Issue with setting speed to DifferentialWheels in Webots C++ - c++

Small community here, but hopefully somebody sees this. I'm attempting to do a pure C++ implementation of a Webots simulation for an E-puck. The C++ documentation is sorely lacking, and I can't seem to find a resolution for this issue (the C implementation is stellar, but all the function calls were changed for C++).
Essentially, I'm just trying to get a simple application up and running...I want to make the E-puck move forward. I will post the entirety of my code below...all I'm doing is instantiating a Robot entity, printing out all the IR sensor values, and attempting to move it forward.
The issue is that it does not move. I'd think that there would be some call to link the DifferentialWheel object to the E-puck (similar to the camera = getCamera("camera") call).
If I comment out my call to setSpeed, the program works perfectly (doesn't move, but prints values). If I leave it in, the simulation freezes up after a single step, once it gets to that call. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong, to be honest.
// webots
#include <webots/Robot.hpp>
#include <webots/Camera.hpp>
#include <webots/DistanceSensor.hpp>
#include <webots/DifferentialWheels.hpp>
#include <webots/LED.hpp>
// standard
#include <iostream>
using namespace webots;
#define TIME_STEP 16
class MyRobot : public Robot
Camera *camera;
DistanceSensor *distanceSensors[8];
LED *leds[8];
DifferentialWheels *diffWheels;
MyRobot() : Robot()
// camera
camera = getCamera("camera");
// sensors
distanceSensors[0] = getDistanceSensor("ps0");
distanceSensors[1] = getDistanceSensor("ps1");
distanceSensors[2] = getDistanceSensor("ps2");
distanceSensors[3] = getDistanceSensor("ps3");
distanceSensors[4] = getDistanceSensor("ps4");
distanceSensors[5] = getDistanceSensor("ps5");
distanceSensors[6] = getDistanceSensor("ps6");
distanceSensors[7] = getDistanceSensor("ps7");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
// leds
leds[0] = getLED("led0");
leds[1] = getLED("led1");
leds[2] = getLED("led2");
leds[3] = getLED("led3");
leds[4] = getLED("led4");
leds[5] = getLED("led5");
leds[6] = getLED("led6");
leds[7] = getLED("led7");
virtual ~MyRobot()
// cleanup
void run()
double speed[2] = {20.0, 0.0};
// main loop
while (step(TIME_STEP) != -1)
// read sensor values
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
std::cout << " [" << distanceSensors[i]->getValue() << "]";
std::cout << std::endl;
// process data
// send actuator commands
// this call kills the simulation
// diffWheels->setSpeed(1000, 1000);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
MyRobot *robot = new MyRobot();
delete robot;
return 0;
Now, if this were the C implementation, I would call wb_differential_wheels_set_speed(1000, 1000); However, that call isn't available in the C++ header files.

The problem causing the freeze is due to the use of the uninitialized variable diffWheels.
DifferentialWheels (as well as Robot and Supervisor) doesn't need to be initialized.
You have to change the base class of your MyRobot class to DifferentialWheels
class MyRobot : public DifferentialWheels
and then simply call
setSpeed(1000, 1000)
and not
diffWheels->setSpeed(1000, 1000)

It doesn't seem as though you've initialized diffWheels, so I would imagine you're getting a segfault from dereferencing a garbage pointer. Try putting
diffWheels = new DifferentialWheels;
in the constructor of MyRobot.


Using Wire.onRequest by passing a class method?

I have an Arduino sketch that will be working on an Arduino UNO and I am trying to get uno to communicate over the i2c connection with a raspberry pi.
Problem is using wire.h library where method Wire.onRequest is working just fine when I use it like this.
#include <Wire.h>
#define COMM_DELAY 50
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x04
int current_rule = 0;
void initI2c() {
// initialize i2c as slave
// define callbacks for i2c communication
// callback for received data
void receiveData(int byteCount) {
while (Wire.available()) {
current_rule =;
but when I try to make this exact result with a class method, I get an error :
invalid use of non-static member function
(with Wire.onRequest(this->receiveData) line gets to be marked red)
Just like this:
void (*funptr)();
typedef void (*Callback)(byte);
class Comm{
int callback_list_size = 0;
bool option_debug;
byte option_address;
int option_comm_delay;
byte *rules;
// function for receiving data. raspberry -> arduino
// Whenever the master sends new data, this method will call the appropriate callback.
void receiveData()
byte data;
Serial.println("[INFO] Received new data from master");
while (Wire.available())
data =;
for (int i = 0; i < callback_list_size; i++)
if (rules[i] == data){
funptr = callback_list[i];
// function for sending data. Called when raspberry request data. arduino -> raspberry
// Whenever the master requests data, this method will be called. For now we don't need this but anyway.
void sendData(int s)
if (option_debug)
Serial.println("[INFO] Master requests data!");
/* Constructor that takes 3 parameters at max. Only the adress is mandatory others are optional and will be filled with default values
:address - adress of slave(arduino) - Example 0x04
:delay - a delay is needed because I2C clock is quite slow compared to the CPU clock - 50
:debug - for debug purposes if true debug info will be sent to Serial interface - true/false
Comm(byte address, int delay = 50, bool debug = false)
option_address = address;
option_comm_delay = delay;
option_debug = debug;
if (debug)
Serial.println("[INFO] Comm Object Created!");
// Function needs to be called to initialize the communication channel.
void initI2c()
if (option_debug)
Serial.println("[INFO] I2C channel initialized");
// Function to add new callback for a rule.
// This function returns id of passed callback
int addCallback(Callback func, byte rule)
// Enlarge rules array to keep 1 more byte
byte *temp = new byte[callback_list_size]; // create new bigger array.
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < callback_list_size; i++) // reason fo i+1 is if callback_list_size is 1 than this is the first initializition so we don't need any copying.
temp[i] = rules[i]; // copy rules to newer array.
delete[] rules; // free old array memory.
rules = temp; // now rules points to new array.
callback_list[callback_list_size - 1] = &func;
rules[callback_list_size - 1] = rule;
return callback_list_size;
Comm *i2c_comm;
void loop()
void setup()
void initI2C()
i2c_comm = new Comm(0x04, 50, true);
//Callback Definitions
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_1, 0x01);
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_2, 0x02);
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_3, 0x03);
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_4, 0x04);
I also tried to make the receiveData method to be static.
But in this case I have an error like this:
invalid use of member Com::callback_list_size in static member function
which makes sense to me as static method won't know which callback_list_size I am talking about.
so I am quite confused about how I can handle such a problem?
You're almost there. Generally speaking in C++ you need to pass a static class method for callback functions.
The error you received after changing your method to static is expected as you're trying to access a member of an instance of the class Comm which cannot be done in a static method in which there is no 'this'.
Here's one of many techniques to consider, but please read over the SO post Using a C++ class member function as a C callback function.
Anyway the approach here is to leverage a static pointer to an instance.
class Comm {
static Comm* pSingletonInstance;
static void OnReceiveHandler() {
if (pSingletonInstance)
static void OnSendHandler(int s) {
if (pSingletonInstance)
void initI2c() {
Comm::pSingletonInstance = this; // Assign the static singleton used in the static handlers.
// static initializer for the static member.
Comm* Comm::pSingletonInstance = 0;
Again there are many ways to get around this issue but above is an easy one and likely suitable for your project. If you need to manage multiple instances of Comm, you'll have to do something quite different.
Good luck!

C++ referencing instances created within a function's scope

The context of the problem is that I am currently writing a small library for use with the Arduino in order to act as a game controller. The problem I am encountering has more to do with C++ than anything Arduino specific however.
I've included the libraries' header and source code below, followed by the Arduino code. I've truncated it where possible.
In short, only the last switch / action I define actually gets properly handles.
These actions get defined in the Arduino setup function. For example:
controller.addSwitchContinuous(10, 0); // Pin 10; btn index 0
means that pin 10 gets mapped to button 0. When pin 10 is switched closed this is treated as the button being pressed. This works fine for a single action but when I start adding more only the last action actually works. So in the following example only pin 9 is recognized:
controller.addSwitchContinuous(10, 0); // <-- Doesn't work
controller.addSwitchContinuous(9, 1); // <-- Works
This goes for any arbitrary number of actions:
controller.addSwitchContinuous(10, 0); // <-- Doesn't work
controller.addSwitchContinuous(9, 1); // <-- Doesn't work
controller.addSwitchContinuous(8, 2); // <-- Doesn't work
controller.addSwitchContinuous(7, 3); // <-- Works
Potential causes
I am fairly novice with C++ so this I suspect I'm doing something wrong with pointers. More specifically, something seems wrong with how the Joystick_ instance gets passed around.
I have been fiddling with the constructor and trying to use references instead of pointers but I couldn't get it to work properly.
I can confirm the iteration in JFSF::loop does iterate over all actions, if I modify it with:
void JFSF::loop()
for (int n = 0; n < _nextActionIndex; n++)
if (_actions[n])
_joystick->setButton(n, PRESSED); // Debug: Set button pressed, regardless of switch.
if (_doSendState)
then buttons 0 through n get pressed as expected. It is possible that loop() isn't properly being called, but I would expect it to fail for the N = 1 case as well in that case. Furthermore the fact the last action always succeeds would suggest the iteration is ok.
Full code
// JFSF.h
#ifndef JFSF_h
#define JFSF_h
// ... include for Arduino.h and Joystick.h; bunch of defines
namespace JFSF_PRIV
class AbstractAction
virtual void loop();
/* A Switch that essentially acts as a push button. */
class SwitchContinuousAction : public AbstractAction
SwitchContinuousAction(Joystick_ *joystick, int pin, int btnIndex);
void loop();
Joystick_ *_joystick;
int _pin;
int _btnIndex;
} // namespace JFSF_PRIV
class JFSF
JFSF(Joystick_ *joystick, bool doSendState); // doSendState should be true if Joystick_ does not auto send state.
void loop();
void addSwitchContinuous(int inputPin, int btnIndex);
Joystick_ *_joystick;
JFSF_PRIV::AbstractAction *_actions[MAX_ACTIONS];
int _nextActionIndex;
bool _doSendState;
Source file (trimmed):
// JFSF.cpp
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Joystick.h"
#include "JFSF.h"
#define PRESSED 1
#define RELEASED 0
// Private classes
namespace JFSF_PRIV
SwitchContinuousAction::SwitchContinuousAction(Joystick_ *joystick, int pin, int btnIndex)
_joystick = joystick;
_pin = pin;
_btnIndex = btnIndex;
pinMode(_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void SwitchContinuousAction::loop()
int _state = digitalRead(_pin) == LOW ? PRESSED : RELEASED;
_joystick->setButton(_btnIndex, _state);
} // namespace JFSF_PRIV
JFSF::JFSF(Joystick_ *joystick, bool doSendState)
_joystick = joystick;
_nextActionIndex = 0;
_doSendState = doSendState;
void JFSF::addSwitchContinuous(int inputPin, int btnIndex)
JFSF_PRIV::SwitchContinuousAction newBtnAction(_joystick, inputPin, btnIndex);
_actions[_nextActionIndex++] = &newBtnAction;
void JFSF::loop()
for (int n = 0; n < _nextActionIndex; n++)
if (_actions[n])
if (_doSendState)
For completeness sake, this is the code for the Arduino, but it is pretty much just declarations:
#include <JFSF.h>
// ... A bunch of const declarations used below. These are pretty self explanatory.
// See:
Joystick_ joystick(HID_REPORT_ID,
JFSF controller(&joystick, !DO_AUTO_SEND_STATE);
void setup() {
controller.addSwitchContinuous(10, 0); // <-- Doesn't work
controller.addSwitchContinuous(9, 1); // <-- Works
void loop() {
ArduinoJoystickLibrary (Source for Joystick_) can be found here:
I dont really understand your code. Please read How to create a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example. Anyhow, the following is certainly wrong and likely the cause of your problem:
void JFSF::addSwitchContinuous(int inputPin, int btnIndex)
JFSF_PRIV::SwitchContinuousAction newBtnAction(_joystick, inputPin, btnIndex);
_actions[_nextActionIndex++] = &newBtnAction;
Lets rewrite it a bit for clarity:
void foo(){
T bar;
container[index] = &bar;
What happens here is that bar gets destroyed when it goes out of scope, hence the pointer you put into the container, points to garbage. Presumably somewhere else in your code you are dereferencing those pointers, which is undefined behaviour (aka anything can happen).
Long story short: It is a common pattern among c++ beginners to overuse pointers. Most likely you should make container a container of objects rather than pointers and make use of automatic memory managment instead of trying to fight it.
Thanks to #user463035818 and #drescherjm for identifiying the actual problem.
So in the end I fixed it by simply moving the Action object creation up to the Arduino code (where it's essentially global) and passing references to those objects to the controller.
In code this translates to:
void JFSF::addAction(JFSF_PRIV::AbstractAction *action){
_actions[_nextActionIndex++] = action;
Arduino code (ino)
// See code in original post
JFSF controller(&joystick, !DO_AUTO_SEND_STATE);
JFSF_PRIV::SwitchContinuousAction btnOne(&joystick, 10, 0);
JFSF_PRIV::SwitchContinuousAction btnTwo(&joystick, 9, 1);
void setup() {
// controller.addSwitchContinuous(10, 0); // Pin 10; btn index 0
// controller.addSwitchContinuous(9, 1); // Pin 9 ; btn index 1
// loop() is unchanged

C++: both classes do not run concurrently

its my first time here. My code is suppose to make two ultrasonic sensors function at the same time using an mbed. However, i cant seem to make both classes void us_right() and void us_left() in the code run concurrently. Help please :(
#include "mbed.h"
DigitalOut triggerRight(p9);
DigitalIn echoRight(p10);
DigitalOut triggerLeft(p13);
DigitalIn echoLeft(p14);
//DigitalOut myled(LED1); //monitor trigger
//DigitalOut myled2(LED2); //monitor echo
PwmOut steering(p21);
PwmOut velocity(p22);
int distanceRight = 0, distanceLeft = 0;
int correctionRight = 0, correctionLeft = 0;
Timer sonarRight, sonarLeft;
float vo=0;
// Velocity expects -1 (reverse) to +1 (forward)
void Velocity(float v) {
if (v>=0 && v<=2) {
if (vo>=1 && v<1) { //
velocity.pulsewidth(0.0014); // this is required to
wait(0.1); //
velocity.pulsewidth(0.0015); // move into reverse
wait(0.1); //
} //
// Steering expects -1 (left) to +1 (right)
void Steering(float s) {
if (s>=0 && s<=2) {
void us_right() {
while (echoRight==2) {};
correctionRight = sonarLeft.read_us();
triggerRight = 1;
triggerRight = 0;
while (echoRight==0) {};
// myled2=echoRight;
while (echoRight==1) {};
distanceRight = ((sonarRight.read_us()-correctionRight)/58.0);
printf("Distance from Right is: %d cm \n\r",distanceRight);
void us_left() {
while (echoLeft==2) {};
correctionLeft = sonarLeft.read_us();
triggerLeft = 1;
triggerLeft = 0;
while (echoLeft==0) {};
// myled2=echoLeft;
while (echoLeft==1) {};
distanceLeft = (sonarLeft.read_us()-correctionLeft)/58.0;
printf("Distance from Left is: %d cm \n\r",distanceLeft);
int main() {
while(true) {
if (distanceLeft < 10 || distanceRight < 10) {
if (distanceLeft < distanceRight) {
for(int i=0; i>-100; i--) { // Go left
if (distanceLeft > distanceRight) {
for(int i=0; i>100; i++) { // Go Right
You need to use some mechanism to create new threads or processes. Your implementation is sequential, there is nothing you do that tells the code to run concurrently.
You should take a look at some threads libraries (pthreads for example, or if you have access to c++11, there are thread functionality there) or how to create new processes as well as some kind of message passing interface between these processes.
Create two threads, one for each ultrasonic sensor:
void read_left_sensor() {
while (1) {
// do the reading
int main() {
Thread left_thread;
Thread right_thread;
while (1) {
// put your control code for the vehicle here
You can use global variables to write to when reading the sensor, and read them in your main loop. The memory is shared.
Your first problem is that you have placed code outside of your infinite while(true) loop. This later code will never run. But maybe you know this.
int main() {
while(true) {
} // <- Loops back to the start of while()
// You Never pass this point!!!
if (distanceLeft < 10 || distanceRight < 10) {
// Do stuff etc.
But, I think you are expecting us_right() and us_left() to happen at exactly the same time. You cannot do that in a sequential environment.
Jan Jongboom is correct in suggesting you could use Threads. This allows the 'OS' to designate time for each piece of code to run. But it is still not truly parallel. Each function (classes are a different thing) will get a chance to run. One will run, and when it is finished (or during a wait) another function will get its chance to run.
As you are using an mbed, I'd suggest that your project is an MBED OS 5 project
(you select this when you start a new project). Otherwise you'll need to use an RTOS library. There is a blinky example using threads that should sum it up well. Here is more info.
Threading can be dangerous for someone without experience. So stick to a simple implementation to start with. Make sure you understand what/why/how you are doing it.
Aside: From a hardware perspective, running ultrasonic sensors in parallel is actually not ideal. They both broadcast the same frequency, and can hear each other. Triggering them at the same time, they interfere with each other.
Imagine two people shouting words in a closed room. If they take turns, it will be obvious what they are saying. If they both shout at the same time, it will be very hard!
So actually, not being able to run in parallel is probably a good thing.

GNU Radio: How to define a "get_*" method inside a sink block

I'd like to code my own sink block with 1 input port and 0 output ports for GNU Radio in C++. I read and followed the steps described here:
I'm using
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Eclipse 4.5.1
GNU Radio 3.7.8
Using gr_modtool I created the new module "jammertrap". Inside it, I created the block "bandpower". This created among others the three files
bandpower.h inside /home/sdr/gnuradio/gr-jammertrap/include/jammertrap/
bandpower_impl.h inside /home/sdr/gnuradio/gr-jammertrap/lib/ inside /home/sdr/gnuradio/gr-jammertrap/lib/
#include <jammertrap/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/block.h>
namespace gr
namespace jammertrap
class JAMMERTRAP_API bandpower : virtual public gr::block
typedef boost::shared_ptr<bandpower> sptr;
// Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of jammertrap::bandpower.
// To avoid accidental use of raw pointers, jammertrap::bandpower's constructor is in a private implementation class.
// jammertrap::bandpower::make is the public interface for creating new instances.
static sptr make();
} // namespace jammertrap
} // namespace gr
#include <jammertrap/bandpower.h>
namespace gr
namespace jammertrap
class bandpower_impl : public bandpower
double d_bandpower_;
void forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required);
// Where all the action really happens
int general_work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items);
// Returns the calculated RMS Bandpower
double get_bandpower();
} // namespace jammertrap
} // namespace gr
#include "config.h"
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include "bandpower_impl.h"
namespace gr
namespace jammertrap
return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr (new bandpower_impl());
// The private constructor
bandpower_impl::bandpower_impl() : gr::block("bandpower", gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)), gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0))
d_bandpower_ = 0;
// Our virtual destructor
void bandpower_impl::forecast(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required)
// ninput_items_required[0] = noutput_items;
int bandpower_impl::general_work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items)
const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex *) input_items[0];
d_bandpower_ = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++)
d_bandpower_ += (in[i].real() * in[i].real()) + (in[i].imag() * in[i].imag());
d_bandpower_ = sqrt(d_bandpower_ / noutput_items);
// Tell runtime system how many input items we consumed on each input stream.
consume_each (noutput_items);
// Tell runtime system how many output items we produced
return noutput_items;
double bandpower_impl::get_bandpower()
return d_bandpower_;
} /* namespace jammertrap */
} /* namespace gr */
To make and install this new block, I entered the following commands inside /home/sdr/gnuradio/gr-jammertrap/build:
cmake ../
make test // Result: "test_jammertrap" and "qa_bandpower" passed successful
sudo make install
This sink block "bandpower" should receive items of type gr_complex, compute the average received power and store this value inside the private member "d_bandpower_".
Additional I defined the method "get_bandpower()" to get the stored value.
Inside another program, I created a flowgraph class with the two blocks
osmosdr::source:sptr osmosdr_source_;
gr::jammertrap::bandpower::sptr bandpower_measurement_;
and instanced them with
osmosdr_source_ = osmosdr::source::make(std::string());
bandpower_measurement_ = gr::jammertrap::bandpower::make();
After starting the flowgraph, I want to read the calculated bandpower by calling get_bandpower() but Eclipse shows no method "bandpower_measurement_->get_bandpower()"
What have I forgotten to write inside bandpower.h, bandpower_impl.h or
The public API of the normal OOT layout is in the bandpower.h, so you must add a
virtual double get_bandpower() = 0;
in that file.
Then, you overload/implement that, like you do, in the
By the way, I slightly object the math behind your implementation: as noutput_items, ie. the number of input items available, changes depending on buffer fillage / runtime behaviour, your "averaging length" is not constant, which means that if your flow graph runs fast, your buffers will usually be full, and your averaging length high, whilst in a "trickle" situation, the length will be much smaller (down to noutput_items==1, in extreme cases). Hence, the variance of your power estimator will depend on computational aspects.
That's not a good thing. Better work with a constant number of items you average about. In your case, you can use set_output_multiple (because a sink is also a sync block, this also affects the input multiples) to guarantee you always get a multiple of a fixed number.
Other than that, there's already blocks that can do what you want:
Probe Avg Mag²: has a method level() which does the same as your get_bandpower (aside from the √(.) )
Complex to Mag ⟶ Decimating FIR Filter ⟶ Probe Signal: does the √(Re²+Im²), before passing it on to a filter with 123 (that was just my arbitrary fixed length) taps of 1/length, and decimating it to one value every average. Result get send to the Signal Probe, which has a signal() method, which does what your get_bandpower does. CPU load of this is relatively small -- it's really just the magnitude finding for every sample, and then 123 real multiplications + 123 real additions per 123 samples,in the filter, all SIMD increased, so basically, less than 1 FMAC per sample.
Complex to Mag ⟶ Moving Average ⟶ Probe Signal: Names say it all. Nothing magical here.

Why can't one clone a `Space` in Gecode before solving the original one?

I'm looking for a way to copy Space instances in Gecode and then analyze the difference between the spaces later.
However it goes already wrong after the first copy. When one copies the code in the book Modelling and Programming in Gecode, as shown here below, and simply modifies it such that a copy is made first (SendMoreMoney* smm = m->copy(true);), one gets a Segmentation fault, regardless whether the shared option is true or false.
#include <gecode/int.hh>
#include <gecode/search.hh>
using namespace Gecode;
class SendMoreMoney : public Space {
IntVarArray l;
SendMoreMoney(void) : l(*this, 8, 0, 9) {
IntVar s(l[0]), e(l[1]), n(l[2]), d(l[3]),
m(l[4]), o(l[5]), r(l[6]), y(l[7]);
// no leading zeros
rel(*this, s, IRT_NQ, 0);
rel(*this, m, IRT_NQ, 0);
// all letters distinct
distinct(*this, l);
// linear equation
IntArgs c(4+4+5); IntVarArgs x(4+4+5);
c[0]=1000; c[1]=100; c[2]=10; c[3]=1;
x[0]=s; x[1]=e; x[2]=n; x[3]=d;
c[4]=1000; c[5]=100; c[6]=10; c[7]=1;
x[4]=m; x[5]=o; x[6]=r; x[7]=e;
c[8]=-10000; c[9]=-1000; c[10]=-100; c[11]=-10; c[12]=-1;
x[8]=m; x[9]=o; x[10]=n; x[11]=e; x[12]=y;
linear(*this, c, x, IRT_EQ, 0);
// post branching
branch(*this, l, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
// search support
SendMoreMoney(bool share, SendMoreMoney& s) : Space(share, s) {
l.update(*this, share, s.l);
virtual SendMoreMoney* copy(bool share) {
return new SendMoreMoney(share,*this);
// print solution
void print(void) const {
std::cout << l << std::endl;
// main function
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// create model and search engine
SendMoreMoney* m = new SendMoreMoney;
SendMoreMoney* mc = m->copy(true);
DFS<SendMoreMoney> e(m);
delete m;
// search and print all solutions
while (SendMoreMoney* s = {
s->print(); delete s;
return 0;
How can one make a real copy?
You have to call status() on the Space first.
I found this exchange in the Gecode mailing list archives:
It would seem that internally, Gecode uses the copy function and constructor for its own internal purposes, so to make a "copy-by-value" copy of a space, you need to use the clone() function defined in the Space interface. However, as noted in #Anonymous answer, you need to call status() before calling clone or it will throw an exception of type SpaceNotStable
I augmented my space with the function below to automatically call status, make the clone, and return a pointer of my derived type:
struct Example : public Space {
Example * cast_clone() {
return static_cast<Example *>(this->clone());
As a workaround, one can create a totally independent space and then use equality constraints
on the variable level to reduce the domains of these variables.
void cloneHalfValues(SendMoreMoney* origin) {
int n = l.size();
for(int i = 0x00; i < n/2; i++) {
if(origin->l[i].assigned()) {
rel(*this, l[i], IRT_EQ, origin->l[i].val());
The reason why one can't clone a Space is however still a mystery.