I have a constructor like that :
class MyClass
template<class TI> MyClass(TI first, TI last);
template<class TI> MyClass::MyClass(TI first, TI last)
I would like to enable this constructor only if TI is an iterator (that means TI has an iterator_category I think). How to do that in C++ 2011 using an enable_if as a default template parameter (in the declaration and in the definition) ?
Thank you very much.
It depends on what you want. If there are no other overloads, it can be ok with just nothing at all. The compiler will produce an error if a type is passed that doesn't provide the necessary operation.
If you really want to limit it to iterators, it's preferable to do so with a static_assert, since it produces an error with a nice custom error message, instead of "ambiguous function call, here are all the gazillion overloads I could find: follows endless list of overloads" or "could not find function, find it yourself".
If there is another templated overload that conflicts, then you do indeed need some enable_if thing. I wrote a blog post about using enable_if with C++11 features, and why default template parameters are not very good for that. I settled with something like this instead:
enum class enabler {};
template <typename Condition>
using EnableIf = typename std::enable_if<Condition::value, enabler>::type;
class MyClass
template<class TI, EnableIf<is_iterator<TI>>...> MyClass(TI first, TI last);
template<class TI, EnableIf<is_iterator<TI>>...> MyClass::MyClass(TI first, TI last)
{ /* blah */ }
All that you need now is a trait for the test. I think testing for the existence of iterator_category is enough, but it should be done with std::iterator_traits, because pointers are iterators and don't have nested typedefs.
That can be done with the usual techniques that use SFINAE. With C++11, I do the following:
template <typename T>
struct sfinae_true : std::true_type {};
struct is_iterator_tester {
template <typename T>
static sfinae_true<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category> test(int);
template <typename>
static std::false_type test(...);
template <typename T>
struct is_iterator : decltype(is_iterator_tester::test<T>(0)) {};
All that said, this could have been done with the traditional technique of using a defaulted function parameter:
class MyClass
template<class TI>
MyClass(TI first, TI last,
typename std::iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category* = nullptr)
template<class TI>
MyClass::MyClass(TI first, TI last,
typename std::iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category*)
{ /* blah */ }
I've been learning the concept of SFINAE in C++ recentlly and I am currentlly trying to use it in a project.
The thing is, what I'm trying to do is different than anything I could find, and I can't figure out how to do it.
Let's say I have a template class called MyParent:
template <typename Elem>
class MyParent;
And a non-template class called MyClass, that inherites it, using char as Elem:
class MyClass : public MyParent<char>;
Now, I want to use SFINAE in order to check if a typename inherites MyParent, regardless of what Elem type is used.
I can't use std::is_base_of, because of the parent's template.
I've tried to do the following:
template <typename T>
struct is_my_parent : std::false_type {};
template <typename Elem>
struct is_my_parent<MyParent<Elem>> : std::true_type {};
Now, if I check for is_my_parent<MyParent<Elem>>::value, it gives me true. Which is good.
However, when I check for is_my_parent<MyClass>::value, I recive false. Which kind of makes sence because MyClass isn't actually MyParent<Elem>, but I didn't manage to get what I wanted.
Is there any convenient way to achive such a thing in C++, other than defining is_my_parent for each and every class that inherites from MyParent?
You might do
template <typename T>
std::true_type is_my_parent_impl(const MyParent<T>*);
std::false_type is_my_parent_impl(const void*);
template <typename T>
using is_my_parent = decltype(is_my_parent_impl(std::declval<T*>()));
Is there any convenient way to achive such a thing in C++, other than defining is_my_parent for each and every class that inherites from MyParent?
There is, but you'll need to use more elaborate meta-programming techniques. Go entirely back to basics, as it were.
template <class C>
class is_my_parent {
using yes = char;
using no = char[2];
template<typename t>
static yes& check(MyParent<t> const*);
static no& check(...);
enum { value = (1 == sizeof check(static_cast<C*>(0))) };
It relies on two basic properties of function overloading and templates:
A derived class can be used to match a function template that takes a base class template as an argument.
Ellipsis offer a conversion sequence that is always considered worse than any other.
Then it's just a matter of inspecting the return type of the chosen overload to determine what we got. Other than the type alias, you can even use this in C++03. Or you can modernize it, so long as overload resolution does the work for you, the check will be performed just the same.
I like Jarod42's answer much better, but an actual SNINAE approach somewhat close to your attempt can work. Here's what I came up with.
To use the type_traits to answer this, we need to know the type of the element. We can make MyParent expose it:
template <typename Elem>
class MyParent {
using ElemType = Elem;
Then the default (false) is_my_parent takes an extra arg and the void_t technique* can be used:
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_my_parent : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_my_parent<T, std::void_t<typename T::ElemType>> :
std::is_base_of<MyParent<typename T::ElemType>, T>::type {};
The specialization is only valid if ElemType is an accessible type in T, and then it results in std::true|false type if the inheritance relationship holds.
live example: https://godbolt.org/z/na5637Knd
But not only is the function overload resolution a better approach for simplicity and size, it will also compile much faster.
(*) void_t was exposed to the world in this fantastic 2-part 2014 talk by Walter Brown. Recommended even if only for review.
Since C++20 concepts aren't standardized yet, I'm using static_assert as a makeshift concept check, to provide helpful error messages if a type requirement isn't met. In this particular case, I have a function which requires that a type is callable before getting its result type:
template <typename F, typename... Args>
void example() {
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<F, Args...>, "Function must be callable");
using R = std::invoke_result_t<F, Args...>;
// ...
In addition, I require that the callable's result must be some kind of std::optional, but I don't know what type the optional will hold, so I need to get that type from it:
using R = // ...
using T = typename R::value_type; // std::optional defines a value_type
However, this will fail if type R doesn't have a value_type, e.g. if it's not a std::optional as expected. I'd like to have a static_assert to check for that first, with another nice error message if the assertion fails.
I could check for an exact type with something like std::is_same_v, but in this case I don't know the exact type. I want to check that R is some instance of std::optional, without specifying which instance it must be.
One way to do that is with a helper trait:
template <typename T>
struct is_optional { static constexpr bool value = false; };
template <typename T>
struct is_optional<std::optional<T>> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_optional_v = is_optional<T>::value;
…and then I can write:
static_assert(is_optional_v<R>, "Function's result must be an optional");
That works, but it seems a little awkward to pollute my namespace with a helper trait just for a one-off check like this. I don't expect to need is_optional anywhere else, though I can imagine possibly ending up with other one-off traits like is_variant or is_pair too.
So I'm wondering: is there a more concise way to do this? Can I do the pattern matching on instances of std::optional without having to define the is_optional trait and its partial specialization?
Following the suggestion by several respondents, I made a re-usable trait:
template <typename T, template <typename...> typename Tpl>
struct is_template_instance : std::false_type { };
template <template <typename...> typename Tpl, typename... Args>
struct is_template_instance<Tpl<Args...>, Tpl> : std::true_type { };
template <typename T, template <typename...> typename Tpl>
constexpr bool is_template_instance_v = is_template_instance<T, Tpl>::value;
…so that I can write:
static_assert(is_template_instance_v<R, std::optional>, "Function's result must be an optional");
This is just as many lines and declarations as the is_optional trait, but it's no longer a one-off; I can use the same trait for checking other kinds of templates (like variants and pairs). So now it feels like a useful addition to my project instead of a kluge.
Can I do the pattern matching on instances of std::optional without having to define the is_optional trait and its partial specialization?
Maybe using implicit deduction guides for std::optional?
I mean... something as
using S = decltype(std::optional{std::declval<R>()});
static_assert( std::is_same_v<R, S>, "R isn't a std::optional" );
When R is std::optional<T> for some T type, std::optional{r} (for an r value of type R) should call the copy constructor and the resulting value should be of the same type R.
Otherwise, the type should be different (std::optional<R>).
The following is a full compiling example.
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
template <typename T>
bool isOptional ()
using U = decltype(std::optional{std::declval<T>()});
return std::is_same_v<T, U>;
int main ()
std::cout << isOptional<int>() << std::endl; // print 0
std::cout << isOptional<std::optional<int>>() << std::endl; // print 1
Anyway, I support the suggestion by super: create a more generic type-traits that receive std::option as template-template argument.
Is there any way to determine at runtime the type of method's argument in C++03? I am thinking about such way:
#include <cstdio>
template<class T, class U>
struct is_same {
static const bool result = false;
template<class T>
struct is_same<T, T> {
static const bool result = true;
template<class ToFind, class Ret, class T, class Arg>
bool hasArg1(ToFind, Ret (T::*)(Arg)){return is_same<ToFind, Arg>::result;}
template<class ToFind, class Ret, class T, class Arg1, class Arg2>
bool hasArg1(ToFind, Ret (T::*)(Arg1, Arg2)){return is_same<ToFind, Arg1>::result;}
struct A
int fun1(int a){return a+1;}
int main() {
std::printf("int arg1: %s\n", hasArg1(1, &A::fun1) ? "yes" : "no");
but I want something like this:
instead of
hasArg1(1, &A::fun1)
Just remove the first function argument:
template<class ToFind, class Ret, class T, class Arg>
bool hasArg1(Ret (T::*)(Arg)){return is_same<ToFind, Arg>::result;}
template<class ToFind, class Ret, class T, class Arg1, class Arg2>
bool hasArg1(Ret (T::*)(Arg1, Arg2)){return is_same<ToFind, Arg1>::result;}
Now hasArg1<int>(&A::fun1) works as you want it to.
See it Live
But bear in mind that this approach won't work if A::fun1 is overloaded.
Now, as was noted under your question. Runtime checking of such things is less useful. Usually you want that information at compile time, to affect code generation and possibly optimize based upon. c++03 is limited in its compile time capabilities compared to later revisions, but it's not impossible to make this check at compile time. Here is how you'd modify your code to do it:
template<bool C, typename T = void>
struct enable_if;
template<typename T>
struct enable_if<true, T> { typedef T type; };
template<int s> struct tag { char _[s]; };
template<class ToFind>
tag<1> hasArg1(...);
template<class ToFind, class Ret, class T, class Arg>
tag<2> hasArg1(Ret (T::*)(Arg), enable_if<is_same<ToFind, Arg>::result, void>* = 0);
// Add hasArg1 overloads to support members with more arguments
#define HAS_ARG1(ToFind, member) (sizeof(hasArg1<ToFind>(member)) != sizeof(tag<1>))
First we add a "fallback" overload that returns a type with an expected size. Then we add another overload, modified from your own. The check is relegated to another function argument. When the checks fails during overload resolution, the argument is ill-formed and substitution fails, leaving us only with the fallback, because SFINAE is awesome!
If the check passes, the second overload is well-formed and a better match, because ellipsis have the lowest priority among conversion sequences in overload resolution.
The macro is added for syntactic sugar, since the subsequent details are tedious to type over and over. We do overload resolution inside the sizeof operator. The overload chosen, via its return type, will be reflected in what sizeof(hasArg1<ToFind>(member)) reports. So we can check it against sizeof(tag<1>) (the fallback). And since sizeof is a compile time operator, we have a compile time constant that tells us if the first argument of member is ToFind.
And to prove that it is a compile time constant, we can instantiate
tag<HAS_ARG1(int, &A::fun1)> test_compile_time;
Like we do here, in GCC 4.1.2 in C++98 mode.
I am trying to make some file streamer that can read or write different types. Everything works except for the reading part with specific method. That method returns std::unique_ptr<T> when called and is a "wrapper" for another method that returns T. For some reason compiler does not use this method instead it tries to compile it with the other method (the one that returns T). The compilation fails because of this. I've already tried to search around internet but I can not find any accurate answer. Could you please help me with this.
The two methods I have defined:
template <typename T>
T read()
T obj;
return std::move(obj);
template <
typename T,
template<typename> class D,
template<typename, typename> class Container
typename std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same<Container<T, D<T>>, std::unique_ptr<T, D<T>>>::value,
Container<T, D<T>>
return std::move(std::make_unique<T, D<T>>(readFromFile<T>()));
The latter method is the one that I am trying to call.
When I write something like this:
std::unique_ptr<A> AfromFile = fileStreamer.read<std::unique_ptr<A>>()
compiler tries to compile it with the first method (template <typename T> T read() {...}) and the compilation fails. I could make this work if I made unique_ptr object first and than do the copy assignment to *unique_ptr<A> object but this is no good for me because i use some macro over those two functions and I cannot make unique_ptr<A> object or object A it self prior to calling the macro. Just for info I am using Visual Studio 2015.
Is there any way to make this work without any significant modification? I also found one suggestion that basically says you have to add a pointer parameter to one function and then call it with static_cast<Obj>(nullptr) as an argument but this does not count in my example.
Thanks for your help.
I just want to make a remark that all solutions below did work for me however the easiest way to fix my problem was solution provided by Barry.
Thx again for helping me!
It seems you want partial specialization, and as partial specialization on function is not possible, you may forward to class:
template <typename T> struct helper
T operator() const
T obj;
return obj;
template <typename T, typename D>
struct helper<std::unique_ptr<T, D>>
std::unique_ptr<T, D> operator() const
return std::make_unique<T, D>(readFromFile<T>());
template <typename T>
T read()
return helper<T>{}();
The problem is, while I understand your intent of:
std::unique_ptr<A> AfromFile = fileStreamer.read<std::unique_ptr<A>>();
You're not actually calling the function you think you are. You have two overloads of read:
template <class T> T read();
template <class T,
template<typename> class D,
template<typename, typename> class Container
> T read();
The first has one template parameter, the second has 3 (and some sfinae). But you're only calling read() with one template parameter, so the second overload - the one you want - isn't even an option.
For these cases, I like simply tag dispatching so that we can overload instead of having to specialize:
template <class T> struct tag{};
template <class T> T read() { return read(tag<T>{}); }
template <class T>
T read(tag<T> ) {
T obj;
return obj; // <== NB: no move() here! That inhibits RVO
template <class T, class D>
std::unique_ptr<T, D> read(tag<std::unique_ptr<T, D>> ) {
/* unique_ptr case */
You cannot have two overloads of a function which only differ by return type. You must use SFINAE to make sure only one is enabled for any given template parameter.
The way you are trying to deduce the template parameters in the second overload is wrong. Currently, you have to specify T, D and ContainerType when you call the function. I sense you probably want to pass just one type and then deduce whether it is a std::unique_ptr.
You cannot call std::make_unique and specify a deleter type. You must call the std::unique_ptr constructor with a newly created object.
You don't need to explicitly move the returned std::unique_ptr.
This is one way to do what you want.
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T>
T readFromFile() { return T(); }
template<typename T, typename D>
void helper(std::unique_ptr<T, D>);
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct is_unique_ptr : std::false_type {};
template<typename T>
struct is_unique_ptr<T, decltype(helper(std::declval<T>()))> : std::true_type {};
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!is_unique_ptr<T>::value>>
T read()
return readFromFile<T>();
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_unique_ptr<P>::value>, typename = void>
P read()
using T = typename P::element_type;
return P(new T(readFromFile<T>()));
int main()
I want to define a function template:
template<typename T>
void foo(T arg)
But I want T to match only certain types. Specifically, T should derive (maybe through multiple inheritance) form a certain base class. Otherwise this template shouldn't be included in the overload set.
How can I do this?
Use SFINAE with std::is_base_of:
template <typename T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value
void foo(T arg);
That will only include foo in the overload set if T inherits from Foo. Note that this includes ambiguous and inaccessible bases as well. If you want a solution that only allows for Ts that inherit publicly and unambiguously from Foo, then you can instead use std::is_convertible:
template <typename T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_convertible<T*, Foo*>::value
void foo(T arg);
Note the reversal of arguments.
Regardless of which form you pick, it can be aliased for brevity:
template <typename T>
using enable_if_foo = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>;
template <typename T,
typename = enable_if_foo<T>>
void foo(T arg);
This works because std::enable_if has a nested type named type if and only if the boolean passed in is true. So if std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value is true, enable_if_t gets instantiated to void, as if we had written:
template <typename T,
typename = void>
void foo(T arg);
But, if T does not inherit from Foo, then the type trait will evaluate as false, and std::enable_if_t<false> is a substitution failure - there is no typename enable_if<false>::type. You might expect this to a compile error, but substitution failure is not an error (sfinae). It's just a template deduction failure. So the effect is that foo<T> is simply removed from the set of viable overload candidates in this case, no different from any other template deduction failure.
SFINAE based techniques such as the following;
template <typename T,
typename Test = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>>
void foo(T arg);
Are good to remove the function from the overload list - which would be a general case.
If you wish to keep the function in the list, and if chosen as the best overload to fail if the type matches some criteria (such as a base requirement here), the static_assert can be used;
template <typename T>
void foo(T arg)
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value, "failed type check");
// ...
In C++1z with concepts lite, you can do this:
template<class T>
requires std::is_base_of<Foo, T>{}()
void foo(T arg) {
under the current (experimental) implementation. Which is pretty clean and clear. There may be a way to do something like:
template<derived_from<Foo> T>
void foo(T arg) {
but I haven't worked it out. You can definitely do:
template<derived_from_foo T>
void foo(T arg){
where we have a custom concept called derived_from_foo that applies iff the type is derived from foo. What I don't know how to do is template concepts -- concepts generated from template type parameters.
In C++14, here are two methods. First, normal SFINAE:
template<class T,
class=std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>{}>
void foo(T arg) {
here we create a template that deduces the type T from its argument. It then tries to deduce its second type argument from the first argument.
The second type argument has no name (hence class=), because we are only using it for a SFINAE test.
The test is enable_if_t< condition >. enable_if_t< condition > generates the type void if condition is true. If condition is false, it fails in "the immediate context", generating a substitution failure.
SFINAE is "Substitution failure is not an error" -- if your type T generates a failure in the "immediate context" of the function template signature, this doesn't generate a compile-time error, but instead results in the function template not being considered a valid overload in this case.
"Immediate context" is a technical term here, but basically it means the error has to be "early enough" to be caught. If it requires compiling bodies of functions to find the error, that is not in "the immediate context".
Now, this isn't the only way. I personally like hiding my SFINAE code behind a gloss of respectability. Below, I use tag dispatching to "hide" the failure somewhere else, instead of putting it right up front in the function signature:
template<class T>
struct tag {
using type=T;
constexpr tag(tag const&) = default;
constexpr tag() = default;
template<class U,
constexpr tag(tag<U>) {}
struct Base{};
struct Derived:Base{};
template<class T>
void foo( T t, tag<Base> = tag<T>{} ) {
here we create a tag dispatch type, and it allows conversion to base. tag lets us worth with types as values, and use more normal C++ operations on them (instead of template-like metaprogramming <>s all over the place).
We then give foo a second argument of type tag<Base>, then construct it with a tag<T>. This fails to compile if T is not a derived type from Base.
live example.
The nice thing about this solution is that the code that makes it not work seems more intuitive -- tag<Unrelated> cannot convert to tag<Base>. This does not, however, prevent the function from being considered for overload resolution, which can be a problem.
A way with less boiler plate is:
template<class T>
void foo( T t, Base*=(T*)0 ) {
where we use the fact that pointers can be converted iff there is a derivation relationship between them.
In C++11 (and without constexpr support), we first write a helper:
namespace notstd {
template<bool b, class T=void>
using enable_if_t=typename std::enable_if<b,T>::type;
template<class T,
class=notstd::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>
void foo(T arg) {
if you don't like the helper, we get this ugly extra:
template<class T,
class=typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value>::type
void foo(T arg) {
the second C++14 technique above can also be translated to C++11.
You can write an alias that does the test if you want:
template<class U>
using base_test=notstd::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Base, U>::value>;
template<class T,
void foo(T arg) {