I'm using an ArrayController in my application that is fed from a Ember Data REST call via the application's Router:
postsController.connectOutlet('comment', App.Comment.find({post_id: post_id}));
For the Post UI, I have the ability to add/remove Comments. When I do this, I'd like to be able to update the contentArray of the postsController by deleting or adding the same element to give the user visual feedback, but Ember Data is no fun:
Uncaught Error: The result of a server query (on App.Comment) is immutable.
Per sly7_7's comment below, I just noticed that the result is indeed DS.RecordArray when there is no query (App.Comment.find()), but in the case where there is a query (App.Comment.find({post_id: post_id}), a DS.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray is returned.
Do I have to .observes('contentArray') and create a mutable copy? Or is there a better way of doing this?
Here is what I ended up implementing to solve this. As proposed in the question, the only solution I know about is to create a mutable copy of the content that I maintain through add and deletes:
contentChanged: function() {
var mutableComments = [];
this.get('content').forEach(function(comment) {
this.set('currentComments', mutableComments);
}.observes('content', 'content.isLoaded'),
addComment: function(comment) {
var i;
var currentComments = this.get('currentComments');
for (i = 0; i < this.get('currentComments.length'); i++) {
if (currentComments[i].get('date') < comment.get('date')) {
this.get('currentComments').insertAt(i, comment);
// fell through --> add it to the end.
removeComment: function(comment) {
this.get('currentComments').forEach(function(item, i, currentComments) {
if (item.get('id') == comment.get('id')) {
currentComments.removeAt(i, 1);
Then in the template, bind to the this computed property:
{{#each comment in currentComments}}
I'm not satisfied with this solution - if there is a better way to do it, I'd love to hear about it.
A comment will be too long...
I don't know how do you try to add a record, but you can try to do this: App.Comment.createRecord({}). If all goes right, it will update automatically your controller content. (I think the result of App.Comment.find() works as a 'live' array, and when creating a record, it's automatically updated)
Here is how we do this in our app:
App.ProjectsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
route: 'projects',
collection: Ember.Route.extend({
route: '/',
connectOutlets: function (router) {
name: 'projects',
context: App.Project.find()
and then, the handler of creating a project (in the router):
createProject: function (router) {
name: 'new project name'.loc()
Just for the record: as of today (using Ember Data 1.0.0-beta), the library takes this situation into account. When a record in an array gets deleted, the array will be updated.
If you try to delete an element on that array manually, for example by using .removeObject(object_you_just_deleted) on the model of the containing controller (which is an ArrayController, hence its model an array of records), you'll get an error like:
"The result of a server query (on XXXXX - the model you try to update manually) is immutable".
So there is no need anymore to code by hand the deletion of the record from the array to which it belonged. Which is great news because I felt like using ED and working it around all the time... :)
I had a similar problem and found a little tricky solution. Running through the Ember-Data source code and API docs cleared for me the fact that AdapterPopulatedRecordArray returns from the queried find requests. Thats what manual says:
AdapterPopulatedRecordArray represents an ordered list of records whose order and membership is determined by the adapter. For example, a query sent to the adapter may trigger a search on the server, whose results would be loaded into an instance of the AdapterPopulatedRecordArray.
So the good reason for immutability is that this data is controlled by the server. But what if I dont need that? For example I have a Tasklist model with a number of Tasks and I find them in a TasklistController in a way like
this.get('store').find('task',{tasklist_id: this.get('model').get('id')})
And also I have a big-red-button "Add Task" which must create and save a new record but I dont want to make a new find request to server in order to redraw my template and show the new task. Good practice for me will be something like
var task = this.store.createRecord('task', {
id: Utils.generateGUID(),
name: 'Lorem ipsum'
In that case I got announced error. But hey, I want to drink-and-drive!
replace: DS.RecordArray.replace
So that's it. A little "on my own" ember flexibility hack.
I have a little problem using findAll in my component. It concerns the value it returns at the end.
users: Ember.computed(function() {
return this.get('store').findAll('user');
In my case, I want to get the name of the first object. So in my handlebar:
'users' is a class in this case. But I'm trying to return directly the first object in the property, like this:
user: Ember.computed(function() {
return this.get('store').findAll('user')
return user.get('firstObject');
But in this case, in my handlebar, user.name is undefined and user is a promise. There is something I can't understand with promises, how they work ...
Can somebody help me to get the correct user without using 'firstObject' on my users ?
Thanks in advance !
The shortest way to solve your problem is to install an ember-promise-helpers addon and apply it in your template as follows:
{{#if (await user)}}
{{get (await user) 'name'}}
However, AFAIK, it is not recommended to use promises as values for computed properties, although you can still do it. here I would recommend the documentation for Ember.PromiseProxyMixin as well as reading some (although older) forum threads (for instance this one).
I think the problem you're having is not with the promises, but how you're using the computed property.
The best place for a findRecord/findAll is in a model hook in the route. It is best to not rely on firstObject for what you're describing. You have no guarantees about which record will be first as your app's back end data changes.
Computed properties are really meant for watching other data and updating the displayed information about that data, not for fetching things from the store on their own. They require arguments that are the names of the data they are supposed to be watching for updates. Since your computed property isn't watching anything, it never fires. Here's an example.
firstName: null,
lastName: null,
fullName: Ember.computed('firstName', 'lastName', function() {
let firstName = this.get('firstName');
let lastName = this.get('lastName');
return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
You can read more under Computed Properties in the Guides.
You will have a much easier time if you define a model hook in a route that gets the user's info using findRecord and then passes it to child components or sets it on a service if many different components on different routes need the user information.
This is a similar question to this one, except this is for the latest versions of Ember and Active Model Serializers (0.10.2).
I have a simple Parent:Child relationship.
import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr(),
// relationships
employees: DS.hasMany('employee', { async: true }),
import DS from 'ember-data';
import Person from '../models/person';
export default Person.extend({
status: DS.attr(),
statusCode: DS.attr(),
import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
avatarUrl: DS.attr(),
firstName: DS.attr(),
lastName: DS.attr(),
fullName: Ember.computed('firstName', 'lastName', function() {
return `${this.get('lastName')}, ${this.get('firstName')}`;
When I create a new Trail, and select two employees for the 'hasMany', the following json arrives the server (from the Rails log):
"gpx-file-url":"a url",
{"employees":{"data":[]}}, "type":"trails"}}
My question is, what has happened to the employees? Where are the id's of the employees (they already exist both in the database and in the Ember Store - ie, I am not trying to create child records in this request).
I just found this question, which explains that the id's for a hasMany relationship are not sent by Ember's JSONAPISerializer to the API - since the foreign key here actually has to be persisted in each child record. So essentially by 'selecting' employees, you need to save the fact that they now have a parent. So the selected employee records need to be persisted.
But my understanding was that this all works "out of the box" and that Ember would automatically fire a POST request to do this, but that seems to not be the case.
This then gets to the real question - how do I update those children?
After further analysis, it became clear that a new model was required - Assignments. So now the problem is more complex.
Model structure is now this:
hasMany assignments
hasMany assignments
belongsTo Trail
belongsTo Employee
In my 'new Trail' route, I use the fantastic ember-power-select to let the user select employees. On clicking 'save' I plan to iterate through the selected employees and then create the assignment records (and obviously save them, either before or after saving the Trail itself, not sure which is best yet).
The problem is still, however, that I don't know how to do that - how to get at the 'selected' employees and then iterate through them to create the assignments.
So, here is the relevant EPS usage in my template:
in /app/templates/trails/new.hbs
{{#power-select-multiple options=model.currentEmployees
searchPlaceholder="Type a name to search"
selected=staff placeholder="Select team member(s)"
onchange=(route-action 'staffSelected') as |employee|
<block here template to display various employee data, not just 'fullName'/>
(route-action is a helper from Dockyard that just automatically sends the action to my route, works great)
Here is my model:
model: function () {
let myFilter = {};
myFilter.data = { filter: {status: [2,3] } }; // current employees
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
trail: this.store.createRecord('trail'),
currentEmployees: this.store.query('employee', myFilter).then(function(data) {return data}),
actions: {
staffSelected (employee) {
I only discovered today that we still need controllers, so this could be my problem! Here it is:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
staff: [] <- I guess this needs to be something more complicated
This works and I see one object is added to the array in the console. But then the EPS refuses to work because I get this error in the console:
trekclient.js:91 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined(anonymous function) # trekclient.js:91ComputedPropertyPrototype.get # vendor.js:29285get #
Which is immediately follow by this:
vendor.js:16695 DEPRECATION: You modified (-join-classes (-normalize-class "concatenatedTriggerClasses" concatenatedTriggerClasses) "ember-view" "ember-basic-dropdown-trigger" (-normalize-class "inPlaceClass" inPlaceClass activeClass=undefined inactiveClass=undefined) (-normalize-class "hPositionClass" hPositionClass activeClass=undefined inactiveClass=undefined) (-normalize-class "vPositionClass" vPositionClass activeClass=undefined inactiveClass=undefined)) twice in a single render. This was unreliable in Ember 1.x and will be removed in Ember 3.0 [deprecation id: ember-views.render-double-modify]
So I imagine this is because the examples in the documentation just uses an array containing strings, not actual Ember.Objects. But I have no clue how to solve this.
So, I decided to throw away the controller (ha ha) and get creative.
What if I added a property to the Trail model? This property can basically be a 'dummy' property that collected the selected employees.
in /app/models/trail.js
selectedEmps: DS.hasMany('employee', async {false})
I set async to false since we will not persist them and before saving the new Trail I can just set this to null again.
in /app/templates/trails/new.js
{{#power-select-multiple options=model.currentEmployees
searchPlaceholder="Type a name to search"
selected=model.selectedEmps placeholder="Select team member(s)"
onchange=(action (mut model.selectedEmps)) as |employee|
<block here again/>
This works, it doesn't 'blow up' after selecting the first employee. I can select multiple and delete them from the template. The control seems to work fine, as it is mutating 'model.selectedEmps' directly.
Now, I think this is a hack because I have two problems with it:
If I change the 'mut' to an action, so I can add further logic, I
cannot figure out how to access what is actually stored in the
propery 'model.selectedEmps'
Even if I can figure out (1) I will have to always make sure that
'selectedEmps' is emptied when leaving this route, otherwise the
next time this route is entered, it will remember what was
selected before (since they are now in the Ember.Store)
The fundamental issue is that I can live with 'mut' but still have the problem that when the user hits 'Save' I have to figure out which employees were selected, so I can create the assignments for them.
But I cannot figure out how to access what is selected. Maybe something this Spaghetti-Monster-awful mess:
save: function (newObj) {
if (newObj.get('isValid')) {
let emp = this.get('store').createRecord('assignment', {
trail: newObj,
person: newObj.get('selectedEmps')[0]
newObj.save().then( function (newTrail) {
// this.transitionTo('trails');
else {
alert("Not valid - please provide a name and a GPX file.");
So there are two problems to solve:
How to get the selected employees, iterate and create the
How to then save the results to the API (JSON-API using Rails). I
presume that newObj.save and each assignment.save will take care
of that.
The developer of EPS kindly pointed out that the action handler receives an array, since I changed to using a multiple select, not a single select as it had been earlier. So the action is receiving the full array of what is currently selected. DOH!
I was thus able to update the action handler as follows, which now successfully stores the currently selected employees in the staff property of the controller. One step closer.
staffSelected(newList) {
if (!newList.includes(me)) {
existing.removeObject(me); // if I exist but the newList doesn't have me, remove me
if (!existing.includes(me)) {
existing.pushObject(me); // if I don't exist but the newList has me, add me
Perhaps not the best way to intersect 2 arrays but that's the least of my concerns at 4am on a Saturday night. :(
FINAL PROBLEM UPDATE - how to save the data?
Ok, so now that I can get the selected employees, I can create assignments, but still cannot figure out what Ember requires for me to save them, this save action throws an error:
save: function (newObject) {
if (newObject.get('isValid')) {
let theChosenOnes = this.controller.get('theChosenOnes');
let _store = this.get('store');
theChosenOnes.forEach(function (aChosenOne) {
_store.createRecord('assignment', {
trail: newObject,
person: aChosenOne,
newObject.save().then(function (newTrail) {
newTrail.get('assignments').save().then(function() {
get(...).save is not a function
The problem with your final update is that in Ember Data 2.x, relationships are asynchronous by default, so what's returned from newTrail.get('assignments') is not a DS.ManyArray, which has a .save, but a PromiseArray, which doesn't have that.
You need a small tweak to do this instead, so you call .save on the resolved relationship:
newObject.save().then(function (newTrail) {
newTrail.get('assignments').then(assignments => assignments.save()).then(function() {
I'm using this.store.push to push a record into the store from with the application controller (this action is being called from a socket service that is initialized in the application controller), using ember 2.2.1 I am achieving this like
var newStoreRecord = this.store.push({
data: {
id: id,
type: 'cart',
attributes: newCartItem
This adds this new item into the store but the template doesn't update to show the new item, I also tried adding something like this
this.get('cart.model').pushObject(newStoreRecord); assuming that I had something like cart: Ember.inject.controller(), at the top of the controller, might have had that one wrong anyway.
In the cart route I have my model being defined as so
model(params) {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
event: null,
items: null
actions: {
didTransition() {
return null;
Not sure if I'm having troubles with getting the template to update because I'm not use the model hook? (btw, we're not using the model hook because of the bad performance on android we'd rather load an empty template with a loader and THEN load data rather than the other way around.
I have several thoughts here:
To answer your question specifically, when you set a variable from the store, like you're doing, it will only reference what was in the store at that time. It will not update automatically.
Your best bet is to add two new computed properties to your controller:
items: Ember.computed(function() {
return this.store.peekAll('cart');
// You'll need to flesh this one out further
filteredItems: Ember.computed('items.#each.auction_id', function() {
return this.get('items').filter(...);
Reference filteredItems in your template and it should work.
Sidenote, I'd highly recommend refactoring a couple things.
I would use the setupController hook instead of didTransition. It runs after the model hook is complete so will be similar to what you're looking for
You can access the params at any time in the route, so you don't need to save them in the model hook
You don't need to return an a promise in the model hook if you're not doing any async data. Just return the object. You may need even need to do that.
Hope this helps.
(see below)
So I wrote a jsfiddle to show the bad behavior except the fiddle works! and my real code doesn't. The only difference is I am using the RESTAdapter in my real code so the data is pulled from server instead of FIXTURES.
In the jsfiddle: first click 'Simulate 1st manual load', then click the 2nd button to see it work properly (i.e. loading new or updated data to the store multiple times in a row)
The Issue
I am sending updated information over websockets to my Ember App. I successfully set up a listener to trigger a function on the correct controller and am able to update records the first time. But all successive attempts do not update the store and I wonder if this has to do with the state of the store? But I am unsure of how to handle if that is the case.
This is the code that updates or adds the records that come over websockets:
App.SessionController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
updateReceived: function(data) {
DS.defaultStore.load(App.Choice, data.choice);
DS.defaultStore.load(App.Question, data.question);
Notice the console.log(data) part. Every single time I send updated data via websockets, updateReceived is called and the correct data is logged every time, but DS.defaultStore.load(...) only works the first time.
The reason I update both App.Question & App.Choice is because they have a relationship:
App.Question = DS.Model.extend({
"choices" : DS.hasMany('App.Choice')
App.Choice = DS.Model.extend({
"question" : DS.belongsTo('App.Question')
I don't think the code below is relevant to the issue but just in case someone is interested, this is how I listen for events over websockets (using socket.io):
App.SessionRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
enter: function() {
this.socket = io.connect('')
setupController: function(controller, model) {
var self = this;
this.socket.on('update', function(data) {
self.controller.send('updateReceived', data)
Are there any suggestions for how I can continuously load new or updated records directly into the store (and not just once)?
The code is indeed correct. The new data was loading into the store just fine but I wasn't re-rending a view correctly when new/updated information was loaded into DS.defaultStore
I don't want to delete this question since others may find the information in it useful but vote how you like. I'm sorry I didn't catch this before writing the question.
Is there a way to reload the whole store in ember-data? Or to sort items inside?
It should go like that:
user clicks "add" button
new record is added
store is commited
user is transmited to the state where items are listed
his new entry is there in correct order
To do this I have to either transmit in model.didCreate which shouldn't be (it's not the role of a model!) or refresh store after transmiting.
Anyone had similar issues?
I am using ember-data revision 12
I used:
Ember.run.later(this, function(){
}, 500);
To give store some time. But then again new entry is always at the bottom of the list. I still need to reload whole store or sort it somehow.
So I did little rework here. In my template I use:
{{#each arrangedContent}}
To use sorted data and in the route I have:
App.AdsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
return App.Ad.find();
sortProperties: ['id']
It's not working though. Looks like Route is not ArrayController. And if I make additional AdsController extending from ArrayController it is not working neither.
Ember ArrayControllers have a few options for sorting the content:
You can set which fields to sort by and which order you want to use. When you use these you will want to bind views to arrangedContent and not just plain old content.
In my applications I typically return to the list state after the record has been persisted:
var observer, _this = this;
observer = function(target, path) {
if (target.get(path) === 'saved') {
target.removeObserver(path, null, observer);
return _this.get('target.router').transitionTo('apps.index');
I'm not sure if the store has a reload mechanism (individual records do), but I can update this response if I find an answer.