path apps in django - django

I wanna get absolute path all installed_apps in "" .
app_list = [ app for app in Myproject.settings.INSTALLED_APPS ]
I list of application but how i can get absolute path all of them.
Thank you.

It's not really possible to do what you want. I mean you can get almost there, but there's no real functionality for this, and in particular, Python doesn't distinguish between classes, methods, and variables. They all count as attributes of the module.
First, INSTALLED_APPS is a tuple of strings. So, in order to get any useful information, you're going to have load them as modules:
for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
module = __import__(app)
Then, once you have the actual module, you can call dir on it to get a list of its attributes:
for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
module = __import__(app)
print dir(module)
And, that's about as far as you can go. It's going to output everything set in the module, not just classes. From here, about the only recourse I can think of to weed out everything but classes is to assume that naming conventions were followed and look for items that start with a capital letter. That's not exactly scientific, but that's all you got.

Today I solved my problem. I write this code and its just working. For limited name class I find name of class that inherent from "models.Model" . you can change it and enjoy that.also this code find files in depth 1 of modules. it can change.
app_list = [app for app in training.settings.INSTALLED_APPS if "task" in app]
for module in app_list:
module1 = __import__(module)
temp = module1.__path__
files_path = [temp[0] + os.sep + files_name for files_name in os.listdir(temp[0]) if
os.path.splitext(files_name)[1] == ".py"]
p = re.compile(r'class\s*\w*\s*\(models.Model\):')
for file in files_path:
infile = open(file)
text =
all_class = p.findall(text)
print [class_name[6:][:-15] for class_name in all_class]


<unknown>.TargetPath can not be set

I'm attempting to write a script that can be deployed and remotely run on a number of target computers with the end result of having an existing shortcut replaced by one that runs the exact same program, but at high priority. Here is my script:
import os, winshell
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from comtypes.client import CreateObject
# from comtypes.gen import IWshRuntimeLibrary
desktop = winshell.desktop()
path = os.path.join(desktop, 'Test Short.lnk')
target = r'\%HOMEDRIVE%\\Apps\\Ellie Mae\\Encompass\\AppLauncher.exe'
wDir = r'\%HOMEDRIVE%\\Apps\\Ellie Mae\\Encompass'
icon = r'\%SystemRoot%\\Installer\\{3E9C4FBE-4E6C-4389-A4B3-4AE027D0BF2E}\\Icon3E9C4FBE2.ico'
shell = Dispatch('WScript.Shell')
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(path)
shortcut.TargetPath = target
shortcut.WorkingDirectory = wDir
shortcut.IconLocation = icon
I'm running into an Attribute error, as follows:
AttributeError: Property '<unknown>.TargetPath' can not be set.
For reference, here is where I got most of my code.
I attempted to search out an answer, and I came across this thread. However, following the accepted suggestion yields:
ImportError: cannot import name IWshRuntimeLibrary
My confusion comes from why I'm not able to set the TargetPath property to begin with. As happens so often, it seems as if the OP from the linked thread and I are the only two people reporting this problem. Does anyone know why that might be happening and what I can do to fix it?

How to access a tempfile object across 2 separate requests (was:views) in Django

Can't find a direct, head on answer to this. Is there a way to access a tempfile in Django across 2 distinct views? Say I have the following code:
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
temp_file_name =
print temp_file_name
request.session['output_file_name'] = temp_file_name
request.session.modified = True
return #something or other
temp_file_name = request.session['output_file_name']
temp_file = open(str(temp_file_name))
#do something with 'temp_file' here
My problem comes in specifically on view#2, the 2nd line "open(temp_file_name)". Django complains this file/pathway doesn't exist, which is consistent of my understanding of the tempfile module (that the file is 'hidden' and only available to Django).
Is there a way for me to access this file? In case it matters, I ONLY need to read from it (technically serve it for download).
I'd think of this as how to access a NamedTemporaryFile across different requests, rather than different views. Looking at this documentation on NamedTemporaryFile, it says that the file can be opened across the same process, but not necessarily across multiple processes. Perhaps your other view is being called in a different Django process.
My suggestion would be to abandon the use of NamedTemporaryFile and instead just write it as a permanent file, then delete the file in the other view.
Thanks seddonym for attempting to answer. My partner clarified this for me...seddonym is correct for the Django version of NamedTemporaryFile. By calling the python version (sorry, don't have enough cred to post hyperlinks. Stupid rule) you CAN access across requests.
The trick is setting the delete=False parameter, and closing the file before 'returning' at the end of the request. Then, in the subsequent request, just open(file_name). Psuedo code below:
>>> import tempfile
>>> file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
>>> file.close()
>>> file
<closed file '<fdopen>', mode 'w+b' at 0x00EF5390>
>>> f = open(
>>> f
<open file 'c:\users\ymalik\appdata\local\temp\tmp9drcz9', mode 'r' at 0x0278C128>
This is, of course, done in the console, but it works in django as well.

How to alter a python script with arcpy.GetParameterAsText when run as a stand alone script?

I have created a python script that runs from an ArcMap 10.1 session; however, I would like to modify it to run as a stand alone script, if possible. The problem is I don't see a workaround for prompting the user for the parameters when executed outside ArcMap.
Can this even be reasonably done? If so, how would I approach it? Below is a sample of my script. How can I modify this to prompt the user at the command line for the path names of parameters 0 and 1?
import arcpy
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
siteArea = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
tempGDB_Dir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
tempGDB = tempGDB_Dir + "\\tempGDB.gdb"
# Data from which records will be extracted
redWoods = "D:\\Data\\GIS\\Landforms\\Tress.gdb\\Redwoods"
# List of tree names that will be used in join
treesOfInterest = "C:\\Data\\GIS\\Trees\\RedwoodList.dbf"
inFeature = [redWoods, siteArea]
tempFC = tempGDB_Dir + "\\TempFC"
tempFC_Layer = "TempFC_Layer"
output_dbf = tempGDB_Dir + "\\Output.dbf"
# Make a temporaty geodatabase
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(tempGDB_Dir, "tempGDB.gdb")
# Intersect trees with site area
arcpy.Intersect_analysis([redWoods, siteArea], tempFC, "ALL", "", "INPUT")
# Make a temporary feature layer of the results
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(tempFC, tempFC_Layer)
# Join redwoods data layer to list of trees
arcpy.AddJoin_management(tempFC_Layer, "TreeID", treesOfInterest, "TreeID", "KEEP_COMMON")
# Frequency analysis - keeps only distinct species values
arcpy.Frequency_analysis(tempFC_Layer, output_dbf, "tempFC.TreeID;tempFC.TreeID", "")
# Delete temporary files
This is as much a philosophical question as it is a programmatic one. I am interested in whether this can be done and the amount of effort to do it this way. Is the effort worth the convenience of not opening up a map document?
Check to see if the parameters were specified. If they were not specified, do one of the following:
Use Python's raw_input() method to prompt the user (see this question).
Print a "usage" message, which instructs the user to enter parameters on the command line, and then exit.
Prompting the user could look like this:
siteArea = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
tempGDB_Dir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
if (not siteArea):
arcpy.AddMessage("Enter the site area:")
siteArea = raw_input()
if (not tempGDB_Dir):
arcpy.AddMessage("Enter the temp GDB dir:")
tempGDB_Dir = raw_input()
Printing a usage message could look like this:
siteArea = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
tempGDB_Dir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
if (not (siteArea and tempGDB_Dir)):
arcpy.AddMessage("Usage: <site area> <temp GDB dir>")
# the rest of your script goes here
If you prompt for input with raw_input(), make sure to make all parameters required when adding to your toolbox in ArcGIS for Desktop. Otherwise, you'll get this error from raw_input() when running in Desktop:
EOFError: EOF when reading a line
hell yeah its worth the convenience of not opening up arcmap. I like to use the optparse module to create command line tools. arcpy.GetParameter(0) is only useful for Esri GUI integration (e.g. script tools). Here is a nice example of a python commandline tool:
I include a unittest class in my tools to testing and automation. I also keep all arcpy.GetParameterAsText statements outside of any real business logic. I like to include at the bottom:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0):
params = parse_arcpy_parameters()

django settings variables get lost in while being passed to templates

i have a weird problem.
Basically, in my file i have 4 variables
URL_MAIN = 'http://www.mysite'
URL_JOBS = 'http://jobs.mysite'
URL_CARS = 'http://cars.mysite'
URL_HOMES = 'http://homes.mysite'
In my i have the usual:
from settings import *
I have 6 views calling them and just returning them to templates inside the context:
class CarsHp(TemplateView):
class JobsHp(TemplateView):
class HomesHp(TemplateView):
class CarsList(TemplateView):
class JobsList(TemplateView):
class HomesList(TemplateView):
which are being called in urls by
All of those views have the same statement:
context['URL_MAIN'] = URL_MAIN
for all 4 variables.
In templates i'm correctly getting all 4 of them, except for URL_MAIN, which "gets lost" in 2 of those 6 views. I'm accessing them with classical {{ URL_MAIN }} and i've been trying everything, from moving to renaming, but still that URL_MAIN doesn't show up (i get empty string, no errors of sort) after being served from 2 of those views. All the functions basically share the same code (except for the querying and data processing part) and those settings' variables are just being assigned and returned off. Not any sort of check nor modification. I've been trying with django's shell, and i could always retrieve them.
We're being served by apache, with some proxypassing configurations for the robots.txt file and static files. Nothing "serious".
I'm not posting all the 6 views source codes just because they're long and the relevant parts are all described above. But i can post them if you want,i just don't know if it is actually useful since i've been triple checking all the sources for clashing on names or double declarations or incorrect use.
Thanks all in advance, this is really stunning my brain
Ideally, you should use template context processors for this. It will cut down your code and allow you to see exactly where the problem is.
Make a file in your projects called (or similar) and put your variables in there:
def common_urls(request):
return {
'URL_MAIN': "http://...",
'URL_JOBS': "http://...",
'URL_CARS': "http://...",
'URL_HOME': "http://...",
and in your
now the urls variables will be automatically available in all your template, and you won't need to hard code them into every view.

Decoupling django apps 2 - how to get object information from a slug in the URL

I am trying to de-couple two apps:
Locations - app containing details about some location (town, country, place etc)
Directory - app containing details of places of interest (shop, railway station, pub, etc) - all categorised.
Both locations.Location and directory.Item contain lat/lng coords and I can find items within a certain distance of a specific lat/lng coord.
I'd like to use the following URL structure:
But I don't want to make my directory app reliant on my location app.
How can I translate this url to use a view like this in my directory app?
items_near(lat, lng, distance, category):
A work around would be to create a new view somewhere that translates this - but where should I put that? if it goes in the Directory app, then I've coupled that with my Location app, and vice versa.
Would a good idea be to place this workaround code inside my project URLs file? Thus keeping clear of both apps? Any issues with doing it like this?
For your urlpattern to work, the view function invoked has to be aware of both Locations and Directories. The short answer is you can put this view function anywhere you want - it's just a python function. But there might be a few logical places for it, outside of your Directory or Location app, that make sense.
First off, I would not put that view code in in your top-level, as that file is intended for URLconf related code.
A few options of where to put your view:
Create a new view function in a file that lives outside of any particular app. <project_root>/ is one possibility. There is nothing wrong with this view calling the item_near(..) view from the Directory app.
# in myproject/
urlpatterns = (
# in myproject/
from directory.views import items_near
def items_near_from_slug(request, location_slug, category_slug):
location = get_object_or_404(Location, slug=location_slug)
distance = 2 # not sure where this comes from
# And then just invoke the view from your Directory app
return items_near(request,, location.lng, distance, category_slug)
Create a new app and put the code there, in <my_new_app>/ There is no requirement that a Django app need to have a,, etc. Just make sure to include the if you want Django to load the app properly (if, for instance, you want Django to automatically find templatetags or app specific templates).
Personally, I would go with option 1 only if the project is relatively simple, and <project_root>/ is not in danger of becoming cluttered with views for everything. I would go with option 2 otherwise, especially if you anticipate having other code that needs to be aware of both Locations and Directories. With option 2, you can collect the relevant urlpatterns in their own app-specific as well.
From the django docs here if you're using django >=1.1 then you can pass any captured info into the included application. So splitting across a few files:
# in
urlpatterns = ('',
(r'location/(?P<location_slug>.*?)/', include('directory.urls')),
#other stuff
# in
urlpatterns = ('',
(r'directory/(?P<directory_slug>.*?)/', 'directory.views.someview'),
#other stuff
# in
def someview(request, location_slug = None, directory_slug = None):
#do stuff
Hope that helps. If you're in django < 1.1 I have no idea.
Irrespective of how much ever "re-usable" you make your app, inevitably there is a need for site-specific code.
I think it is logical to create a "site-specific" application that uses the views of the reusable and decoupled apps.