serving static files on a separate server - django

I'm creating a website with django. There isn't much static content ( maybe 20 images, and 5-10 css/javascript docs).
I read up on Managing Static files in django. Do I need to deploy my static content on a separate server, or will it work fine since I have very little static content? currently, I'm accessing all my css files and images with the actual path name instead of using "{{STATIC_URL}}".

First you need to use {% static %} to access static files. Please see Django's official docs on this.
Answering your question: you do not need to keep your static files on a separate server but it is highly recommended. The main reason is performance. They will be served directly from HTTP server avoiding additional load on application server. Also, they will be cached by server/client.
You can find a lot of article on this topic. Also check official docs: deploying static files.

You will at least need an HTTP server running on whatever you're running your django project from, and it's highly recommended that you use a separate server for your static files apart from your app logic.
Secondly, it's very bad practice not to use {{ STATIC_URL }} or a similar item. Absolute paths are evil. If the project changes machines, or if it needs multiple versions, etc. These paths could very well change.


Content negotiation with Django staticfiles in runserver

I'm managing static files (JS, CSS, images, etc) in my Django application using staticfiles. This works fine, but I'd like to start dynamically serving pre-compressed sources when the user's browser is capable.
I went through the linked tutorial and, in production (on Apache) this works fine. I can include files using
<script src="/static/js/my-site"></script>
and it will load my-site.js in older browsers and my-site.js.gz when GZip encoding is supported. Great! But: this breaks local development using runserver. Of course, the staticfiles default view has no idea how to turn /js/my-site into /js/my-site.js (or .gz). To get runserver working, I need to specify the extension, which breaks content negotiation.
Is there a better way to configure Apache, so that I can always request .js (or .css, etc) and get served the compressed version transparently? Or can I tell Django how to find the requested resource without specifying an extension? I wouldn't think I'm the only one trying to do this...
there is no simple resolution. mostly because you are using something that was designed for the apache web server only (afaik).
i my opinion there are 3 solutions:
keep source .{js,css} files in separate directory, in development you can serve them from source dir or compressed one - simple, transparent and you can hide your uncompressed and non-obfuscated sources far from the reach
compress files with the .min.{js,css} ending - no need for separate directory, you can hide sources in apache (mod_rewrite)
write your own small middleware that will be simulating what apache does (it is few lines to select and rewrite path, you can even have different behavior depending on DEBUG config var)
use some dynamic solution e.g Django Compressor which will compile those files on-demand
(I'm using option 4 :) )

Django serve files outside the web root

I currently have Django set up to upload files to:
This works great. This folder is in the root folder of the project so the files cannot be served directly from a web URL, which is what I want, the files are "CVs" uploaded by users.
I've had a look at a third-party django app called filetransfers which would do the job, but I'm wondering if there is a way with Django core to serve files from outside the media folder.
Any help would be great.
Depending on what web server you are using I would recommend using X-sendfile if you use Apache or X-accel-redirect if you use Nginx. But remember you will need to change setting in your web server. But this is far more efficient way of serving files than using Django to do it.
If what you want is to keep control on how your files are served / who can see them etc, then the simplest solution is to write a custom view serving theses files. You just have to provide the file's content as the response body and set the appropriate response headers (file type, content length etc). Reading the FineManual(tm) part about the Response object should be a good starting point.
Resolved using FileWrapper().
Thanks anyway.

Django static content through nfs on an intranet

I'm deploying a Django application that is based on a whole lot of static content. All of the computers using the application are on an intranet, with the static content available through nfs.
Can django be configured to let users get the static data through their nfs mounts, rather than forcing it all through a web server?
If I've got this in a template:
<img src="/path/to/img.png"/>
The browser is requesting that image from
What I'm trying to do is get the client to treat that as a local path, rather than asking a server for it.
To reference a file in your file system (NFS mounted or otherwise), the URI to use is file:///path/to/file. However, that will not work in your case -- <a href="file:///path"> will only work from a static HTML file loaded from the local filesystem.
For security reasons, a web page is not allowed to access the local filesystem. See Why can't I do <img src="C:/localfile.jpg">?
If you want to speed up access to static files, one option would be to set up a separate light-weight webserver that's dedicated to service your static files (perhaps nginx? or lighttpd? or mongoose?) and use the URL of that server as your MEDIA_URL.
Well, you should try it out. If django is treating the static content path as just another constant, then your network share path should work just well. But, if it isn't, then you can try defining your own constant like: static_on_network_share or something and use that constant while loading content in templates/html.

Django: How to use static files (simple case, jquery)

I am trying to use jQuery on a Django site. I need to include the jQuery.js library. I have read a lot about Django static files, but I don't think anyone has asked this particular question. I have only three static files to serve: jquery.js, anothersmallfile.js, and styles.css. The Django docs on static file serving say:
"For small projects, this isn’t a big deal, because you can just keep the static files somewhere your web server can find it. link
I would like to "just keep them somewhere my webserver can find them" because elsewhere the Django docs clearly state (warn) that their static-files serving method is only for a development environment. I only have a few static files and I just want the simplest secure solution.
Unfortunately I can't get it working. No matter where I put the files, Django can't find them. Debugging through Chrome web developer console I see I'm getting a 404 error:
I am new to running a server. Do I A.) need to tell my file where to find static files? or perhaps the problem is B.) that I have misunderstood this issue - Django is my webserver (for production) so right now I must use the Django static files solution?
Doesn't seem like it ought to be very difficult to get my templates to simply recognize a .js file that's in the same directory as they are. Am I missing something?
Edit, before I get more downvotes: I am talking about this passage from the page linked above:
Django developers mostly concern themselves with the dynamic parts of web applications – the views and templates that render anew for each request. But web applications have other parts: the static files (images, CSS, Javascript, etc.) that are needed to render a complete web page.
For small projects, this isn’t a big deal, because you can just keep the static files somewhere your web server can find it. However, in bigger projects – especially those comprised of multiple apps – dealing with the multiple sets of static files provided by each application starts to get tricky.
That’s what django.contrib.staticfiles is for: it collects static files from each of your applications (and any other places you specify) into a single location that can easily be served in production.
Emphasis added
So if that's what django.contrib.staticfiles is for, what's the simpler solution? I dispute that this is a repeat of prior questions.
You need to read that documentation more closely. That warning is for production. In development, you do use that static-serving method, ie putting it in your And, that documentation will also show that the templates directory is not the right place to put them: a separate static or media directory is.
Edit after comment I really don't understand your comment. Either you do it in development via the static serving view, or you use your production server. But you say you don't have a production server. When you get one, whether it's Apache or Nginx or whatever, you put your static files in a directory and tell that server to serve files from there. That is the simple solution. The staticfiles app, exactly as in the docs you quoted, are for when you've got lots of files in different apps (and it simplifies the move from development to production, not complicates it as you seem to think).
Suppose your app is www. -> STATIC_ROOT = 'static/'
make dir www/static
make file www/static/some.html
in browser localhost:8000/static/some.html
That's all.

Django where to put static files

I am using Django to create a small web app, however I do not know where i must put my HTML and JS files. I don't want to use the templateing system because I have no need to pass the values from Django directly to the HTML template, Instead the HTML will be static and I will fetch all the data necessary and send the data to be input back into the database using AJAX with Jquery.
My Question is where must I put my HTMl and JS files so they are accessible from the web browser and will be in the same directory so that I can send my ajax requests to something like
http://localhost:2000/webapp/RPC/updateitem/ (more stuff here)
and where the HTML files are
You let your main webserver (the one you're running django on) deal with the static files. In most cases this means that you simly server the files through apache (or lighttpd or cherrypy or whatever). Django is only ment for the rendering of dynamic things and thus should not be used for serving static files.
If you're running from a development server (which I can't recommend), this tutorial will help you through setting it up: Serving static files