Using IBO for animation - good or bad? - opengl

I just watching my animated sprite code, and get some idea.
Animation was made by altering tex coords. It have buffer object, which holds current frame texture coords, as new frame requested, new texture coords feed up in buffer by glBufferData().
And what if we pre-calculate all animation frames texture coords, put them in BO and create Index Buffer Object with just a number of frame, which we need to draw
GLbyte cur_frames = 0; //1,2,3 etc
Now then as we need to update animation, all we need is update 1 byte (instead of 4 /quad vertex count/ * 2 /s, t/ * sizeof(GLfloat) bytes for quad drawing with TRIANGLE_STRIP) frame of our IBO with glBufferData, we don't need hold any texture coords after init of our BO.
I am missing something? What are contras?
Edit: of course your vertex data may be not gl_float just for example.

As Tim correctly states, this depends on your application, let us talk some numbers, you mention both IBO's and inserting texture coordinates for all frames into one VBO, so let us take a look at the impact of each.
Suppose a typical vertex looks like this:
struct vertex
float x,y,z; //position
float tx,ty; //Texture coordinates
I added a z-component but the calculations are similar if you don't use it, or if you have more attributes. So it is clear this attribute takes 20 bytes.
Let's assume a simple sprite: a quad, consisting of 2 triangles. In a very naive mode you just send 2x3 vertices and send 6*20=120 bytes to the GPU.
In comes indexing, you know you have actually only four vertices: 1,2,3,4 and two triangles 1,2,3 and 2,3,4. So we send two buffers to the GPU: one containing 4 vertices (4*20=80 byte) and one containing the list of indices for the triangles ([1,2,3,2,3,4]), let's say we can do this in 2 byte (65535 indices should be enough), so this comes down to 6*2=12 byte. In total 92 byte, we saved 28 byte or about 23%. Also, when rendering the GPU is likely to only process each vertex once in the vertex shader, it saves us some processing power also.
So, now you want to add all texture coordinates for all animations at once. First thing you have to note is that a vertex in indexed rendering is defined by all it's attributes, you can't split it in an index for positions and an index for texture coordinates. So if you want to add extra texture coordinates, you will have to repeat the positions. So each 'frame' that you add will add 80 byte to the VBO and 12 byte to the IBO. Suppose you have 64 frames, you end up with 64*(80+12)=5888byte. Let's say you have 1000 sprites, then this would become about 6MB. That does not seem too bad, but note that it scales quite rapidly, each frame adds to the size, but also each attribute (because they have to be repeated).
So, what does it gain you?
You don't have to send data to the GPU dynamically. Note that updating the whole VBO would require sending 80 bytes or 640 bits. Suppose you need to do this for 1000 sprites per frame at 30 frames per second, you get to 19200000bps or 19.2Mbps (no overhead included). This is quite low (e.g. 16xPCI-e can handle 32Gbps), but it could be worth wile if you have other bandwidth issues (e.g. due to texturing). Also, if you construct your VBO's carefully (e.g. separate VBO's or non-interleaved), you could reduce it to only updating the texture-part, which is only 16 byte per sprite in the above example, this could reduce bandwidth even more.
You don't have to waste time computing the next frame position. However, this is usually just a few additions and few if's to handle the edges of your textures. I doubt you will gain much CPU power here.
Finally, you also have the possibility to simply split the animation image over a lot of textures. I have absolutely no idea how this scales, but in this case you don't even have to work with more complex vertex attributes, you just activate another texture for each frame of animation.
edit: another method could be to pass the frame number in a uniform and do the calculations in your fragment shader, before sampling. Setting a single integer uniform should be that much of an overhead.

For a modern GPU, accessing/unpacking single bytes is not necessarily faster than accessing integer types or even vectors (register sizes & load instructions, etc.). You can just save memory and therefore memory bandwidth, but I wouldn't expect this to give much of a difference in relation to all other vertex attribute array accesses.
I think, the fastest way to supply a frame index for animated sprites is either an uniform, or if multiple sprites have to be rendered with one draw call, the usage of instanced vertex attrib arrays. With the latter, you could provide a single index for fixed-size subsequences of vertices.
For example, when drawing 'sprite-quads', you'd have one frame index fetch per 4 vertices.
A third approach would be a buffer-texture, when using instanced rendering.
I recommend a global (shared) uniform for time/frame index calculation, so you can calculate the animation index on the fly within you shader, which doesn't require you to update the index buffer (which then just represents the relative animation state among sprites)


How would I store vertex, color, and index data separately? (OpenGL)

I'm starting to learn openGL (working with version 3.3) with intent to get a small 3d falling sand simulation up, akin to this:
I have a little experience with setting up a voxel environment like Minecraft from some Udemy tutorials for Unity, but I want to build something simple from the ground up and not deal with all the systems already laid on top of things with Unity.
The first issue I've run into comes early. I want to build a system for rendering quads, because instancing a ton of cubes is ridiculously inefficient. I also want to be efficient with storage of vertices, colors, etc. Thus far in the opengl tutorials I've worked with the way to do this is to store each vertex in a float array with both position and color data, and set up the buffer object to read every set of six entries as three floats for position and three for color, using glVertexAttribPointer. The problem is that for each neighboring quad, the same vertices will be repeated because if they are made of different "blocks" they will be different colors, and I want to avoid this.
What I want to do instead to make things more efficient is store the vertices of a cube in one int array (positions will all be ints), then add each quad out of the terrain to an indices array (which will probably turn into each chunk's mesh later on). The indices array will store each quad's position, and a separate array will store each quad's color. I'm a little confused on how to set this up since I am rather new to opengl, but I know this should be doable based on what other people have done with minecraft clones, if not even easier since I don't need textures.
I just really want to get the framework for the chunks, blocks, world, etc, up and running so that I can get to the fun stuff like adding new elements. Anyone able to verify that this is a sensible way to do this (lol) and offer guidance on how to set this up in the rendering, I would very much appreciate.
Thus far in the opengl tutorials I've worked with the way to do this is to store each vertex in a float array with both position and color data, and set up the buffer object to read every set of six entries as three floats for position and three for color, using glVertexAttribPointer. The problem is that for each neighboring quad, the same vertices will be repeated because if they are made of different "blocks" they will be different colors, and I want to avoid this.
Yes, and perhaps there's a reason for that. You seem to be trying to save.. what, a few bytes of RAM? Your graphics card has 8GB of RAM on it, what it doesn't have is a general processing unit or an unlimited bus to do random lookups in other buffers for every single rendered pixel.
The indices array will store each quad's position, and a separate array will store each quad's color.
If you insist on doing it this way, nothing's stopping you. You don't even need the quad vertices, you can synthesize them in a geometry shader.
Just fill in a buffer with X|Y|Width|Height|Color(RGB) with glVertexAttribPointer like you already know, then run a geometry shader to synthesize two triangles for each entry in your input buffer (a quad), then your vertex shader projects it to world units (you mentioned integers, so you're not in world units initially), and then your fragment shader can color each rastered pixel according to its color entry.
ridiculously inefficient
Indeed, if that sounds ridiculously inefficient to you, it's because it is. You're essentially packing your data on the CPU, transferring it to the GPU, unpacking it and then processing it as normal. You can skip at least two of the steps, and even more if you consider that vertex shader outputs get cached within rasterized primitives.
There are many more variations of this insanity, like:
store vertex positions unpacked as normal, and store an index for the colors. Then store the colors in a linear buffer of some kind (texture, SSBO, generic buffer, etc) and look up each color index. That's even more inefficient, but it's closer to the algorithm you were suggesting.
store vertex positions for one quad and set up instanced rendering with a multi-draw command and a buffer to feed individual instance data (positions and colors). If you also have textures, you can use bindless textures for each quad instance. It's still rendering multiple objects, but it's slightly more optimized by your graphics driver.
or just store per-vertex data in a buffer and render it. Done. No pre-computations, no unlimited expansions, no crazy code, you have your vertex data and you render it.

Using Index buffers in DirectX 11; how does it know?

Let's say I create two vertex buffers, for two different meshes.
(I'm assuming creating separate buffers for separate meshes is how it's usually done)
Now, let's say I want to draw one of the meshes using an index buffer.
Looking at the book Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 it doesnt seem like the creation of an index buffer in any way references a vertex buffer, so how does the index buffer know (during input assembly) what vertex buffer to act on?
I've done some googling without answers, which leads me to assume there's something obvious about it that I'm missing.
You are right, index buffers do not reference specific vertex buffers. During DrawIndexed active index buffer is used to supply indices into active vertex buffers (the ones you set using SetIndexBuffer/SetVertexBuffers).
Indeed, Index Buffers and Vertex Buffers are completely independent.
Index buffer will know about VertexBuffer at draw time (eg: when both as bound to the pipeline)
You can think of Index Buffer as a "Lookup Table", where you keep a list or elements indices to draw.
That also means you can attach two completely "logically unrelated" buffers to the pipeline and draw it, nothing will prevent you from doing that, but you will of course have some strange visual results.
Decoupling both has many advantages, here are a few examples:
You can reuse an index buffer (for example, two displaced grids with identical resolution can share the same index buffer). That can be a decent memory gain.
You can draw your Vertex buffer on it's own and do some processing per vertex (draw a point list for sprites for example, or apply skinning/displacement into a Stream Output buffer , then draw the resulting vertex buffer using DrawIndexed)
Both Vertex/Index buffers can also be bound as ByteAddressBuffer, so you can also process your geometry in Compute Shader, and build another optimized index buffer, with culled triangles for example, then process the Indexed Draw with the optimized buffer. Applying those culls in with indices instead of vertices is often faster than vertex, as you will move much less memory.
This is a niche case, but sometimes I have to draw a mesh as a set of triangles, but then draw as a set of lines (some form of wireframe). If as example, you take a single Box, you will not want to draw the diagonals as lines, so I have a shared Vertexbuffer with box vertices, then one IndexBuffer dedicated to draw triangle list, and another to draw line list. In case of large models, this can also be an effective memory gain.

Better to update a small vertex buffer, or send a uniform?

I'm writing/planning a GUI renderer for my OpenGL (core profile) game engine, and I'm not completely sure how I should be representing the vertex data for my quads. So far, I've thought of 2 possible solutions:
1) The straightforward way, every GuiElement keeps track of it's own vertex array object, containing 2d screen co-ordinates and texture co-ordinates, and is updated (glBufferSubData()) any time the GuiElement is moved or resized.
2) I globally store a single vertex array object, whose co-ordinates are (0,0)(1,0)(0,1)(1,1), and upload a rect as a vec4 uniform (x, y, w, h) every frame, and transform the vertex positions in the vertex shader (vertex.xy *=; vertex.xy += guiRect.xy;).
I know that method #2 works, but I want to know which one is better.
I do like the idea of option two, however, it would be quite inefficient because it requires a draw call for each element. As was mentioned by other replies, the biggest performance gains lie in batching geometry and reducing the number of draw calls. (In other words, reducing the time your application spends communicating with the GL driver).
So I think the fastest possible way of drawing 2D objects with OpenGL is by using a technique similar to your option one, but adding batching to it.
The smallest possible vertex format you need in order to draw a quadrilateral on the screen is a simple vec2, with 4 vec2s per quadrilateral. The texture coordinates can be generated in a very lightweight vertex shader, such as this:
// xy = vertex position in normalized device coordinates ([-1,+1] range).
attribute vec2 vertexPositionNDC;
varying vec2 vTexCoords;
const vec2 scale = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
void main()
vTexCoords = vertexPositionNDC * scale + scale; // scale vertex attribute to [0,1] range
gl_Position = vec4(vertexPositionNDC, 0.0, 1.0);
In the application side, you can set up a double buffer to optimize throughput, by using two vertex buffers, so you can write to one of them on a given frame then flip the buffers and send it to GL, while you start writing to the next buffer right away:
// Update:
GLuint vbo = vbos[currentVBO];
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dataOffset, dataSize, data);
// Draw:
// Flip the buffers:
currentVBO = (currentVBO + 1) % NUM_BUFFERS;
Or another simpler option is to use a single buffer, but allocate new storage on every submission, to avoid blocking, like so:
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dataSize, data, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
This is a well known and used technique for simple async data transfers. Read this for more.
It is also a good idea to use indexed geometry. Keep an index buffer of unsigned shorts with the vertex buffer. A 2-byte per element IB will reduce data traffic quite a bit and should have an index range big enough for any amount of 2D/UI elements that you might wish to draw.
For GUI elements you could use dynamic vertex buffer (ring buffer) and just upload the geometry every frame because this is quite small amount of geometry data. Then you can batch your GUI element rendering unlike in both of your proposed methods.
Batching is quite important if you render large number of GUI elements, such as text. You can quite easily build a generic GUI rendering system with this which caches the GUI element draw calls and flushes the draws to the GPU upon state changes.
I would recommend doing it like DXUT does it, where it takes the rects from each element, and renders them with a single universal method that takes an element as a parameter, which contains a rect. Each control can have many elements. It adds the four points of the rect to a buffer in a specific order in STREAM_DRAW mode and a constant index buffer. This does draw each rect individually, but performance is not completely vital, because your geometry is simple, and when you are in a dialog, you can usually put the rendering of the 3d scene on the back burner. EDIT: even using this to do HUD items, it has a negligible performance penalty.
This is a simple and organized way to do it, where it works well with textures, and there are only two shaders, one for drawing textured components, and one for non-textured. THen there is a special way to do text.
If you want to see how I did it, you can look at this:
It is in GLUFGui.h/.cpp

efficient update of GL state given a change to the scene

Suppose we have a scene which consists of a list of n meshes in draw order. The triangle count of each mesh is bounded by a constant (though that constant may be large). Also suppose we have GL state such that all meshes can be rendered with a single draw call (glDrawArrays/Elements).
Given a change to the scene, which may consist of:
Inserting a mesh in the list
Removing a mesh from the list
Changing the geometry of the mesh (which may include changing its triangle count)
Is there a O(1) way to update GL state for a single change to the scene?
Because of the draw-order and single-draw-call constraints, the meshes must be laid out linearly in a VBO in that order. Thus, if a mesh is inserted in the list, the VBO must be resized by moving data, which is not O(1).
This isn't really an OpenGL problem. The work complexity has to do with how you model geometry, which happens well before you start trying to shove it into a GPU.
But there are some GL-specific things you can think about:
Separate vertex array order from draw order by using an index buffer and a DrawElements call. If you're drawing multiple entities out of one vertex buffer and you expect them to change, you can leave some padding in the vertex buffer and address vertices by index.
Think about how you're getting that vertex data to the GPU if it's changing every frame. For example, with double- buffering or MapBufferRange, the CPU can work on filling a buffer with new vertex data for the next frame while the GPU draws the current frame from a different buffer (or range).
The work you do to arrange/modify vertices every frame still can't be O(1). GPU work (and CPU/GPU transfers) tends to be thought of more in ms than order analysis terms, but there are things you can to minimize time.

OpenGL- drawarrays or drawelements?

I'm making a small 2D game demo and from what I've read, it's better to use drawElements() to draw an indexed triangle list than using drawArrays() to draw an unindexed triangle list.
But it doesn't seem possible as far as I know to draw multiple elements that are not connected in a single draw call with drawElements().
So for my 2D game demo where I'm only ever going to draw squares made of two triangles, what would be the best approach so I don't end having one draw call per object?
Yes, it's better to use indices in many cases since you don't have to store or transfer duplicate vertices and you don't have to process duplicate vertices (vertex shader only needs to be run once per vertex). In the case of quads, you reduce 6 vertices to 4, plus a small amount of index data. Two thirds is quite a good improvement really, especially if your vertex data is more than just position.
In summary, glDrawElements results in
Less data (mostly), which means more GPU memory for other things
Faster updating if the data changes
Faster transfer to the GPU
Faster vertex processing (no duplicates)
Indexing can affect cache performance, if the reference vertices that aren't near each other in memory. Modellers commonly produce meshes which are optimized with this in mind.
For multiple elements, if you're referring to GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP you could use glPrimitiveRestartIndex to draw multiple strips of triangles with the one glDrawElements call. In your case it's easy enough to use GL_TRIANGLES and reference 4 vertices with 6 indices for each quad. Your vertex array then needs to store all the vertices for all your quads. If they're moving you still need to send that data to the GPU every frame. You could position all the moving quads at the front of the array and only update the active ones. You could also store static vertex data in a separate array.
The typical approach to drawing a 3D model is to provide a list of fixed vertices for the geometry and move the whole thing with the model matrix (as part of the model-view). The confusing part here is that the mesh data is so small that, as you say, the overhead of the draw calls may become quite prominent. I think you'll have to draw a LOT of quads before you get to the stage where it'll be a problem. However, if you do, instancing or some similar idea such as particle systems is where you should look.
Perhaps only go down the following track if the draw calls or data transfer becomes a problem as there's a lot involved. A good way of implementing particle systems entirely on the GPU is to store instance attributes such as position/colour in a texture. Each frame you use an FBO/render-to-texture to "ping-pong" this data between another texture and update the attributes in a fragment shader. To draw the particles, you can set up a static VBO which stores quads with the attribute-data texture coordinates for use in the vertex shader where the particle position can be read and applied. I'm sure there's a bunch of good tutorials/implementations to follow out there (please comment if you know of a good one).