In languages like C/C++, when we do:
char c = 'A';
We allocate memory to store number 65 in binary:
Then if we do:
int i = (int) c;
As I understand it, we're saying to the compiler that it should interpret bit pattern layed out as stuff_to_the_left_01000001__00000000_00000000_00000000_stuff_to_the_right, which may or may not turn out to be 65.
The same happens when we perform a cast during an operation
cout << (int) c << endl;
In all of the above, I got 'A' for character and 65 in decimal. Am I being lucky or am I missing something fundamental?
Casts in C do not reinterpret anything. They are value conversions. (int)c means take the value of c and convert it to int, which is a no-op on essentially all systems. (The only way it could fail to be a no-op is if the range of char is larger than the range of int, for example if char and int are both 32-bit but char is unsigned.)
If you want to reinterpret the representation (bit pattern) underlying a value, that value must first exist as an object (lvalue), not just the value of an expression (typically called "rvalue" though this language is not used in the C standard). Then you can do something like:
*(new_type *)&object;
However, except in the case where new_type is a character type, this invokes undefined behavior by violating the aliasing rules. C++ has a sort of "reinterpret cast" to do this which can presumably avoid breaking aliasing rules, but as I'm not familiar with C++, I can't provide you with good details on it.
In your C++ example, the reason you get different results is operator overloading. (int)'A' does not change the value or how it's interpreted; rather, the expression having a different type causes a different overload of the operator<< function to be called. In C, on the other hand, (int)'A' is always a no-op, because 'A' has type int to begin with in C.
Am I being lucky or am I missing something fundamental?
Yes, you are missing something fundamental: the compiler does not read the char from the memory as if the memory represented an int. Instead, it reads a char as a char, and then sign-extends the value to fit in an int, so char -1 becomes int -1 as well. Sign-extending means adding 1s or 0s to the left of the most significant byte being extended, depending on the sign bit of that number. Unsigned types are always padded by zeros*.
Sign extension is usually done in a register by executing a dedicated hardware instruction, so it runs very fast.
* As Eric Postpischil noted in a comment, char type may be signed or unsigned, depending on the C implementation.
When you allocate a char, there's no such thing as stuff to the left or right. It's eight bit, nothing more. So then when you cast an eight-bit value to 32 bits, you still get 65:
0100.0001 to 0000.0000 0000.0000 0000.0000 0100.0001
No magic, no luck.
In your code "i" has its own address and "c" has its own. Value is being 'copied' from c to i.
As for "(int) c", same is done again. Though compiler does that for us, as follows.
|--- i ---|- c-|
0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04
| 00 | 00 | 08 | 08 |......
You would have been correct, if this was pointer based allocation.
0x01 0x02 0x03
| 07 | 10 | 08 |......
int *p;
char c = 10;
p = &c;
print(*p); //not a real method just something that can print.
Here *p would have combined values from mem address 0x02 and 0x03.
Well, the thing is, that this behavior can change depending on the platform you're compiling to and the compiler your're using.
The ISO standard defines (int) to be a cast.
In this case, your compiler will interpret (int)c like static_cast(c) //in c++
Now, you're lucky, your compiler interprets (int) as a simple cast. It's common behavior for any c/c++ compiler but there might be some evil, no-name c++ compilers, which will do a reinterpret cast on that one, ending up in an unpredictable result (depending on the platform).
That is why you should use the static_cast(c) to be 100% shure
and if you want to reinterpret it, of course reinterpret_cast(c)
but, again, it's usually a cast in c style and therefor the c will be casted into an integer.
The function std::isdigit is:
int isdigit(int ch);
The return (Non-zero value if the character is a numeric character, zero otherwise.) smells like the function was inherited from C, but even that does not explain why the parameter type is int not char while at the same time...
The behavior is undefined if the value of ch is not representable as
unsigned char and is not equal to EOF.
Is there any technical reason why isdigitstakes an int not a char?
The reaons is to allow EOF as input. And EOF is (from here):
EOF integer constant expression of type int and negative value
The accepted answer is correct, but I believe the question deserves more detail.
A char in C++ is either signed or unsigned depending on your implementation (and, yet, it's a distinct type from signed char and unsigned char).
Where C grew up, char was typically unsigned and assumed to be an n-bit byte that could represent [0..2^n-1]. (Yes, there were some machines that had byte sizes other than 8 bits.) In fact, chars were considered virtually indistinguishable from bytes, which is why functions like memcpy take char * rather than something like uint8_t *, why sizeof char is always 1, and why CHAR_BITS isn't named BYTE_BITS.
But the C standard, which was the baseline for C++, only promised that char could hold any value in the execution character set. They might hold additional values, but there was no guarantee. The source character set (basically 7-bit ASCII minus some control characters) required something like 97 values. For a while, the execution character set could be smaller, but in practice it almost never was. Eventually there was an explicit requirement that a char be large enough to hold an 8-bit byte.
But the range was still uncertain. If unsigned, you could rely on [0..255]. Signed chars, however, could--in theory--use a sign+magnitude representation that would give you a range of [-127..127]. Note that's only 255 unique values, not 256 values ([-128..127]) like you'd get from two's complement. If you were language lawyerly enough, you could argue that you cannot store every possible value of an 8-bit byte in a char even though that was a fundamental assumption throughout the design of the language and its run-time library. I think C++ finally closed that apparent loophole in C++17 or C++20 by, in effect, requiring that a signed char use two's complement even if the larger integral types use sign+magnitude.
When it came time to design fundamental input/output functions, they had to think about how to return a value or a signal that you've reached the end of the file. It was decided to use a special value rather than an out-of-band signaling mechanism. But what value to use? The Unix folks generally had [128..255] available and others had [-128..-1].
But that's only if you're working with text. The Unix/C folks thought of textual characters and binary byte values as the same thing. So getc() was also for reading bytes from a binary file. All 256 possible values of a char, regardless of its signedness, were already claimed.
K&R C (before the first ANSI standard) didn't require function prototypes. The compiler made assumptions about parameter and return types. This is why C and C++ have the "default promotions," even though they're less important now than they once were. In effect, you couldn't return anything smaller than an int from a function. If you did, it would just be converted to int anyway.
The natural solution was therefore to have getc() return an int containing either the character value or a special end-of-file value, imaginatively dubbed EOF, a macro for -1.
The default promotions not only mandated a function couldn't return an integral type smaller than an int, they also made it difficult to pass in a small type. So int was also the natural parameter type for functions that expected a character. And thus we ended up with function signatures like int isdigit(int ch).
If you're a Posix fan, this is basically all you need.
For the rest of us, there's a remaining gotcha: If your chars are signed, then -1 might represent a legitimate character in your execution character set. How can you distinguish between them?
The answer is that functions don't really traffic in char values at all. They're really using unsigned char values dressed up as ints.
int x = getc(source_file);
if (x != EOF) { /* reached end of file */ }
else if (0 <= x && x < 128) { /* plain 7-bit character */ }
else if (128 <= x && x < 256) {
// Here it gets interesting.
bool b1 = isdigit(x); // OK
bool b2 = isdigit(static_cast<char>(x)); // NOT PORTABLE
bool b3 = isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(x)); // CORRECT!
Is there a way in C/C++ to cast a char array to an int at any position?
I tried the following, bit it automatically aligns to the nearest 32 bits (on a 32 bit architecture) if I try to use pointer arithmetic with non-const offsets:
unsigned char data[8];
data[0] = 0; data[1] = 1; ... data[7] = 7;
int32_t p = 3;
int32_t d1 = *((int*)(data+3)); // = 0x03040506 CORRECT
int32_t d2 = *((int*)(data+p)); // = 0x00010203 WRONG
As stated in the comments the input comes in tuples of 3 and I cannot
change that.
I want to convert 3 values to an int for further
processing and this conversion should be as fast as possible.
solution does not have to be cross platform. I am working with a very
specific compiler and processor, so it can be assumed that it is a 32
bit architecture with big endian.
The lowest byte of the result does not matter to me (see above).
My main questions at the moment are: Why has d1 the correct value but d2 does not? Is this also true for other compilers? Can this behavior be changed?
No you can't do that in a portable way.
The behaviour encountered when attempting a cast from char* to int* is undefined in both C and C++ (possibly for the very reasons that you've spotted: ints are possibly aligned on 4 byte boundaries and data is, of course, contiguous.)
(The fact that data+3 works but data+p doesn't is possibly due to to compile time vs. runtime evaluation.)
Also note that the signed-ness of char is not specified in either C or C++ so you should use signed char or unsigned char if you're writing code like this.
Your best bet is to use bitwise shift operators (>> and <<) and logical | and & to absorb char values into an int. Also consider using int32_tin case you build to targets with 16 or 64 bit ints.
There is no way, converting a pointer to a wrongly aligned one is undefined.
You can use memcpy to copy the char array into an int32_t.
int32_t d = 0;
memcpy(&d, data+3, 4); // assuming sizeof(int) is 4
Most compilers have built-in functions for memcpy with a constant size argument, so it's likely that this won't produce any runtime overhead.
Even though a cast like you've shown is allowed for correctly aligned pointers, dereferencing such a pointer is a violation of strict aliasing. An object with an effective type of char[] must not be accessed through an lvalue of type int.
In general, type-punning is endianness-dependent, and converting a char array representing RGB colours is probably easier to do in an endianness-agnostic way, something like
int32_t d = (int32_t)data[2] << 16 | (int32_t)data[1] << 8 | data[0];
My program does the common task of writing binary data to a file, conforming to a certain non-text file format. Since the data I'm writing is not already in existing chunks but instead is put together byte by byte at runtime, I use std::ostream::put() instead of write(). I assume this is normal procedure.
The program works just fine. It uses both std::stringstream::put() and std::ofstream::put() with two-digit hex integers as the arguments. But I get compiler warning C4309: "truncation of constant value" (in VC++ 2010) whenever the argument to put() is greater than 0x7f. Obviously the compiler is expecting a signed char, and the constant is out of range. But I don't think any truncation is actually happening; the byte gets written just like it's supposed to.
Compiler warnings make me think I'm not doing things in the normal, accepted way. The situation I described has to be a common one. Is there are common way to avoid such a compiler warning? Or is this an example of a pointless compiler warning that should just be ignored?
I thought of two inelegant ways to avoid it. I could use syntax like mystream.put( char(0xa4) ) on every call. Or instead of using std::stringstream I could use std::basic_stringstream< unsigned char >, but I don't think that trick would work with std::ofstream, which is not a templated type. I feel like there should be a better solution here, especially since ofstream is meant for writing binary files.
Your thoughts?
Ah, I was mistaken about std::ofstream not being a templated type. It is actually std::basic_ofstream<char>, but I tried that method that and realized it won't work anyway for lack of defined methods and polymorphic incompatibility with std::ostream.
Here's a code sample:
stringstream ss;
int a, b;
/* Do stuff */
ss.put( 0 );
ss.put( 0x90 | a ); // oddly, no warning here...
ss.put( b ); // ...or here
ss.put( 0xa4 ); // C4309
I found solution that I'm happy with. It's more elegant than explicitly casting every constant to unsigned char. This is what I had:
ss.put( 0xa4 ); // C4309
I thought that the "truncation" was happening in implicitly casting unsigned char to char, but Cong Xu pointed out that integer constants are assumed to be signed, and any one greater than 0x7f gets promoted from char to int. Then it has to actually be truncated (cut down to one byte) if passed to put(). By using the suffix "u", I can specify an unsigned integer constant, and if it's no greater than 0xff, it will be an unsigned char. This is what I have now, without compiler warnings:
ss.put( 0xa4u );
std::stringstream ss;
ss.put(0x80); //C4309
As you've guessed, the problem is that ostream.put() expects a char, but 0x7F is the maximum value for char, and anything greater gets promoted to int. You should cast to unsigned char, which is as wide as char so it'll store anything char does and safely, but also make truncation warnings legitimate:
ss.put(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80)); // OK
ss.put(static_cast<unsigned char>(0xFFFF)); //C4309
Is it really necessary to use unsigned char to hold binary data as in some libraries which work on character encoding or binary buffers? To make sense of my question, have a look at the code below -
char c[5], d[5];
c[0] = 0xF0;
c[1] = 0xA4;
c[2] = 0xAD;
c[3] = 0xA2;
c[4] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", c);
memcpy(d, c, 5);
printf("%s\n", d);
both the printf's output 𤭢 correctly, where f0 a4 ad a2 is the encoding for the Unicode code-point U+24B62 (𤭢) in hex.
Even memcpy also correctly copied the bits held by a char.
What reasoning could possibly advocate the use of unsigned char instead of a plain char?
In other related questions unsigned char is highlighted because it is the only (byte/smallest) data type which is guaranteed to have no padding by the C-specification. But as the above example showed, the output doesn't seem to be affected by any padding as such.
I have used VC++ Express 2010 and MinGW to compile the above. Although VC gave the warning
warning C4309: '=' : truncation of constant value
the output doesn't seems to reflect that.
P.S. This could be marked a possible duplicate of Should a buffer of bytes be signed or unsigned char buffer? but my intent is different. I am asking why something which seems to be working as fine with char should be typed unsigned char?
Update: To quote from N3337,
Section 3.9 Types
2 For any object (other than a base-class subobject) of trivially
copyable type T, whether or not the object holds a valid value of type
T, the underlying bytes (1.7) making up the object can be copied into
an array of char or unsigned char. If the content of the array of char
or unsigned char is copied back into the object, the object shall
subsequently hold its original value.
In view of the above fact and that my original example was on Intel machine where char defaults to signed char, am still not convinced if unsigned char should be preferred over char.
Anything else?
In C the unsigned char data type is the only data type that has all the following three properties simultaneously
it has no padding bits, that it where all storage bits contribute to the value of the data
no bitwise operation starting from a value of that type, when converted back into that type, can produce overflow, trap representations or undefined behavior
it may alias other data types without violating the "aliasing rules", that is that access to the same data through a pointer that is typed differently will be guaranteed to see all modifications
if these are the properties of a "binary" data type you are looking for, you definitively should use unsigned char.
For the second property we need a type that is unsigned. For these all conversion are defined with modulo arihmetic, here modulo UCHAR_MAX+1, 256 in most 99% of the architectures. All conversion of wider values to unsigned char thereby just corresponds to truncation to the least significant byte.
The two other character types generally don't work the same. signed char is signed, anyhow, so conversion of values that don't fit it is not well defined. char is not fixed to be signed or unsigned, but on a particular platform to which your code is ported it might be signed even it is unsigned on yours.
You'll get most of your problems when comparing the contents of individual bytes:
char c[5];
c[0] = 0xff;
/*blah blah*/
if (c[0] == 0xff)
can print "bad", because, depending on your compiler, c[0] will be sign extended to -1, which is not any way the same as 0xff
The plain char type is problematic and shouldn't be used for anything but strings. The main problem with char is that you can't know whether it is signed or unsigned: this is implementation-defined behavior. This makes char different from int etc, int is always guaranteed to be signed.
Although VC gave the warning ... truncation of constant value
It is telling you that you are trying to store int literals inside char variables. This might be related to the signedness: if you try to store an integer with value > 0x7F inside a signed character, unexpected things might happen. Formally, this is undefined behavior in C, though practically you'd just get a weird output if attempting to print the result as an integer value stored inside a (signed) char.
In this specific case, the warning shouldn't matter.
In other related questions unsigned char is highlighted because it is the only (byte/smallest) data type which is guaranteed to have no padding by the C-specification.
In theory, all integer types except unsigned char and signed char are allowed to contain "padding bits", as per C11
"For unsigned integer types other than unsigned char, the bits of the
object representation shall be divided into two groups: value bits and
padding bits (there need not be any of the latter)."
"For signed integer types, the bits of the object representation shall
be divided into three groups: value bits, padding bits, and the sign
bit. There need not be any padding bits; signed char shall not have
any padding bits."
The C standard is intentionally vague and fuzzy, allowing these theoretical padding bits because:
It allows different symbol tables than the standard 8-bit ones.
It allows implementation-defined signedness and weird signed integer formats such as one's complement or "sign and magnitude".
An integer may not necessarily use all bits allocated.
However, in the real world outside the C standard, the following applies:
Symbol tables are almost certainly 8 bits (UTF8 or ASCII). Some weird exceptions exist, but clean implementations use the standard type wchar_t when implementing symbols tables larger than 8 bits.
Signedness is always two's complement.
An integer always uses all bits allocated.
So there is no real reason to use unsigned char or signed char just to dodge some theoretical scenario in the C standard.
Bytes are usually intended as unsigned 8 bit wide integers.
Now, char doesn't specify the sign of the integer: on some compilers char could be signed, on other it may be unsigned.
If I add a bit shift operation to the code you wrote, then I will have an undefined behaviour. The added comparison will also have an unexpected result.
char c[5], d[5];
c[0] = 0xF0;
c[1] = 0xA4;
c[2] = 0xAD;
c[3] = 0xA2;
c[4] = '\0';
c[0] >>= 1; // If char is signed, will the 7th bit go to 0 or stay the same?
bool isBiggerThan0 = c[0] > 0; // FALSE if char is signed!
printf("%s\n", c);
memcpy(d, c, 5);
printf("%s\n", d);
Regarding the warning during the compilation: if the char is signed then you are trying to assign the value 0xf0, which cannot be represented in the signed char (range -128 to +127), so it will be casted to a signed value (-16).
Declaring the char as unsigned will remove the warning, and is always good to have a clean build without any warning.
The signed-ness of the plain char type is implementation defined, so unless you're actually dealing with character data (a string using the platform's character set - usually ASCII), it's usually better to specify the signed-ness explicitly by either using signed char or unsigned char.
For binary data, the best choice is most probably unsigned char, especially if bitwise operations will be performed on the data (specifically bit shifting, which doesn't behave the same for signed types as for unsigned types).
I am asking why something which seems to be working as fine with char should be typed unsigned char?
If you do things which are not "correct" in the sense of the standard, you rely on undefined behaviour. Your compiler might do it the way you want today, but you don't know what it does tomorrow. You don't know what GCC does or VC++ 2012. Or even if the behaviour depends on external factors or Debug/Release compiles etc. As soon as you leave the safe path of the standard, you might run into trouble.
Well, what do you call "binary data"? This is a bunch of bits, without any meaning assigned to them by that specific part of software that calls them "binary data". What's the closest primitive data type, which conveys the idea of the lack of any specific meaning to any one of these bits? I think unsigned char.
Is it really necessary to use unsigned char to hold binary data as in some libraries which work on character encoding or binary buffers?
"really" necessary? No.
It is a very good idea though, and there are many reasons for this.
Your example uses printf, which not type-safe. That is, printf takes it's formatting cues from the format string and not from the data type. You could just as easily tried:
printf("%s\n", (void*)c);
... and the result would have been the same. If you try the same thing with c++ iostreams, the result will be different (depending on the signed-ness of c).
What reasoning could possibly advocate the use of unsigned char instead of a plain char?
Signed specifies that the most significant bit of the data (for unsigned char the 8-th bit) represents the sign. Since you obviously do not need that, you should specify your data is unsigned (the "sign" bit represents data, not the sign of the other bits).
I frequently work with libraries that use char when working with bytes in C++. The alternative is to define a "Byte" as unsigned char but that not the standard they decided to use. I frequently pass bytes from C# into the C++ dlls and cast them to char to work with the library.
When casting ints to chars or chars to other simple types what are some of the side effects that can occur. Specifically, when has this broken code that you have worked on and how did you find out it was because of the char signedness?
Lucky i haven't run into this in my code, used a char signed casting trick back in an embedded systems class in school. I'm looking to better understand the issue since I feel it is relevant to the work I am doing.
One major risk is if you need to shift the bytes. A signed char keeps the sign-bit when right-shifted, whereas an unsigned char doesn't.
Here's a small test program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
signed char a = -1;
unsigned char b = 255;
printf("%d\n%d\n", a >> 1, b >> 1);
return 0;
It should print -1 and 127, even though a and b start out with the same bit pattern (given 8-bit chars, two's-complement and signed values using arithmetic shift).
In short, you can't rely on shift working identically for signed and unsigned chars, so if you need portability, use unsigned char rather than char or signed char.
The most obvious gotchas come when you need to compare the numeric value of a char with a hexadecimal constant when implementing protocols or encoding schemes.
For example, when implementing telnet you might want to do this.
// Check for IAC (hex FF) byte
if (ch == 0xFF)
// ...
Or when testing for UTF-8 multi-byte sequences.
if (ch >= 0x80)
// ...
Fortunately these errors don't usually survive very long as even the most cursory testing on a platform with a signed char should reveal them. They can be fixed by using a character constant, converting the numeric constant to a char or converting the character to an unsigned char before the comparison operator promotes both to an int. Converting the char directly to an unsigned won't work, though.
if (ch == '\xff') // OK
if ((unsigned char)ch == 0xff) // OK, so long as char has 8-bits
if (ch == (char)0xff) // Usually OK, relies on implementation defined behaviour
if ((unsigned)ch == 0xff) // still wrong
I've been bitten by char signedness in writing search algorithms that used characters from the text as indices into state trees. I've also had it cause problems when expanding characters into larger types, and the sign bit propagates causing problems elsewhere.
I found out when I started getting bizarre results, and segfaults arising from searching texts other than the one's I'd used during the initial development (obviously characters with values >127 or <0 are going to cause this, and won't necessarily be present in your typical text files.
Always check a variable's signedness when working with it. Generally now I make types signed unless I have a good reason otherwise, casting when necessary. This fits in nicely with the ubiquitous use of char in libraries to simply represent a byte. Keep in mind that the signedness of char is not defined (unlike with other types), you should give it special treatment, and be mindful.
The one that most annoys me:
typedef char byte;
byte b = 12;
cout << b << endl;
Sure it's cosmetics, but arrr...
When casting ints to chars or chars to other simple types
The critical point is, that casting a signed value from one primitive type to another (larger) type does not retain the bit pattern (assuming two's complement). A signed char with bit pattern 0xff is -1, while a signed short with the decimal value -1 is 0xffff. Casting an unsigned char with value 0xff to a unsigned short, however, yields 0x00ff. Therefore, always think of proper signedness before you typecast to a larger or smaller data type. Never carry unsigned data in signed data types if you don't need to - if an external library forces you to do so, do the conversion as late as possible (or as early as possible if the external code acts as data source).
The C and C++ language specifications define 3 data types for holding characters: char, signed char and unsigned char. The latter 2 have been discussed in other answers. Let's look at the char type.
The standard(s) say that the char data type may be signed or unsigned and is an implementation decision. This means that some compilers or versions of compilers, can implement char differently. The implication is that the char data type is not conducive for arithmetic or Boolean operations. For arithmetic and Boolean operations, signed and unsigned versions of char will work fine.
In summary, there are 3 versions of char data type. The char data type performs well for holding characters, but is not suited for arithmetic across platforms and translators since it's signedness is implementation defined.
You will fail miserably when compiling for multiple platforms because the C++ standard doesn't define char to be of a certain "signedness".
Therefore GCC introduces -fsigned-char and -funsigned-char options to force certain behavior. More on that topic can be found here, for example.
As you asked for examples of broken code, there are plenty of possibilities to break code that processes binary data. For example, image you process 8-bit audio samples (range -128 to 127) and you want to halven the volume. Now imagine this scenario (in which the naive programmer assumes char == signed char):
char sampleIn;
// If the sample is -1 (= almost silent), and the compiler treats char as unsigned,
// then the value of 'sampleIn' will be 255
// Ok, halven the volume. The value will be 127!
char sampleOut = sampleOut / 2;
// And write the processed sample to the output file, for example.
// (unsigned char)127 has the exact same bit pattern as (signed char)127,
// so this will write a sample with the loudest volume!!
I hope you like that example ;-) But to be honest I've never really came across such problems, not even as a beginner as far as I can remember...
Hope this answer is sufficient for you downvoters. What about a short comment?
Sign extension. The first version of my URL encoding function produced strings like "%FFFFFFA3".