Amazon EC2 scaling and upload temporary folder - amazon-web-services

I have an application based on php in one amazon instance for uploading and transcoding audio files. This application first uploads the file and after that transcodes that and finally put it in one s3 bucket. At the moment application shows the progress of file uploading and transcoding based on repeatedly ajax requests by monitoring file size in a temporary folder.
I was wondering all the time if tomorrow users rush to my service and I need to scale my service with any possible way in AWS.
A: What will happen for my upload and transcoding technique?
B: If I add more instances does it mean I have different files on different temporary conversion folders in different physical places?
C: If I want to get the file size by ajax from up to the finishing process do I need to have the real address of each ec2 instance (i mean ip,dns) or all of the instances folders (or folder)?
D: When we scale what will happen for temporary folder is it correct that all of instances except their lamp stack locate to one root folder of main instance?
I have some basic information about scaling in the other hosting techniques but in amazon these questions are in my mind.
Thanks for advice.

It is difficult to answer your questions without knowing considerably more about your application architecture, but given that you're using temporary files, here's a guess:
Your ability to scale depends entirely on your architecture, and of course having a wallet deep enough to pay.
Yes. If you're generating temporary files on individual machines, they won't be stored in a shared place the way you currently describe it.
Yes. You need some way to know where the files are stored. You might be able to get around this with an ELB stickiness policy (i.e. traffic through the ELB gets routed to the same instances), but they are kind of a pain and won't necessarily solve your problem.
Not quite sure what the question is here.
As it sounds like you're in the early days of your application, give this tutorial and this tutorial a peek. The first one describes a thumbnailing service built on Amazon SQS, the second a video processing one. They'll help you design with best AWS practices in mind, and help you avoid many of the issues you're worried about now.

One way you could get around scaling and session stickiness is to have the transcoding update a database with the current progress. Any user returning checks the database to see the progress of their upload. No need to keep track of where the transcoding is taking place since the progress gets stored in a single place.
However, like Christopher said, we don't really know anything about you're application, any advice we give is really looking from the outside in and we don't have a good idea about what would be the easiest thing for you to do. This seems like a pretty simple solution but I could be missing something because I don't know anything about your application or architecture.


Streaming media to files in AWS S3

My problem:
I want to stream media I record on the client (typescript code) to my AWS storage (services like YouTube / Twitch / Zoom / Google Meet can live record and save the record to their cloud. Some of them even have host-failure tolerance and create a file if the host has disconnected).
I want each stream to have a different file name so future triggers will be available from it.
I tried to save the stream into S3, but maybe there are more recommended storage solutions for my problems.
What services I tried:
S3: I tried to stream directly into S3 but it doesn't really support updating files.
I tried multi-part files but they are not host-failure tolerance.
I tried to upload each part and have a lambda to merge it (yes, it is very dirty and consuming) but I sometimes had ordering problems.
Kinesis-Video: I tried to use kinesis-video but couldn't enable the saving feature with the SDK.
By hand, I saw it saved a new file after a period of time or after a size was reached so maybe it is not my wanted solution.
Amazon IVS: I tried it because Twitch recommended this although it is way over my requirements.
I couldn't find an example of what I want to do in code with SDK (only by hand examples).
Do I look at the right services?
What can I do with the AWS-SDK to make it work?
Is there a good place with code examples for future problems? Or maybe a way to search for solutions?
Thank you for your help.

Optimal way to use AWS S3 for a backend application

In order to learn how to connect backend to AWS, I am writing a simple notepad application. On the frontend it uses Editor.js as an alternative to traditional WYSIWYG. I am wondering how best to synchronise the images uploaded by a user.
To upload images from disk, I use the following plugin:
In the configuration of the tool, I give the api endpoint of the server to upload the image. The server in response have to send the url to the saved file. My server saves the data to s3 and returns the link.
But what if someone for example adds and removes the same file over and over again? Each time, there will be a new request to aws.
And here is the main part of the question, should I optimize it somehow in practice? I'm thinking of saving the files temporarily on my server first, and only doing a synchronization with aws from time to time. How this is done in practice? I would be very grateful if you could share with me any tips or resources that I may have missed.
I am sorry for possible mistakes in my English, i do my best.
Thank you for help!
I think you should upload them to S3 as soon as they are available. This way you are ensuring their availability and resistance to failure of you instance. S3 store files across multiple availability zones (AZs) ensuring reliable long-term storage. On the other hand, an instance operates only within one AZ and if something happens to it, all your data on the instance is lost. So potentially you can lost entire batch of images if you wait with the uploads.
In addition to that, S3 has virtually unlimited capacity, so you are not risking any storage shortage. When you keep them in batches on an instance, depending on the image sizes, there may be a scenario where you simply run out of space.
Finally, the good practice of developing apps on AWS is to make them stateless. This means that your instances should be considered disposable and interchangeable at any time. This is achieved by not storing any user data on the instances. This enables you to auto-scale your application and makes it fault tolerant.

Cloud File Storage with Bandwidth Limits

I want to develop an app for a friend's small business that will store/serve media files. However I'm afraid of having a piece of media goes viral, or getting DDoS'd. The bill could go up quite easily with a service like S3 and I really want to avoid surprise expenses like that. Ideally I'd like some kind of max-bandwidth limit.
Now, the solutions for S3 this has been posted here
But it does require quite a few steps. So I'm wondering if there is a cloud storage solution that makes this simpler I.e. where I don't need to create a custom microservice. I've talked to the support on Digital Ocean and they also don't support this
So in the interest of saving time, and perhaps for anyone else who finds themselves in a similar dilemma, I want to ask this question here, I hope that's okay.
Not an out-of-the-box solution, but you could:
Keep the content private
When rendering a web page that contains the file or links to the file, have your back-end generate an Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs to grant time-limited access to the object
The back-end could keep track of the "popularity" of the file and, if it exceeds a certain rate (eg 1000 over 15 minutes), it could instead point to a small file with a message of "please try later"

What is the best way to transfer data from AWS SQS to S3?

Here is the case - I have a large dataset, temporally retained in AWS SQS (around 200GB).
My main goal is to store the data so I can access it for building a machine learning model using also AWS. I believe, I should transfer the data to a S3 bucket. And while it is straightforward when you deal with small datasets, I am not sure what the best way to handle large ones is.
There is no way I can do it locally on my laptop, is it? So, do I create a ec2 instance and process the data there? Amazon has so many different solutions and ways of integration so it is kinda confusing.
Thanks for your help!
for building a machine learning model using also AWS. I believe, I should transfer the data to a S3 bucket.
Imho good idea. Indeed, S3 is the best option to retain data and be able to reuse them (unlike sqs). AWS tools (sagemaker, ml) can directly use content stored in s3. Most of the machine learning framework can read files, where you can easily copy files from s3 or mount a bucket as a filesystem (not my favourite option, but possible)
And while it is straightforward when you deal with small datasets, I am not sure what the best way to handle large ones is.
It depends on what data do you have a how you want to store and process the data files.
If you plan to have a file for each sqs message, I'd suggest to create a lambda function (assuming you can read and store the message reasonably fast).
If you want to aggregate and/or concatenate the source messages or processing a message would take too long, you may rather write a script to read and process the data on a server.
There is no way I can do it locally on my laptop, is it? So, do I create a ec2 instance and process the data there?
well - in theory you can do it on your laptop, but it would mean downloading 200G and uploading 200G (not counting the overhead and speed latency)
Your intuition is IMHO good, having EC2 in the same region would be most feasible, accessing all data almost locally
Amazon has so many different solutions and ways of integration so it is kinda confusing.
you have many options feasible for different use cases, often overlapping, so indeed it may look confusing

Picture Manipulation with AWS

I've been a mobile developer for a few years, and Im looking to expand to cloud integration with my apps. Im looking into AWS solutions to fill this need. I don't know a ton about servers or cloud capabilities, so I'm trying to get pointed in the right direction, and maybe be introduced to some good resources.
My goal is to be able to upload some images to AWS and manipulate these images in the cloud. I'm sure that I'll need S3 to store my images, but is an EC2 instance the correct thing to use to perform the manipulation? This is where my lack of knowledge of servers is holding me back.
I think that the best answer I could get would be a comment on whether my needs from AWS are what I listed above, and a point in the right direction towards articles to tutorials of how to get things up and running.
Thanks much for the help!
What I ended up doing was using AWS Lambda to accomplish what I needed. Running a node.js based lambda function with ffmpeg-like manipulation on the images/media that I was uploading worked out quite well.
Side note :: The processing that I was doing was fairly lightweight, so it worked well with lambda. If things scale up any further I might consider switching the processing to an EC2 instance.