GetActiveObject API Fails to Fetch the Running Instance from ROT - c++

We have a Plugin that runs on Browser. This Plug is a DLL that creates an out proc COM Server (say MyApp.exe). Note that this app runs as an elevated server as given here.
The Entry point for MyApp.exe registers the CLSID in to ROT. Hence when the Registration occurs to ROT I am not sure if it maintains any security context for the running process.
From the plugin dll we try to fetch the registered instance of MyApp.exe. This fails saying Operation is unavailable since the plugin is running through an browser as Medium IL Level. (Yes, it works for me if UAC is turned OFF, issue is only when it is turned ON).
I've tried the registry modifications as mentioned in the above link and it does not work for me.
Please suggest.


How to make existing DCOM (OPC) application run as a service?

I have used developed an OPC server based on LightOPC ( This works perfectly fine as a local executable. The only problem is that I want multiple clients to connect to the same instance of the exe so they can share data. Currently, even if the DCOM settings are such that it runs as a specific user, it seems that sometimes multiple instances of the exe start. The only solution has been to set it to run as the Interactive User. However this has an issue where it won't run if no user is logged in. I believe the right way is to make it run as a windows service.
How can I take my DCOM local executable and make it into a service?
Things I tried:
Based off of this question: Create Windows service from executable I used the NSSM( the non-Sucking Service Manager ) to make my exe into a service name MYOPCSERVICE.
Then based on some other googling and examining other OPC servers that run as services, I modified the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WOW6432Node\AppID{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} (where X's are my AppId) and added a "Local Service" key with the value of "MYOPCSERVICE".
After doing this, when I used DCOMCNFG, my DCOM Application shows up as Application Type = Local Service.
However, after adding this registry key, when I try to start the service or connect to the OPC server, the service fails to start with "CoRegisterClassObject() failed. Exiting..."
I found this document: which has the following:
As of Windows Server 2003, if a COM object application is registered
as a service, COM verifies the registration. COM makes sure the
process ID of the service, in the service control manager (SCM),
matches the process ID of the registering process. If not, COM fails
the registration. If the COM object application runs in the system
account with no registry key, COM treats the objects application
identity as Launching User.
I don't know if this is the issue, and I also don't really understand what it means. What is the "process ID" being referred to? Is this the 1-4 digit integer that all Windows processes have? Or is this the name of the service and does it have to match the name of the executable or the class or the AppId?
I have been experimenting more, and I am starting to get the feeling that it isn't possible to use NSSM to make the COM executable into a service. It seems like the exe of the service needs to be the one that calls CoRegisterClassObject. I have made a simple service based off of Simple Windows Service in c++ and when I do so, I can successfully call CoRegisterClassObject with the AppId of {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} if this AppId registry key contains the string LocalService = MYOPCSERVICE.
I think Windows is enforcing a rule that only the exe registered as a service (which is nssm.exe) is allowed to call CoRegisterClassObject. However nssm spawns another exe (the local OPC executable) and it doesn't pass along this ability. Does this sound accurate? Is there any work around besides having to write all my own service handlers?

DCOM interoperability between Windows XP and Windows 7

I am facing a rather strange and very specific DCOM related problem and I am hoping someone might have encountered it and solved it.
I am trying to instantiate a COM object in an EXE server on a Windows 7 machine (call it W7). The client resides on a Windows XP machine (call it WXP). On WXP the logged-in user is a domain user. On W7 the user is a local user. I have (afaik) correctly set all the DCOM rights, authentication and account privileges. There is no firewall involved.
All I get is that the COM EXE server process is started on W7, with the username I expect, but does not seem to even reach its WinMain function and remains hanging and never dies unless I kill it. I can attach a remote debugger (Visual Studio 2010) to it which will warn me that the process might be deadlocked, and when I break it, it stops in a message queue loop (GetMessage/Dispatch).
The client gets a (seemingly valid) pointer but any attempt to use it, results in E_ACCESSDENIED.
If anything from the scenario above is changed, the instantiation of the COM object succeeds and the object behaves correctly.
I know the chance is slight to find an answer but any tip is extremely welcome.
DCOM client and server either needs to be both the same local administrator on workgroup, or domain users on the same domain.
You can use this test app to check if your two machines are configured correctly:
This way you make sure that your machine's permission and firewall are setup properly first without your own code.
Answering my own question...
It turns out that in the client CoInitializeSecurity didn't have all credentials it needed after all... It was called too early, before the credentials were known.
I discovered this after using CoSetProxyBlanket (as described here: How does impersonation in DCOM work?) on each component I was instantiating. Every component on which I called CoSetProxyBlanket was correctly working. This triggered me to go and double check the CoInitializeSecurity.
It remains strange that the reverse connection (from W7 to WXP) worked, but this is another research I need to do. The current question can be closed.

Windows event log service holding executable file handle

I have a service application that on startup and shutdown logs an event log record.
I rebuild the application frequently and also then the executable on the host machine. And here is the problem, after my service shutdown the Windows Eventlog service (not the event log viewer) is holding an open handle to the executable so I cant update it.
I have the event log messages embedded in the executable, i could move it out but then I just move the update problem to another file.
I've double checked and I have paired ::RegisterEventSource/::DeregisterEventSource correctly.
Anyone encountered this problem ?
I've also run into this issue, so just adding some of my experiences.
I have a Windows 2008 Service system (have not seen this on 2003 Server), and when I stop my service, and instance of svchost.exe loads the service executable (visible using vmmap.exe or Process Hacker) preventing it from being deleted/overwritten during uninstall/install. The instance of svchost.exe is running the DHCP Client (Dhcp), TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (lmhosts), and Windows Event Log (EventLog) services.
In our case, we have created a registry entry to make our service executable an event source. (though I'm unsure exactly why we are doing this, or whether we should be doing this).
Empirically, if I remove that registry entry before stopping the service, the executable is not loaded by svchost.exe and all is fine. If the service has already been stopped and executable loaded by svchost.exe, restarting the Event Log service (or killing the process) also frees up the executable.
I'm guessing our service is not well-behaved (perhaps a side effect of being a 32-bit process on 64-bit OS?) or correctly installed, but haven't isolated the issue yet.
Update: It appears this issue is only happening on HP systems (and not Dell or IBM) which is curious. There are HP-specific management components installed, so perhaps one of them is altering the behavior somehow?
I've also run into this issue. In my case, nxlog service reading logs. Simply stop nxlog service before replace event source file.
I think it is probably the event log viewer. Close the viewer and you'll be fine.

Fail to CoCreateInstance an EXE COM server

I have an EXE COM server (used to elevate our application to a higher integrity level) which is downloaded to %temp% and registered by an ActiveX control. This COM server works pretty well on Vista machines. On Window 7 machines I got something wired: the COM server can be downloaded and registered successfully, but I got the error 0x80080005 (Server execution failed ) when trying to initialize the server by CoCreateInstance. If I copy the COM server to %temp% manually instead of downloading it via internet then everything works as expected. I am suspecting that the downloaded EXE files have some special attributes that prevent it been loaded but have no idea how to figure it out.
Does anyone have the same experience or have any clue for this issue? Any suggests will be highly appreciated.
Yes they do. Start a command prompt and use DIR /R. You'll see the alternate data stream in the file. The one that says: "don't trust this file, it came from an untrusted source".
You can delete them with the filename:streamname syntax. Check if that's okay with your customer first. I don't know many that are thrilled about EXEs getting downloaded and bypassing normal security rulez.

CruiseControl.NET run as a windows service and as a standalone process behaves differently

I have a project that is being built using CruiseControl.NET. The project contains an 'MSBuild task' that runs the build for the project and also the unit tests. The unit test in turn is just a MSBuild 'exec' task that runs an executable.
The unit test involves some .NET remoting. And when the unit tests are run through the system command prompt, the software's window opens up, tests run and the process exits.
When I force a build through the web dashboard, the build hangs at the point where the unit test starts running. The software's window does not open up, but the executable is running. If the process is killed through the task explorer, the build goes through with a 'Failure' status. This happens when I run ccnet as a windows service.
If I run CCNet directly (not as a windows service) and force a build through the web dashboard, the build and unit tests go through fine as expected. (with the window of the software opening up.)
It looks like there is a deadlock in the case where CCNet is run as a windows service. I am guessing it is related to the standard output/error streams.
Is this is known problem?
What might be the problem going on?
Any suggestions on debugging this?
How can I get around it?
(I am using CCNet version 1.4.4 SP1)
When CCNet is running as a service it is not going to have access to the display, so don't expect to see anything on the screen in this configuration. The first thing I would check is the permissions - make sure the service runs as an account that has permissions to access whatever resources you need. You also have CCNet log files, which you can find via Dashboard.
On a side note, try TeamCity instead of CCNet, its 10 years ahead.
Maybe this answer will help :
delphi windows service can't download file from internet
You should know that when running CCNet as an application (the dosbox) it uses the environment variables and all rights from the logged account. So it may connect to a server, use cached passwords, get registry variables for this account.
BUT when ran as a service, the account is the one you provided : LocalSystem for exampe, where env. varibales are not the same.
So, what you can do is to change the CCNet service account for test. Change it to your user account (with password), and I'm sure it will work better !