, adding the necessary text to
solution, and calling doSolve with the incremented pos.
On returning from the recursive call, if ! isSolved, restore
the previous values of total and solution, and try the next
possibility. Return as soon as you see isSolved, or when all
three possibilities have been solved.