C++ : Why this window title gets truncated? - c++

Visual C++ 2012 RC, Win7
Chinese simplified
Project Properties > use multi byte character set
When I run this program, the window's title shows a single letter "S", not a whole word "Sample".
#pragma comment(linker, "/SubSystem:Windows")
#include <windows.h>
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, PSTR, int) {
WNDCLASSW wc = { 0 };
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(nullptr, IDI_APPLICATION);
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW);
wc.hbrBackground = reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
wc.lpszClassName = L"MyWindowClass";
wc.lpfnWndProc = [](HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
if (uMsg - WM_DESTROY)
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
else {
return HRESULT();
CreateWindowExW(0, L"MyWindowClass", L"Sample",
nullptr, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr);
for (MSG msg; GetMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0); DispatchMessage(&msg));
If I use Unicode (Project Properties), keep source code unchanged, window title shows "Sample", looks correct.
If I use multi byte, in source code I use WNDCLASS = { ..., "MyWindowClass" } and RegisterClassA, keep CreateWindowExW unchanged, window title shows word "Sample", looks correct.
If I use multi byte, in source code I use CreateWindowExA("MyWindowClass", "Sample"), keep WNDCLASSW and RegisterClassW unchanged, window title shows letter "S".
What makes it show a single "S", am I doing something wrong?
If I keep all unchanged, that is, use multi byte, use code shown above, window title shows letter "S".
(If you run this program and see "Sample" on window title, rather than "S", then it's more likely a specific problem on chs version of vc++ 2012 (or OS)).

The problem in your code is that you are using DefWindowProc instead of DefWindowProcW. Changing that will fix the code.
Ideally you should change your project settings to use Unicode, not multi-byte character set. This will simplify everything and you can use the macros like CreateWindowEx and RegisterClassEx instead of explicitly using the Unicode / ANSI versions as you are.
As others have said, this is a mismatch between character sets.
You should ideally match character sets between all your API calls that interact with each other. So if you use CreateWindowExW you should also use RegisterClassExW, DefWindowProcW, DispatchMessageW...

This is a very nice one, learned something new!
You need to change
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return DefWindowProcA(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
Or even better: stick to one character encoding. At best just use RegisterClass, CreateWindowEx and so on and let the compiler take the right Unicode or ANSI function.

CreateWindowExA interprets the string as 8 bit characters. The second 8 bits of L"Sample" is zero, because its first character is 0x0053 - the L means use wide characters. So the function interprets that as a 1 character null terminated string.

I think the msdn page for RegisterClass hints at the reason for the failure here, in the remarks section it mentions how that if you use either wide character or ansi support, then it will pass internal text paramaters/message in this format (wide char/ansi). Quite possibly that's what's happening with the window title, even though we're saying use CreateWindowExA, this doesn't work as internally the Windows SDK has encoded that string as a wide character string, and the CreateWinowExA tries to output as if it was an Ansi string.
In short don't go mixing the W and A methods, unless you've a good reason for doing so, and let windows headers take care of it for you, if you want wide char support define your UNICODE macro.

In your last case your L"Sample" still remains Unicode, isn't it? You can use _T() macro, which automatically adds or removes L prefix depending on Unuicode setting of the project.
And Unicode L"Sample", as #Pete have already said, is "S\0..." in ascii, that's why only one symbol is printed.

I'm glad I found this. I was looking all over for an answer, and it seems rather difficult to find correctly with Google etc. I did find similar problems reported for specific programs, always blaming "some plug in".
It is maddening because the problem with the WndProc is nowhere near the call to CreateWindowEx nor RegisterClassEx!
BTW, I use -W suffixes explicitly, because I want to make one DLL that works for programs built either way, or overcome the non-Unicode settings of the program I'm adding to.


Random crashes on Windows 10 64bit with ATL subclassing

Just from the start: Since March 1st 2017 this is a bug confirmed by Microsoft. Read comments at the end.
Short description:
I have random crashes in larger application using MFC, ATL. In all such cases after ATL subclassing was used for a window upon simple actions with a window (moving, resizing, setting the focus, painting etc.) I get a crash on a random execution address.
First it looked like a wild pointer or heap corruption but I narrowed the complete scenario down to a very simple application using pure ATL and only Windows API.
Requirements / my used scenarios:
The application was created with VS 2015 Enterprise Update 3.
The program should be compiled as 32bit.
Test application uses CRT as a shared DLL.
The application runs under Windows 10 Build 14393.693 64bit (but we have repros under Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, all 64bit)
atlthunk.dll has version 10.0.14393.0
What the application does:
It simply creates a frame window and tries to create many static windows with the windows API.
After the static window is created, this window is subclassed with the ATL CWindowImpl::SubclassWindow method.
After the subclass operation a simple window message is sent.
What happens:
Not on every run, but very often the application crashes upon SendMessage to the subclassed window.
On the 257 window ( or another multiple of 256+1) the subclass fails in some way. The ATL thunk that is created is invalid. It seems that the stored execution address of the new subclass-function isn't correct.
Sending any the message to the window causes a crash.
The callstack is always the same. The last visible and known address in the callstack is in the atlthunk.dll
atlthunk.dll!AtlThunk_Call(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,long) Unknown
atlthunk.dll!AtlThunk_0x00(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long) Unknown
user32.dll!__InternalCallWinProc#20() Unknown
user32.dll!UserCallWinProcCheckWow() Unknown
user32.dll!SendMessageWorker() Unknown
user32.dll!SendMessageW() Unknown
CrashAtlThunk.exe!WindowCheck() Line 52 C++
The thrown exception in the debugger is shown as:
Exception thrown at 0x0BF67000 in CrashAtlThunk.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x0BF67000.
or another sample
Exception thrown at 0x2D75E06D in CrashAtlThunk.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x2D75E06D.
What I know about atlthunk.dll:
Atlthunk.dll seems to be only part of 64bit OS. I found it on a Win 8.1 and Win 10 systems.
If atlthunk.dll is available (all Windows 10 machines), this DLL cares about the thunking. If the DLL isn't present, thunking is done in the standard way: allocating a block on the heap, marking it as executable, adding some load and a jump statement.
If the DLL is present. It contains 256 predefined slots for subclassing. If 256 subclasses are done, the DLL reloads itself a second time into memory and uses the next 256 available slots in the DLL.
As far as I see, the atlthunk.dll belongs to the Windows 10 and isn't exchangeable or redistributable.
Things checked:
Antivirus system was turned of or on, no change
Data execution protection doesn't matter. (/NXCOMPAT:NO and the EXE is defined as an exclusion in the system settings, crashes too)
Additional calls to FlushInstructionCache or Sleep calls after the subclass doesn't have any effect.
Heap integrity isn't a problem here, I rechecked it with more than one tool.
and a thousands more (I may already forgot what I tested)... ;)
The problem is somehow reproducible. It doesn't crashes all the time, it crashes randomly. I have a machine were the code crashes on every third execution.
I can repro it on two desktop stations with i7-4770 and a i7-6700.
Other machines seem not to be affected at all (works always on a Laptop i3-3217, or desktop with i7-870)
About the sample:
For simplicity I use a SEH handler to catch the error. If you debug the application the debugger will show the callstack mentioned above.
The program can be launched with an integer on the command line.In this case the program launches itself again with the count decremented by 1.So if you launch CrashAtlThunk 100 it will launch the application 100 times. Upon an error the SEH handler will catch the error and shows the text "Crash" in a message box. If the application runs without errors, the application shows "Succeeded" in a message box.
If the application is started without a parameter it is just executed once.
Does anybody else can repro this?
Does anybody saw similar effects?
Does anybody know or can imagine a reason for this?
Does anybody know how to get around this problem?
2017-01-20 Support case at Microsoft opened.
The code
// CrashAtlThunk.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application.
// Windows Header Files:
#include <windows.h>
// C RunTime Header Files
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#define _ATL_CSTRING_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS // some CString constructors will be explicit
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <atlwin.h>
// Global Variables:
HINSTANCE hInst; // current instance
const int NUM_WINDOWS = 1000;
// The problematic code
// After the 256th subclass the application randomly crashes.
class CMyWindow : public CWindowImpl<CMyWindow>
virtual BOOL ProcessWindowMessage(_In_ HWND hWnd, _In_ UINT uMsg, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam, _Inout_ LRESULT& lResult, _In_ DWORD dwMsgMapID) override
return FALSE;
void WindowCheck()
CMyWindow subclass[_countof(ahwnd)];
HWND hwndFrame;
ATLVERIFY(hwndFrame = ::CreateWindow(_T("Static"), _T("Frame"), SS_SIMPLE, 0, 0, 10, 10, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL));
for (int i = 0; i<_countof(ahwnd); ++i)
ATLVERIFY(ahwnd[i] = ::CreateWindow(_T("Static"), _T("DummyWindow"), SS_SIMPLE|WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 10, 10, hwndFrame, NULL, hInst, NULL));
if (ahwnd[i])
ATLVERIFY(SendMessage(ahwnd[i], WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0)!=0);
for (int i = 0; i<_countof(ahwnd); ++i)
if (ahwnd[i])
int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
_In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine,
_In_ int nCmdShow)
hInst = hInstance;
int iCount = _tcstol(lpCmdLine, nullptr, 10);
if (iCount==0)
::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Succeeded"), _T("CrashAtlThunk"), MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szCount[16];
_itot_s(--iCount, szCount, 10);
::GetModuleFileName(NULL, szFileName, _countof(szFileName));
::ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), szFileName, szCount, nullptr, SW_SHOW);
::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Crash"), _T("CrashAtlThunk"), MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);
return FALSE;
return 0;
Comment after answered by Eugene (Feb. 24th 2017):
I don't want to change my original question, but I want to add some additional information how to get this into a 100% Repro.
1, Change the main function to
int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
_In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine,
_In_ int nCmdShow)
// Get the load address of ATLTHUNK.DLL
// HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary(_T("atlThunk.dll"));
// Now allocate a page at the prefered start address
void* pMem = VirtualAlloc(reinterpret_cast<void*>(0x0f370000), 0x10000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError();
hInst = hInstance;
return 0;
Uncomment the LoadLibrary call. Compile.
Run the programm once and stop in the debugger. Note the address where the library was loaded (hMod).
Stop the program. Now comment the Library call again and change the VirtualAlloc call to the address of the previous hMod value, this is the prefered load address in this window session.
Recompile and run. CRASH!
Thanks to eugene.
Up to now. Microsoft ist still investigating about this. They have dumps and all code. But I don't have a final answer. Fact is we have a fatal bug in some Windows 64bit OS.
I currently made the following changes to get around this
Open atlstdthunk.h of VS-2015.
Uncomment the #ifdef block completely that defines USE_ATL_THUNK2. Code lines 25 to 27.
Recompile your program.
This enables the old thunking mechanism well known from VC-2010, VC-2013... and this works crash free for me. As long as there are no other already compiled libraries involved that may subclass or use 256 windows via ATL in any way.
Comment (Mar. 1st 2017):
Microsoft confirmed that this is a bug. It should be fixed in Windows 10 RS2.
Mircrosoft agrees that editing the headers in the atlstdthunk.h is a workaround for the problem.
In fact this says. As long as there is no stable patch I can never use the normal ATL thunking again, because I will never know what Window versions out in the world will use my program. Because Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 prior to RS2 will suffer on this bug.
Final Comment (Mar. 9th 2017):
Builds with VS-2017 are affected too, there is no difference between VS-2015 and VS-2017
Microsoft decided that there will be no fix for older OS, regarding this case.
Neither Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 RC2 or other Windows 10 builds will get a patch to fix this issue.
The issue is to rare and the impact for our company is to small. Also the fix from our side is to simple. Other reports of this bug are not known.
The case is closed.
My advice for all programers: Change the the atlstdthunk.h in your Visual Studio version VS-2015, VS-2017 (see above). I don't understand Microsoft. This bug is a serious problem in the ATL thunking. It may hit every programmer that uses a greater number of windows and/or subclassing.
We only know of a fix in Windows 10 RS2. So all older OS are affected! So I recommend to disable the use of the atlthunk.dll by commenting out the define noted above.
This is the bug inside atlthunk.dll. When it loads itself second time and further this happens manually via MapViewOfFile call. In this case not every address relative to the module base is properly changed (when DLL loaded by LoadLibarary/LoadLibraryEx calls system loader does this automatically). Then if the first time DLL was loaded on preferred base address everything works fine as unchanged addresses point to the similar code or data. But if not you got crash when 257th subclassed window handles messages.
Since Vista we have "address space layout randomization" feature this explains why your code crashes randomly. To have crash every time you have to discover atlthunk.dll base address on your OS (it differs on different OS versions) and do one memory page address space reservation at this address using VirtualAlloc call before the first subclass. To find the base address you can use dumpbin /headers atlthunk.dll command or parse PE headers manually.
My test shows that on Windows 10 build 14393.693 x32 version is affected but x64 is not. On Server 2012R2 with latest updates both (x32 and x64) versions are affected.
BTW, atlthunk.dll code has around 10 times more CPU instructions per thunk call as previous implementation. It may be not very significant but it slows down the message processing.
Slightly more automatic form of what was already described:
// A minimum ATL program with more than 256 windows. In practise they would not be toplevel, but e.g. buttons.
// Thanks to https://www.codeguru.com/cpp/com-tech/atl/article.php/c3605/Using-the-ATL-Windowing-Classes.htm
// for helping with ATL.
// You need to be up to date, like have KB3030947 or KB3061512. Otherwise asserts will fail instead.
#undef _DEBUG
#include <atlbase.h>
ATL::CComModule _Module;
#include <atlwin.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
struct CMyWindow : CWindowImpl<CMyWindow>
int __cdecl wmain()
// Exacerbate the problem, which can happen more like if by chance.
PROCESS_INFORMATION process = { 0 };
// Be sure another process has atlthunk loaded.
WCHAR cmd[] = L"rundll32 atlthunk,x";
STARTUPINFOW startup = { sizeof(startup) };
BOOL success = CreateProcessW(0, cmd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &startup, &process);
assert(success && process.hProcess);
// Get atlthunk's usual address.
HANDLE file = CreateFileW((std::wstring(_wgetenv(L"SystemRoot")) + L"\\system32\\atlthunk.dll").c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
assert(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
HANDLE mapping = CreateFileMappingW(file, 0, PAGE_READONLY | SEC_IMAGE, 0, 0, 0);
void* view = MapViewOfFile(mapping, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_Module.Init(0, 0);
const int N = 300;
CMyWindow wnd[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
wnd[i].Create(0, CWindow::rcDefault, L"Hello", (i < N - 1) ? 0 : (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE));
TerminateProcess(process.hProcess, 0);
MSG msg;
while (GetMessageW(&msg, 0, 0, 0))

Win32 Application Programming C++, Error with parameter Type LPCWSTR

I am constructing a program using the Win32 Application on Visual Studio 2013. From the tutorials I have read, I know this following code is correct, but I don't know where to change the parameter type to read the following:
hEdit = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "Edit", "",
ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 50, 100, 300, 300, hWnd, (HMENU)IDC_EDIT_BOX,
The compiler highlights "Edit" and gives me this error:
Error 1 error C2664: 'HWND CreateWindowExW(DWORD,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,DWORD,int,int,int,int,HWND,HMENU,HINSTANCE,LPVOID)' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'const char [5]' to 'LPCWSTR'
You are compiling with UNICODE defined. That means that CreateWindowEx is an alias for CreateWindowExW, the wide character version. Either:
Supply wide character text, or
Call CreateWindowExA, or
Compile for ANSI.
Personally I would suggest option 1. Your code would become:
CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"Edit", L"",
50, 100, 300, 300, hWnd, (HMENU)IDC_EDIT_BOX, NULL, NULL);
The L prefix to your string literals is used to specify a wide character literal.
The error message is complaining about CreateWindowExW() but your code is calling CreateWindowEx(). That means your project is being compiled with UNICODE defined. In which case, CreateWindowEx() maps to CreateWindowExW(), which expects wide (wchar_t*) data, but you are passing it narrow (char*) data instead, hence the error.
You need to either:
call CreateWindowExW() directly, and prefix the literals with L to make them wide instead of narrow:
hEdit = CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"Edit", L"", ...);
continue calling CreateWindowEx() but wrap literals with the TEXT() macro so it will make them narrow or wide for you based on whether UNICODE is defined or not:
hEdit = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT("Edit"), TEXT(""), ...);
First and foremost, you need to decide what type of project you are trying to create with regard to character set. You have at least four options for project type
Project that uses regular (narrow) characters only (char)
Project that uses wide characters only (wchar_t)
"Transformer" project that can be easily compiled as either type 1 or type 2 by a simple change in project settings
Project that freely mixes narrow and wide characters
This is the decision that you have to make first. There's no point in proceeding before you make that decision.
Now, depending on the choice you made, you should proceed as follows
Regular char project
Go to project settings and set "Character Set" to "Use Multi-Byte Character Set"
In your code use regular (narrow) string and character literals: "Edit", 'A' etc.
Use regular char, char [N], char * and std::string types to work with characters and strings
Use narrow versions of standard library functions: printf, strcpy etc.
Use either "normal" names to call Windows API functions: CreateWindowEx, or their narrow names: CreateWindowExA (whichever you like better)
Wide wchar_t project
Go to project settings and set "Character Set" to "Use Unicode Character Set"
In your code explicitly use wide string and character literals: L"Edit", L'A' etc.
Use wide wchar_t, wchar_t [N], wchar_t * and std::wstring types to work with characters and strings
Use wide versions of standard library functions: wprintf, wcscpy etc.
Use either "normal" names to call Windows API functions: CreateWindowEx, or their wide names: CreateWindowExW (whichever you like better)
"Transformer" project
Include <tchar.h> into every translation unit
In your code always explicitly use macro _T with string and character literals: _T("Edit"), _T('A') etc.
Use TCHAR, TCHAR [N], TCHAR * and std::basic_string<TCHAR> types to work with characters and strings
Use "transformer" versions of standard library functions: _tprintf, _tcscpy etc.
Use "normal" names to call Windows API functions: CreateWindowEx
With this kind of project, if you do everything properly, you will be able to automatically switch between type 1 and type 2 by simply changing the "Character Set" setting in project settings.
Mix-and-match project
Use whatever type of character you prefer (narrow or wide) in each specific context, but remember to call the proper version of standard library and Windows API function for each character type. In some cases, when narrow and wide contexts meet, you will have to perform conversions between narrow and wide character types.
Of course, if you started a project of type 1 or type 2, you can always turn it into a project of type 4 by starting to mix character types. But if you need a type 3 project, it is a good idea to stick to its principles from the very beginning (converting to type 3 later is a very laborious process).
It is not immediately obvious what you are trying to do in your project. But a wild guess would be that you are trying to build a type 1 project. In that case all you need to do to fix the problem is go to project settings and set "Character Set" to "Use Multi-Byte Character Set".
switch (Message){
case WM_PAINT:
return 0;
if (IsWindowUnicode(hWnd))
return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
return DefWindowProcA(hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
return 0;}

How to use windows raw input in OpenSceneGraph?

I want to use windows raw input to enable two mice input on one computer.
However, I failed to figure out how to get the WM_INPUT message. It seems to get the message, I need to do this:
MainWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (nMsg)
case WM_INPUT:
GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)lParam, RID_INPUT, NULL, &dwSize,
I think the OpenSceneGraph window should be a window's type,but how can I get the WM_INPUT message without using MainWndProc?
It seems I cannot get WM_INPUT message like this:
bool CallbackManager::handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
if(ea.getEventType() == WM_INPUT)
Then should I get the windows handle and how to?
OpenSceneGraph is a cross plattform toolkit. The Windows messages are translated internally in OpenSceneGraph and turned into OSG specific types. What you get in the CallbackManager is completely detached from the Windows messages.
Short of diving into the OpenSceneGraph code and adding the multiple pointer device support in OSG's core, there's little you can do about it.

win32 Api programming

I want to get a running application text e.g if i am running notepad then i want to get the text written inside it .For this first i have to get the handle of notepad but i don't know how to get the notepad handle so please tell me .Then through which functions i can get its inside text ? which header files to include ? what are necessary declarations?
Please help me i am new to windows API programming.i have gone through basic tutorials of windows programming but that doesn't help me a lot.
Use FindWindowEx. Though you must have been able to find this yourself, if you were looking/googling for a way to "find notepad handle in C++" ;)
You can even find complete examples on "Sending text to notepad in C++"
To expand on GolezTrol's answer, you could do this:
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
int CALLBACK _tWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) {
HWND hwnd = FindWindow( _T("Notepad"), NULL);
hwnd = FindWindowEx( hwnd, NULL, _T("edit"), NULL );
TCHAR lpText[256];
SendMessage( hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, _countof(lpText), (LPARAM)lpText);
MessageBox(0, lpText, lpText, 0);
In reality, you would probably use a more reliable method of window identification (eg. enumerating all windows and verifying what process it belongs to)

Get text using SendMessage() C++

I am trying to get text from a textbox in a specific window. For this I'm using SendMessage Api function, I dont know if this is the corect way:
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, 0, 0);
But I dont know how to print the text. For the argument 3 and 4 in msdn site it says: Additional message-specific information. So i dont know if I need to pass something else beside 0. I tried this also:
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(text), LPARAM(text));
But it prints the name of the textbox, I need to retrieve the text inside the box?
How can I do this? Is SendMessage() the correct API function to use ?
Thank you.
I omit to say, I am enumerating the child windows from a window, and for me it looks like a textbox, where you have to type a name. I am retrieving the username of a Instant messaging window so I cant compare it to a string, is that a textbox ?
You should use GetWindowText. More information here.
Read the MSDN documentation again. It does NOT say "Additional message-specific information" for those parameters:
wParam The maximum number of
characters to be copied, including the
terminating null character.
ANSI applications may have the string
in the buffer reduced in size (to a
minimum of half that of the wParam
value) due to conversion from ANSI to
lParam A pointer to the buffer that
is to receive the text.
This code works for local only:
char *szText;
szText = (char *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, 255);
SendMessage(hEditControl, WM_GETTEXT, 255, (LPARAM)szText);
MessageBox(hWnd, szText, "It's your message", MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST);