Repeat username/password authentication with each call to web service - web-services

I am creating a web service to expose to my mobile apps. I currently am implementing a token based authentication solution (because that what I have done in the past); however, I am struggling in this context to understand why I do not simply pass the username and password each time? I can maintain the password in RAM while running the Mobile app (encrypted between usages if we want to get overly complicated) and then pass it each time I connect to the server and repeat the hash verification each time. Of course everything is SSL so there is no more risk in terms of network transfer in doing it each time versus do it once is there? The only CON I see is that the hash validation process might me more expensive than a token validation - maybe. Are there other cons I am missing here?

There are a few reasons not to do this:
Every time you transmit the information, you open the risk of interception. (Even if that risk is mostly mitigated by using an encryption system such as SSL).
Passing a username / password combination on every request implies that you will be checking the combination of them on the server-side with every request. This usually requires an extra database hit and some logic which is unnecessary.
If you are passing credentialization such as this on every request, you will need to use SSL for every request - which is expensive overhead. It is much cheaper to send an encrypted authentication token back and forth in plain-text - which only the server-side can read.
This seems like a bit of a hot topic here on SO the last few days, as I've answered several questions about RESTful auth and such. I am providing below some links to those answers - which go much more in-depth. Perhaps if you take a look at the auth schemes I'm proposing - you'll see how it protects you more than simply sending username/password on each request.
Authentication in RESTful web services
Public facing Authentication mechanisms for REST


Security about a simple REST web service

Here is my little API with two URL :
/api/location/list -> GET
/api/location/detail -> GET
I'm looking for a process to secure this service with authentication. For now, it can be accessed by only one user (me).
I think oAuth is too complex in my case and I found this resource for designing a simple API.
I understand the principle of private/public key and HMAC but I have a big concern about this :
Say my webservice is consumed by an ajax request with GET verb. I have something like /api/location/list?apikkey=userid&hash=abcde.
A end user can easily sniffed the network during the request (via a simple chrome console), capture full url and access directly to the service multiple times (I think it's a case of replay attacks).
Differents resources talk about timestamp or nonce to make a request unique but I'm a bit lost with implementation.
Any ideas ?
You can try JWToken auth specs, simpler than Oauth, but avoid authorization data as url parameter if possible and use Header's request instead.
If needed consider also ssl encryption at tcp level.
Perhaps you could try to use a token-based approach for security, as described in this blog post:
Implementing authentication with tokens for RESTful applications -
The idea is to authenticate to an authentication resource (that can be part of your application) to get temporary token that can be refreshed with a refresh token when expired.
With the use of HTTPS, it seems to be appropriate.
I think that it depends on the security level you expect. Signature-based authentication (the AWS approach) is great but is a bit complex to implement by hand.
Hope it helps you,

Securing REST API without reinventing the wheel

When designing REST API is it common to authenticate a user first?
The typical use case I am looking for is:
User wants to get data. Sure cool we like to share! Get a public API key and read away!
User wants to store/update data... woah wait up! who are you, can you do this?
I would like to build it once and allow say a web-app, an android application or an iPhone application to use it.
A REST API appears to be a logical choice with requirements like this
To illustrate my question I'll use a simple example.
I have an item in a database, which has a rating attribute (integer 1 to 5).
If I understand REST correctly I would implement a GET request using the language of my choice that returns csv, xml or json like this:{id}/
Say we pick JSON we return:
"id": "1",
"name": "widget1",
"attributes": { "rating": {"type":"int", "value":4} }
This is fine for public facing APIs. I get that part.
Where I have tons of question is how do I combine this with a security model? I'm used to web-app security where I have a session state identifying my user at all time so I can control what they can do no matter what they decide to send me. As I understand it this isn't RESTful so would be a bad solution in this case.
I'll try to use another example using the same item/rating.
If user "JOE" wants to add a rating to an item
This could be done using:{id}/{givenRating}/
At this point I want to store the data saying that "JOE" gave product {id} a rating of {givenRating}.
Question: How do I know the request came from "JOE" and not "BOB".
Furthermore, what if it was for more sensible data like a user's phone number?
What I've got so far is:
1) Use the built-in feature of HTTP to authenticate at every request, either plain HTTP or HTTPS.
This means that every request now take the form of:{id}/{givenRating}/
2) Use an approach like Amazon's S3 with private and public key:
3) Use a cookie anyway and break the stateless part of REST.
The second approach appears better to me, but I am left wondering do I really have to re-invent this whole thing? Hashing, storing, generating the keys, etc all by myself?
This sounds a lot like using session in a typical web application and rewriting the entire stack yourself, which usually to me mean "You're doing it wrong" especially when dealing with security.
EDIT: I guess I should have mentioned OAuth as well.
Edit 5 years later
Use OAuth2!
Previous version
No, there is absolutely no need to use a cookie. It's not half as secure as HTTP Digest, OAuth or Amazon's AWS (which is not hard to copy).
The way you should look at a cookie is that it's an authentication token as much as Basic/Digest/OAuth/whichever would be, but less appropriate.
However, I don't feel using a cookie goes against RESTful principles per se, as long as the contents of the session cookie does not influence the contents of the resource you're returning from the server.
Cookies are evil, stop using them.
Don't worry about being "RESTful", worry about security. Here's how I do it:
Step 1: User hits authentication service with credentials.
Step 2: If credentials check out, return a fingerprint, session id, etc..., and pop them into shared memory for quick retrieval later or use a database if you don't mind adding a few milliseconds to your web service turnaround time.
Step 3: Add an entry point call to the top of every web service script that validates the fingerprint and session id for every web service request.
Step 4: If the fingerprint and session id aren't valid or have timed out redirect to authentication.
RESTful Authentication
Edit 3 years later
I completely agree with Evert, use OAuth2 with HTTPS, and don't reinvent the wheel! :-)
By simpler REST APIs - not meant for 3rd party clients - JSON Web Tokens can be good as well.
Previous version
Use a cookie anyway and break the stateless part of REST.
Don't use sessions, with sessions your REST service won't be well scalable... There are 2 states here: application state (or client state or session s) and resource state. Application state contains the session data and it is maintained by the REST client. Resource state contains the resource properties and relations and is maintained by the REST service. You can decide very easy whether a particular variable is part of the application state or the resource state. If the amount of data increases with the number of active sessions, then it belongs to the application state. So for example user identity by the current session belongs to the application state, but the list of the users or user permissions belongs to the resource state.
So the REST client should store the identification factors and send them with every request. Don't confuse the REST client with the HTTP client. They are not the same. REST client can be on the server side too if it uses curl, or it can create for example a server side http only cookie which it can share with the REST service via CORS. The only thing what matters that the REST service has to authenticate by every request, so you have to send the credentials (username, password) with every request.
If you write a client side REST client, then this can be done with SSL + HTTP auth. In that case you can create a credentials -> (identity, permissions) cache on the server to make authentication faster. Be aware of that if you clear that cache, and the users send the same request, they will get the same response, just it will take a bit longer. You can compare this with sessions: if you clear the session store, then users will get a status: 401 unauthorized response...
If you write a server side REST client and you send identification factors to the REST service via curl, then you have 2 choices. You can use http auth as well, or you can use a session manager in your REST client but not in the REST service.
If somebody untrusted writes your REST client, then you have to write an application to authenticate the users and to give them the availability to decide whether they want to grant permissions to different clients or not. Oauth is an already existing solution for that. Oauth1 is more secure, oauth2 is less secure but simpler, and I guess there are several other solution for this problem... You don't have to reinvent this. There are complete authentication and authorization solutions using oauth, for example: the wso identity server.
Cookies are not necessarily bad. You can use them in a RESTful way until they hold client state and the service holds resource state only. For example you can store the cart or the preferred pagination settings in cookies...

How can I implement security in web service?

I have a REST service that is called by a mobile app; I need the user to login, then the service generates a unique token associated to user id and this pair of userId/token is passed to every subsequent call to the WS.
I don't like too much this solution because, even if very difficult, if I change the uid and get the right token I can "login" as another user, so I'm trying to understand which is the best practice to handle web service authentication for a mobile (and non) application.
Your issue is not with the methodology, but the fact your service is not checking the combination of UID and token, but rather the token. That is a programming issue, not a methodology issue.
How secure do you need the service to be? Are you talking top secret level of security? Banking? My soccer club site? For high levels of security, you can use digital certificates, but it makes for a much more complex provisioning methodology. But ... Even if you are going to change from UID/Token (or AppId, User, etc), you still need to fix the fact that correct token + wrong UID works. That is a mistake if two-form authentication is a must. Changing methods will solve nothing if you don't have the proper programming on the server side to avoid circumventing the system.
You may also want to look at how you provision the Token. Should this be offline, or is one REST sign up method acceptable. This leads back to the level of security your require.
You might want to forget the token/id solution and consider going the SSL/basic authentication route. SSL will provide the encryption and secure communication, but will not secure the access to your specific web-services on the server side.
For that you can try standard basic http user/password authentication on every call. This way you do not need to worry maintaining state through each REST call. Each call will have an explicit reference to the user. Yes, you will need to re-authenticate the user with each call which is a bit of a pain, but you can cache your results.
However, I am far from an expert on the subject.

Authentication for Both Webapplication and WebService

I'm currently working on an application consisting both of a webapplication and client software. The client communicates via webservices, supporting both a SOAP and Protobuffer implementation.
The initial registration is done via the webapplication, which relies on username + password authentication later on.
After finishing the registration process, all features are also available via the client, which will only communicate via HTTPS. For authenticating webservice calls, I'm currently thinking about three possible approaches:
Including the username and password in every message. But is it really a good practice to include the credentials in every request, even though secured by HTTPS?
Providing the username and password in the first webservice request. The client then gets a token which is used for all future requests. (Note: It's not deemed acceptable to force the user to copy a server-generated token to the client application.) Only if the user revokes the token, he needs to send his username and password again for getting a new token. Such token based approaches seem to be quite common, for example Google, AWS and Rackspace are using them a lot. But does it really pay off in this scenario?
Hashing the password on the client sounds like a good solution. However I'd like to salt the encrypted passwords on the server-side. Adding requests only for fetching salts doesn't sound like an optimal solution or is it?
Are there any best practices or tips? I couldn't find too much information exactly for these requirements.
Currently I'd go with 2), but I'm not really convinced yet.
The project is based on Java, Apache CXF, Protobuffers and Shiro, but shouldn't have too much of an impact for the general question...
If you're only concerned by authentification and neither by confidentiality nor integrity, you can handle it by securing:
HTTP transport level, using HTTP BasicAuth (user+password on each message) + eventually HTTPS for confidentiality, however as you noticed (solution 1) it it is kind of old school and keeping user/password in local cache is not a big deal but cannot be advised.
Message level (the soap message) using Security Token for instance but I do not know Protobuffer
Application level (solution 2 and 3), that is the way Google, Amazon, Ebay and others are working. You will not ask the user to copy/paste his token, you will generate one from user/password
I would securing the application level using a token, since getting a salt from the server is almost like getting a token and does not add more security (a secured salt should be known from only you, and if channel is protected it mean getting the token from given password and username is secured as well).
A better but more complex solution would be usage of SSL certificates, available both in browser and client software.

Should services ask for credentials at each request?

I wonder what is the optimal authentication method for services and webservices:
user/password is sent on each request
user/password is sent once to obtain an authentication code that will be sent on each request
Is there any alternative? Which is better? Why?
Depends on the protocol.
If the service requests are in the clear (http), then you might want to consider a secure (https) logon transaction, which gains you a limited-time token to authorise future requests (a session cookie, in effect). Then at least eavesdroppers don't get credentials that work forever, just for a limited period.
Likewise even if the logon transaction isn't secure, at least if it only happens once it's slightly harder to eavesdrop. It's also slightly harder to use.
If you don't care about security, I wouldn't even use a username/password, just an API key. Amounts to the same thing, but if the user doesn't choose it then at least it won't be similar to any of their other passwords, so it doesn't affect anything else when it's stolen.
If you care about security sufficiently that everything is done over https, then it doesn't really make a lot of difference what identification mechanism you use, AFAIK. So do something simple.
Finally, you might care about the security of the authentication, but not about the secrecy of the requests themselves. So, you don't mind eavesdroppers seeing the data in flight, you just don't want them to be able to issue requests of their own (or spoof responses). In that case, you could sign the requests (and responses) using a public/private keypair or a shared secret with HMAC. That might (or might not) be easier to set up and lower bandwidth than SSL. Beware replay attacks.
By optimal are you thinking about performance ? I would suggest to send credentials and authenticate on each request unless you really find this to be a bottleneck. SSL is not enough at all, it only provides encryption and authentication of the web service. But think about client authentication (a client cert can help here) and authorisation, may be not all users of the web service is not allowed to call all methods and all methods calls needs to be logged for auditing. In this case the user identity needs to presented for each call.
I develop and maintain a SOA based core system web service developed in WCF that authenticates and authorises against .Net based clients using windows identity and uses 2-way certs authentication against Java clients and I have no performance problem.
Steve Jessop clarified things for me:
if the credentials are memorized I should provide a transient authentication cookie after they are received,
but if the credentials are digitally stored then I should only use an API key, because anyone who can access the credential storage wouldn't need to access the cookie