how to create window in an application that started as console one? - c++

I know the way window is created when the app is windowed one from the start, that is you call
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst,HINSTANCE,LPSTR,int nCmdShow);
But what to do if I want to get user an option to display a console application output when it ends. That is display its data in more readable form in ad-hoc created window instead of text-only mode that console permits.
In console app I have a function that watches for user key press, and when my program ends it shows message: press D to display result in a window instead of console, and in code:
if (virtual_key == 0x44) {
HWND myWindow = myCreateWindFunc(/* data */);
That is I need to pack all the code for creating window into one function an then just call function on it with the data to fill it's controlls.

A console application can create child windows or dialog boxes using any related WinAPI function (MessageBox, DialogBox etc).
The only caveat is that the create function may require the handle of the console window. To obtain it, you could use the example here How To Obtain a Console Window Handle


Determine which window the message was sent (SetWindowsHookEx & WH_KEYBOARD)

I need to be able to determine which window the message is intended for, but I don’t understand how to do it correctly. In WH_MOUSE has a special structure (MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT) that stores the hwnd of the window, but where to get the hwnd in WH_KEYBOARD?
LRESULT CALLBACK messageHandler(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// ???
DWORD WINAPI messageDispatcher(LPVOID thread)
hookHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, messageHandler, GetModuleHandle(nullptr), *reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(thread));
if (!hookHandle)
return GetLastError();
MSG message{};
while (GetMessage(&message, 0, 0, 0) > 0)
return 0;
In theory, I could use GetForegroundWindow, but it seems to me that this is a terrible option, because the window can receive a keyboard message from some other process (if another process sends a SendMessage to this window) and not the fact that the current window will be exactly the one for which the message was intended.
At the time a keyboard action is generated, the OS doesn't know yet which window will eventually receive the message. That is why the WH_KEYBOARD hook doesn't provide a target HWND, like a WH_MOUSE hook does (since a mouse message carries window-related coordinates).
When a keyboard message is being routed to a target, the message gets delivered to the window that currently has input focus.
Per About Keyboard Input:
The system posts keyboard messages to the message queue of the foreground thread that created the window with the keyboard focus. The keyboard focus is a temporary property of a window. The system shares the keyboard among all windows on the display by shifting the keyboard focus, at the user's direction, from one window to another. The window that has the keyboard focus receives (from the message queue of the thread that created it) all keyboard messages until the focus changes to a different window.
Since your hook runs inside of the message queue of the target thread, you can use GetFocus() to get the target HWND at that time:
Retrieves the handle to the window that has the keyboard focus, if the window is attached to the calling thread's message queue.
Otherwise, you can use a WH_CALLWNDPROC/RET hook instead, which gets called when the message is actually delivered to a window. However, you can't block messages with this hook (as you were asking about in your previous question).
I think what you might be looking for is a hook of type WH_JOURNALRECORD.
With this, the callback procedure that Windows will call in response to the various events that this hook intercepts is of type JournalRecordProc, and the lparam parameter passed to this function points to an EVENTMSG structure, which looks like this:
typedef struct tagEVENTMSG {
UINT message;
UINT paramL;
UINT paramH;
DWORD time;
HWND hwnd;
And there is your hwnd!

How to show custom messages in a dialog box in Win32 API?

How to show custom messages using a dialog box in Win32 API rather than show them in a default MessageBox function?
I made a function as follows:
void DialogBox_Custom (HWND hWndParent, LPSTR contentToShow)
HWND hDialog = CreateDialog(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), hWndParent, DialogProc);
if (!IsWindowVisible(hDialog))
ShowWindow(hDialog, SW_SHOW);
SetDlgItemText(hDialog, IDC_EDIT1, contentToShow);
But when I call this function, the dialog box is appearing like millions of times per second and never ending until I close the program by force.
Please kindly someone help me make a custom dialog box where I can show some content sent from the parent window to an EDIT control window in the dialog box.
Use the DialogBoxParam function to create the modal (suspend execution until the window is closed) dialog box.
DialogBoxParam(instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_YOURDIALOG), hWndParent, YourWndProc, (LPARAM)contentToShow);
You then have to create a function YourWndProc to handle the messages to paint and offer a mechanism to close the window, to allow execution to continue after your DialogBox() call.
INT_PTR CALLBACK YourWndProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (message)
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, (LPSTR)lParam);
return (INT_PTR)TRUE;
case WM_CLOSE:
EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam));
return DefWindowProc(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam);
Modal dialogs are similar to MessageBox: your code gets control back when the dialog is closed. API: DialogBox, DialogBoxIndirect.
Modeless dialogs are similar to windows: you create them with the help of dialog templates and you get the control back immediately, they live powered by message dispatch. This is what you do but you expect them to act as if they were modal. API: CreateDialog, CreateDialogIndirect.
With both modal and modeless dialog you control the dialog with your own DialogProc and you create the dialog with resource dialog template, which automatically creates controls (and you, of course, can add control in code).

C++: How to set a new wndProc for a console application?

If I have a console application with a handle to it set up like so;
HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
Then how do I set up a new wndProc for the window?
I tried using
SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)conProc);
With conProc being defined as
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
But it doesn't work and says "Error code: 5 - Access is denied" on GetLastError()
I understand that it's pretty difficult to modify the console application like this, since it's a csrss.exe application and all, but I'd still like to try..
While the impression is that console window belongs to your process (like other window), it is in fact hosted by CSRSS system process and its WndProc is there. This makes you unable to subclass the window and provide your own WndProc living in your process.
Some related reading:
The process that is in charge of displaying the GUI windows in which consoles are presented is... CSRSS
SetWindowsHookEx with WH_KEYBOARD doesn't work for me, what do I wrong?
Subclassing XP Console Window
First of all SetWindowLong is superseded by SetWindowLongPtr, you should use that function.
Are you trying to change the WNDPROC of your own console window or another process?
From the MSDN docs :
Sets a new address for the window procedure.
You cannot change this attribute if the window does not belong to the same process as the calling thread.

Window Wrapper Class C++ (G++)

I am attempting to learn about creating windows in c++, I have looked at an article about creating a wrapper class but I don't really understand it. So far I know that you can't have a class method WndProc (I dont know why) but honestly, that is all. Can somebody give an explanation, also explaining the reinterpret_cast? Here is the article.
LRESULT CALLBACK Window::MsgRouter(HWND hwnd, UINT message,
WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
Window *wnd = 0;
if(message == WM_NCCREATE)
// retrieve Window instance from window creation data and associate
wnd = reinterpret_cast<Window *>((LPCREATESTRUCT)lparam)->lpCreateParams;
::SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<long>(wnd));
// save window handle
// retrieve associated Window instance
wnd = reinterpret_cast<Window *>(::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA));
// call the windows message handler
wnd->WndProc(message, wparam, lparam);
Thanks in advance, ell.
The MsgRouter() procedure acts as a proxy between the Windows message handling system to the Window instance associated with a HWND. It routes Windows messages to C++ objects.
A pointer to the Window instance is passed to the MsgRouter() procedure via the last parameter of the CreateWindow() function. When you first create a HWND via CreateWindow() (or CreateWindowEx()), some messages are sent - one of them being WM_NCCREATE. When the procedure receives a WM_NCCREATE message, the LPARAM parameter contains a pointer to a CREATESTRUCT which contains the arguments that was passed into the CreateWindow() function. The procedure retrieves the Window instance pointer from the CREATESTRUCT and saves it in the HWND by setting it as an attribute of the HWND (GWL_USERDATA via SetWindowLong()).
Now that the pointer has been saved, the window procedure can from now on retrieve a pointer to the original Window instance from a HWND via GetWindowLong() when it receives a message. Finally, the window procedure calls WndProc() on the retrieved Window pointer, passing in the exact message and parameters, so the Window instance can handle the message.

Notification when Windows Dialog is opened

I want to do some processing when a particular dialog is opened but I am not able to find any way to get notification when that dialog is opened.
Is there any way to get notification in application for opening of a particular windows dialog?
The only available information about the dialog is its title and its unique.
The general solution is to use windows hooks, filter to WH_CBT, filter to WM_CREATE, or something like that, get the window text and see if it is the one of your interest.
One more important point: in hook you should use SetWindowLongPtr() to set window process to your own function, that will actually receive WM_CREATE event. In all calls this function should call the original window procedure.
You can also use a CBT Hook to watch window creation messages. You'll have access to the CREATSTRUCT used to create the actual window, eg, the title and class name. You can prevent the window from being created in your hook, modify the size, etc.
EDIT: sorry didn't notice that you don't have the code yourself but only the title. So I think the other posts solution is what you need
The event handling in win32 applications is done via a so called windows procedure which is a callback function with the following signature:
This callback gets called by windows every time there is a message for windows which are registered with this callback function. One of the first messages send to a new window is the WM_CREATE message.
If you are creating your windows "by hand" with win32 API, then there should be a static callback function like the one below where you can filter for the WM_CREATE message.
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch( message )
// do what ever you want
return 0;
case default:
return DefWndProc( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam );
If you use MFC dialogs (CDialog) then you can overwrite the function CDialog::OnInitDialog().
OK, the way to do this is to use SetWindowsHookEx(WH_SYSMSGFILTER,...)
You'll be getting a lot more callbacks than you really need. and global hooks are a real drain on system performance (they can force the system to serialize things that would normally run independently)
be sure to read the Remarks, especially this part:
SetWindowsHookEx can be used to inject a DLL into another process. A 32-bit DLL cannot be injected into a 64-bit process, and a 64-bit DLL cannot be injected into a 32-bit process. If an application requires the use of hooks in other processes, it is required that a 32-bit application call SetWindowsHookEx to inject a 32-bit DLL into 32-bit processes, and a 64-bit application call SetWindowsHookEx to inject a 64-bit DLL into 64-bit processes. The 32-bit and 64-bit DLLs must have different names.
Your hook must live in a dll, and the dll will end up loaded into other process's address space, so you won't it won't have access to your procees's address space, you will have to set up some sort of interprocess communication between your hook and your app.
On the whole I'd say this sounds like a really bad idea.