Matlab Hilbert Transform in C++ - c++

First, please excuse my ignorance in this field, I'm a programmer by trade but have been stuck in a situation a little beyond my expertise (in math and signals processing).
I have a Matlab script that I need to port to a C++ program (without compiling the matlab code into a DLL). It uses the hilbert() function with one argument. I'm trying to find a way to implement the same thing in C++ (i.e. have a function that also takes only one argument, and returns the same values).
I have read up on ways of using FFT and IFFT to build it, but can't seem to get anything as simple as the Matlab version. The main thing is that I need it to work on a 128*2000 matrix, and nothing I've found in my search has showed me how to do that.
I would be OK with either a complex value returned, or just the absolute value. The simpler it is to integrate into the code, the better.
Thank you.

The MatLab function hilbert() does actually not compute the Hilbert transform directly but instead it computes the analytical signal, which is the thing one needs in most cases.
It does it by taking the FFT, deleting the negative frequencies (setting the upper half of the array to zero) and applying the inverse FFT. It would be straight forward in C/C++ (three lines of code) if you've got a decent FFT implementation.

This looks pretty good, as long as you can deal with the GPL license. Part of a much larger numerical computing resource.

Simple code below. (Note: this was part of a bigger project). The value for L is based on the your determination of your order, N. With N = 2L-1. Round N to an odd number. xbar below is based on the signal you define as the input to your designed system. This was implemented in MATLAB.
L = 40;
n = -L:L; % index n from [-40,-39,....,-1,0,1,...,39,40];
h = (1 - (-1).^n)./(pi*n); %impulse response of Hilbert Transform
h(41) = 0; %Corresponds to the 0/0 term (for 41st term, 0, in n vector above)
xhat = conv(h,xbar); %resultant from Hilbert Transform H(w);

Not a true answer to your question but maybe a way of making you sleep better. I believe that you won't be able to be much faster than Matlab in the particular case of what is basically ffts on a matrix. That is where Matlab excels!
Matlab FFTs are computed using FFTW, the de-facto fastest FFT algorithm written in C which seem to be also parallelized by Matlab. On top of that, quoting from
For FFT dimensions that are powers of 2, between 214 and 222, MATLAB
software uses special preloaded information in its internal database
to optimize the FFT computation.
So don't feel bad if your code is slightly slower...


Different least square errors with armadillo functions

Hello stackoverflow community,
I have troubles in understanding a least-square-error-problem in the c++ armadillo package.
I have a matrix A with many more rows than columns (5000 to 100 for example) so it is overdetermined.
I want to find x so that A*x=b gives me the least square error.
If i use the solve function of armadillo on my data like "x = Solve(A,b)" the error of "(A*x-b)^2" is sometimes way to high.
If on the other hand I solve for x with the analytical form by "x = (A^T * A)^-1 *A^T * b" the results are always right.
The results for x in both cases can differ by 10 magnitudes.
I had thought that armadillo would use this analytical form in the background if the system is overdetermined.
Now I would like to understand why these two methods give such different results.
I wanted to give a short example program, but i can't reproduce this behavior with a short program.
I thought about giving the Matrix here, but with 5000 times 100 it's also very big. I can deliver the values for which this happens though if needed.
So as a short background.
The matrix I get from my program is a numerically solved reaction of a nonlinear oscillator in which I put information inside by wiggeling a parameter of this system.
Because the influence of this parameter on the system is small, the values of my different rows are very similar but never the same, otherwise armadillo should throw an error.
I'm still thinking that this is the problem, but the solve function never threw any error.
Another thing that confuses me is that in a short example program with a random matrix, the analytical form is waaay slower than the solve function.
But on my program, both are nearly identically fast.
I guess this has something to do with the numerical convergence of the pseudo inverse and the special case of my matrix, but for that i don't know enough about how armadillo works.
I hope someone can help me with that problem and thanks a lot in advance.
Thanks for the replies. I think i figured the problem out and wanted to give some feedback for everybody who runs into the same problem.
The Armadillo solve function gives me the x that minimizes (A*x-b)^2.
I looked at the values of x and they are sometimes in the magnitude of 10^13.
This comes from the fact that the rows of my matrix only slightly change. (So nearly linear dependent but not exactly).
Because of that i was in the numerical precision of my doubles and as a result my error sometimes jumped around.
If i use the rearranged analytical formular (A^T * A)*x = *A^T * b with the solve function this problem doesn't occur anymore because the fitted values of x are in the magnitude of 10^4. The least square error is a little bit higher but that is okay, as i want to avoid overfitting.
I now additionally added Tikhonov regularization by solving (A^T * A + lambda*Identity_Matrix)*x = *A^T * b with the solve function of armadillo.
Now the weight vectors are in the order of around 1 and the error nearly doesn't change compared to the formular without regularization.

Univac Math pack subroutines in old-school FORTRAN (pre-77)

I have been looking at an engineering paper here which describes an old FORTRAN code for solving pipe flow equations (it's dated 1974, before FORTRAN was standardised as Fortran 77). On page 42 of this document the old code calls the following subroutine:
CALL GJR(A,51,50,NP,NPP,$98,JC,V)
It's a bit of a long shot, but do any veterans or ancient code buffs recall this system subroutine and it's input arguments? I'm having trouble finding any information about it.
If I can adapt the old code my current application I may rewrite this in C++ or VBA, and will be looking for an equivalent function in these languages.
I'll add to this answer if I find anything more detailed, but I have a place to start looking for the arguments to GJR.
This function is part of the Sperry UNIVAC MATH-PACK library - a full list of functions in the library can be found in GJR is described as "determinant; inverse; solution of simultaneous equations". Marginally helpful.
A better description comes from
A FORTRAN subroutine, one of the Univac 1108 Math Pack programs,
available on the library tapes at the University of Maryland computing
center. It solves simultaneous equations, computes a determinant, or
inverts a matrix or any combination of the three above by using a
Gauss-Jordan elimination technique with column pivoting.
This is slightly more useful, but what we really want is "MATH-PACK, Programmer Reference", UP-7542 Rev. 1 from Sperry-UNIVAC (Unisys) I find a lot of references to this document but no full-text PDF of the document itself.
I'd take a look at the arguments in the function call, how they are set up and how the results are used, then look for equivalent routines in LAPACK or BLAS. See
I have a few books on piping networks including "Analysis of Flow in Pipe Networks" by Jeppson (same author as in the original PDF hosted by USU) - I'll see if I can dig that up. The book may have a more portable matrix solver than the proprietary Sperry-UNIVAC library.
From p. 41 of I found documentation for the CGJR function, the complex version of GJR from the same library. It is likely the only difference in the arguments is variable type (COMPLEX instead of REAL):
CGJR is a subroutine which solves simultaneous equations, computes a determinant, inverts a matrix, or does any combination of these three operations, by using a Gauss-Jordan elimination technique with column pivoting.
The procedure for using CGJR is as follows:
Calling statement: CALL CGJR(A,NC,NR,N,MC,$K,JC,V)
A is the matrix whose inverse or determinant is to be determined. If simultaneous equations are solved, the last MC-N columns of the matrix are the constant vectors of the equations to be solved. On output, if the inverse is computed, it is stored in the first N columns of A. If simultaneous equations are solved, the last MC-N columns contain the solution vectors. A is a complex array.
NC is an integer representing the maximum number of columns of the array A.
NR is an integer representing the maximum number of rows of the array A.
N is an integer representing the number of rows of the array A to be operated on.
MC is the number of columns of the array A, representing the coefficient matrix if simultaneous equations are being solved; otherwise it is a dummy variable.
K is a statement number in the calling program to which control is returned if an overflow or singularity is detected.
1) If an overflow is detected, JC(1) is set to the negative of the last correctly completed row of the reduction and control is then returned to statement number K in the calling program.
2) If a singularity is detected, JC(1)is set to the number of the last correctly completed row, and V is set to (0.,0.) if the determinant was to be computed. Control is then returned to statement number K in the calling program.
JC is a one dimensional permutation array of N elements which is used for permuting the rows and columns of A if an inverse is being computed .. If an inverse is not computed, this array must have at least one cell for the error return identification. On output, JC(1) is N if control is returned normally.
V is a complex variable. On input REAL(V) is the option indicator, set as follows:
invert matrix
compute determinant
do 1. and 2.
solve system of equations
do 1. and 4.
do 2. and 4.
do 1., 2. and 4.
Notes on usage of row dimension arguments N and NR:
The arguments N and NR refer to the row dimensions of the A matrix.
N gives the number of rows operated on by the subroutine, while NR
refers to the total number of rows in the matrix as dimensioned by the
calling program. NR is used only in the dimension statement of the
subroutine. Through proper use of these parameters, the user may specify that only a submatrix, instead of the entire matrix, be operated on by the subroutine.
In your application (pipe flow), look at how matrix A and vector V are populated before the call to GJR and how they are used after the call.
You may be able to replace the call to GJR with a call to LAPACK's SGESV or DGESV without much difficulty.
Aside: The Fortran community really needs a drop-in 'Rosetta library' that wraps LAPACK, etc. for replacing legacy/proprietary IBM, UNIVAC, and Numerical Recipes math functions. The perfect case would be that maintainers would replace legacy functions with de facto standard math functions but in the real world, many of these older programs are un(der)maintained and there simply isn't the will (or, as in this case, the ability) to update them.
Update 2:
I started work on a compatibility library for the Sperry MATH-PACK and STAT-PACK routines as well as a few other legacy libraries, posted at
Further, I located my copy of Jeppson's Analysis of Flow in Pipe Networks which is a slightly more legible version of the PDF of Steady Flow Analysis of Pipe Networks: An Instructional Manual and modernized the codes listed in the text. I have posted those at
Note that I found a number of errors in both the code listings and in the example problems given for many of the codes. If you're trying to learn how to write a pipe flow solver based on Jeppson's paper or text, I'd strongly suggest reviewing my updated codes and test cases because they will save you hours of effort trying to understand why the code doesn't work and why you can't replicate the example cases. This took a fair amount of forensic computing to sort out.
Update 3:
The source to CGJR and DGJR can be found in DGJR is the closest to what you want, though it references more routines that aren't available (proprietary UNIVAC error-handling routines). It should be easy to convert `DGJR' to single precision and skip the proprietary calls. Otherwise, use the compatibility library mentioned above.

Is Matlab still slower than opencv in C++

According to this link and this one, it is said that opencv is much faster than matlab. First link is written in March 2012, second one is a bit later than that.
In the first link, it says, "Programs written in OpenCV run much faster than similar programs written in Matlab." and rates Matlab: 2/10 and OpenCV: 9/10
Consider, I have two float Matrix whose size are 1024*1024(mat1 and mat2). I want to correlate this matrices.
In matlab,
corr2(mat1,mat2); //70-75 ms
In opencv, c++
Mat result(1,1,CV_32F);
matchTemplate(mat1,mat2,result, CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED); // 145-150 ms
As far as I know, c and c++ are in approximately same speed.
So, I wonder, why matlab is faster than opencv/c++ while doing cross correlation. Is it because I am comparing wrong things (even though the results are same) or is the cross correlation implementation of matlab is double faster than opencv implementation?
Note that, I'm using Matlab 2013a and Visual Studio 2010.
Matlab built in functions comes with mkl and opencv's dont. So if two exactly equivalent functions are present in both, matlab is likely to be faster(much) than opencv. I have tried to do pseudo inverse on a large matrix and matlab beat everything(openblas,Armadillo,self integrated mkl etc) by at least 2 times. Then I just stopped figuring out why and just load the data into matlab and let it do the thing. opencv is by far the slowest. Try matrix multiplication on a 10000x10000 matrix in opencv. it took 10 minutes on my laptop. Matlab took 1 minute.
Matlab is not as bad as you may think at doing matrix calculations. For many of the Basic Linear Algebra operation Matlab is calling rutines written in fortran and c++. So as long as you dont use loops and formulate it in matrix operations Matlab is actually very fast.
In your scenario, there is no reason to expect matlab to be slower. You are calling a single function, the overhead caused by the language interpreter and passing the data to a native function (mex function) has to be paid only once.
If you would call the same function 1024 times for a small 32*32 matrices, you will probably notice the overhead (unless the JIT-Compiler finds a neat trick to optimize the code).
Matlab can be fast if you vectorize everything and use native functions.
But if you would do some operations in a loop i.e.
A = zeros(100,100);
for m = 1:100
for n = 1:100
A(m, n) = 1/(m + n - 1);
Mat A(100, 100, CV_64F);
for (int r = 0; r < A.rows; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < A.cols; c++)<double>(r, c) = 1 / (r + c - 1);
you would notice the difference.
For correlation functions (and many more) matlab uses an advance libraries which uses an advanced instruction set.
However Matlab is smart than you think, Matlab Checks on runtime if the operation would execute faster on spatial domain or frequency domain, than execute fastest solution.
I couldn't find a mention for corr2, however I found for normxcorr2
Calculate cross-correlation in the spatial or the frequency domain, depending on size of images.

Weighted linear least square for 2D data point sets

My question is an extension of the discussion How to fit the 2D scatter data with a line with C++. Now I want to extend my question further: when estimating the line that fits 2D scatter data, it would be better if we can treat each 2D scatter data differently. That is to say, if the scatter point is far away from the line, we can give the point a low weighting, and vice versa. Therefore, the question then becomes: given an array of 2D scatter points as well as their weighting factors, how can we estimate the linear line that passes them? A good implementation of this method can be found in this article (weighted least regression). However, the implementation of the algorithm in that article is too complicated as it involves matrix calculation. I am therefore trying to find a method without matrix calculation. The algorithm is an extension of simple linear regression, and in order to illustrate the algorithm, I wrote the following MATLAB codes:
function line = weighted_least_squre_for_line(x,y,weighting);
part1 = sum(weighting.*x.*y)*sum(weighting(:));
part2 = sum((weighting.*x))*sum((weighting.*y));
part3 = sum( x.^2.*weighting)*sum(weighting(:));
part4 = sum(weighting.*x).^2;
beta = (part1-part2)/(part3-part4);
alpha = (sum(weighting.*y)-beta*sum(weighting.*x))/sum(weighting);
a = beta;
c = alpha;
b = -1;
line = [a b c];
In the above codes, x,y,weighting represent the x-coordinate, y-coordinate and the weighting factor respectively. I test the algorithm with several examples but still not sure whether it is right or not as this method gets a different result with Polyfit, which relies on matrix calculation. I am now posting the implementation here and for your advice. Do you think it is a right implementation? Thanks!
If you think it is a good idea to downweight points that are far from the line, you might be attracted by, because one way of calculating this is via, which will give less weight to points far from the line.
If you think all your points are "good data", then it would be a mistake to weight them naively according to their distance from your initial fit. However, it's a fairly common practice to discard "outliers": if a few data points are implausibly far from the fit, and you have reason to believe that there's an error mechanism that could generate a small subset of "bad" datapoints, you could simply remove the implausible points from the dataset to get a better fit.
As far as the math is concerned, I would recommend biting the bullet and trying to figure out the matrix math. Perhaps you could find a different article, or a book which has a better presentation. I will not comment on your Matlab code, except to say that it looks like you will have some precision problems when subtracting part4 from part3, and probably part2 from part1 as well.
Not exactly what you are asking for, but you should look into robust regression. MATLAB has the function robustfit (requires Statistics Toolbox).
There is even an interactive demo you can play with to compare regular linear regression vs. robust regression:
>> robustdemo
This shows that in the presence of outliers, robust regression tends to give better results.

C++ - How to find the rank of a matrix

I'm having difficulty coming up with the method by which a program can find the rank of a matrix. In particular, I don't fully understand how you can make sure the program would catch all cases of linear combinations resulting in dependencies.
The general idea of how to solve this is what I'm interested in. However, if you want to take the answer a step farther, I'm specifically looking for the solution in regards to square matrices only. Also the code would be in C++.
Thanks for your time!
General process:
matrix = 'your matrix you want to find rank of'
m2 = rref(matrix)
rank = number_non_zero_rows(m2)
where rref(matrix) is a function that does your run-of-the-mill Gaussian elimination
number_non_zero_rows(m2) is a function that sums the number of rows with non-zero entries
Your concern about all cases of linear combinations resulting in dependencies is taken care of with the rref (Gaussian elimination) step. Incidentally, this works no matter what the dimensions of the matrix are.