Struts 2 keep list values - list

Using struts2 how can I keep list values just after click in a jsp button, going through the action and returning to jsp again? Doing this click several times again.
I've been watching that to keep a value from a variable that isn't a list I just need to declare it in the action with it's getter and setter, and put a hidden field or textfield in the jsp, but regarding lists don't worked like that.

You are correct that we need a getter and setters for the respected property in our action class to send and receive date from Action class to JSP and in reverse order.
But since for collection, its not possible to store it in a single field, so you have few options here.
If List is a simple List of String you can create a comma separated string and can use that to go from action to JSP and in reverse order (easy to convert that to list), i will not recommend this approach.
Second option i am thinking to set the list in session and you can always retrieve the list in your action class at any time as per your choice.


Django - Retain Search Parameters between Server Round Trips

I have a list page with some filter, sort and search functionality (which basically creates a QuerySet in the view that then returns the adjusted (filtered, sorted, searched) data). On this list page, I also have a detail view that displays the object details.
This all works fine, but when I navigate to another detail object, the search, filter, sort parameters get reset to their default.
How can I retain the search parameters beyond a server round trip?
You could store the GET parameters as session variables maybe?
To set:
request.session['my_variable'] = request.GET.get('some_get_parameter')
To get:
my_variable_value = request.session.get('my_variable')
Using .get() to retrieve parameters and session variables is a little more robust than just trying to access the dicts directly with request.session['my_variable'] for example, as if my_variable is not in the session, you'll get a key error, but get() returns None if the variable is not found.

Sales list force change of column in lines

I'm using the page below a POS sales list. Here the user can use the barcode pistol and pass the article and the code is translated into the item no.
The problem is when they use the pistol and end to pick a item and want to pass to next one the line go automatically to the first column (Item type) and my goal was to force to go into the second column (Item no), because the Item type is by default the type "product".
Only change the order of columns of Item no to Item product is not enough in this case.
Since ACTIVATE is not supported for controls in RTC.
Not many good options here.
Try using QuickEntry Property. Set it to false for all controls on subpage except No..
Create custom page with as less fields as possible, use it as buffer to scan all items and create sales lines upon closing of this new page. You can implement desired behavior on this page and keep original page almost unmodified
Create add-in that will intercept scanner output somehow.

Set default value for a field in share point 2010 list

I have a lookup field in list in share point 2010, how to set a default value for that field at inserting operation
Using JavaScript, override the PreSaveAction method and push whatever you like into the lookup column. this happens just prior to the post to the web server, so you cna do all validation and checks.
Beware though, the value you insert must exist in the lookup list or the post will fail, ie don't push a value of "abc" if "abc" is not on the list of possible options fo rhte lookup column.
If you want to preselect some value in lookup control (dropdown) when dialog is open you need to do it by JS. You need to hook onload (JS) event of the page. There are some libraries that makes it easier to set SharePoint field values e.g. SPJS-utility. Common way is that you send id of item using URL parameter and get by JS and then set it to field. Speaking of lookup beware of the fact that SP renders lookup control in different way in IE for less than 20 items and for more than 20 item.

JasperReports: Passing in a list of lists as a datasource

I need to populate a few subreports with lists of different objects. Basically lets say i have the following:
Subreport on used Vehicles
Subreport on new Vehicles
I create a vehicle bean class with variables as strings and create getter and setter methods for the same. Then in my datasource I pass in a List<List<String>> as detailRows. detailRows contains a list for new vehicles and a list for used vehicles. So lets say, i pass detailRows in the data source.
Question is how do i pass these two lists to the two sub-reports? Can i use
new$F{newVehiclesList}) as a datasource for sub report 1 and
new$F{usedVehiclesList}) as datasource for sub report 2?
Is there anything else that needs to be done apart from what i mentioned? Do i need to create and pass any variables? Is the appropriate use of the list of lists as i have listed above or is it $F{detailRows}.get(0)?
I created a field detailRows in the main report as type list. I then pass the following to the subreport data source expression, new$F{detailRows}
Is there any way i can pass the newVehiclesList from detailRows to the sub-report?
Selecting your SubReport you can set the property "Connection type" as "Use a data source expression" and inside the property "Data Source Expression" you set this:
Where your "yourFieldHere" is a list (don't forget to set the "Field Class" inside your field properties as a java.util.List as well)
Ok, then you need create two fields with the Field Class as java.util.List, one for each list (newVehiclesList and usedVehiclesList).
Put your two SubReports wherever you want and click on each one doing the following steps:
Change the "Connection type" to "Use a datasource expression" then change the "Data Source Expression" to new$F{yourField})
ps: In order to use the fields inside your newVehiclesList and usedVehiclesList you have to create them inside of their own subReports.
i was the same problems with you and i solved it using the tag List of jasper, i used datasource in my class java, for example:
parameter.put("MyList", new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(ListObjects));
In palete of Jasper, choose the tag LIST and drag and drop in your relatory
after choose
create new dataset
create new dataset from a connection… ...
in data adapter choose new data adapter - collection of javabeans
use a JRDatasource expression
go in lis of parameters and choose you list op objects (MyList)
now go to outline of jasper and
- dataset properties
- edit and query filter ... ...
- javabean
- search you class (I using eclipse, so it's easy to search my class)
- add fields to use

Returning parameters from FinalBuilder 7 Action Lists

If I'm not mistaken, it seems that FinalBuilder 7's action list parameters only support input values. Is there any way I can simulate a workaround for return parameters? I do not want to store return parameters in a global temp variable or even a stack, because I'm calling the same action list multiple times asynchronously.
Here is sample of what I want to do. (Notice the shared use of the same action list)
Async Action Group
+-Action Group
| +-Run Action List - [Do Some Calculation]
| +-Replace variable A with return parameter from previous action list
+-Action Group
+-Run Action List - [Do Some Calculation]
+-Replace variable B with return parameter from previous action list
I'm currently using an INI file in the action list to save return values. The calling method passes a parameter to the action list specifying to which INI key to save to. The calling method then reads the value from the INI from the key.
Surely there has to be a more elegant way to do this?
I have never seen any way to return variables from action lists.
That would be an excellent suggestion to post in the FinalBuilder Wish List forum.
Many of requests in the past there are now features of the product.
I think it would require giving scope to variables to something like an Action Group to pull it off. But it would help some of my scripts as well. Update: I found that FB 7 supports Local Variables. But it still does not address the needs of this answer.