Trying to use my project with external opencv - c++

I'm attaching some external libraries to my project in C++.
These libraries make use of the opencv2 libraries.
I already added the opencv2 include files to my c/c++ properties. I also added all the relevant lib files which I googled and found to the Linker input list. (I'm running the release version, but I also tried the debug version with the "d" extension).
I'm getting these 4 annoying linking problems regarding the setSVMDetector#HOGDescriptor.
I looked everywhere for a solution and couldn't find one.; no one really uses the setSVM function in the external program.
Here are the linking problems:
Error 14 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall cv::HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector(class cv::_InputArray const &)" (?setSVMDetector#HOGDescriptor#cv##UAEXABV_InputArray#2##Z) C:\Users\idan\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\GraspTestingTool\GraspTestingTool\GraspTestingTool.obj GraspTestingTool
Error 15 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall cv::HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector(class cv::_InputArray const &)" (?setSVMDetector#HOGDescriptor#cv##UAEXABV_InputArray#2##Z) C:\Users\idan\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\GraspTestingTool\GraspTestingTool\htmlGenerator.obj GraspTestingTool
Error 16 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall cv::HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector(class cv::_InputArray const &)" (?setSVMDetector#HOGDescriptor#cv##UAEXABV_InputArray#2##Z) C:\Users\idan\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\GraspTestingTool\GraspTestingTool\sequenceTests.obj GraspTestingTool
Error 17 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall cv::HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector(class cv::_InputArray const &)" (?setSVMDetector#HOGDescriptor#cv##UAEXABV_InputArray#2##Z) C:\Users\idan\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\GraspTestingTool\GraspTestingTool\Utilities.obj GraspTestingTool
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
Thanks a lot!

Error is due to not adding specifice library in debug or releas mode.
use 32 bit or 64 library depending on your target machine
Add respective library of opencv in release mode -
opencv_core242.lib opencv_highgui242.lib opencv_imgproc242.lib opencv_ml242.lib
opencv_legacy242.lib opencv_video242.lib
OR If you want run program in debug mode then
use debug lib of opencv

Add the library file "opencv_objdetect248.lib; opencv_objdetect248d.lib;" in Project roperties-->Linker-->Input.

You need to add opencv_objdetect library. If you using debug mode add objdetect(version)d.lib, however, if you release mode add objdetect(version).lib


lnk2001 error in VS trying to use the Bullet physics library

I'm new to C++, Visual Studio (2019) and Bullet (2.89).
I've been tying to build the Hello_World.cpp from Bullet for the past few days but I'm stuck on these 5 linking errors:
1>Hello_World.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall btCollisionShape::getBoundingSphere(class btVector3 &,float &)const " (?getBoundingSphere#btCollisionShape##UBEXAAVbtVector3##AAM#Z)
1>Hello_World.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual float __thiscall btCollisionShape::getAngularMotionDisc(void)const " (?getAngularMotionDisc#btCollisionShape##UBEMXZ)
1>Hello_World.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual float __thiscall btCollisionShape::getContactBreakingThreshold(float)const " (?getContactBreakingThreshold#btCollisionShape##UBEMM#Z)
1>Hello_World.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall btConvexShape::project(class btTransform const &,class btVector3 const &,float &,float &,class btVector3 &,class btVector3 &)const " (?project#btConvexShape##UBEXABVbtTransform##ABVbtVector3##AAM2AAV3#3#Z)
1>Hello_World.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall btSphereShape::calculateLocalInertia(float,class btVector3 &)const " (?calculateLocalInertia#btSphereShape##UBEXMAAVbtVector3###Z)
There are other people who had this or a similar problem but got no answer or it didn't work for me.
I used premake to set up the VS solution, Bullet is organized in static Libraries (as projects with source code that gets compiled to lib files) and I am now trying to link them with an application-project.
all projects are using static linking (for debug).
I've referenced all bullet projects to my project.
I've even staticly linked to the lib files from bullet (and the linker can apparently see these files, I even tried giving the absolute path)
As far as I can tell the functions exist and have the same signature in the .cpp and .h files
If you need more details let me know.
(One lead I possibly got is something about different bt_double_precision? But that might not be it and the only think I could find was floating point model using different precision. But making that the same didn't do anything)
Thanks in advance!
I don't think this answer applies to me
What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?
Maybe worth mentioning: The file structure of the project is really weird (dictated by premake):
solution and project files are in: bullet3-2.89\build3\vs2010
high level header files(these are the ones used by Hello_World that include other headers): bullet3-2.89\src
source and header files are subdirectories of bullet3-2.89\src
libraries: bullet3-2.89\bin
but all headers use the correct relative paths in their include and I have set the project's include and library directories to those locations
I found a workaround. Just gonna hijack one of the example projects from Bullet and use that instead. They seem to be better at VS settings than me :D
Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.
Had the same issue where just a few of the functions didn't link.
This is most likely due to the Bullet library being built with BT_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION, meaning all btScaler will be of type double.
But the library is included without BT_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION, meaning the program will try to link with the float versions of the functions.
But they don't exists since the built version uses doubles.

cppcms lots of unresolved external symbols

I am having errors as follows trying to build cppcms.
Error 184 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_pcre_compile referenced in function "public: void __cdecl booster::regex::assign(class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > const &,int)" (?assign#regex#booster##QEAAXAEBV?$basic_string#DU?$char_traits#D#std##V?$allocator#D#2##std##H#Z) C:\Stuff\Development\CPP\cppcms-1.0.2\build\booster\pcre_regex.obj
Error 185 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_pcre_exec referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl booster::regex::match(char const *,char const *,class std::vector,class std::allocator > > &,int)const " (?match#regex#booster##QEBA_NPEBD0AEAV?$vector#U?$pair#HH#std##V?$allocator#U?$pair#HH#std###2##std##H#Z) C:\Stuff\Development\CPP\cppcms-1.0.2\build\booster\pcre_regex.obj
Error 186 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_pcre_fullinfo referenced in function "public: void __cdecl booster::regex::assign(class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > const &,int)" (?assign#regex#booster##QEAAXAEBV?$basic_string#DU?$char_traits#D#std##V?$allocator#D#2##std##H#Z) C:\Stuff\Development\CPP\cppcms-1.0.2\build\booster\pcre_regex.obj
Error 187 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_pcre_malloc referenced in function "public: __cdecl booster::regex::data::data(struct booster::regex::data const &)" (??0data#regex#booster##QEAA#AEBU012##Z) C:\Stuff\Development\CPP\cppcms-1.0.2\build\booster\pcre_regex.obj
Error 188 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_pcre_free referenced in function __catch$??0data#regex#booster##QEAA#AEBU012##Z$0 C:\Stuff\Development\CPP\cppcms-1.0.2\build\booster\pcre_regex.obj
Error 189 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_htons referenced in function "public: __cdecl booster::aio::endpoint::endpoint(class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > const &,int)" (??0endpoint#aio#booster##QEAA#AEBV?$basic_string#DU?$char_traits#D#std##V?$allocator#D#2##std##H#Z) C:\Stuff\Development\CPP\cppcms-1.0.2\build\booster\endpoint.obj
My environment is Windows 7 64 bit, using Visual Studio 2012 Professional, and CMake 2.8.9.
For everything I compile, I configure CMake to generate solutions for VS2012 to use the 64 bit compiler. When I do compile the libraries, I compile the release versions.
First I compile Zlib 1.2.7 without a problem.
Second I compile pcre-8.31 without a problem.
Then when it gets time to compile cppcms-1.0.2 I get a bunch or errors as I pointed out before. When configuring cppcms in CMake, I have my PYTHON 2.7 set, I use C:/Stuff/Development/CPP/Zlib/zlib-1.2.7/build for my ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR, and just append a /Release/zlibstatic.lib at the end of that and you have the ZLIB library I am using, but I am not sure if I have my PCRE set up correctly.
Being that PCRE has an include and include2 in CMake, I wasn't sure what to put in them so I just did the pcre-8.31 root directory, and the pcre-8.31 build directory. For PCRE_LIB I use pcre-8.31/build/Release/pcre.lib.
I have deleted all of the build directories for the libraries and started over again even, but I still have these issues and I am not sure what could be causing them. Later I realized the booster inside of the cppcms build directory also has a solution, so I built that first, which had 3 failed projects, but most succeeded, however it didn't make a difference for cppcms building.
If you have any more questions about what I was doing, please ask and I will edit them in.
The best place to ask questions about cppcms is in the cppcms mailing list. Sign up here:
Artyom is providing an excellent support service there. Although he is also a S.O. member, not all cppcms developers are, and many of them also provide help on the mailing list. Overall, you'll get better answers there, especially since the people who are able to answer will more quickly notice your question.

OpenCV - SURF functionality issue

I am trying to build an OpenCV program which uses SURF matching algorithm, the code is in the following link :
However, I am obtaining 2 errors regarding some external symbols : _cvExtractSurf and _cvSURFParams.
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvExtractSURF referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall CMareMatchingClass::ExtractBGsurf(struct _IplImage *)" (?ExtractBGsurf#CMareMatchingClass##QAE_NPAU_IplImage###Z)
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvSURFParams referenced in function "public: __thiscall CMareMatchingClass::CMareMatchingClass(void)" (??0CMareMatchingClass##QAE#XZ)
Do you know how can I solve this errors? I am running the code by using opencv 2.3.0 in visual studio 2010 in Windows 7 - 64 bit.
You didn't link a needed library - try to link all OpenCV libraries in project settings. See documentation.

linking error with CMake and Visual Studio 2010

I'm trying to compile osgearth library with VS2010. The library uses CMake, so after setting all dependencies it generates a VS2010 solution file. However when running build in VS I get this linker error (and 200 similar ones)
Error 7 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall std::basic_ofstream >::`vbase destructor'(void)" (_imp??_D?$basic_ofstream#DU?$char_traits#D#std###std##QAEXXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall osgEarth::DiskCache::setImage(class osgEarth::TileKey const &,struct osgEarth::CacheSpec const &,class osg::Image const *)" (?setImage#DiskCache#osgEarth##UAEXABVTileKey#2#ABUCacheSpec#2#PBVImage#osg###Z) C:\swproj\osgearth-src\src\osgEarth\Caching.obj osgEarth
I'm not very familiar with C++, is there anything else I have to set up?
You're missing a reference to std::ofstream. You either need an #include in one of your files or a reference to the standard library dll in your project.

Linking error while using Visual Studio 2005(VC8)

I am getting a bunch of linking errors while trying to link the release version of an executable(debug version does not have the same issue). Comparing the command line for the link does not reveal any issues.
there are broadly 2 types of errors neither of which I can get a handle on.
The first kind complains about a unresolved external symbol _declspec(dllimport)
As an example:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
public: __thiscall
stlpd_std::basic_string,class stlpd_std::allocator >::basic_string,class stlpd_std::allocator >(class stlpd_std::basic_string,class stlpd_std::allocator > const &)" (_imp??0?$basic_string#DV?$char_traits#D#stlpd_std##V?$allocator#D#2##stlpd_std##QAE#ABV01##Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall Springfield::generic::runtime_error::runtime_error(class stlpd_std::basic_string,class stlpd_std::allocator > const &)" (??0runtime_error#generic#Springfield##QAE#ABV?$basic_string#DV?$char_traits#D#stlpd_std##V?$allocator#D#2##stlpd_std###Z)
for a more human readable version(replacing all the strings):
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
public: __thiscall
string::basic_string,class stlpd_std::allocator >(class string const &)" (_imp??0?$basic_string#DV?$char_traits#D#stlpd_std##V?$allocator#D#2##stlpd_std##QAE#ABV01##Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall Springfield::generic::runtime_error::runtime_error(class string const &)" (??0runtime_error#generic#Springfield##QAE#ABV?$basic_string#DV?$char_traits#D#stlpd_std##V?$allocator#D#2##stlpd_std###Z
The sceond class of errors complains about
unresolved external symbol __CrtDbgReportW
I hope I can get some kind of insight in dealing with this.
From the errors it looks like you are not including the CRT as one of your linked libraries. Here is a link to the different CRT lib's offered in Visual Studio 2005. Choose the one which is most appropriate and make sure it's in the list of lib's to link against
It looks like you're either including a file that's been built using the debug settings or you're mixing runtime libraries (DLL and static).