Dll issue while launching the application - c++

I am using one dll in my application for including the functionality provided by that dll . This dll i am getting after installing one msi .
But in my application i have a requirement like if the user has not installed that msi then we have to show one warning message(e.g msi has not installed , code for this i have implemented in the main() of my application ) and have to exit from the application .
But the problem is if the user has not installed the msi , then while launching the application itself its showing one error message since its not able to get the dll and this time control not even coming to my main() where i have written the code for this msi checking (through registry entry).
Is there any efficient way to resolve this issue ..

Consider delay-loading the DLL (Project -> Options -> Advanced Linker).
This will allow your app to load when the DLL is missing.


Having problems registering and using a 64-bit C++ written ATL dynamic library

I am having issues registering and using a dynamic library under Windows 7 x64, the 64-bit version of dll compiles but the compiler log outputs:
Error MSB3073: The command "RegSvr32 /S "...\x64\Debug\xxxxx.dll" exited with code 3.
But, when I build 32-bit version of the dll, compiler log outputs the RegSvr32 command was successful.
I already set the Linker >> General >> Register Output to No in both x86 and x64 build configurations.
I tried running 64-bit and 32-bit version of RegSvr32 (without silent mode) with 64-bit dll, but it responds with the following error:
The module "xxxxx.dll" failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files. The specified module could not be found.
I checked it using dependency walker and it reported more than 100 dlls are missing so, I cannot show them here. Some of them are:
Dependency Walker with opened dll:
I am wondering what the reason for only 64-bit version of dll cannot register using RegSvr32.
Any help is greatly appreciated to resolve this issue.
Trying to running the application with this dynamic library results in the following error (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions) :
The program can't start because api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
All redistributable packages currently I have installed:
Is there any visual c++ redistributables I have to install to solve this?
I found More information on api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll here and tried linking WindowsApp.lib with this dynamic library, but it even didn't resolve the issue.
I ran system file checker and it gave me following output as I thought it should:
Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
Go into the project properties of the DLL you're trying to register
Go to Configuration Properties >> Debugging
Under "Command", click on the little down arrow and choose "regsvr32.exe"
Under "Command Arguments" type "$(TargetName)"
Put a breakpoint somewhere in your DLLMain
Now Debug the DLL (Right click on the dll project in solution explorer and choose "Debug")
If you get to your DLL main, you can debug from there until it fails. If you do not, you should take a look at the output window to see any relevant messages. You might need to change your output window filters too. Right Click on the output window and check all categories of messages to be sure it gives you everything and then debug again.
That should at least tell you where you are failing. Look for module load failures and the like
Edited to add - you might try just changing the build step by removing the "/S". That is "Silent" mode and in this case you want to see the messages.
I finally solved the problem by removing mincore.lib from linked .lib files in both x86 and x64 versions of project, which I recently linked to use GetFileVersionInfoSize API function.

mfc100u.dll missing when running application on another computer

I have an MFC application which asks for missing dll in subject line when I run it on another computer which doesn't have VS2010 installed. I have come across solutions which says I have to install VS2010 redistributable package but really? Do we have to install that on every customer computer? That doesn't seem very good.
The interesting thing is that I have another MFC application which does the same thing as the new dll but it doesn't need the mfc100u.dll so I am confused.
Which dll your app depends on is something you can figure out with the dependency walker tool that used to come in every VS installation (now freeware)
Redistributables are packages which should be installed when deploying applications on clients pcs. Installers usually do this automatically (and often silently) to ensure that your application will have all its dependencies met.
So yes, you need to
A) figure out all the dependencies of your app
B) figure out which packages you need and then deploy them alongside your app when installing it
That's why installers are so common in the win world
There is a build setting where you choose whether to use the MFC DLL or to link MFC into your exe file. If your app consists of only the single exe file then using static linking would eliminate the need for the MFC DLL. Look for the "Use of MFC" setting in the project properties.
P.S. This setting is actually two settings: One for the debug configuration, one for the release configuration.

Can't run app coz configuration is incorrect (Proxy.Jobs) c++

I have app which I think needs Microsoft c++ libraries. This app makes a proxy, and probably uses proxy jobs module ( C ). I need to add only this proxy jobs module or files make this work, without installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86), because application needs to be open as a "Guest" without admin rights, and I can' instal that package. Anyone have solution for this problem? I was trying to find only the proxy jobs module but without success. When I try to run this app I get an error: Can't run this application because configuration is incorrect.
Use static linking for the runtime library. In Visual Studio 2010 (should be similar in other versions), go to this configuration setting:
Project properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Code
Generation > Runtime Library.
For the Debug configuration, change it to Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd) and for Release, change it to Multi-threaded (/MT).
All projects and dependencies which make up your final executable will need to be compiled with the /MT option for this to work.
I checked by tasklist command:
tasklist /m /fi "IMAGENAME eq applicationame.exe" >C:/result.txt
I got result file:
ntdll.dll, wow64.dll, wow64win.dll, wow64cpu.dll
So these dll's dosent exists in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/vstudio/8kche8ah.aspx
and i think they're included in Windows Os, so any another idea why on another xp i got this error?

C++/CLI is Application unable to Start

I have Created a C++/CLI Console Application and I am using C Static Library(Multi-threaded (/MT)) In it.
Its Compiling fine but, when I try to launch it is showing Message Box
Unable to start ....\ManagedSample.exe
THis application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Review the manifets file for possible error.
I have Set clr option.
Typically this happens when no or the wrong C++ runtime library is installed.
Download and install the correct VC++ redist.
Eg. if you built your application with VS2010 SP1 use this package.

BadImageFormatException encountered with WcfSvcHost and IIS WCF host

Creating a WCF Service Library in Visual Studio 2008 on Vista x64 is troublesome when referencing an x86 DLL. A service that calls a 32-bit DLL is required to have a platform target of x86 to run on a 64-bit OS. When you do this, the WcfSvcHost throws a BadImageFormatException when you attempt to debug the service. There is a bug report on MS connect. The workaround I used was to coreflag WcfSvcHost as 32-bit.
Manifest Problem
The main issue I've run in to is this third-party native 32-bit DLL fails to load using certain WCF hosts. I receive the following error when a service operation is invoked that uses the third-party DLL:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
'' threw an exception.
A nested exception occurred after the
primary exception that caused the C++
module to fail to load.
System.BadImageFormatException: The module was expected to contain an
assembly manifest. (Exception from
HRESULT: 0x80131018)
The handle is invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE))
This exception is not raised when WcfSvcHost starts, it's raised when the a service operation is invoked that references the 32-bit DLL. What's very interesting, hosting this same service with the same app.config on a console app has no exceptions and works perfectly:
using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost (typeof (MsgBrokerService))) {
host.Open ();
Console.WriteLine ("running");
Console.ReadLine ();
This exception occurs right after:
'WcfSvcHost.exe' (Managed): Loaded
Again, the console app does not have an exception and loads the same DLL:
'ConsoleApp.vshost.exe' (Managed):
See answer from Microsoft Product Support.
Update #1: Both the console application and the WcfSvcHost.exe host process runs under the same session and logged-in user (me). I've copied WcfSvcHost.exe to the directory of the service, manually launched and experienced the same result. I've also checked the Windows Event Log for additional information and used sxstrace, but nothing was logged.
Running Process Explorer, I've verified the following are the same between the two processes:
Image: 32-bit
Current Directory
Security (groups denied, privileges disabled)
Running Process Monitor, and configuring symbols, I see WcfSvcHost looks for the following registry and files, while the console host does not. Process Monitor logs a lot of data and I'm not sure what I'm looking for :(.
Update #2: This same exception occurs when the service is hosted in production on IIS 6 / Windows Server 2003.
Update #3: The 3rd-party 32-bit .NET assembly is the StreamBase API:
sbclient.dll (managed)
monitor.netmodule (managed)
dotnetapi.dll (unmanaged)
pthreads-vc8.dll (unmanaged)
Update #4: Added manifests without success:
Verified that dotnetapi.dll and pthreads-vc8.dll have RT_MANIFEST. The sbclient.dll .NET assembly did not have a manifest
Removed sbclient.dll from the GAC
Registered sbclient.dll for verification skipping
Added a manifest via mt.exe to both sbclient.dll and monitor.netmodule
Verified manifest was added and that the expected files were loaded during testing (via Visual Studio - debug modules window)
The same BadImageFormatException is thrown under BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(), and the call stack shows a call to dotnetapi.dll...DefaultDomain.Initalize().
I have verified that msvcm80.dll does not have a manifest, I believe this is the only file loaded that doesn't have a manifest :)
Interesting find
When I load monitor.netmodule in Reflector, it says:
'monitor.netmodule' does not contain
an assembly manifest.
Even though it displays an error, Reflector is still able to disassemble the managed code.
a bit late but you can also change the app pool setting "Enable 32-bit Applications" to true in advanced settings.
Microsoft Product Support has resolved this question: It's by design. The unmanaged code is not loaded in the default AppDomain when using WcfSvcHost or the IIS WCF host.
A pure image will use a CLR version of
the C run-time library. However, the
CRT is not verifiable, so you cannot
use the CRT when compiling with
/clr:safe. For more information, see C
Run-Time Libraries.
I cannot provide an explanation for the error, only my initial suspicion that there is a permission difference between the context in which your code is run as a service and the context in which it is run when you place it in a console application. The E_HANDLE HRESULT is my clue here. Assuming that you run the console application as your logged-in user, you could try configuring the service to start as that user as well. If it works in that configuration, then you can attempt to narrow down what required resource is unavailable when it fails.
I can suggest a workaround. If there is an oddity of the DLL in question that prevents it from working in a hosted service, you can take the sacrificial process approach, so named because it is typically used to isolate a DLL that crashes often. Briefly, you create a proxy program whose only purpose is to load and call the DLL on behalf of your main process, using named pipes or some other IPC method to pass requests and results. If the DLL crashes, you start a new instance of the proxy program. In your case it would have the added benefit that only the wrapper program would need to be 32-bit.
Do you see anything special in the Event viewer?.
In Vista if there a manifest problem you will see traces of it in the Event Viewer, it will tell you to use SxsTrace.
Could you manually add a manifest to this DLL yourself, using the mt.exe file?
MSDN Article on using mt.exe
This may seem a bit dumb; but make sure your service is running in the correct application pool.
Ran into this issue myself. I found a helpful post. As noted in other posts, Microsoft stated this is by design. Basically you need to:
Locate your version of WcfSvcHost.exe. (for me and visual studio
2017: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Launch developer command prompt
Execute cmd: copy C:\SourcePath\WcfSvcHost.exe
C:\DestinationPath\WcfSvcHost32.exe (Destination doesn't matter)
cmd: corflags /32BIT+ /Force WcfSvcHost32.exe (may need to cd to DestinationPath
In visual studio open the WCF project properties > Debug tab > Start External program: C:\DestinationPath\WcfSvcHost32.exe
Also add your command line arguments:
Note: You do not need to use ($ProjectDir) here
Launch the app. You are now free to launch WcfServiceHost.exe seperately.
Optionally go to solution > Set Startup Projects > Multiple Startup Projects > Choose the Wcf project and the client project.