Basically, I have this final piece of code to convert from MatLab to C++.
The function takes in a 2D vector and then checks the elements of the 2D vector against 2 criteria and if not matched, it removes the blocks. But I'm confused to what the code in MatLab wants to be returned, a 2D or a 1D vector? Here is the code:
function f = strip(blocks, sumthresh, zerocrossthresh)
% This function removes leading and trailing blocks that do
% not contain sufficient energy or frequency to warrent consideration.
% Total energy is measured by summing the entire vector.
% Frequency is measured by counting the number of times 0 is crossed.
% The parameters sumthresh and zerocrossthrech are the thresholds,
% averaged across each sample, above which consideration is warrented.
% A good sumthresh would be 0.035
% A good zerocrossthresh would be 0.060
len = length(blocks);
n = sum(size(blocks)) - len;
min = n+1;
max = 0;
sumthreshtotal = len * sumthresh;
zerocrossthreshtotal = len * zerocrossthresh;
for i = 1:n
currsum = sum(abs(blocks(i,1:len)));
currzerocross = zerocross(blocks(i,1:len));
if or((currsum > sumthreshtotal),(currzerocross > zerocrossthreshtotal))
if i < min
min = i;
if i > max;
max = i;
% Uncomment these lines to see the min and max selected
% max
% min
if max > min
f = blocks(min:max,1:len);
f = zeros(0,0);
Alternatively, instead of returning another vector (whether it be 1D or 2D) might it be better to actually send the memory location of the vector and remove the blocks from it? So for example..
for(unsigned i=0; (i < theBlocks.size()); i++)
for(unsigned j=0; (j < theBlocks[i].size()); j++)
// handle theBlocks[i][kj] ....
Also, I do not understand this line:
currsum = sum(abs(blocks(i,1:len)));
Basically the: (i,1:len)
Any ideas? Thanks :)
blocks(i,1:len) is telling the array that it wants to go from blocks[i][1 to the end]. So if it was a 3x3 array it's doing something like:
Then it's taking the absolute value of the contents of the matrix and adding them together. It's returning a [x][x] matrix but the length is either going to be a 0x0 or of (max)X(len).
I have a for-loop that is constructing a vector with 101 elements, using (let's call it equation 1) for the first half of the vector, with the centre element using equation 2, and the latter half being a mirror of the first half.
Like so,
double fc = 0.25
const double PI = 3.1415926
// initialise vectors
int M = 50;
int N = 101;
std::vector<double> fltr;
std::vector<int> mArr;
// Creating vector mArr of 101 elements, going from -50 to +50
int count;
for(count = 0; count < N; count++)
mArr[count] = count - M;
// using these elements, enter in to equations to form vector 'fltr'
int n;
for(n = 0; n < M+1; n++)
// for elements 0 to 50 --> use equation 1
fltr[n] = (sin((fc*mArr[n])-M))/((mArr[n]-M)*PI);
// for element 51 --> use equation 2
fltr[M] = fc/PI;
This part of the code works fine and does what I expect, but for elements 52 to 101, I would like to mirror around element 51 (the output value using equation)
For a basic example;
1 2 3 4 5 6 0.2 6 5 4 3 2 1
This is what I have so far, but it just outputs 0's as the elements:
for(n = N; n > M; n--){
for(i = 0; n < M+1; i++)
fltr[n] = fltr[i];
I feel like there is an easier way to mirror part of a vector but I'm not sure how.
I would expect the values to plot like this:
After you have inserted the middle element, you can get a reverse iterator to the mid point and copy that range back into the vector through std::back_inserter. The vector is named vec in the example.
auto rbeg = vec.rbegin(), rend = vec.rend();
copy(rbeg, rend, back_inserter(vec));
Lets look at your code:
for(n = N; n > M; n--)
for(i = 0; n < M+1; i++)
fltr[n] = fltr[i];
And lets make things shorter, N = 5, M = 3,
array is 1 2 3 0 0 and should become 1 2 3 2 1
We start your first outer loop with n = 3, pointing us to the first zero. Then, in the inner loop, we set i to 0 and call fltr[3] = fltr[0], leaving us with the array as
1 2 3 1 0
We could now continue, but it should be obvious that this first assignment was useless.
With this I want to give you a simple way how to go through your code and see what it actually does. You clearly had something different in mind. What should be clear is that we do need to assign every part of the second half once.
What your code does is for each value of n to change the value of fltr[n] M times, ending with setting it to fltr[M] in any case, regardless of what value n has. The result should be that all values in the second half of the array are now the same as the center, in my example it ends with
1 2 3 3 3
Note that there is also a direct error: starting with n = N and then accessing fltr[n]. N is out of bounds for an arry of size N.
To give you a very simple working solution:
for(int i=0; i<M; i++)
fltr[N-i-1] = fltr[i];
N-i-1 is the mirrored address of i (i = 0 -> N-i-1 = 101-0-1 = 100, last valid address in an array with 101 entries).
Now, I saw several guys answering with a more elaborate code, but I thought that as a beginner, it might be beneficial for you to do this in a very simple manner.
Other than that, as #Pzc already said in the comments, you could do this assignment in the loop where the data is generated.
Another thing, with your code
for(n = 0; n < M+1; n++)
// for elements 0 to 50 --> use equation 1
fltr[n] = (sin((fc*mArr[n])-M))/((mArr[n]-M)*PI);
// for element 51 --> use equation 2
fltr[M] = fc/PI;
I have two issues:
First, the indentation makes it look like fltr[M]=.. would be in the loop. Don't do that, not even if this should have been a mistake when you wrote the question and is not like this in the code. This will lead to errors in the future. Indentation is important. Using the auto-indentation of your IDE is an easy way to go. And try to use brackets, even if it is only one command.
Second, n < M+1 as a condition includes the center. The center is located at adress 50, and 50 < 50+1. You haven't seen any problem as after the loop you overwrite it, but in a different situation, this can easily produce errors.
There are other small things I'd change, and I recommend that, when your code works, you post it on CodeReview.
Let's use std::iota, std::transform, and std::copy instead of raw loops:
const double fc = 0.25;
constexpr double PI = 3.1415926;
const std::size_t M = 50;
const std::size_t N = 2 * M + 1;
std::vector<double> mArr(M);
std::iota(mArr.rbegin(), mArr.rend(), 1.); // = [M, M - 1, ..., 1]
const auto fn = [=](double m) { return std::sin((fc * m) + M) / ((m + M) * PI); };
std::vector<double> fltr(N);
std::transform(mArr.begin(), mArr.end(), fltr.begin(), fn);
fltr[M] = fc / PI;
std::copy(fltr.begin(), fltr.begin() + M, fltr.rbegin());
I am implementing pitch tracking using an autocorrelation method in C++ but I am struggling to write the actual line of code which performs the autocorrelation.
I have an array containing a certain number ('values') of amplitude values of a pre-recorded signal, and I am performing the autocorrelation function on a set number (N) of these values.
In order to perform the autocorrelation I have taken the original array and reversed it so that point 0 = point N, point 1 = point N-1 etc, this array is called revarray
Here is what I want to do mathematically:
(array[0] * revarray[0])
(array[0] * revarray[1]) + (array[1] * revarray[0])
(array[0] * revarray[2]) + (array[1] * revarray[1]) + (array[2] * revarray[0])
(array[0] * revarray[3]) + (array[1] * revarray[2]) + (array[2] * revarray[1]) + (array[3] * revarray[0])
...and so on. This will be repeated for array[900]->array[1799] etc until autocorrelation has been performed on all of the samples in the array.
The number of times the autocorrelation is carried out is:
values / N = measurements
Here is the relevent section of my code so far
for (k = 0; k = measurements; ++k){
for (i = k*(N - 1), j = k*N; i >= 0; i--, j++){
revarray[j] = array[i];
for (a = k*N; a = k*(N - 1); ++a){
for (b = k*N; b = k*(N - 1); ++b){
autocor[a] += //**Here is where I'm confused**//
I know that I want to keep iteratively adding new values to autocor[a], but my problem is that the value that needs to be added to will keep changing. I've tried using an increasing count like so:
for (i = (k*N); i = k*(N-1); ++i){
autocor[i] += array[i] * revarray[i-1]
But I clearly know this won't work as when the new value is added to the previous autocor[i] this previous value will be incorrect, and when i=0 it will be impossible to calculate using revarray[i-1]
Any suggestions? Been struggling with this for a while now. I managed to get it working on just a single array (not taking N samples at a time) as seen here but I think using the inverted array is a much more efficient approach, I'm just struggling to implement the autocorrelation by taking sections of the entire signal.
It is not very clear to me, but I'll assume that you need to perform your iterations as many times as there are elements in that array (if it is indeed only half that much - adjust the code accordingly).
Also the N is assumed to mean the size of the array, so the index of the last element is N-1.
The loops would looks like that:
for(size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i){
autocorr[i] = 0;
for(size_t j = 0; j <= i; ++j){
const size_t idxA = j
, idxR = i - j; // direct and reverse indices in the array
autocorr[i] += array[idxA] * array[idxR];
Basically you run the outer loop as many times as there are elements in your array and for each of those iterations you run a shorter loop up to the current last index of the outer array.
All that is left to be done now is to properly calculate the indices of the array and revarray to perform the calculations and accummulate a running sum in the current outer loop's index.
I'm trying to make a simple filter incoming data (save maximum and minimum pick), for example: 44100 comes samples per second, but the screen must be displayed 1000. I choose a maximum or minimum in the range of 44.1 samples, and output the screen. However, this algorithm is not very accurate. In the code, it looks like this:
example pseudo algorithm
float max = 0;
float min = 0;
float filter = 0;
float step = 44100/1000;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 44100; i++){
if(input[i] > 0)
if(max < input[i])
max = input[i];
if(input[i] < 0)
if(min > input[i])
min = input[i];
if(filter >= step){
filter = filter - step;
//1st version (bad version)
memory[count] = max + min;
//2nd version (bad version)
if(max > abs(min))
memory[count] = max;
else if(max < abs(min))
memory[count] = min;
//3nd version (only maximum)
memory[count] = max; //work great, but only > 0
//4nd version (only minimum)
memory[count] = min; //work great, but only < 0
max = 0;
min = 0;
if(count >= 1000)
count = 0;
What am I doing wrong? Separately, everything works fine (max or min), but when connecting all together, result bad.
I have picture, but I can not paste them here.
Links to pictures under this post.
To properly compute the min/max of a set of numbers you have to initialize the values correctly. By setting them to 0 you run into the problems you've found. You have basically two ways to initialize min/max:
Set them to a value larger/smaller than any of your input data.
Set them to the first value in the array.
For (1), if you know your data is, for example, always between -100 and +100 you can simply do:
min = 101;
max = -101;
Note that this doesn't work if your inputs can be any value in the range of the type. For (2) you can do something like:
float max = input[0];
float min = input[0];
for (int i ... )
if (filter >= step)
min = input[i + 1]; // Be aware of overflow on the last element if
max = input[i + 1]; // input[] is exactly 44100 elements in size
What do you actually want to see? If it is audio sample, zero means quiet, you probably want to see the envelope - store minimum and maximum for each bin (your bin here=1000 counts) together and display the two in the same picture.
Your sample rate (after division) is 44 Hz, so you can forget some nice simplified waveform (if it is audio)...
The problem that you're seeing in the third graph is that you are storing either a minimum (about -1) or a maximum (about +1). And it's pretty random which of the two you store.
When you then connect the dots, you see a short line segment (2 pixels) whenever you stored two minima or two maxima. But if you store a minimum followed by a maximum, connecting the two gives you a line with a very steep upwards slope. A maximum followed by a minimum gives you a strong downward slope.
The real problem here is that you probably don't realize what you wanted to draw. You should have two arrays, memory_min[] and memory_max[]. And don't mix those two.
I have to solve a problem when Given a grid size N x M , I have to find the number of parallelograms that "can be put in it", in such way that they every coord is an integer.
Here is my code:
~Keep It Simple!~
#define MaxN 2005
int N,M;
long long Paras[MaxN][MaxN]; // Number of parallelograms of Height i and Width j
long long Rects; // Final Number of Parallelograms
int cmmdc(int a,int b)
int aux = b;
b = a -(( a/b ) * b);
a = aux;
return a;
int main()
for(int i=2; i<=N+1; i++)
for(int j=2; j<=M+1; j++)
Paras[i][j] = Paras[j][i] = 1LL*(i-2)*(j-2) + i*j - cmmdc(i-1,j-1) -2; // number of parallelograms with all edges on the grid + number of parallelograms with only 2 edges on the grid.
Rects += 1LL*(M-j+2)*(N-i+2) * Paras[j][i]; // each parallelogram can be moved in (M-j+2)(N-i+2) places.
printf("%lld", Rects);
Example : For a 2x2 grid we have 22 possible parallelograms.
My Algorithm works and it is correct, but I need to make it a little bit faster. I wanna know how is it possible.
P.S. I've heard that I should pre-process the greatest common divisor and save it in an array which would reduce the run-time to O(n*m), but I'm not sure how to do that without using the cmmdc ( greatest common divisor ) function.
Make sure N is not smaller than M:
if( N < M ){ swap( N, M ); }
Leverage the symmetry in your loops, you only need to run j from 2 to i:
for(int j=2; j<=min( i, M+1); j++)
you don't need an extra array Paras, drop it. Instead use a temporary variable.
long long temparas = 1LL*(i-2)*(j-2) + i*j - cmmdc(i-1,j-1) -2;
long long t1 = temparas * (M-j+2)*(N-i+2);
Rects += t1;
// check if the inverse case i <-> j must be considered
if( i != j && i <= M+1 ) // j <= N+1 is always true because of j <= i <= N+1
Rects += t1;
Replace this line: b = a -(( a/b ) * b); using the remainder operator:
b = a % b;
Caching the cmmdc results would probably be possible, you can initialize the array using sort of sieve algorithm: Create an 2d array indexed by a and b, put "2" at each position where a and b are multiples of 2, then put a "3" at each position where a and b are multiples of 3, and so on, roughly like this:
int gcd_cache[N][N];
void init_cache(){
for (int u = 1; u < N; ++u){
for (int i = u; i < N; i+=u ) for (int k = u; k < N ; k+=u ){
gcd_cache[i][k] = u;
Not sure if it helps a lot though.
The first comment in your code states "keep it simple", so, in the light of that, why not try solving the problem mathematically and printing the result.
If you select two lines of length N from your grid, you would find the number of parallelograms in the following way:
Select two points next to each other in both lines: there is (N-1)^2
ways of doing this, since you can position the two points on N-1
positions on each of the lines.
Select two points with one space between them in both lines: there is (N-2)^2 ways of doing this.
Select two points with two, three and up to N-2 spaces between them.
The resulting number of combinations would be (N-1)^2+(N-2)^2+(N-3)^2+...+1.
By solving the sum, we get the formula: 1/6*N*(2*N^2-3*N+1). Check WolframAlpha to verify.
Now that you have a solution for two lines, you simply need to multiply it by the number of combinations of order 2 of M, which is M!/(2*(M-2)!).
Thus, the whole formula would be: 1/12*N*(2*N^2-3*N+1)*M!/(M-2)!, where the ! mark denotes factorial, and the ^ denotes a power operator (note that the same sign is not the power operator in C++, but the bitwise XOR operator).
This calculation requires less operations that iterating through the matrix.
Write a function which has:
input: array of pairs (unique id and weight) length of N, K =< N
output: K random unique ids (from input array)
Note: being called many times frequency of appearing of some Id in the output should be greater the more weight it has.
Example: id with weight of 5 should appear in the output 5 times more often than id with weight of 1. Also, the amount of memory allocated should be known at compile time, i.e. no additional memory should be allocated.
My question is: how to solve this task?
thanks for responses everybody!
currently I can't understand how weight of pair affects frequency of appearance of pair in the output, can you give me more clear, "for dummy" explanation of how it works?
Assuming a good enough random number generator:
Sum the weights (total_weight)
Repeat K times:
Pick a number between 0 and total_weight (selection)
Find the first pair where the sum of all the weights from the beginning of the array to that pair is greater than or equal to selection
Write the first part of the pair to the output
You need enough storage to store the total weight.
Ok so you are given input as follows:
(3, 7)
(1, 2)
(2, 5)
(4, 1)
(5, 2)
And you want to pick a random number so that the weight of each id is reflected in the picking, i.e. pick a random number from the following list:
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 5
Initially, I created a temporary array but this can be done in memory as well, you can calculate the size of the list by summing all the weights up = X, in this example = 17
Pick a random number between [0, X-1], and calculate which which id should be returned by looping through the list, doing a cumulative addition on the weights. Say I have a random number 8
(3, 7) total = 7 which is < 8
(1, 2) total = 9 which is >= 8 **boom** 1 is your id!
Now since you need K random unique ids you can create a hashtable from initial array passed to you to work with. Once you find an id, remove it from the hash and proceed with algorithm. Edit Note that you create the hashmap initially only once! You algorithm will work on this instead of looking through the array. I did not put in in the top to keep the answer clear
As long as your random calculation is not using any extra memory secretly, you will need to store K random pickings, which are <= N and a copy of the original array so max space requirements at runtime are O(2*N)
Asymptotic runtime is :
O(n) : create copy of original array into hastable +
O(n) : calculate sum of weights +
O(1) : calculate random between range +
O(n) : cumulative totals
) * K random pickings
= O(n*k) overall
This is a good question :)
This solution works with non-integer weights and uses constant space (ie: space complexity = O(1)). It does, however modify the input array, but the only difference in the end is that the elements will be in a different order.
Add the weight of each input to the weight of the following input, starting from the bottom working your way up. Now each weight is actually the sum of that input's weight and all of the previous weights.
sum_weights = the sum of all of the weights, and n = N.
K times:
Choose a random number r in the range [0,sum_weights)
binary search the first n elements for the first slot where the (now summed) weight is greater than or equal to r, i.
Add input[i].id to output.
Subtract input[i-1].weight from input[i].weight (unless i == 0). Now subtract input[i].weight from to following (> i) input weights and also sum_weight.
Move input[i] to position [n-1] (sliding the intervening elements down one slot). This is the expensive part, as it's O(N) and we do it K times. You can skip this step on the last iteration.
subtract 1 from n
Fix back all of the weights from n-1 down to 1 by subtracting the preceding input's weight
Time complexity is O(K*N). The expensive part (of the time complexity) is shuffling the chosen elements. I suspect there's a clever way to avoid that, but haven't thought of anything yet.
It's unclear what the question means by "output: K random unique Ids". The solution above assumes that this meant that the output ids are supposed to be unique/distinct, but if that's not the case then the problem is even simpler:
Add the weight of each input to the weight of the following input, starting from the bottom working your way up. Now each weight is actually the sum of that input's weight and all of the previous weights.
sum_weights = the sum of all of the weights, and n = N.
K times:
Choose a random number r in the range [0,sum_weights)
binary search the first n elements for the first slot where the (now summed) weight is greater than or equal to r, i.
Add input[i].id to output.
Fix back all of the weights from n-1 down to 1 by subtracting the preceding input's weight
Time complexity is O(K*log(N)).
My short answer: in no way.
Just because the problem definition is incorrect. As Axn brilliantly noticed:
There is a little bit of contradiction going on in the requirement. It states that K <= N. But as K approaches N, the frequency requirement will be contradicted by the Uniqueness requirement. Worst case, if K=N, all elements will be returned (i.e appear with same frequency), irrespective of their weight.
Anyway, when K is pretty small relative to N, calculated frequencies will be pretty close to theoretical values.
The task may be splitted on two subtasks:
Generate random numbers with a given distribution (specified by weights)
Generate unique random numbers
Generate random numbers with a given distribution
Calculate sum of weights (sumOfWeights)
Generate random number from the range [1; sumOfWeights]
Find an array element where the sum of weights from the beginning of the array is greater than or equal to the generated random number
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
// 0 - id, 1 - weight
typedef unsigned Pair[2];
unsigned Random(Pair* i_set, unsigned* i_indexes, unsigned i_size)
unsigned sumOfWeights = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_size; ++i)
const unsigned index = i_indexes[i];
sumOfWeights += i_set[index][2];
const unsigned random = rand() % sumOfWeights + 1;
sumOfWeights = 0;
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < i_size; ++i)
const unsigned index = i_indexes[i];
sumOfWeights += i_set[index][3];
if (sumOfWeights >= random)
return i;
Generate unique random numbers
Well known Durstenfeld-Fisher-Yates algorithm may be used for generation unique random numbers. See this great explanation.
It requires N bytes of space, so if N value is defined at compiled time, we are able to allocate necessary space at compile time.
Now, we have to combine these two algorithms. We just need to use our own Random() function instead of standard rand() in unique numbers generation algorithm.
template<unsigned N, unsigned K>
void Generate(Pair (&i_set)[N], unsigned (&o_res)[K])
unsigned deck[N];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
deck[i] = i;
unsigned max = N - 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < K; ++i)
const unsigned index = Random(i_set, deck, max + 1);
std::swap(deck[max], deck[index]);
o_res[i] = i_set[deck[max]][0];
int main()
const unsigned c_N = 5; // N
const unsigned c_K = 2; // K
Pair input[c_N] = {{0, 5}, {1, 3}, {2, 2}, {3, 5}, {4, 4}}; // input array
unsigned result[c_K] = {};
const unsigned c_total = 1000000; // number of iterations
unsigned counts[c_N] = {0}; // frequency counters
for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_total; ++i)
Generate<c_N, c_K>(input, result);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < c_K; ++j)
unsigned sumOfWeights = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_N; ++i)
sumOfWeights += input[i][1];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_N; ++i)
std::cout << (double)counts[i]/c_K/c_total // empirical frequency
<< " | "
<< (double)input[i][1]/sumOfWeights // expected frequency
<< std::endl;
return 0;
N = 5, K = 2
Empiricical | Expected
0.253813 | 0.263158
0.16584 | 0.157895
0.113878 | 0.105263
0.253582 | 0.263158
0.212888 | 0.210526
Corner case when weights are actually ignored
N = 5, K = 5
Empiricical | Expected
0.2 | 0.263158
0.2 | 0.157895
0.2 | 0.105263
0.2 | 0.263158
0.2 | 0.210526
I do assume that the ids in the output must be unique. This makes this problem a specific instance of random sampling problems.
The first approach that I can think of solves this in O(N^2) time, using O(N) memory (The input array itself plus constant memory).
I Assume that the weights are possitive.
Let A be the array of pairs.
1) Set N to be A.length
2) calculate the sum of all weights W.
3) Loop K times
3.1) r = rand(0,W)
3.2) loop on A and find the first index i such that A[1].w + ...+ A[i].w <= r < A[1].w + ... + A[i+1].w
3.3) add A[i].id to output
3.4) A[i] = A[N-1] (or swap if the array contents should be preserved)
3.5) N = N - 1
3.6) W = W - A[i].w