I want to divide my window in the following manner
Build a vertical layout
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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using QVBoxLayout. I want to maintain this ratio at all times. I will disabling re-sizing the window. Right now I have the following code.
QVBoxLayout baseLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
QLabel *widget = new QLabel(NULL);
widget->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(0, 39, 118)");
widget->setGeometry(0,0,400, 30);
This divides the window in equal parts. I can't use the form designer as I am building this UI dynamically.
Is there any property on QVBoxLayout that I can use to achieve this? Or Using this QVBoxLayout is simply wrong, if so please suggest an alternative.
Thanks and Regards,
To make a QVBoxLayout keep a fixed ratio between two elememts, give them stretch parameters in addWidget. A stretch parameter of N that is x times another stretch parameter Y will make the corresponding widget have a height x times higher than the other widget.
I'm working on a Qt project, where I need to get the toolbar positions at run-time. I used QMainWindow::toolBarArea(QToolBar *toolbar) to get the current docked area of the toolbar. And then I can use that later with QMainWindow::addToolBar ( Qt::ToolBarArea area, QToolBar * toolbar ).
Let's assume I dock two toolbars in a single area (i.e. Bottom area), as below.
| Toolbar 1 |
| Toolbar 2 |
Then I save the area obtained from QMainWindow::toolBarArea, using QSettings and then load them back with QMainWindow::addToolBar , it loads as below.
| Toolbar 1 | Toolbar 2 |
Is there any way to re-dock them the original form, without using QMainWindow::saveState()?
I'm working on a Qt project, where I need to get the toolbar positions at run-time. Is there any way to get the current positioning of a QToolbar inside a QMainWindow ?
Thanks for the answer and I got 75% working. But there is a problem in QMainWindow::toolBarArea(QToolBar * toolbar).
When I dock two toolbars in a single area (i.e. Bottom area), as below.
| Toolbar 1 |
| Toolbar 2 |
Then I save the area obtained from QMainWindow::toolBarArea, using QSettings and then load them back, it loads as below.
| Toolbar 1 | Toolbar 2 |
Is there any way to stop that as well?
Within the scope of QMainWindow, you can call QMainWindow::toolBarArea(QToolBar *toolbar) to get the toolbar position.
Returns the Qt::ToolBarArea for toolbar. If toolbar has not been added
to the main window, this function returns Qt::NoToolBarArea.
It returns the enum:
enum ToolBarArea {
LeftToolBarArea = 0x1,
RightToolBarArea = 0x2,
TopToolBarArea = 0x4,
BottomToolBarArea = 0x8,
ToolBarArea_Mask = 0xf,
AllToolBarAreas = ToolBarArea_Mask,
NoToolBarArea = 0
I am trying to set transparent background to a QWebView element.
| x | Window title | <<< Hidden borders and title bar
+---------------------------+ view->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
| |
| ****************** |
| ********************<--|------- This is the HTML side (a rectangle with
| ****************** | rounded corners)
| <-|-- with transparent background that must
+---------------------------+ remain transparent for the desktop window
I searched about how can I set the transparent background for the webview and I found this code on all places:
QPalette pal = view->palette();
pal.setBrush(QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent);
view->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);
The code above doesn't work properly. This is how my window does look:
So, the issue is that the gray part MUST be transparent. How can I solve this?
I use the following code to undecorate the window.
This works for me :
I'm using win32 to create a list view with downloaded icons, however, the text is abbreviated at approximately 19 characters (as about size 12 font, Segoe UI). I have included the CreateWindow and item creation code I'm using for it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
HWND airlinelist = CreateWindow(WC_LISTVIEW,L"",WS_CHILD | LVS_LIST | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER,18,104,323,74,hwnd,(HMENU)3,hinst,NULL);
LVITEM newi;
const wchar_t* n = L"Client Website Name, website.com"
newi.pszText = newc;
newi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE;
newi.iImage = 0;
The above would create a list view with the icon and something to the effect of "Client Website Nam..." despite it only taking up half of the list view's width.
I'll assume you're using LVS_LIST mode because the style is shown in your code sample. You can use the LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH message to adjust the column size once you've added items to the list control. You can also use the ListView_SetColumnWidth macro. E.g.:
SendMessage(airlinelist, LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, 300);
This would set the columns to 300 pixels wide. If you're actually using LVS_REPORT mode you would need to set the width for each column individually.
Here is my layout:
I have a sizer that contains a grid (with a proportion of 1) and a ok/cancel button bar
The all thing is in a wxDialog
Here it is:
| |
| GRID |
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| |
The issue is that the grid contains too many row, and over flow the screen, so in the end I don't see the top part of the dialog. Is there a way, when calling Fit() on the dialog, to limit its height ?
I have tried stuff like this: SetSizeHints(-1,-1,-1,500); and SetMaxSize(500,500) but it did not worked.
Also I have tried to do that: this->SetSize(this->GetSize().GetX(), 500);, but since the vertical scroll bar appears on the grid, it is not wide enough and a horizontal scroll bar shows up.
In the constructor I call wxGrid(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize)
The easiest way to handle this is to use a grid of fixed size. If there are more rows than will fit, then a scroll bar will appear. You set the size you want in the constructor.
new wxGrid( this, IDC_grid, wxPoint(-1,-1),wxSize(igridxsize,igridysize));
If you want the size of the grid to adjust, e.g. when the user resizes the application window, things are a bit more complex. You need handle the window size event and change the grid size as appropriate.
Something along these lines:
myDialog::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
wxSize dialogSize = event.GetSize();
myGrid->OnSize( wxSizeEvent(
dialogSize.GetWidth() * 0.9, dialogSize.GetHeight() * 0.7 ));