I'm trying to use some CATransition constants in my rubymotion app thusly:
transition = CATransition.animation
transition.duration = 0.4
transition.type = kCATransitionMoveIn
transition.subtype = kCATransitionFromBottom
But am getting undefined local variable or method `kCATransitionMoveIn'. I've added quartzcore to frameworks in my rake file:
app.frameworks += ['CoreLocation', 'MapKit', 'QuartzCore']
Does anyone know why I can't access this constant? Thanks.
Constants in Ruby can't start with a lowercase letter. You'll want to use KCATransitionMoveIn and KCATransitionFromBottom.
I tried to upgrade Mindapp Gem from Rails 4 to Rails 5. There are a lots of codes like below need to be fixed because Rails 5.1 no longer support mass assignment to_bson directly.
Mindapp::Xmain.create :service=>service,
:ip=> get_ip,
:status=>'I', # init
:xvars=> {
:service_id=>service.id, :p=>params,
Then error:
DEPRECATION WARNING: Method to_bson is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1, as `ActionController::Parameters` no longer inherits from hash. Using this deprecated behavior exposes potential security problems. If you continue to use this method you may be creating a security vulnerability in your app that can be exploited. Instead, consider using one of these documented methods which are not deprecated: http://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.0.2/classes/ActionController/Parameters.html
To comply with Rails 5.1 from this WARNING: I put params (without understand really) to:
def xmain_params
:ip=> get_ip,
:status=>'I', # init
:xvars=> {
:service_id=>service.id, :p=>params,
Problem: It's not create as supposed to do.
This code (before modified) work in rails 4 but Warning in 5.0 and Now not work in Rails 5.1 all using Ruby 2.4.1.
What should I do/Thanks
And when tried
Mindapp::Xmain.create :service=>params.permit(service),
:status=>params.permit('I'), # init
:xvars=> params.permit({
:service_id=>service.id, :p=>params,
Mongoid::Errors::InvalidValue -
Value of type ActionController::Parameters cannot be written to a field of type Hash
Tried to set a value of type ActionController::Parameters to a field of type Hash
Verify if the value to be set correspond to field definition:
And try using params.
Mindapp::Xmain.create :service=>params.service,
:ip=> params.get_ip,
:status=>params('I'), # init
:xvars=> {
:service_id=>params.service.id, :p=>params,
NoMethodError - undefined method `service' for #<ActionController::Parameters:0x007ff6b07158f0>:
actionpack (5.0.2) lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb:646:in `method_missing'
app/controllers/mindapp_controller.rb:384:in `create_xmain'
The issue is :p=>params. I'm assuming params is a params object from the request. Under Rails 5.1, it will no longer support standard hash functions such as to_bson, which mindapp library appears to be using (or maybe one of its dependent libraries is using it).
A simple fix is probably to replace it with :p=>params.to_unsafe_hash or for a safer solution, :p=>params.permit(:foo, :bar) (whatever params should be used, these should possibly be checked/cleansed first).
After converting over to Swift 3, my AWS iOS App now crashes when being run.
Has anyone seen anything similar after converting over to Swift 3?
Its crashing because you are doing a few things here:
trying to return a method call (which I don't think is possible - but I've never tried it)
application: didFinishLaunching should only ever return true because it's a boolean function as the name suggests. So the return value should be true. If you'd like to override application: didFinishLaunching you can declare that later in your AppDelegate
So here's what you can do... Try deleting the method and slowly type it back until Xcode auto-completes it for you. That will allow you to see what has been depreciated, or what other methods might be useful, also if you haven't yet hit Command + Shift + K to run a clean on your project. Xcode 8 and Swift 3 might have altered a few more things you aren't aware of.
launchOptions is an optional parameter. Doing a forced unwrap with the ! will crash if the value is nil, which it usually is.
I supposed to using the cocos2dx + C++ to do the most job in application, and use lua to some ui part job.
And here is a question:
In bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching(): I using this codes to config the design screen size
glview->setDesignResolutionSize(designResolutionSize.width, designResolutionSize.height, ResolutionPolicy::NO_BORDER);
But what will happen if I change the config in config.lua.
-- design resolution
-- auto scale mode
Is there any solution can resolve the config issue if I am using c++ and lua?
Finally, after some test, I found a way to resolve it.
The c++ codes only work in the c++ enviroment, and the lua config only works in the lua enviroment, so we have to let the properties of them be same.
For some reason my UIButtons aren't appearing in my ruby motion apps. Only the button text appears.
Here's the code:
#containerView = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 50], [self.view.frame.size.width, 100]])
#loginButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonTypeRoundedRect)
#loginButton.frame = [[(self.view.frame.size.width / 2) + 5, 65], [(self.view.frame.size.width / 2) - 15, 40]]
#loginButton.setTitle('Login', forState: UIControlStateNormal)
I'm using RubyMotion v2.16, Promotion 1.0.4, sugarcube 1.3.5, motion layout 0.0.1 and bubblewrap 1.4.0
I've tried to render the buttons using the promotion way, the sugarcube way and the bubblewrap way but decided to break it down to the raw rubymotion way (above) for troubleshooting in a regular view controller. Any ideas on this one?
Well, if anyone else is reading outdated documentation also, it turns out that UIButtonTypeRoundedRect has been deprecated in iOS7.
In TypoScript exists the possibility to get the environment variable HTTP_COOKIE_VARS (which is deprecated):
10 = TEXT
10.data = global : HTTP_COOKIE_VARS | some_cookie
I got this from the documentation.
But on my server (PHP 5.3) this variable is empty! I suppose this is because this environment variable is deprecated. Now I am running out of options, without using an extension, user function or user condition.
Maybe you have an idea! Thanks in advance.
this should do the job (at least with TYPO3 4.5 and PHP 5.3.8):
10 = TEXT
10.data = global:_COOKIE|some_cookie
10.wrap = <h2>Cookie: |</h2>
Unfortunately, there is no built-in functionality for the $_COOKIE variable.
You can however write a hook which implements the tslib_content_getDataHook interface and register it via
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_content.php']['getData'][] = 'path/to/your/class.user_cookiehook.php';
[request.getCookieParams()['some_cookie'] == 'some_value']
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