I just read somebody call a class with a constructor and an operator() a predicate:
// Example
class Foo {
bool operator()(Baz);
Bar bar;
However, I haven't heard the word predicate being used in this context before. I would call such a thing a functor. For me, a predicate would be something from the domain of formal logic.
This raises the following questions:
Is this a common word for something like Foo?
Are both terms used interchangeably, or do they mean slightly different things?
Does the return type (bool versus something else) have something to do with it?
What about the operator() being const?
Functor is a term that refers to an entity that supports operator () in expressions (with zero or more parameters), i.e. something that syntactically behaves as a function. Functor is not necessarily an object of some class with overloaded operator (). Ordinary function names are functors as well. Although in some contexts you can see the term "functor" used in a more narrow and exclusive sense: just class objects, but not ordinary functions.
A predicate is a specific kind of functor: a functor that evaluates to a boolean value. It is not necessarily a value of bool type, but rather a value of any type with "boolean" semantics. The type should be implicitly convertible to bool though.
The shown class is a functor that implements a predicate.
A predicate is a boolean function.
About the operator() being non-const here: it should ideally be const, yes.
A predicate is a special kind of function object. See this excellent column by Nicolai Josuttis. To quote:
A function object that returns a Boolean value is a predicate. That's
what almost all tutorials, books, and manuals write about predicates
of the STL. This, however, is not the whole story.
However, there is an additional requirement that is unfortunately not
mentioned in any manual or in the C++ Standard: A predicate should
always return the same result for the same value.
Or, in the language of C++: You should declare operator() as a
constant member function (and not play games with mutable or casts).
For the same reason, a copy of a predicate should have the same state
as the original.
The reason is that the STL algorithms will copy function objects around, and the copying should not affect the outcome of applying the function objects.
template<typename Arg0>
struct UnaryPredicate
public std::function<bool(Arg0 const&)>
bool operator()(Arg0 const& a0) const
return // your code here
template<typename Arg0, typename Arg1>
struct BinaryPredicate
public std::function<bool(Arg0 const&, Arg1 const&)>
bool operator()(Arg const& a0, Arg const& a1) const
return // your code here
As has been said, a predicate is just a user supplied directive to analyze something to a boolean state. So you can have the same two things doing the same thing...
struct is_odd
is_odd() : count(0);
bool operartor () (int i) const { ++count; return (i % 2) == 1; }
int count;
bool isOdd(int i) { return (i % 2) == 1; }
So, what is so special about the functor? It maintains state if you want it to! That means that while these two lines of code do the same thing (assume v is a vector, with values 0 - 9)...
for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), isOdd); //using C-style function pointer
is_odd fn = for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), is_odd); //using functor
Only with the second use case can you then call...
int calls = fn.count;
That is because for_each (as well as other STL algorithm functions) returns the functor it used at the end, so now the final state can be queried.
One other cool thing to note is that in the second case, we are using what is called an "anonymous" object.
From the MSDN:
Represents the method that defines a set of criteria and determines
whether the specified object meets those criteria.
I'm used to pass lambda functions (and other callables) to template functions -- and use them -- as follows
template <typename F>
auto foo (F && f)
// ...
auto x = std::forward<F>(f)(/* some arguments */);
// ...
I mean: I'm used to pass them through a forwarding reference and call them passing through std::forward.
Another Stack Overflow user argue (see comments to this answer) that this, calling the functional two or more time, it's dangerous because it's semantically invalid and potentially dangerous (and maybe also Undefined Behavior) when the function is called with a r-value reference.
I've partially misunderstand what he means (my fault) but the remaining doubt is if the following bar() function (with an indubitable multiple std::forward over the same object) it's correct code or it's (maybe only potentially) dangerous.
template <typename F>
auto bar (F && f)
using A = typename decltype(std::function{std::forward<F>(f)})::result_type;
std::vector<A> vect;
for ( auto i { 0u }; i < 10u ; ++i )
return vect;
Forward is just a conditional move.
Therefore, to forward the same thing multiple times is, generally speaking, as dangerous as moving from it multiple times.
Unevaluated forwards don't move anything, so those don't count.
Routing through std::function adds a wrinkle: that deduction only works on function pointers and on function objects with a single function call operator that is not && qualified. For these, rvalue and lvalue invocation are always equivalent if both compiles.
I'd say the general rule applies in this case. You're not supposed to do anything with a variable after it was moved/forwarded from, except maybe assigning to it.
How do correctly use a callable passed through forwarding reference?
Only forward if you're sure it won't be called again (i.e. on last call, if at all).
If it's never called more than once, there is no reason to not forward.
As for why your snippet could be dangerous, consider following functor:
template <typename T>
struct foo
T value;
const T &operator()() const & {return value;}
T &&operator()() && {return std::move(value);}
As an optimization, operator() when called on an rvalue allows caller to move from value.
Now, your template wouldn't compile if given this functor (because, as T.C. said, std::function wouldn't be able to determine return type in this case).
But if we changed it a bit:
template <typename A, typename F>
auto bar (F && f)
std::vector<A> vect;
for ( auto i { 0u }; i < 10u ; ++i )
return vect;
then it would break spectacularly when given this functor.
If you're either going to just forward the callable to another place or simply call the callable exactly once, I would argue that using std::forward is the correct thing to do in general. As explained here, this will sort of preserve the value category of the callable and allow the "correct" version of a potentially overloaded function call operator to be called.
The problem in the original thread was that the callable was being called in a loop, thus potentially invoked more than once. The concrete example from the other thread was
template <typename F>
auto map(F&& f) const
using output_element_type = decltype(f(std::declval<T>()));
auto sequence = std::make_unique<Sequence<output_element_type>>();
for (const T& element : *this)
return sequence;
Here, I believe that calling std::forward<F>(f)(element) instead of f(element), i.e.,
template <typename F>
auto map(F&& f) const
using output_element_type = decltype(std::forward<F>(f)(std::declval<T>()));
auto sequence = std::make_unique<Sequence<output_element_type>>();
for (const T& element : *this)
return sequence;
would be potentially problematic. As far as my understanding goes, the defining characteristic of an rvalue is that it cannot explicitly be referred to. In particular, there is naturally no way for the same prvalue to be used in an expression more than once (at least I can't think of one). Furthermore, as far as my understanding goes, if you're using std::move or std::forward or whatever other way to obtain an xvalue, even on the same original object, the result will be a new xvalue every time. Thus, there also cannot possibly be a way to refer to the same xvalue more than once. Since the same rvalue cannot be used more than once, I would argue (see also comments underneath this answer) that it would generally be a valid thing for an overloaded function call operator to do something that can only be done once in case the call happens on an rvalue, for example:
class MyFancyCallable
void operator () & { /* do some stuff */ }
void operator () && { /* do some stuff in a special way that can only be done once */ }
The implementation of MyFancyCallable may assume that a call that would pick the &&-qualified version cannot possibly happen more than once (on the given object). Thus, I would consider forwarding the same callable into more than one call to be semantically broken.
Of course, technically, there is no universal definition of what it actually means to forward or move an object. In the end, it's really up to the implementation of the particular types involved to assign meaning there. Thus, you may simply specify as part of your interface that potential callables passed to your algorithm must be able to deal with being called multiple times on an rvalue that refers to the same object. However, doing so pretty much goes against all the conventions for how the rvalue reference mechanism is generally used in C++, and I don't really see what there possibly would be to be gained from doing this…
I'm new to cC++. I hope the code snippet explains well enough what I'm trying to achieve. I want a global and a element function for overloading of the < operator. In the element function the return type is bool and in the global function it is the respective type. Is this code possible to realize? (Not working right now?)
class Foo{
//element function:
bool operator<(const Foo& otherFoo){//implementation}
//global function:
Foo& operator<(const Foo& foo1, const Foo& f2)
if (f1.operator<(f2))
return f1;
return f2;
Is this code possible to realize?
Yes. But you really, really, really should not do it! operator< has a very concise meaning: Is the left hand side "less" (for some definition of "less") than the right hand side?
Returning the object which is actually "less" is also a reasonable function, but it should be named accordingly! Call it lesser_of or something like that.
Not working right now?
You did not include any useful error description in your question, but I highly suspect that the issue here is const correctness. You're accepting a reference to a const qualified Foo and try to call its member function operator< which is not const qualified. The simple fix: Add a const to the member function:
// member function: vvvvv
bool operator<(const Foo& otherFoo) const {
// implementation ^^^^^
The supposed free (= non-member) function (which should really be called with a reasonable name, I chose lesser_of) can be implemented for all types with a corresponding member function, using a template:
template<typename L, typename R>
typename std::common_type<L,R>::type lesser_of(L&& left, R&& right) {
using std::forward;
// Could also use operator<(forward<L>(left), forward<R>(right)), but
// this breaks when there's both a member function and a free
// function available.
if (left.operator<(forward<R>(right))) {
return forward<L>(left);
} else {
return forward<R>(right);
Note that I have no idea whether the forwarding makes any sense, nor am I sure if this could lead to dangling references.
Going a bit further, there's one kind of usage that I would consider "only just ok" if you really insist on returning "more" than a bool from operator<: In Common Lisp this is called "generalized boolean", and basically means that anything except a special nil value is considered to be "truthy". You could "port" that to C++ and use std::optional (C++17!) to convey that meaning:
template<typename L, typename R>
std::experimental::optional<L> operator<(L&& left, R&& right) {
if (left.operator<(std::forward<R>(right))) {
return std::forward<L>(left);
} else {
return std::experimental::nullopt_t{};
This returns the left operand wrapped in a std::optional if indeed it is "less" than the right. The result can be checked for in e.g. an if (or similar "special context") because it has a (explicit) conversion member function to bool. Thus returning std::optional instead of bool won't break code that uses the comparison only where contextual conversions can be applied. The returned value can be access by dereferencing or for example the value member function.
Of course this does not allow code like Foo c = a < b;, but you could instead use Foo c = (a < b).value_or(b);.
I have simple data structure called array (similar to std::array). array class have method called all(). Here are method declarations:
const range<const_type_pointer> all() const;
range<type_point> all();
range is class template, which is constructed by two iterators. Here is simplified version of range class declaration:
template <typename Iterator>
class range {
typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::type_value type_value;
typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::type_reference type_reference;
typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::type_pointer;
range(Iterator begin, Iterator end);
// methods & algorithms
// data members
mutable Iterator _begin;
mutable Iterator _end;
So basically, if I call method all on const array object, it should call const overload of method and return const range. Now, in my algorithms section, I have simple algorithm with following signature:
template <typename UnaryFunction>
range forEach(UnaryFunction function);
Then I tried following test:
void test1(const array<int, 10>& array)
auto r = array.all();
r.forEach([](int i) { std::cout << i << " "; });
And second one:
void test2(const array<int, 10>& array)
auto r = array.all();
r.forEach([](int& i) { ++i; });
In first case, where I was just printing variable i, compiler did not complained, even though I called non-const range method on const range object. In second case, compiler complained. Is this behaviour standard confornant?
As a compiler, I am using MSVS compiler.
First. Sice you are returning by value, it doesn't really make any difference if you are returning const range or range.
Second. auto r = array.all(); creates a copy of whatever was returned by all. Your r is a non-const object, and non-const forEach is used. But since the iterator is const in the second version, you can't modify the iterable.
auto works just like template argument deduction, which means that it drops top-level references and top-level const & volatile qualifiers. In other words, your r is of type range<const_pointer_type> in both cases.
Returning a const-qualified object should only be done in very special circumstances when you understand all details of its behaviour and really know that you want them.
Normally, you should just return objects without cv-qualifiers. It will play nicer with move semantics, and will not lead to incorrect expectations.
I read that function call () can also be overloaded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operators_in_C_and_C%2B%2B
What would the following mean?
It works.
template<typename T, typename Comp>
struct bind{
T v;
Comp comp;
bool operator()(const T& b){
return comp(b,v);
int main(){
bind<int, less<int> > b;
b.v = 2;
cout << b(3) << "\n";
It means that if you create an object of type bind<>, you can apply the function-call operator to that object.
Like this:
bind<int, std::less<int>> b;
b.v = 2;
std::cout << b(1) << "\n";
That snippet might print "true" on the standard output.
If you have a class called foo, I'm sure you understand what it means to call a member function of an object of that type:
foo f;
You may also understand that you can overload certain operations. For example, you could overload operator+ for foo so that you could do something like this:
foo f, g;
f + g;
Now you can also overload operator() for a class, which allows you to call it as though it were a function:
foo f;
Yes, f is not a function but it is an object of class type that overloads operator(). Class types that do this are known as functors or function objects.
In the example you've given, bind is a functor. When you create an object of that type, you can call it like a function, passing it a const T& and it will return a bool back to you. The implementation of operator() actually calls the function stored in comp, passing it both the T object you passed to operator(), a, and the member object v of type T.
As it stands, it doesn't mean much of anything except "syntax error". For example:
template<T, Op>
This simply isn't allowed. For each template parameter, you need to specify whether it's a type (using class or typename) or a non-type parameter such as an int. Since the apparent intent is that both these should be type parameters, you need something like:
template <class T, class Op>
template <typename T, typename Op>
For this situation, there's no difference in meaning between class and typename.
struct bind{
T v;
Leaving v uninitialized will lead to undefined behavior, so you probably don't want to allow that. You'd normally prevent it by adding a constructor that takes a T as its parameter and initializes v to that value:
bind(T const &v) : v(v) {}
When you include a constructor like this, the compiler won't automatically generate a default constructor, so it's no longer possible to create a bind object with v uninitialized -- exactly what we wanted.
Although creating the comp object:
Op comp;
is fairly harmless, it's also quite unnecessary. You could just as well do the comparison with a temporary instance created with Op(), in which case this:
bool operator()(const T& a){
return comp(a,v);
...would become something like this (and the Op comp; simply removed):
bool operator()(T const &a) {
return Op()(a, v);
Even with the corrections, I'd consider this code obsolescent. In C++98/03, it would have been useful in a situation where you needed to supply a functor to an algorithm, such as:
std::remove_copy_if(a.begin(), a.end(), bind<int,
bind<int, std::less<int> >(5));
...which would copy numbers from a to b, removing those less that 5.
In C++11, however, most (if not all) uses of this bind should probably be written as lambdas instead though, so the bit above would become something like:
std::remove_copy_if(a.begin(), a.end(), bind<int,
[](int x) { return x < 5; });
This is not only shorter, but (at least once you're used to it) quite a bit simpler than using std::less and bind to put together a function. It won't generally make any difference in run-time efficiency -- a lambda is basically a "shorthand" way of generating a class template, so what it generates would end up pretty similar to the code using bind.
I got a simple C++ struct as follows:
// Functor for peak to decreasing intensity sorting
struct cmp_decr_int2
bool operator() (peak2 a, peak2 b)
return a.int2 > b.int2;
is there an overload of the operator in this sample?
Yes. operator() is called the "function call" operator, and allows an object to be usable as if it were a function. Such a class is called a "functor".
A common pattern is to make functors that compare two things for equality or relations, for use in anything requiring a comparison predicate. (This one could be usable in an std::map, for example. It would have a member likecmp_decr_int2 compare; and then it could compare the relation between two things with: if (compare(x, y)) /* x is less than y, by some metric */)
This particular struct orders two peak2's by comparing their int2 members. It could be better written as:
struct cmp_decr_int2
// note const! vvvvv
bool operator() (peak2 a, peak2 b) const
return a.int2 > b.int2;
The function should be const because it does not need to change any members (there are none to change.) const-correctness is important.*
In many cases these functors are used in contexts where the arguments themselves are const, so you should either take the arguments by value as in the example or by constant reference.
You should prefer to pass types by const-reference over by-value, except when that type is fundamental (float, unsigned int, double, etc.) or smaller than a void*. In most cases, then, you will pass by const-reference:
struct cmp_decr_int2
// note const&: vvvvv v vvvvv v vvvvv
bool operator() (const peak2 & a, const peak2 & b) const
return a.int2 > b.int2;
*If this were used as a predicate in a std::map, for example, without const the map wouldn't be able to compare two things while within a const function.
Structs in C++ are just classes with a default accessor of public instead of private. So yes, that would have a function overload.
in c++ a struct is in every way like a class, except that the default parameter access is public: rather than private:. It is a common practice to use struct instead of class when the scope of the defined type's use is very narrow, such as in the example of a simple functor.
What this example does is emulate the appearance of a function pointer without the fragility of possibly being null.
The operator() member here overloads function calling. when you try to do something like:
cmp_decr_int2 foo;
foo(peek2(), peek2());
that overload member gets called.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct cmp_decr_int2
bool operator() (int a, int b)
return a > b;
bool operator() (int i)
return i > 0;
int main()
cmp_decr_int2 a;
cout << a(1, 2) << endl;
cout << a(1) << endl;
Yep, sure can overload the function! This worked perfectly for me.
$13.5.4 states-
operator() shall be a non-static member function with an arbitrary number of parameters. It can have default arguments. It implements the function call syntax postfix-expression ( expression-listopt ) where the postfix-expression evaluates to a class object and the possibly empty expression-list matches the parameter list of an operator() member function of the class. Thus, a call x(arg1,...) is interpreted as x.operator()(arg1, ...) for a class object x of type T if T::operator()(T1, T2, T3) exists and if the operator is selected as the best match function by the overload resolution mechanism (13.3.3).
Therefore, the struct 'cmp_decr_int2' has definitely overloaded operator().
Note that this is also the only operator in C++ that can take variable number of arguments.