RapidXML weird parsing - c++

I have a very annoying problem and I'm trying to solve it for lots of hours.
I'm using rapidXML with C++ to parse an XML file:
xml_document<> xmlin;
stringstream input; //initialized somewhere else
cout << "input:" << input.str() << endl << endl;
xml_node<char> *firstnode = xmlin.first_node();
string s_type = firstnode->first_attribute("type")->value();
cout << "type: " << s_type << endl;
However I got this on the stdout:
input:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testxml command="testfunction" type="exclusive" />
type: exclusive" />
What could be the reason of this (printing the s_type variable)?
It's very annoying since I can't process the xml well.

Actually I found the solution.
Stringstream doesn't like when its content is getting modified (rapidXML does a fast in-situ parsing which means it modificates the contents of the array it gets).
However in the docs I read that string class does not like it either.
From the string::c_str documentation page:
the values in this array should not be modified in the program
But when I create a string from the stream it is working as it is expected:
xml_document<> xmlin;
stringstream input; //initialized somewhere else
string buffer = input.str()

I think the problem is in the code you haven't shown... Start by trying this, using a literal string - this works just fine for me...
xml_document<> xmlin;
char *input = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><testxml command=\"testfunction\" type=\"exclusive\" />";
xml_node<char> *firstnode = xmlin.first_node();
std::string s_type = firstnode->first_attribute("type")->value();

I would personally recommend this approach
xml_document<> doc;
string string_to_parse;
char* buffer = new char[str_to_parse.size() + 1];
strcpy (buffer, str_to_parse.c_str());
delete [] cstr;
making a non const char array out of the string you want to parse. I have always found this way safer and more reliable.
I used to do such crazy things as
string string_to_parse;
and it "worked" for a long time (until the day it didn't when I needed to reuse the original string). Since RapidXML can modify the char array it is parsing and since it is not recommended to change str::string via c_str() I have always used the approach of copying my string to a non const char array and pass that to the parser. It may not be optimal and uses additional memory, but it is reliable and I have never had any errors or problems with it to date. Your data will be parsed and the original string can be reused without fear of it having been modified.


ifstream / ofstream issue with c++?

I have been having a very hard time writing to a binary file and reading back. I am basically writing records of this format
Before writing this record, I would write the length of this entire record ( using string.size()) and then I write the record to the binary file using ofstream as follows:
int size;
ofstream studentfile;
studentfile.open( filename.c_str(),ios::out|ios::binary );
cout << "Added " << data << " to " << filename << endl;
And I read this data at some other place
ifstream ifile11;
int x;
std::string y;
ifile11.open("student.db", ios::in |ios::binary);
cout << "X " << x << " Y " << y << endl;
first I read the length of the record into the variable x, and then read the record into string y. The problem is, the output shows x as being '0' and 'y' is empty.
I am not able figure this out. Someone who can look into this problem and provide some insight will be thanked very much.
Thank you
You can't read a string that way, as a std::string is really only a pointer and a size member. (Try doing std::string s; sizeof(s), the size will be constant no matter what you set the string to.)
Instead read it into a temporary buffer, and then convert that buffer into a string:
int length;
ifile11.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length), sizeof(length));
char* temp_buffer = new char[length];
ifile11.read(temp_buffer, length);
std::string str(temp_buffer, length);
delete [] temp_buffer;
I know I am answering my own question, but I strictly feel this information is going to help everyone. For most part, Joachim's answer is correct and works. However, there are two main issues behind my problem :
1. The Dev-C++ compiler was having a hard time reading binary files.
2. Not passing strings properly while writing to the binary file, and also reading from the file. For the reading part, Joachim's answer fixed it all.
The Dev-C++ IDE didn't help me. It wrongly read data from the binary file, and it did it without me even making use of a temp_buffer. Visual C++ 2010 Express has correctly identified this error, and threw run-time exceptions and kept me from being misled.
As soon as I took all my code into a new VC++ project, it appropriately provided me with error messages, so that I could fix it all.
So, please do not use Dev-C++ unless you want to run into real troubles like thiis. Also, when trying to read strings, Joachim's answer would be the ideal way.

Reading a string from a file in C++

I'm trying to store strings directly into a file to be read later in C++ (basically for the full scope I'm trying to store an object array with string variables in a file, and those string variables will be read through something like object[0].string). However, everytime I try to read the string variables the system gives me a jumbled up error. The following codes are a basic part of what I'm trying.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//this is run first to create the file and store the string
int main(){
string reed;
reed = "sees";
ofstream ofs("filrsee.txt", ios::out|ios::binary);
ofs.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&reed), sizeof(reed));
//this is run after that to open the file and read the string
int main(){
string ghhh;
ifstream ifs("filrsee.txt", ios::in|ios::binary);
ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ghhh), sizeof(ghhh));
return 0;
The second part is where things go haywire when I try to read it.
Sorry if it's been asked before, I've taken a look around for similar questions but most of them are a bit different from what I'm trying to do or I don't really understand what they're trying to do (still quite new to this).
What am I doing wrong?
You are reading from a file and trying to put the data in the string structure itself, overwriting it, which is plain wrong.
As it can be verified at http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/istream/read/ , the types you used were wrong, and you know it because you had to force the std::string into a char * using a reinterpret_cast.
C++ Hint: using a reinterpret_cast in C++ is (almost) always a sign you did something wrong.
Why is it so complicated to read a file?
A long time ago, reading a file was easy. In some Basic-like language, you used the function LOAD, and voilà!, you had your file.
So why can't we do it now?
Because you don't know what's in a file.
It could be a string.
It could be a serialized array of structs with raw data dumped from memory.
It could even be a live stream, that is, a file which is appended continuously (a log file, the stdin, whatever).
You could want to read the data word by word
... or line by line...
Or the file is so large it doesn't fit in a string, so you want to read it by parts.
The more generic solution is to read the file (thus, in C++, a fstream), byte per byte using the function get (see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/istream/get/), and do yourself the operation to transform it into the type you expect, and stopping at EOF.
The std::isteam interface have all the functions you need to read the file in different ways (see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/istream/), and even then, there is an additional non-member function for the std::string to read a file until a delimiter is found (usually "\n", but it could be anything, see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/getline/)
But I want a "load" function for a std::string!!!
Ok, I get it.
We assume that what you put in the file is the content of a std::string, but keeping it compatible with a C-style string, that is, the \0 character marks the end of the string (if not, we would need to load the file until reaching the EOF).
And we assume you want the whole file content fully loaded once the function loadFile returns.
So, here's the loadFile function:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
bool loadFile(const std::string & p_name, std::string & p_content)
// We create the file object, saying I want to read it
std::fstream file(p_name.c_str(), std::fstream::in) ;
// We verify if the file was successfully opened
// We use the standard getline function to read the file into
// a std::string, stoping only at "\0"
std::getline(file, p_content, '\0') ;
// We return the success of the operation
return ! file.bad() ;
// The file was not successfully opened, so returning false
return false ;
If you are using a C++11 enabled compiler, you can add this overloaded function, which will cost you nothing (while in C++03, baring optimizations, it could have cost you a temporary object):
std::string loadFile(const std::string & p_name)
std::string content ;
loadFile(p_name, content) ;
return content ;
Now, for completeness' sake, I wrote the corresponding saveFile function:
bool saveFile(const std::string & p_name, const std::string & p_content)
std::fstream file(p_name.c_str(), std::fstream::out) ;
file.write(p_content.c_str(), p_content.length()) ;
return ! file.bad() ;
return false ;
And here, the "main" I used to test those functions:
int main()
const std::string name(".//myFile.txt") ;
const std::string content("AAA BBB CCC\nDDD EEE FFF\n\n") ;
const bool success = saveFile(name, content) ;
std::cout << "saveFile(\"" << name << "\", \"" << content << "\")\n\n"
<< "result is: " << success << "\n" ;
std::string myContent ;
const bool success = loadFile(name, myContent) ;
std::cout << "loadFile(\"" << name << "\", \"" << content << "\")\n\n"
<< "result is: " << success << "\n"
<< "content is: [" << myContent << "]\n"
<< "content ok is: " << (myContent == content)<< "\n" ;
If you want to do more than that, then you will need to explore the C++ IOStreams library API, at http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/
You can't use std::istream::read() to read into a std::string object. What you could do is to determine the size of the file, create a string of suitable size, and read the data into the string's character array:
std::string str;
std::ifstream file("whatever");
std::string::size_type size = determine_size_of(file);
file.read(&str[0], size);
The tricky bit is determining the size the string should have. Given that the character sequence may get translated while reading, e.g., because line end sequences are transformed, this pretty much amounts to reading the string in the general case. Thus, I would recommend against doing it this way. Instead, I would read the string using something like this:
std::string str;
std::ifstream file("whatever");
if (std::getline(file, str, '\0')) {
This works OK for text strings and is about as fast as it gets on most systems. If the file can contain null characters, e.g., because it contains binary data, this doesn't quite work. If this is the case, I'd use an intermediate std::ostringstream:
std::ostringstream out;
std::ifstream file("whatever");
out << file.rdbuf();
std::string str = out.str();
A string object is not a mere char array, the line
ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ghhh), sizeof(ghhh));
is probably the root of your problems.
try applying the following changes:
char[BUFF_LEN] ghhh;
ifs.read(ghhh, BUFF_LEN);

How do I insert a variable result into a string in C++

I just started learning C++ in Qt and I was wondering how can I put a variables result in a string? I'm trying to use this for a simple application where someone puts their name in a text field then presses a button and it displays there name in a sentence. I know in objective-c it would be like,
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithFormatting:#"Hello, %#", [nameField stringValue]];
[nameField setStringValue:name];
How would I go about doing something like this with C++? Thanks for the help
I assume we're talking about Qt's QString class here. In this case, you can use the arg method:
int i; // current file's number
long total; // number of files to process
QString fileName; // current file's name
QString status = QString("Processing file %1 of %2: %3")
See the QString documentation for more details about the many overloads of the arg method.
You don´t mention what type your string is. If you are using the standard library then it would be something along the lines of
std::string name = "Hello, " + nameField;
That works for concatenating strings, if you want to insert other complex types you can use a stringstream like this:
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "Hello, " << nameField;
stream << ", here is an int " << 7;
std::string text = stream.str();
Qt probably has its own string types, which should work in a similar fashion.
I would use a stringstream but I'm not 100% sure how that fits into your NSString case...
stringstream ss (stringstream::in);
ss << "hello my name is " << nameField;
I think QString has some nifty helpers that might do the same thing...
QString hello("hello ");
QString message = hello % nameField;
You could use QString::sprintf. I haven't found a good example of it's use yet, though. (If someone else finds one, feel free to edit it in to this answer).
You might be interested in seeing information about the difference between QString::sprintf and QString::arg.

RapidXML is throwing exception

ifstream fin("tree.xml");
if (fin.fail()) return 1;
fin.seekg(0, ios::end);
size_t length = fin.tellg();
fin.seekg(0, ios::beg);
char* buffer = new char[length + 1];
fin.read(buffer, length);
buffer[length] = '\0';
xml_document<> doc;
// doc.parse<0>(buffer);
delete [] buffer;
cout << "The first node is '" << doc.first_node()->name() << "'\n";
for (xml_node<>* n = doc.first_node("card")->first_node(); n;
n = n->next_sibling())
char* v = n->value();
if (!v || !*v) v = "(empty)";
cout << n->name() << " : " << v << '\n';
This is the code which i have written for XML parsing using RapidXML, but it throws exception "rapidxml::parse_error at memory location 0x0011fc20.." Please suggest any fix for this. Thanx
You may be able to nail down exactly what is causing this by looking at this link http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net/manual.html#classrapidxml_1_1parse__error
In particular (bold text is my emphasis)
class rapidxml::parse_error
Defined in rapidxml.hpp
Parse error exception. This exception is thrown by the parser when an error
occurs. Use what() function to get human-readable error message. Use
where() function to get a pointer to position within source text where
error was detected.
this will at least let you discover what is causing the exception as well as the location. In addition your code does have an issue that could cause problems. This is taken from the rapidXML description of the parse function http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net/manual.html#classrapidxml_1_1xml__document_8338ce6042e7b04d5a42144fb446b69c_18338ce6042e7b04d5a42144fb446b69c
The bold text is emphasised by me
Parses zero-terminated XML string according to given flags. Passed
string will be modified by the parser, unless
rapidxml::parse_non_destructive flag is used. The string must persist
for the lifetime of the document. In case of error,
rapidxml::parse_error exception will be thrown.
But in your code
xml_document<> doc;
// doc.parse<0>(buffer);
delete [] buffer;
cout << "The first node is '" << doc.first_node()->name() << "'\n";
you are deleting the char buffer containing your string and afterwards calling functions on the doc object. This is a violation of the above documentation. I am not sure if this is the exact cause of your exception, but certainly deleting that buffer is going to cause problems. I would suggest using a try/catch block to catch the parse_error exception and then use the where() and what() functions to pinpoint the error. Also try moving the delete statement to the end of your code after you have completely finished calling functions on the doc object as that could also be causing problems.
Your parsed DOM object doc is based on your buffer at the memory so dont delete your buffer or delete just before quit

C++: How to extract a string from RapidXml

In my C++ program I want to parse a small piece of XML, insert some nodes, then extract the new XML (preferably as a std::string).
RapidXml has been recommended to me, but I can't see how to retrieve the XML back as a text string.
(I could iterate over the nodes and attributes and build it myself, but surely there's a build in function that I am missing.)
Thank you.
Althoug the documentation is poor on this topic, I managed to get some working code by looking at the source. Although it is missing the xml header which normally contains important information. Here is a small example program that does what you are looking for using rapidxml:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "rapidxml/rapidxml.hpp"
#include "rapidxml/rapidxml_print.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char xml[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"latin-1\"?>"
//Parse the original document
rapidxml::xml_document<> doc;
std::cout << "Name of my first node is: " << doc.first_node()->name() << "\n";
//Insert something
rapidxml::xml_node<> *node = doc.allocate_node(rapidxml::node_element, "author", "John Doe");
std::stringstream ss;
ss <<*doc.first_node();
std::string result_xml = ss.str();
std::cout <<result_xml<<std::endl;
return 0;
Use print function (found in rapidxml_print.hpp utility header) to print the XML node contents to a stringstream.
rapidxml::print reuqires an output iterator to generate the output, so a character string works with it. But this is risky because I can not know whether an array with fixed length (like 2048 bytes) is long enough to hold all the content of the XML.
The right way to do this is to pass in an output iterator of a string stream so allow the buffer to be expanded when the XML is being dumped into it.
My code is like below:
std::stringstream stream;
std::ostream_iterator<char> iter(stream);
rapidxml::print(iter, doc, rapidxml::print_no_indenting);
printf("%s\n", stream.str().c_str());
printf("len = %d\n", stream.str().size());
If you do build XML yourself, don't forget to escape the special characters. This tends to be overlooked, but can cause some serious headaches if it is not implemented:
< <
> >
& &
" "
&apos; &apos;
Here's how to print a node to a string straight from the RapidXML Manual:
xml_document<> doc; // character type defaults to char
// ... some code to fill the document
// Print to stream using operator <<
std::cout << doc;
// Print to stream using print function, specifying printing flags
print(std::cout, doc, 0); // 0 means default printing flags
// Print to string using output iterator
std::string s;
print(std::back_inserter(s), doc, 0);
// Print to memory buffer using output iterator
char buffer[4096]; // You are responsible for making the buffer large enough!
char *end = print(buffer, doc, 0); // end contains pointer to character after last printed character
*end = 0; // Add string terminator after XML
If you aren't yet committed to Rapid XML, I can recommend some alternative libraries:
Xerces - This is probably the defacto C++ implementation.
XMLite - I've had some luck with this minimal XML implementation. See the article at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/xmlite.aspx
Use static_cast<>
rapidxml::xml_document<> doc;
rapidxml::xml_node <> * root_node = doc.first_node();
std::string strBuff;
strBuff = static_cast<std::string>(root_node->first_attribute("attribute_name")->value());
Following is very easy,
std::string s;
print(back_inserter(s), doc, 0);
cout << s;
You only need to include "rapidxml_print.hpp" header in your source code.