Confusing source code in TrollTech's Qt Tutorial Ch11 - c++

I am learning Qt from TrollTech's Qt Tutorial these days, and I'am confused about the source code of calculating the position of bullet in this page:
QRect CannonField::shotRect() const
const double gravity = 4;
double time = timerCount / 20.0;
double velocity = shootForce;
double radians = shootAngle * 3.14159265 / 180;
double velx = velocity * cos(radians);
double vely = velocity * sin(radians);
double x0 = (barrelRect.right() + 5) * cos(radians);
double y0 = (barrelRect.right() + 5) * sin(radians);
double x = x0 + velx * time;
double y = y0 + vely * time - 0.5 * gravity * time * time;
QRect result(0, 0, 6, 6);
result.moveCenter(QPoint(qRound(x), height() - 1 - qRound(y)));
return result;
In the third-last line:
result.moveCenter(QPoint(qRound(x), height() - 1 - qRound(y)));
I think that - 1 is nonsense, isn't it?

You have a widget:
If the height of widget is height, then y == 0 line is on the top of the widget and bottom line has y == height - 1 coordinate. So, if you want to show a point on the bottom line of the widget, you should set it y coordinate to height - 1.
Apparently, they use bottom of the widget as a ground level, so the bullet can be only above or on this level.


How to have text centered inside each slice of a pie chart?

I would like to get the text labels (percentages) centered within each pie slice. It currently works a bit for two of the quadrants:
What am I doing wrong?
void PieChartWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter painter(this);
QRectF size;
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2));
if (this->height() > this->width()) {
size = QRectF(5, 5, this->width() - 10, this->width() - 10);
} else {
size = QRectF(5, 5, this->height() - 5, this->height() - 10);
double sum = 0.0, startAng = 0.0;
double angle, endAng;
double percent;
for (int i = 0; i < qvValues.size(); i++) {
sum += qvValues[i];
for (int i = 0; i < qvValues.size(); i++) {
percent = qvValues[i] / sum;
angle = percent * 360.0;
endAng = startAng + angle;
painter.drawPie(size, static_cast<int>(startAng * 16),
static_cast<int>(angle * 16));
startAng = endAng;
if (percent != 0) {
double draw_x = width() / 2 +
cos(PI * (endAng / 180.0 - angle / 360.0)) * this->width() / 4.0;
double draw_y = height() / 2 +
sin(PI * (endAng / 180.0 - angle / 360.0)) * this->width() / 4.0;
painter.drawText(draw_x, draw_y, QString::number(percent * 100) + "%");
On this line:
painter.drawText(this->width()/4,this->height(), QString::number(percent*100)+"%");
You seem to draw the percentage in the same place every time. You do successfully draw the percentage for each section, they're just being drawn in the same place every time. Try changing it to this:
painter.drawText(double(i + 1) * this->width()/4,this->height(), QString::number(percent*100)+"%");
And you'll see what I mean. By multiplying the x value by some changing value, the x position of each drawn text will change, and thus you will be able to see the different percentages being drawn.
If you want it to draw in each quadrant, then your code might look something like this:
# define PI 3.14159265358979323846
double draw_x = this->width / 2.0 + cos(PI * (end_angle / 180.0 - angle / 360.0)) * this->width / 4.0;
double draw_y = this->height / 2.0 - sin(PI * (end_angle / 180.0 - angle / 360.0)) * this->width / 4.0;
painter.drawText(draw_x, draw_y, QString::number(percent*100)+"%");
Basically, what's happening in the above code is I'm calculating the x and y coords of the middle of each slice. Then, I'm drawing the percentages in those positions.

Rotating four lines around a common point

I have four lines held in a Rectangle object. I'm trying to rotate the entire box by any angle, but I'm getting weird results.
Here's my current code:
void Line::rotate(int x_anchor, int y_anchor, double angle) {
// Change the coordinate system
int xOffset = m_pt1.x() - x_anchor;
int yOffset = m_pt1.y() - y_anchor;
// Move to 0, 0
int xTemp = m_pt2.x() - xOffset;
int yTemp = m_pt2.y() - yOffset;
// Rotate
double tCos = cos(angle);
double tSin = sin(angle);
double xNew = (xTemp * tCos) - (yTemp * tSin);
double yNew = (xTemp * tSin) + (yTemp * tCos);
// Make new
m_pt2 = Point(xNew + xOffset, yNew + yOffset);
What I'm trying to do is move the origin, then move the line down to that orgin, rotate it, then put it back. By doing this, if I do something like:
void Rectangle::rotate(int x_anchor, int y_anchor, double angle) {
m_t.rotate(x_anchor, y_anchor, angle);
m_r.rotate(x_anchor, y_anchor, angle);
m_b.rotate(x_anchor, y_anchor, angle);
m_l.rotate(x_anchor, y_anchor, angle);
The box should rotate together. However, this doesn't even work for a line, so I'm not sure where I've gone wrong on my formula. This thread is what I'm referencing for the formula.
I've modified my code according to FalconUA's suggestion:
void Line::rotate(int x_anchor, int y_anchor, double angle) {
/* Change the coordinate system */
// Start point
int xStartOffset = m_pt1.x() - x_anchor;
int yStartOffset = m_pt1.y() - y_anchor;
// End point
int xEndOffset = m_pt2.x() - x_anchor;
int yEndOffset = m_pt2.y() - y_anchor;
/* Move to 0, 0 */
// Start point
int xStartTemp = m_pt2.x() - xStartOffset;
int yStartTemp = m_pt2.y() - yStartOffset;
// End point
int xEndTemp = m_pt2.x() - xEndOffset;
int yEndTemp = m_pt2.y() - yEndOffset;
// Precalculate sin and cos
double tCos = cos(angle);
double tSin = sin(angle);
/* Rotate */
// Start point
double xStartNew = (xStartTemp * tCos) - (yStartTemp * tSin);
double yStartNew = (xStartTemp * tSin) + (yStartTemp * tCos);
// End point
double xEndNew = (xEndTemp * tCos) - (yEndTemp * tSin);
double yEndNew = (xEndTemp * tSin) + (yEndTemp * tCos);
// Make new points
m_pt1 = Point(xStartNew + xStartOffset, yStartNew + yStartOffset);
m_pt2 = Point(xEndNew + xEndOffset, yEndNew + yEndOffset);
However, still not quite getting what I should.
Rectangle r(5, 5, 10, 10);
Which outputs:
x x
x x
x x
x x
And then if I rotate by 90 (PI / 2) degrees, which is done by this:
// Use the bottom left corner as the common point
rotate(m_l.getEnd().x(), m_l.getEnd().y(), PI / 2);
I get
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
Seems like it happens because you're rotating lines relatively to the first point of the line. So, rotate not the line relatively to the first point, but rotate two points separately.
Update: if you have an anchor (xa, ya), and you want to rotate the point (x, y) around it. Your point can be represented as (xa + u, ya + v), where (u, v) = (x - xa, y - ya). So all you have to do is rotate teh vector (u, v) by using the formula with sin and cos that you've used above and the resulting point will be (xa + u_rotated, ya + v_rotated).
void Line::rotate(int x_anchor, int y_anchor, double angle) {
// the vector to rotate
int rotvec_x1 = m_pt1.x() - x_anchor;
int rotvec_y1 = m_pt1.y() - y_anchor;
// the vector to rotate
int rotvec_x2 = m_pt2.x() - x_anchor;
int rotvec_y2 = m_pt2.y() - y_anchor;
// pre-calculation for sin and cos
double tCos = cos(angle);
double tSin = sin(angle);
// rotating first vector
double rotvec_x1_new = (rotvec_x1 * tCos) - (rotvec_y1 * tSin);
double rotvec_y1_new = (rotvec_x1 * tSin) + (rotvec_y1 * tCos);
// rotating second vector
double rotvec_x2_new = (rotvec_x2 * tCos) - (rotvec_y2 * tSin);
double rotvec_y2_new = (rotvec_x2 * tSin) + (rotvec_y2 * tCos);
// Make new
m_pt1 = Point(x_anchor + rotvec_x1_new, y_anchor + rotvec_y1_new);
m_pt2 = Point(x_anchor + rotvec_x2_new, y_anchor + rotvec_y2_new);

Qt How can add an item to scene with an offset?

I add a QGraphicsItem(bullet) to the base of a line. The advance method moves the item through the item making it seem as if it comes from the tip of line. After adding collision this doesn't work. Is there a way to add an offset to the setPos(x,y) value to make it appear at the tip of the line instead of the base.
Also the line rotates in a 360 degree angle so it needs to translate to where ever the line is pointing.
//function that adds item to base of line created
qreal dirx = m_FireTarget1.x()+140;
qreal diry = m_FireTarget1.y()-195;
qreal length = sqrt(dirx*dirx+diry*diry);
if (length!=0)
// normalized direction vector
qreal invLength= 1.0/length;
dirx *= invLength;
diry *= invLength;
// creating an angle perturbation of +/- 3°
qreal alphaPerturbation = static_cast<qreal>(qrand()%6-3) * M_PI / 180.0;
qreal xPerturbation = cos(alphaPerturbation);
qreal yPerturbation = sin(alphaPerturbation);
dirx = dirx*xPerturbation - diry*yPerturbation;
diry = diry*xPerturbation + dirx*yPerturbation;
GraphicsCircle * circle = new GraphicsCircle(dirx, diry, -140, 195);
The -140, 195 is the base of where line is created. Seems like I already did what you're saying to do I believe.
Let's say your line has a certain degreeAngle and you want to move the bullet to a certain distance in that direction, you'll have to do:
// cos and sin functions get radians angle as argument so you must convert it
radiansAngle = degreeAngle * PI / 180;
offsetX = distance * cos(radiansAngle);
offsetY = distance * sin(radiansAngle);
In your case this translate to:
qreal radiansAngle = line.angle() * M_PI / 180;
qreal offsetX = line.length() * cos(radiansAngle);
qreal offsetY = line.length() * sin(radiansAngle);
So your new position is the old one plus the offset:
qreal newX = -140 + offsetX;
qreal newY = 195 + offsetY;
And then I'm sorry but I can't understand how you pass arguments to the GraphicsCircle constructor but if GraphicsCircle * circle = new GraphicsCircle(dirx, diry, -140, 195); place the circle to the coordinates (-140,195), then you should use...
GraphicsCircle * circle = new GraphicsCircle(dirx, diry, newX, newY);
addItem(circle); place it to the new coordinates.

Calculating iso tile co-ordinates for a TMX map when zoomed on a CCLayerPanZoom control

I'm working on some code to place isometric CCTMXTiledMap onto a CCLayerPanZoom control and then convert a touch location into ISO tilemap co-ordinates. This all works perfectly well for me, so long as the scale of the CClayerPanZoom is 1 (i.e. if I don't zoom in or zoom out). I can pan the map around and still calculate the correct iso tile co-oridinates. However, as soon as I zoom the tiled map in or out the iso cordinates returned by my code are completely wrong. Please see below for my code to calculate the iso co-ordinates from the touch location.
-(CGPoint) tilePosFromLocation:(CGPoint)location tileMap:(CCTMXTiledMap*)thisTileMap panZoom:(CCLayerPanZoom*)thisPanZoom
float midScale = (thisPanZoom.minScale + thisPanZoom.maxScale) / 2.0;
float newScale = (thisPanZoom.scale <= midScale) ? thisPanZoom.maxScale : thisPanZoom.minScale;
if (thisPanZoom.scale < 1)
newScale = newScale + thisPanZoom.scale;
newScale = newScale - thisPanZoom.scale;
CGFloat deltaX = (location.x - thisPanZoom.anchorPoint.x * (thisPanZoom.contentSize.width / CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR()) ) * (newScale);
CGFloat deltaY = (location.y - thisPanZoom.anchorPoint.y * (thisPanZoom.contentSize.height / CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR()) ) * (newScale);
CGPoint position = ccp((thisPanZoom.position.x - deltaX) , (thisPanZoom.position.y - deltaY) );
float halfMapWidth = thisTileMap.mapSize.width * 0.5f;
float mapHeight = thisTileMap.mapSize.height;
float tileWidth = thisTileMap.tileSize.width / CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR() * newScale;
float tileHeight = thisTileMap.tileSize.height / CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR() * newScale;
CGPoint tilePosDiv = CGPointMake(position.x / tileWidth, position.y / tileHeight );
float inverseTileY = tilePosDiv.y - (mapHeight * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR()) * newScale; //mapHeight + tilePosDiv.y;
float posX = (int)(tilePosDiv.y - tilePosDiv.x + halfMapWidth);
float posY = (int)(inverseTileY + tilePosDiv.x - halfMapWidth + mapHeight);
// make sure coordinates are within isomap bounds
posX = MAX(0, posX);
posX = MIN(thisTileMap.mapSize.width - 1, posX);
posY = MAX(0, posY);
posY = MIN(thisTileMap.mapSize.height - 1, posY);
return CGPointMake(posX, posY);
Can anyone offer any insight into where I'm going wrong with this?

EasyBMP rotating image by any angle

I am trying to rotate a bmp image using EasyBMP. when the angle is between 0 and 90 or 270 and 360 the rotation is fine. but when between 180 and 270 the boundary rectangle is stretched and for angle between 90 and 180 I get segmentation fault. I am convinced that the problem arises from
int width = image.TellWidth();
int height = image.TellHeight();
float sine= sin(angle);
float cosine=cos(angle);
float x1=-height*sine;
float y1=height*cosine;
float x2=width*cosine-height*sine;
float y2=height*cosine+width*sine;
float x3=width*cosine;
float y3=width*sine;
float minx=min(0,min(x1,min(x2,x3)));
float miny=min(0,min(y1,min(y2,y3)));
float maxx=max(x1,max(x2,x3));
float maxy=max(y1,max(y2,y3));
int outWidth;
int outHeight;
for(int x=0; x<outWidth; x++)
for(int y=0; y<outHeight; y++)
int srcX=(int)((x+minx)*cosine+(y+miny)*sine);
int srcY=(int)((y+miny)*cosine-(x+minx)*sine);
if(srcX>=0 &&srcX<width && srcY>=0 && srcY<height)
The following is how I solved this. The TL;DR: the rotation transform goes around 0, 0, so if your image coordinates set 0,0 to bottom left, you need to translate the image to be centered on 0,0 first. Also, sin and cos expect radians, not degrees, so remember to convert first
The long way:
I started by creating a simple program that has easily verified answers, to find out where things are going wrong.
The first thing I noticed was that 90.0f wouldn't produce any output. That seemed weird, so I broke in at the "output image size" printf and realized that the output height was being calculated as -87. Clearly that's not right, so let's see why that might happen.
Going up a bit, outHeight=(int)ceil(fabs(maxy)-miny); so let's figure out how we're ending up with a negative output height when subtracting maxy and miny. It appears maxy is -0.896... and miny is 88.503... However, the absolute value of maxy is taken before subtracting miny, meaning we're ending up with 0.896 - 88.503. Whoa, that's not good! Let's try doing the subtraction then taking the absolute value.
Recompiling with both width and height as such:
Gets us much better values. Now outWidth and outHeight are 2 and 90, respectively. This is massively improved, but the height should be 100. We'll address that later.
To figure out where the math is going wrong, I reorganize the terms to go together: x with x, y with y. Next I adjusted spacing and added parenthesis to make it more readable and ensure order of operations (sure beats trying to look at an OoO table ;) ). Since it's clear you're breaking out the rotation matrix multiplication, I'm going to name your variables something a bit more intuitive than x1, x2, etc. From now on, x1 is topLeftTransformedX, x2 is topRightTransformedX, x3 will exist as bottomLeftTransformedX (always 0), and x4 will be bottomRightTransformedX, same for Y. Longer, but much easier to know what you're dealing with.
Using this, at this point, I see the same thing you do... then I remembered something, based on the numbers seen from this cleaner code (same math as yours, but still easier to debug).
Suddenly, my math for X looks like this:
// x = x cos - y sin
float topLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float topRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float bottomLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
float bottomRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
The rotation matrix rotates around the center point. You have to translate the image to be centered around that for a proper rotation.
Then, when trying to figure out why this would be giving the values it is, i recalled something else - angle needs to be in radians.
Suddenly, it almost all works. There's still some more to do, but this should get you 95% of the way there or more. Hope it helps!
// bmprotate.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <math.h>
#define min(x,y) x < y ? x : y
#define max(x,y) x > y ? x : y
#define PI 3.14159
void rotate(int width, int height, float angleInDeg)
float angle = angleInDeg * (PI/180.0f);
float midX = ((float)width) / 2.0f;
float midY = ((float)height) / 2.0f;
float sine = sin(angle);
float cosine = cos(angle);
// x = x cos - y sin
float topLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float topRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float bottomLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
float bottomRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
float minx = min( topLeftTransformedX, min(topRightTransformedX, min(bottomLeftTransformedX, bottomRightTransformedX)) );
float maxx = max( topLeftTransformedX, max(topRightTransformedX, max(bottomLeftTransformedX, bottomRightTransformedX)) );
// y = x sin + y cos
float topLeftTransformedY = (-midX * sine) + (midY * cosine);
float topRightTransformedY = (midX * sine) + (midY * cosine);
float bottomLeftTransformedY = (-midX * sine) + (-midY * cosine);
float bottomRightTransformedY = (midX * sine) + (-midY * cosine);
float miny = min( topLeftTransformedY, min(topRightTransformedY, min(bottomLeftTransformedY, bottomRightTransformedY)) );
float maxy = max( topLeftTransformedY, max(topRightTransformedY, max(bottomLeftTransformedY, bottomRightTransformedY)) );
int outWidth;
int outHeight;
printf("(%f,%f) , (%f,%f) , (%f,%f) , (%f,%f)\n",
topLeftTransformedX, topLeftTransformedY,
topRightTransformedX, topRightTransformedY,
bottomLeftTransformedX, bottomLeftTransformedY,
bottomRightTransformedX, bottomRightTransformedY);
outWidth = (int) ceil( fabs(maxx) + fabs(minx));
outHeight = (int) ceil( fabs(maxy) + fabs(miny) );
printf("output image size: (%d,%d)\n",outWidth,outHeight);
for(int x=0; x<outWidth; x++)
for(int y=0; y<outHeight; y++)
int srcX=(int)((x+minx)*cosine+(y+miny)*sine);
int srcY=(int)((y+miny)*cosine-(x+minx)*sine);
if(srcX >=0 && srcX < width && srcY >= 0 && srcY < height)
printf("(x,y) = (%d,%d)\n",srcX, srcY);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++)
return 0;