pyspeech not working in python 2.7 - python-2.7

I want to make and explore the speech to text using the python. So I searched on the google about the python speech to text api I have found pyspeech at the first and found it much easy to use but even after installing it I got some problems.
1) I have installed pyspeech using command prompt easy_install speech at the c:>python27...scripts but still i am unable to run the python speech API.
2) I have also installed the base PyPI required for the pyspeech running

What is the import error you get? pyspeech also needs pywin32.
Is that package installed? Also check if Microsoft speech kit is installed.
If everything is fine, add sys.path.append(site package path) at the top of your code.


No module named 'nltk.lm' in Google colaboratory

I'm trying to import the NLTK language modeling module (nltk.lm) in a Google colaboratory notebook without success. I've tried by installing everything from nltk, still without success.
What mistake or omission could I be making?
Thanks in advance.
Google Colab has nltk v3.2.5 installed, but nltk.lm (Language Modeling package) was added in v3.4.
In your Google Colab run:
!pip install -U nltk
In the output you will see it downloads a new version, and uninstalls the old one:
Downloading nltk-3.6.5-py3-none-any.whl (1.5 MB)
Successfully uninstalled nltk-3.2.5
You must restart the runtime in order to use newly installed versions.
Click the Restart runtime button shown in the end of the output.
Now it should work!
You can double check the nltk version using this code:
import nltk
print('The nltk version is {}.'.format(nltk.__version__))
You need v3.4 or later to use nltk.lm.

Tensorboard for Tensorflow.JS under Windows 10

I spent long time trying to figure out how to install and run Tensorboard on a Windows 10 machine, for projects that are using Tensorflow.JS
Has anybody ever made this work? If so, please share the steps.
I have Tensorflow.JS working fine with my GPU under Windows 10, but I cannot find any documentation for using Tensorboard under the combination of Windows + Tensorflow.JS
Windows 10 64-bit
Node.JS v14.17.3
Python v3.8.9
Tensorflow v2.5.0
Tensorflow.JS v3.8.0
I'm using #tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu, with RTX3080Ti, which works fine.
The documentation here shows how to integrate tfjs in node with the tensorboad. But it requires tensorboard to be aldready installed.
When using it tensorflow with python, tensorboard comes as a dependency of the tensorflow package. But using it in js requires to install the tensorboard package as a standalone package.
pip install tensorboard
So far, pip is the only way I think to install tensorboard. If the command fails, it probably must have to do with the python version, but it can be changed easily

Import setup module error while deploying to app engine via google cloud sdk

I am writing after a lot of searching and trial and error with no luck.
I am trying to deploy a service in app engine.
You might be aware that deploying on app engine is usually practiced a two step process
1. Deploy on local dev app server
2. If step 1 succeeds deploy on cloud
My problems are with step 1 when I include third party python libraries such as numpy, sklearn, gcloud etc.
I am trying to deploy a service in local devapp server. When I import numpy or any other third party libraries in my script it throws an error saying unable to find the module.
I am using cloud sdk and have two python distributions, the default python 2.7 and anaconda with python 2.7. When I change the path to look for the modules in anaconda distribution, it fails to find module ‘setup’ required by the cloud sdk.
Is there a way to install the cloud sdk for anaconda distribution ?
Any help/pointers will be much appreciated!
When using app engine python standard environment, you can install pure python 3rd party libs using pip by vendoring them as explained here.
There are also a number of libraries included in the python27 runtime which can be requested using the libraries directive in your app.yaml as explained here.
If there's a lib which is not pure python (i.e it uses C extensions) that you want to use in your project, and it's not part of this list, then your only option is to use a flexible VM. If you want to use anaconda, you should consider customizing the runtime for your flexible VM.

Deployment of Python to support embedded and extended ways

I'm currently trying to deploy a site-package using Python 2.7 in a project written in C++ and using SWIG. Everything works very well. Our application is distributed to many clients, and we have one big existential question: should our installation package install Python itself (let's say in 'C:\Python27'), or should we include only the python27.dll along with the DLLs and Lib folder of Python, as explained here: C++ with Python embedding: crash if Python not installed
For the embedded way of using our site-package, I see no problem of not installing Python using its install program (from But for the extended usage, if we take the approach of NOT installing Python on the client machine, I am wondering what will happen if the client installs another thid-party library (like numpy). Will numpy work even though Python 2.7 has not been installed properly (no registry keys have been set, etc.) And if the client wants to use IDLE or PyDev, how can he do that if Python has not been previously installed on its machine?

Problems installing django-1.0.2 on Windows XP

I'm a Windows user. I tried to install django-1.0.2 final through the command prompt and it kept giving me an error in line 70:
The error occured where u"SVN"... It couldn't get past that line.
What to do in order to be able to install django-1.0.2?
You do not have SubVersion installed on your machine. You are trying to synchronize from the current production stream via SubVersion, which is a source control system, which you do not have installed.
Easiest solution - download the latest official version per the instructions at
Please install a client for the Subversion Version Control System. Since you are on Windows, you can also use TortoiseSVN which is an easy to use SVN client for Windows.
Alternately, you can download the tarball of Django 1.0.2 directly.
And please don't SHOUT on Internet forums. We hear you :)
If I recall correctly, installing TortoiseSVN won't help you there cause Django's code tries to use SVN's command line version.
Install a command-line SVN like:
Slik SVN
CollabNet SVN Command line
What version of python are you using? I had the same error when installing on top of python 3.2 instead of 2.7. Django only works with 2.7.