Template method enable_if specialization - c++

i have following code that does not compile.
This are two functions in a template class that takes the arguments
typename std::enable_if<std::is_void<Ret>::value, Ret>::type _on_dispatched() {
// ...
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<Ret>::value, Ret>::type _on_dispatched() {
// ....
I want to have a specialization in a member method depending on what type Ret is.
Has anybody some idea?

SFINAE does not work on non-template functions (member or non-member).
As Kerrek SB points out, making them non-member function templates will work. Or as Xeo points out, making them member function templates with a defaulted template argument will also work.
However, this is only working because the two std::enable_if conditions are non-overlapping. If you want to add a different overload for int (say), then you'll find that it doesn't scale as nicely. Depending on what you want to do, tag dispatching generally scales better than SFINAE with multiple alternatives that you want to dispatch on:
template<typename Ret>
class Foo
void _on_dispatched()
// tag dispachting: create dummy of either std::false_type or std::true_type
// almost guaranteed to be optimized away by a decent compiler
void helper_on_dispatched(std::false_type)
// do stuff for non-void
void helper_on_dispatched(std::true_type)
// do stuff for void
int main()
return 0;

SFINAE only works on templates. Your code can be made to compile with a small modification:
template <typename Ret>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_void<Ret>::value, Ret>::type _on_dispatched() { /*...*/ }
template <typename Ret>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<Ret>::value, Ret>::type _on_dispatched() { /*...*/ }
auto q = _on_dispatched<int>();
You can of course not deduce the return type of a function, since it is not deducible. However, you can pack this template inside another template:
template <typename T>
struct Foo
// insert templates here, maybe privately so
T bar() { return _on_dispatched<T>(); }


How do I add a template specialization when for a generic method on a generic class when the two types are equal?

I'm trying to add in a specialization where the generic type of method and class agree, but I haven't been able to figure out exactly how to specify the template instantiation (if it is even possible).
My best guess would be something like the following (though it obviously doesn't compile):
template<typename ClassT>
class Foo
ClassT x;
template<typename MethodT>
void Bar(MethodT arg)
template<typename T>
void Foo<T>::Bar(T arg)
x = arg;
As is usually the case when considering function template specialization, an overload can handle it:
template<typename MethodT>
void Bar(MethodT arg)
void Bar(ClassT arg)
x = arg;
When you call Bar, one of the candidates will be a function template specialization and one won't. Think of the class template as stamping out real, concrete member functions where possible when it's instantiated. There's a rule pretty late in overload resolution to prefer the one that isn't a function template specialization if it's a tie up to that point.
What you end up with is the second overload being called when there's an "exact match" in types (which allows for a difference in top-level const). If exact matches are too narrow, you can restrict the first overload to widen the second:
// Allow the other overload to win in cases like Foo<int>{}.Bar(0.0).
// std::enable_if works as well before C++20.
template<typename MethodT>
void Bar(MethodT arg) requires (not std::convertible_to<MethodT, ClassT>)
As discussed in the comments, it's not possible to do this with template specialization. However, something similar can be accomplished by using std::enable_if_t and
template<typename ClassT>
class Foo
ClassT x;
template<typename MethodT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<ClassT, MethodT>::value>>
void Bar(MethodT arg)
void Bar(ClassT arg)
x = arg;
std::enable_if_t will only return a valid type when the input type arg is true. Therefore, the template substitution will fail when MethodT and ClassT are the same type, but the non-template overload will not fail. The template substitution failure is ok under SFINAE.

avoid pointer-to-member-function for non-class type

I am writing a kind of container class, for which I would like to offer an apply method which evaluates a function on the content of the container.
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
/** apply a free function */
template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U(*fun)(const T&))
return Foo<U>(fun(val));
/** apply a member function */
template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U (T::*fun)() const)
return Foo<U>((val.*fun)());
struct Bar{};
template class Foo<Bar>; // this compiles
//template class Foo<int>; // this produces an error
The last line yields error: creating pointer to member function of non-class type ‘const int’. Even though I only instantiated Foo and not used apply at all. So my question is: How can I effectively remove the second overload whenever T is a non-class type?
Note: I also tried having only one overload taking a std::function<U(const T&)>. This kinda works, because both function-pointers and member-function-pointers can be converted to std::function, but this approach effectively disables template deduction for U which makes user-code less readable.
Using std::invoke instead helps, it is much easier to implement and read
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
template<typename U> auto apply(U&& fun)
return Foo<std::invoke_result_t<U, T>>{std::invoke(std::forward<U>(fun), val)};
struct Bar{};
template class Foo<Bar>;
template class Foo<int>;
However, this won't compile if the functions are overloaded
int f();
double f(const Bar&);
Foo<Bar>{}.apply(f); // Doesn't compile
The way around that is to use functors instead
Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return f(decltype(bar)(bar)); });
Which also makes it more consistent with member function calls
Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return decltype(bar)(bar).f(); });
In order to remove the second overload you'd need to make it a template and let SFINAE work, e. g. like this:
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
/** apply a member function */
template<typename U, typename ObjT>
Foo<U> apply(U (ObjT::*fun)() const)
return Foo<U>((val.*fun)());
Alternatively, you could remove the second overload altogether, and use lambda or std::bind:
#include <functional> // for std::bind
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
/** apply a member function */
template<typename U, typename FuncT>
Foo<U> apply(FuncT&& f)
return {f(val)};
struct SomeType
int getFive() { return 5; }
int main()
Foo<SomeType> obj;
obj.apply<int>(std::bind(&SomeType::getFive, std::placeholders::_1));
obj.apply<int>([](SomeType& obj) { return obj.getFive(); });
How can I effectively remove the second overload whenever T is a non-class type?
If you can use at least C++11 (and if you tried std::function I suppose you can use it), you can use SFINAE with std::enable_if
template <typename U, typename V>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<V>{}
&& std::is_same<V, T>{}, Foo<U>>::type
apply(U (V::*fun)() const)
{ return Foo<U>((val.*fun)()); }
to impose that T is a class.
Observe that you can't check directly T, that is a template parameter of the class, but you have to pass through a V type, a template type of the specific method.
But you can also impose that T and V are the same type (&& std::is_same<V, T>{}).

Specializing single method in a big template class

In C++ if you want to partially specialize a single method in a template class you have to specialize the whole class (as stated for example in Template specialization of a single method from templated class with multiple template parameters)
This however becomes tiresome in bigger template classes with multiple template parameters, when each of them influences a single function. With N parameters you need to specialize the class 2^N times!
However, with the C++11 I think there might a more elegant solution, but I am not sure how to approach it. Perhaps somehow with enable_if? Any ideas?
In addition to the inheritance-based solution proposed by Torsten, you could use std::enable_if and default function template parameters to enable/disable certain specializations of the function.
For example:
template<typename T>
struct comparer
template<typename U = T ,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool operator()( U lhs , U rhs )
return /* floating-point precision aware comparison */;
template<typename U = T ,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool operator()( U lhs , U rhs )
return lhs == rhs;
We take advantage of SFINAE to disable/enable the different "specializations" of the function depending on the template parameter. Because SFINAE can only depend on function parameters, not class parameters, we need an optional template parameter for the function, which takes the parameter of the class.
I prefer this solution over the inheritance based because:
It requires less typing. Less typing probably leads to less errors.
All specializations are written inside the class. This way to write the specializations holds all of the specializations inside the original class , and make the specializations look like function overloads, instead of tricky template based code.
But with compilers which have not implemented optional function template parameters (Like MSVC in VS2012) this solution does not work, and you should use the inheritance-based solution.
EDIT: You could ride over the non-implemented-default-function-template-parameters wrapping the template function with other function which delegates the work:
template<typename T>
struct foo
template<typename U>
void f()
void g()
Of course the compiler can easily inline g() throwing away the wrapping call, so there is no performance hit on this alternative.
One solution would be to forward from the function, you want to overload to some implementation that depends on the classes template arguments:
template < typename T >
struct foo {
void f();
template < typename T >
struct f_impl {
static void impl()
// default implementation
template <>
struct f_impl<int> {
static void impl()
// special int implementation
template < typename T >
void foo< T >::f()
f_impl< T >::impl();
Or just use private functions, call them with the template parameter and overload them.
template < typename T >
class foo {
void f()
template < typename G >
void impl( const G& );
void impl( int );
Or if it's really just one special situation with a very special type, just query for that type in the implementation.
With enable_if:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
class A {
template <typename U>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, char>::value, char>::type
g() {
std::cout << "char\n";
return char();
template <typename U>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, int>::value, int>::type
g() {
std::cout << "int\n";
return int();
static T f() { return g<T>(); }
int main(void)
// error: no matching function for call to ‘A<double>::g()’
// A<double>::f();
return 0;
Tag dispatching is often the clean way to do this.
In your base method, use a traits class to determine what sub version of the method you want to call. This generates a type (called a tag) that describes the result of the decision.
Then perfect forward to that implememtation sub version passing an instance of the tag type. Overload resolution kicks in, and only the implememtation you want gets instantiated and called.
Overload resolution based on a parameter type is a much less insane way of handling the dispatch, as enable_if is fragile, complex at point of use, gets really complex if you have 3+ overloads, and there are strange corner cases that can surprise you with wonderful compilation errors.
Maybe i'm wrong but chosen best anwser provided by Manu343726 has an error and won't compile. Both operator overloads have the same signature. Consider best anwser in question std::enable_if : parameter vs template parameter
P.S. i would put a comment, but not enough reputation, sorry

Switch passed type from template

Is it possible in C++ to check the type passed into a template function? For example:
template <typename T>
void Foo()
if (typeof(SomeClass) == T)
else if (typeof(SomeClass2) == T)
Yes, it is...but it probably won't work the way you expect.
template < typename T >
void foo()
if (is_same<T, SomeClass>::value) ...;
else if (is_same<T, SomeClass2>::value) ...;
You can get is_same from std:: or boost:: depending on your desire/compiler. The former is only in C++0x.
The problem comes with what is in .... If you expect to be able to make some function call specific to those types within foo, you are sadly mistaken. A compiler error will result even though that section of code is never run when you pass in something that doesn't obey that expected interface.
To solve THAT problem you need to do something a bit different. I'd recommend tag dispatching:
struct v1_tag {};
struct v2_tag {};
template < typename T > struct someclass_version_tag;
template < > struct someclass_version_tag<SomeClass> { typedef v1_tag type; };
template < > struct someclass_version_tag<SomeClass2> { typedef v2_tag type; };
void foo(v1_tag) { ... }
void foo(v2_tag) { ... }
template < typename T > void foo()
typedef typename someclass_version_tag<T>::type tag;
Note that you will not be suffering any runtime-polymorphism overhead here and with optimizations turned on it should result in the same or even smaller code size AND speed (though you shouldn't be worrying about that anyway until you've run a profiler).
If you want to do something specific based on the type, specialize the template:
template <typename T>
void Foo() { }
template <>
void Foo<SomeClass>() { }
template <>
void Foo<SomeClass2>() { }
// etc.
(You don't actually want to specialize the function template, though; this is for exposition only. You'll either want to overload the template if you can, or delegate to a specialized class template. For more on why and how to avoid specializing function templates, read Herb Sutter's Why Not Specialize Function Templates?)
No, however you can use partial specialization :
template<typename T>
struct Bar { static void foo(); };
template<typename T>
template<> inline void Bar<T>::foo() {
template<> inline void Bar<int>::foo() {
//stuff for int
template<> inline void Bar<QString>::foo() {
Edit Yes with type traits, however it's not really needed.
Edit 2 type_traits example.
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T> void foo() {
using std::is_same;
if (is_same<T, T2>::value || is_same<T, T1>::value) {
/* stuff */
Yes. You will have to use type traits. For example:
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
template <typename T>
void Foo ()
if ((boost::is_same<T, SomeClass>::value))
else if ((boost::is_same<T, SomeClass2>::value))
Depending on what you are trying to achieve, using template specialization might be much better choice.
Also, you can use enable_if/disable_if to conditionally enable/disable certain functions/methods. Combining this with type traits will allow, for example, using one function for one set of types and another function for another set of types.

Lack of orthogonality in templates between class and function

// InternalTemplate.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
template<class T>
struct LeftSide
static void insert(T*& newLink, T*& parent)
parent->getLeft() = newLink;
newLink->parent = newLink;
template<class T>
struct Link
T* parent_;
T* left_;
T* right_;
T*& getParent()const
return parent_;
template<class Side>
void plugIn(Link<T>*& newLink);
template<class T>
template<class Side>
void Link<T>::plugIn(Link<T>*& newLink)//<<-----why can't I type
//void Link<T>::plugIn<Side>(Link<T>*& newLink)<---<Side> next to plugIn
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
I find it strange that I have to specify parameter for a class but cannot specify parameter for a function. Is there any reason why?
Function templates and class templates are complementary (I call them orthogonal, but you are free not to agree), and in template metaprogramming they actually serve orthogonal purposes.
Class templates allow you to pattern match on the template argument, ie. they provide partial specialization.
Function templates, to the contrary, don't allow partial specialization, but they allow template argument deduction, which means you don't have to write the template arguments explicitly (except for extra arguments, as in your example).
This, I think, explains the differences in syntax since they are different in what they can achieve. Moreover, function templates can have overloads, class templates cannot.
The way to combine both concepts is
1) to have helper class templates with static non template functions if you want partial specialization for function templates:
template <typename T>
struct doSomethingWithPointersHelper
static void act(T x) { ... }
template <typename T>
struct doSomethingWithPointersHelper<T*>
static void act(T* x) { ... }
// This acts as if we had a partial specialization
// for pointer types
template <typename T>
doSomethingWithPointers(T x)
{ return doSomethingWithPointersHelper<T>::act(x); }
There are other ways to achieve this in particular cases, but this approach always works.
2) To have helper template functions if you want to make use of argument deduction when constructing complex classes:
template <typename T, typename U>
struct MyComplexClass
{ ... };
template <typename T, typename U>
MyComplexClass<T, U> makeComplex(T t, U u)
{ return MyComplexClass<T, U>(t, u); }
in the standard library, you find make_pair, bind1st or mem_fun which make use of this technique.
$14/2 -
A template-declaration can appear only as a namespace scope or class scope declaration. In a function template declaration, the last component of the declarator-id shall be a template-name or operator-functionid (i.e., not a template-id). [ Note: in a class template declaration, if the class name is a simple-template-id, the declaration declares a class template partial specialization (14.5.5). —end note ]"
The standard forbids such a syntax explicitly. Refer this for more idea about template id / template name
You need to specialize on the Link struct in order to define it's template member function.
template<class Side>
void Link<int>::plugIn(Link<int>*& newLink)
Gotta be honest, this makes my brain explode a little.