Adding SignedDataObjects (and consequently add proofOfApproval property) to an enveloped signature - xmlsec

I'm creating an Enveloped signature with xades4j following this statements:
Element elemToSign = doc.getDocumentElement();
XadesSigner signer = new XadesTSigningProfile(...).newSigner();
new Enveloped(signer).sign(elemToSign);
But I need to put in the signature also other properties like ProofOfApprova etc...
I see that in xades4j examples the proofOfApprovalProperties are addedto enveloped signature using different statements of signature, for example:
AllDataObjsCommitmentTypeProperty globalCommitment = AllDataObjsCommitmentTypeProperty.proofOfApproval();
CommitmentTypeProperty commitment = CommitmentTypeProperty.proofOfCreation();
DataObjectDesc obj1 = new DataObjectReference('#' + elemToSign.getAttribute("Id"))
.withTransform(new EnvelopedSignatureTransform())
.withDataObjectFormat(new DataObjectFormatProperty("text/xml", "MyEncoding")
.withDescription("Isto é uma descrição do elemento raiz")
SignedDataObjects dataObjs = new SignedDataObjects(obj1)
signer.sign(dataObjs, elemToSign);
I see here that another procedure of signature is used, more specificately the statement in which I create a DataObjectreference saying that I use "Id" attibute fo root tag is unusable for me because in input I can have any kind of xml document and I cannot know what kind of attribute (if present) I can use foe define root tag.
Briefly, can I have some examp'le code where I create an Enveloped signature and put a proofOfApproval property using "new Enveloped(signer).sign(elemToSign);", or anyway whitout knowing the xml source structure?

The proofOfApproval property has to be applied to data objects being signed, hence the need to use the SignedDataObjects class.
The Enveloped class is just a helper for straightforward scenarios. If I understood correctly you want to sign the whole XML document. The XML-Signatures spec defines that an empty URI on a reference (URI="") means exactly that. If you check the code on the Enveloped class you'll see that it adds a DataObjectReference with an empty uri.
To sum up, you'll need something like:
DataObjectDesc obj1 = new DataObjectReference("")
.withTransform(new EnvelopedSignatureTransform())
signer.sign(new SignedDataObjects(obj1), elemToSign);


Google Cloud Data flow : CloudBigtableScanConfiguration.withScan(), how to pass dynamic filter values?

SourceLocation is prefix for my Bigtable, which is fetched from Is there a way to fetch it dynamically while running the data flow template?
My Pipeline:
pipeline.apply("ReadTable", Read.from(
private static CloudBigtableScanConfiguration configSetUp(LocationSetupOptions options) {
ValueProvider<Integer> pageFilter = options.getPageFilter();
Scan scan = new Scan(Bytes.toBytes(options.getSourceLocation().get()));
FilterList filterList = new FilterList();
PrefixFilter prefixFilter = new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes(options.getSourceLocation().get()));
filterList.addFilter(new PageFilter(Long.valueOf(pageFilter.get())));
return new CloudBigtableScanConfiguration.Builder()
There are two clients for Bigtable CloudBigtableIO and BigtableIO. The CloudBigtableIO parameters are not updated to be modified by templates via a ValueProvider but BigtableIO is compatible with ValueProviders.
In your particular case if you are looking for ValueProvider to be used along with template then I would recommend that you move to using BigtableIO. A sample can be found here AvroToBigtable.
The #Default.InstanceFactory can be used to specify a user-provided factory method to generate default values for a parameter. With this, you could read the default value from a resource file inside of your DefaultValueFactory implementation.
As an example, you can check how WindowedWordCount defines DefaultToCurrentSystemTime to annotate the minTimestampMillis parameter:

Pug/Jade get all variables in a given template

For a given Jade/Pug template I would like to get a list of all variables which occur within the template.
My motivation is as follows: In my software, different templates are used to generate some HTML snippets. Based on a given context (i.e. values for certain variables are given), I would like to suggest only those templates, where all variables within the template can be assigned.
Example: For template myTemplate like this:
title= myTitle
h1 #{value.headline}
p #{paragraph.text}
I would like to get some output like this:
var variableNames = extractVariableNamesFromTemplate('myTemplate');
// variableNames = [ 'myTitle', 'value.headline', 'paragraph.text' ]
Is there something available ready-to-use? Preferably a solution which would take into account all language-specific features such as includes, extends, etc.
This is not a full answer to your problem but more of a starting point. From debugging the pug code, i have noticed you could probably "hook" a plugin in one of the steps of template "compilation" to code. Look here.
It seems that in the various steps of compilation, you can access the diffrent nodes present in the template.
You could also look at this, it seems to offer almost what you are looking for.
If you do something like
var lex = require('pug-lexer');
var filename = 'template.pug';
var src = `
title= myTitle
h1 #{value.headline}
p #{paragraph.text}`;
var tokens = lex(src, {filename});
The contents of tokens is an array of the diffrent tokens, the one that are of type "code" or "interpolate-code" seem to be the diffrent variables.
Hope this helps

Annotating a document with JAPE

I have been searching for a solution to this for weeks, I have some documents(about 95) that I am trying to classify using GATE. I have put them in one corpus I called training_corpus, however, after ANNIE has annotated the corpus, I have to go back into each file, select all token in the document, and create an annotation called Mention, with feature type and value the class for the document. for example:
type Start End id Features
Mention 0 70000 2588 {type=neg}
Is there anyway to automatically do this with JAPE? Basically, I want to select all tokens and create a new annotation with feature(type=class). Also, the class is appended to the document. Since there are many documents, can JAPE extract the class from the document name and set it to the value of Mentions feature. Example document name is neg_data1.txt, so the annotation will be Mention.type = neg?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I think you answered to your question by yourself.If the class assignment based on just a token present in text - why not simply process text outside of GATE?
For example to create an xml file like:
text and then use it in training process.
Also you can create a simple JAPE rule which will:
a) will take a text within document boundaries (see gate.Utils.length methods AFAIR)
b) based on presence of your token will create a new Annotation instance with features necessary.
an abstract example:
Phase: Instance
Input: Token
Options: control = once
AnnotationSet instances = outputAS.get("INSTANCE_ANNOTATION");
FeatureMap featureMap = Factory.newFeatureMap();
if (instances!=null&&!instances.isEmpty()){
featureMap.put("features when annotation presented in doc");
featureMap.put("features when annotation not in doc");
outputAS.add(new Long(0), new Long(documentLength), "Mention", featureMap);

Sitecore Multisite Manager and 'source' field in template builder

Is there any way to parametise the Datasource for the 'source' field in the Template Builder?
We have a multisite setup. As part of this it would save a lot of time and irritation if we could point our Droptrees and Treelists point at the appropriate locations rather than common parents.
For instance:
Instead of having to point our site at the root Content folder I want to point it at the individual data folders, so I want to do something like:
I can't find any articles on this. Is it something that's possible?
Not by default, but you can use this technique to code your datasources:
You could possibly use relative paths if it fits with the rest of your site structure. It could be as simple as:
But if the fields are on random items all over the tree, that might not be helpul.
Otherwise try looking at:
How to use sitecore query in datasource location? (dynamic datasouce)
You might want to look at using a Querable Datasource Location and plugging into the getRenderingDatasource pipeline.
It's really going to depend on your use cases. The thing I like about this solution is there is no need to create a whole bunch of controls which effectively do he same thing as the default Sitecore ones, and you don't have to individually code up each datasource you require - just set the query you need to get the data. You can also just set the datasource query in the __standard values for the templates.
This is very similar to Holger's suggestion, I just think this code is neater :)
Since Sitecore 7 requires VS 2012 and our company isn't going to upgrade any time soon I was forced to find a Sitecore 6 solution to this.
Drawing on this article and this one I came up with this solution.
public class SCWTreeList : TreeList
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Source))
this.Source = SourceQuery.Resolve(SContext.ContentDatabase.Items[ItemID], Source);
This creates a custom TreeList control and passes it's Source field through to a class to handle it. All that class needs to do is resolve anything you have in the Source field into a sitecore query path which can then be reassigned to the source field. This will then go on to be handled by Sitecore's own query engine.
So for our multi-site solution it enabled paths such as this:
To resolve to paths such as this:
/sitecore/medialibrary/Product Images/Site2
Our controls will then only show items for the correct site.
This is the method that handles resolving the GUIDs and tokens:
public static string Resolve(Item item, string query)
// Resolve tokens
if (query.Contains("$"))
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(query, "\\$[a-z]+");
foreach (Match match in matches)
query = query.Replace(match.Value, ResolveToken(item, match.Value));
// Resolve GUIDs.
MatchCollection guidMatches = Regex.Matches(query, "^{[a-zA-Z0-9-]+}");
foreach (Match match in guidMatches)
Guid guid = Guid.Parse(match.Value);
Item queryItem = SContext.ContentDatabase.GetItem(new ID(guid));
if (item != null)
query = query.Replace(match.Value, queryItem.Paths.FullPath);
return query;
Token handling below, as you can see it requires that any item using the $siteref token is inside an Site Folder item that we created. That allows us to use a field which contains the name that all of our multi-site content folders must follow - Site Reference. As long at that naming convention is obeyed it allows us to reference folders within the media library or any other shared content within Sitecore.
static string ResolveToken(Item root, string token)
switch (token)
case "$siteref":
string sRef = string.Empty;
Item siteFolder = root.Axes.GetAncestors().First(x => x.TemplateID.Guid == TemplateKeys.CMS.SiteFolder);
if (siteFolder != null)
sRef = siteFolder.Fields["Site Reference"].Value;
return sRef;
throw new Exception("Token '" + token + "' is not recognised. Please disable wishful thinking and try again.");
So far this works for TreeLists, DropTrees and DropLists. It would be nice to get it working with DropLinks but this method does not seem to work.
This feels like scratching the surface, I'm sure there's a lot more you could do with this approach.

Inspect Ember.js: Get the type of an object (Class)?

I use console.log() a lot, especially in combination with Ember.inspect(). But there's one thing I miss:
How can I find out the type of an object (Class)?
For example: Getting something like <Sandbox.ApplicationController:ember288> when inspecting Ember.get("controller")?
If you just want the model name (for example app/models/comment.js has the model name comment), you can use thing.constructor.modelName.
For example:
var aComment = this.get('store').createRecord('comment');
aComment.get('constructor.modelName') // => 'comment'
I understand you are looking for a string for debugging purposes, but I originally came to this question wanting to know specifically how to get the type of the object, not a string describing the object.
Using the built in Javascript property constructor will yield the class used to construct the instance. For example you could do:
person = App.Person.create();
person.constructor // returns App.Person
person.constructor.toString() // return "App.Person"
If you get Class, you can usually call toString() (or as a shortcut concat an empty string + '') to get something like <Sandbox.ApplicationController:ember288>
Another useful feature (in chrome) is the dir command.
This will give you the full object information, rather than just the name.
Be aware that some of these answers suggested here only work in development. Once your code is in production most of those methods / class names will get minified.
import Model from '#ember-data/model';
export default class Animal extends Model {
// ...
So in development:
const model ='animal'); // returns Animal
in production:
const model ='animal'); // returns 'i' (or any other single letter).
To avoid this, use constructor.toString()
const model ='animal');
model.constructor.toString() // returns 'model:animal'