how to assign or copy values from command line arguments to the standard input???i have written program but i am unable to do it - python-2.7

from subprocess import call
import sys
import os
import subprocess
if(call("hg clone --insecure https://mixmaster.netwitness.local/" + "sys.argv[1]", shell=True)):
sys.stdin = sys.argv[2]
sys.stdin = sys.argv[3]
else :

Is there a reason why the argument is in quotes? Also use % to replace tokens in your string. Change it to this:
if(call("hg clone --insecure https://mixmaster.netwitness.local/%s" % sys.argv[1], shell=True)):
If you want to pass all the arguments separated by spaces, use this
if(call("hg clone --insecure https://mixmaster.netwitness.local/%s" % (" ".join(sys.argv[1:])), shell=True)): is more easily called with a list of parameters. That way you don't have to worry about spaces in the arguments that you want to give to hg. As you indicate in your comments on #Rajesh answer, that you want 3 arguments passed to hg, the following should work:
from subprocess import call
import sys
import os
import subprocess
cmd = ["hg", "clone", "--insecure", "https://mixmaster.netwitness.local/", sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]]
if not (call(cmd, shell=True)):
If you really want to provide sys.argv[2] and sys.argv[3] as the input to hg prompts. You should not use call as it can block the hg process, use Popen.


PYTHON: How To Print SSH Key Using Python

I've been trying to make a script that can print the Ubuntu SSH key located in ~/.ssh/authorised_keys/
Basically I want the script to print out exactly what cat ~/.ssh/authorised_keys/ would output.
I have tried using subprocess.check_output but it always returns an error.
What about this ?
import os
os.system('cat ~/.ssh/authorised_keys')
If you want to capture the output to a variable, use subprocess. If not, you can use os.system as user803422 has mentioned
import os, subprocess
path = '~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
cmd = 'cat ' + os.path.expanduser(path)
output = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
response = output.communicate()
print (response)
You can read the file directly in Python, there is not really a need to use subprocess:
import os

Shebang command to call script from existing script - Python

I am running a python script on my raspberry pi, at the end of which I want to call a second python script in the same directory. I call it using the os.system() command as shown in the code snippet below but get import errors. I understand this is because the system interprets the script name as a shell command and needs to be told to run it using python, using the shebang line at the beginning of my second script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
However doing so does not solve the errors
Here is the ending snippet from the first script:
# Time to Predict E
end3 = time.time()
prediction_time = end3-start3
print ("\nPrediction time: ", prediction_time, "seconds")
i = i+1
print (i)
script = '/home/pi/piNN/'
os.system('"' + script + '"')
and here is the beginning of my second script:
'#!usr/bin/env python'
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
#from picamera import PiCamera
import argparse
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import PIL.Image as Image
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
Since you have not posted the actual errors that you get when you run your code, this is my best guess. First, ensure that is executable:
chmod +x /home/pi/piNN/
Second, add a missing leading slash to the shebang in, i.e. change
'#!usr/bin/env python'
'#!/usr/bin/env python'
The setup that you have here is not ideal.
Consider simply importing your other script (make sure they are in the same directory). Importing it will result in the execution of all executable python code inside the script that is not wrapped in if __name__ == "__main__":. While on the topic, should you need to safeguard some code from being executed, place it in there.
I have 2 python file and and I set execute permission for with.
chmod a+x
Below is my sample:
print 'Script a'
import os
script = './'
os.system('"' + script + '"')
print 'Script b'
Execute "python", the result is:
Script a
Script b

How to use regular expressions to pull something from a terminal output?

I'm attempting to use the re module to look through some terminal output. When I ping a server through terminal using ping -n 1 host (I'm using Windows), it gives me much more information than I want. I want just the amount of time that it takes to get a reply from the server, which in this case is always denoted by an integer and then the letters 'ms'. The error I get explains that the output from the terminal is not a string, so I cannot use regular expressions on it.
from os import system as system_call
import re
def ping(host):
return system_call("ping -n 1 " + host) == 0
host = input("Select a host to ping: ")
regex = re.compile(r"\w\wms")
final_ping =
system returns 0, not anything too useful. However, if we were to do subprocess, we can get teh output, and store it to a variable, out, then we can regex search that.
import subprocess
import re
def ping(host):
ping = subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-n", "1", host], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, error = ping.communicate()
return str(out)
host = input("Select a host to ping: ")
final_ping = re.findall("\d+ms",ping(host))[0]
There are two problems with your code:
Your ping function doesn't return the terminal output. It only returns a bool that reports if the ping succeeded. The ping output is directly forwarded to the terminal that runs the Python script.
Python 3 differentiates between strings (for text, consisting of Unicode codepoints) and bytes (for any data, consisting of bytes). As Python cannot know that ping only outputs ASCII text, you will get a bytes object if you don't specify which text encoding is in use.
It would be the best to use the subprocess module instead of os.system. This is also suggested by the Python documentation.
One possible way is to use subprocess.check_output with the encoding parameter to get a string instead of bytes:
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
def ping(host):
return check_output(
"ping -n 1 " + host,
EDIT: The encoding parameter is only supported since Python 3.6. If you are using an older version, try this:
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
def ping(host):
return check_output(
"ping -n 1 " + host,

Fix pcap checksum using Python Scapy

I've written one small python script to fix the checksum of L3-4 protocols using scapy. When I'm running the script it is not taking command line argument or may be some other reason it is not generating the fix checksum pcap. I've verified the rdpcap() from scapy command line it is working file using script it is not getting executed. My program is
import sys
import logging
from scapy.all import *
except ImportError:
import scapy
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "Usage:./ChecksumFixer <input_pcap_file> <output_pcap_file>"
print "Example: ./ChecksumFixer input.pcap output.pcap"
#------------------------Command Line Argument---------------------------------------
input_file = sys.argv[1]
output_file = sys.argv[2]
#------------------------Get The layer and Fix Checksum-------------------------------
def getLayer(p):
for paktype in (scapy.IP, scapy.TCP, scapy.UDP, scapy.ICMP):
p.getlayer(paktype).chksum = None
except: AttributeError
return p
#-----------------------FixPcap in input file and write to output fi`enter code here`le----------------
def fixpcap():
paks = scapy.rdpcap(input_file)
fc = map(getLayer, paks)
scapy.wrpcap(output_file, fc)
The reason your function is not executed is that you're not invoking it. Adding a call to fixpcap() at the end of your script shall fix this issue.
Furthermore, here are a few more corrections & suggestions:
The statement following except Exception: should be indented as well, as follows:
from scapy.all import *
except ImportError:
import scapy
Use argparse to parse command-line arguments.
Wrap your main code in a if __name__ == '__main__': block.

How can I call a custom Django command directly from a test driver?

I want to write a unit test for a Django command that does a backend operation on a database table. How would I invoke the management command directly from code?
I don't want to execute the command on the Operating System's shell from because I can't use the test environment set up using test (test database, test dummy email outbox, etc...)
The best way to test such things - extract needed functionality from command itself to standalone function or class. It helps to abstract from "command execution stuff" and write test without additional requirements.
But if you by some reason cannot decouple logic form command you can call it from any code using call_command method like this:
from import call_command
call_command('my_command', 'foo', bar='baz')
Rather than do the call_command trick, you can run your task by doing:
from import my_management_task
cmd = my_management_task.Command()
opts = {} # kwargs for your command -- lets you override stuff for testing...
the following code:
from import call_command
call_command('collectstatic', verbosity=3, interactive=False)
call_command('migrate', 'myapp', verbosity=3, interactive=False) equal to the following commands typed in terminal:
$ ./ collectstatic --noinput -v 3
$ ./ migrate myapp --noinput -v 3
See running management commands from django docs.
The Django documentation on the call_command fails to mention that out must be redirected to sys.stdout. The example code should read:
from import call_command
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils.six import StringIO
import sys
class ClosepollTest(TestCase):
def test_command_output(self):
out = StringIO()
sys.stdout = out
call_command('closepoll', stdout=out)
self.assertIn('Expected output', out.getvalue())
Building on Nate's answer I have this:
def make_test_wrapper_for(command_module):
def _run_cmd_with(*args):
"""Run the possibly_add_alert command with the supplied arguments"""
cmd = command_module.Command()
(opts, args) = OptionParser(option_list=cmd.option_list).parse_args(list(args))
cmd.handle(*args, **vars(opts))
return _run_cmd_with
from import mycommand
cmd_runner = make_test_wrapper_for(mycommand)
cmd_runner("foo", "bar")
The advantage here being that if you've used additional options and OptParse, this will sort the out for you. It isn't quite perfect - and it doesn't pipe outputs yet - but it will use the test database. You can then test for database effects.
I am sure use of Micheal Foords mock module and also rewiring stdout for the duration of a test would mean you could get some more out of this technique too - test the output, exit conditions etc.
The advanced way to run manage command with a flexible arguments and captured output
argv = self.build_argv(short_dict=kwargs)
cmd = self.run_manage_command_raw(YourManageCommandClass, argv=argv)
# Output is saved cmd.stdout.getvalue() / cmd.stderr.getvalue()
Add code to your base Test class
def build_argv(cls, *positional, short_names=None, long_names=None, short_dict=None, **long_dict):
Build argv list which can be provided for manage command "run_from_argv"
1) positional will be passed first as is
2) short_names with be passed after with one dash (-) prefix
3) long_names with be passed after with one tow dashes (--) prefix
4) short_dict with be passed after with one dash (-) prefix key and next item as value
5) long_dict with be passed after with two dashes (--) prefix key and next item as value
argv = [__file__, None] + list(positional)[:]
for name in short_names or []:
for name in long_names or []:
for name, value in (short_dict or {}).items():
for name, value in long_dict.items():
return argv
def run_manage_command_raw(cls, cmd_class, argv):
"""run any command as python object"""
command = cmd_class(stdout=io.StringIO(), stderr=io.StringIO())
with mock.patch(''):
# patch to prevent closing db connecction
return command