Sencha Touch: XTemplate not visible in DataView - templates

I'm a newbie to all the Sencha Touch stuff, but until now I'm very enthousiastic about it's capabilities. There is one problem, i somehow can't solve.
I would like to use a Tpl (XTemplate) for a calender view. The idea is to create a div element for every appointment, which i can place within containers to layout them. Somehow i can't get the dataview to work.
I've stripped down my code to the bare minimum: a panel containing a DataView. When i use the itemTpl, everything works fine. But when I use the tpl (with or without the XTemplate) i don't see anything. I checked if it was just a display malfunction (searched for the XXX from the template), but that's not the case.
This is my code:
Ext.define('InfoApp.view.CalendarDay', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
xtype: 'calendarday',
requires: [ ''],
config: {
title: 'Dag',
layout: 'fit',
items: [
xtype: 'dataview',
store: 'appointmentStore',
//itemTpl: [ 'XXX {day} {course}' ] --> Works
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">XXX {day} {course}</tpl>')--> Doesn't Work...
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or improvements!

Assuming ST2 and not ST1
From!/api/Ext.Component-cfg-tpl and the comments on the tpl: config in the docs, it appears there's a bug when using a remote store. Even if your store has data it. tpl: apparently only works right now if your data is hardcoded in data:[]
you can use itemTpl: new XTemplate(), or itemTpl: XTemplate.from('someid') or you can defer specifying until afterwards, grab your dataview and go dv.setItemTpl(new XTemplate()), etc.

Tanks #brink for your answer.
It took me a couple of days, but this worked for me:
// Load the store
var store = Ext.getStore('appointmentStore');
// Get the current range of the store
var data = store.getRange();
// Create a custom template
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(<tpl for=".">{day} {course}</tpl>);
// Loop through the data array
var showData = array();
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
// Get the panel by ID and push the html template
var panel = Ext.getCmp('appointmentspanel');


Sencha Touch: setTpl isn't not working in Ext.Container

I'm trying to display a simple template, but it seems like the template doesn't get added, as there is nothing added to the DOM. The code is called for sure and a container has the method setTpl(tpl). What am I doing wrong? The sample above is the most simple example I could imagine, but it doesn't work!
Ext.define('MyApp.view.sample', {
extend: 'Ext.Container'
config: {},
initialize: function() {
var sampleText = '<div> why?? </div>';
var t = new Ext.Template(
compiled: true
HTML = template + data. So your next step is to call setData. Check the docs for tpl. If what you want is to plug in some raw HTML that doesn't depend on data, you've got the html config (and the corollary method setHTML). Last advice, if that's just for rendering some HTML, you don't need to use a container, a Component would be enough.
You have created a class, but you also need to instantiate it. Try something like this:
Ext.create('MyApp.view.sample', {
renderTo: 'some-div-id',
// any other necessary config options
// (see!/api/Ext.Container)

How do I add custom HTML in Rally sdk 2.0?

I'm creating an app with some custom gauges using Rally SDK 2.0. This requires some custom HTML. I took a rake-compiled app.html file from the examples as a starting point. Using JustGage for my gauges. Here is my launch function.
launch: function () {
var info = this.getStoriesForProject(); //Gets some aggregate info
$('#header label').html(info.Title);
var g = new JustGage({
id: "devgauge",
value: info.DevPercent,
levelColors: ['#f80404', '#f8f804', '#50ed0e'],
min: 0,
max: 100,
title: "Dev %"
Then I added some custom HTML in app.html.
Now, if i run this without the code "this.add('foo')", the app adds a new div in the body with class="x-container" and puts my custom HTML outside that div effectively hiding it.
If i use the "this.add('foo') it does NOT create the div class=x-container and it shows my widget just fine.
What is the PROPER way to accomplish what I'm attempting using the 2.0 sdk? I realize the add method is for adding Ext components, but somehow calling this is causing my HTML to render ok. Looking at some apps we developed in the old SDK, using the custom HTML worked just fine in those.
Ext likes to know what is going on layout-wise and often gets confused if you're manually manipulating the dom beneath it without its knowledge. Usually if we have some known set of initial layout we add those via the items collection on the app:
Ext.define('My.App', {
extend: '',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
itemId: 'header'
xtype: 'container',
itemId: 'devguage'
Then inside of launch you can add content to those like so:
//some other component
You can always just drop all the way down to the element level though as well:
this.down('#header').getEl().dom //the raw html element
By default apps use an auto layout, so any items should flow as you would expect with normal html.
Or, instead of using itemId, you can set the id of the container's element using its id property:
Ext.define('My.App', {
extend: '',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
id: 'header'
xtype: 'container',
id: 'devguage'
The resulting html elements will use those ids, which allows you to target them directly with your own custom rendering.

Ember - Clearing an ArrayProxy

On the Ember MVC TodoApp there is an option "Clear all Completed".
I've been trying to do a simple "Clear All".
I've tried multiple things, none of them work as I expected (clearing the data, the local storage and refreshing the UI).
The ones that comes with the sample is this code below:
clearCompleted: function () {
'completed', true
).forEach(this.removeObject, this);
My basic test, that I expected to work was this one:
clearAll: function () {
this.forEach(this.removeObject, this);
Though, it's leaving some items behind.
If I click the button that calls this function in the Entries controller a couple times the list ends up being empty. I have no clue what's going on! And don't want to do a 'workaround'.
The clearCompleted works perfectly by the way.
The answer depends on what you really want to know-- if you want to clear an ArrayProxy, as per the question title, you just call clear() on the ArrayProxy instance e.g.:
var stuff = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'];
var ap = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: Ember.A(stuff) });
ap.get('length'); // => 3
ap.get('length'); // => 0
This way you're not touching the content property directly and any observers are notified (you'll notice on the TodoMVC example that the screen updates if you type Todos.router.entriesController.clear() in the console).
If you're specifically asking about the TodoMVC Ember example you're at the mercy of the quick and dirty "Store" implementation... if you did as above you'll see when you refresh the page the item's return since there is no binding or observing being done between the entry "controller" and the Store (kinda dumb since it's one of Ember's strengths but meh whatev)
Anywho... a "clearAll" method on the entriesController like you were looking for can be done like this:
clearAll: function() {
this.clear();, this);
Well, this worked:
clearAll: function () {
for (var i = this.content.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
If someone can confirm if it's the right way to do it that would be great!

When is the template (.tpl) rendered for an Ext JS Component?

I am trying to inject another component into an element that is rendered by the template of another Coomponent..but in the afterrender event, the template is yet to be rendered so the call to Ext.get(el-id) returns null: TypeError el is null.
new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',
'<li class="lang" id="cultureSelector-li"></li>',
listeners: {
afterrender: {
fn: function (cmp) {
console.log(Ext.get('cultureSelector-li')); // < null :[
Ext.create('CultureSelector', {
renderTo: 'cultureSelector-li'
So when can I add this component so that the element is targeting has been created in the DOM?
I think it depends on the component that you are working with. For example, the Data Grid View has a "viewready" event that would suite your needs, and depending what you are attempting, the "boxready" function could work for combo box (only the first render though). Other than that, you can either go up through the element's parent classes searching for the XTemplate render function being called (might be in the layout manager) and extend it to fire an event there, or risk a race condition and just do it in a setTimeout() call with a reasonable delay.
I ended up having to do the work myself. So, I now have the template as a property called theTpl, and then rendered it in beforerender, and then i was able to get a handle on the element in afterrender. This seems wholly counter-intuitive, does anyone have any insight?
beforeRender: {
fn: function (me) {
edit in fact I just extended Component thus:
Ext.define('Ext.ux.TemplatedComponent', {
extend: 'Ext.Component',
alias: 'widget.templatedComponent',
template: undefined,
beforeRender: function () {
var me = this;
var template = new Ext.XTemplate(me.template || '');
me.update(template.apply( || {}));
...template accepts an array of html fragments
Turns out I was using the wrong things - apparently we should be using the render* configs for this type of thing (so what are thetpl & data configs for?)
Here's a working fiddle provided for me from the sencha forums:

How to set row height Sencha Touch List

How can I set the row height in a Sencha Touch List object?
I'm using HTML to format the row, rows get taller with multiple lines, but how do I set the row height?
To edit the List elements default height, you have two ways to do it:
Create your own Sencha Theme with SASS (The official Sencha way to do it).
Override the Sencha Touch Theme CSS.
In the first case you only need to edit the $global-row-height variable value like, for example.
$global-row-height: 100px;
If you want to override the CSS class directly with an additional CSS file, you can do it adding a new rule just like this:
.x-list .x-list-item {
min-height: 100px;
If you want to set the list Height of a single list you have to set your css class in this way:
.myList .x-list-item {
min-height: 100px;
and add the cls config param to your list definition like this
var list = new Ext.List({
cls: 'myList',
You can also use the list config property itemHeight,like this:
var list = new Ext.List({
itemHeight: 25, //to set row height to 25 pixels
However, I always suggest to learn SASS. It's really easy and it really worth learning.
Hope this helps.
Since Sencha Touch 2.1 you can use list config property itemHeight (more info here). Just for information, it's also possible in NestedList object by using listConfig property.
Use the below code to change the height of list item in Sencha Touch.
xtype: 'list',
id: 'myList',
//Below two properties to change the default height
//default = 47 chaged to 30 below
variableHeights: true,
itemHeight: 30 ,
itemTpl: '{title}',
data: [
{ title: 'Item 1' },
{ title: 'Item 2' },
{ title: 'Item 3' },
{ title: 'Item 4' }
Incase somebody is still looking for the answer in Sencha Touch 2.4.1, here it comes:
listeners: [
event: 'painted',
order: 'before',
fn : function() {
// Set the height based on the number of items in the list!
var itemCount = this.itemsCount,
itemHeight = this.getViewItems()[0].element.getHeight(), // Works!
heightOfList = itemCount * itemHeight;
I am adding a listener for the painted method inside of my listView. I'm not sure if it matters, if you add the listener at the position of before, or after, but before made more sense to me.
I am simply taking the count of items in the list and multiplying it with the actual height of a list item element. I assume that all list items have the same height in the final list (this will always be the case for my list).
I tried the same approach with
itemHeight = this.getInnerItems()[0].element.getHeight() // Does NOT work
but that wouldn't work, because the elements would have a height of 0px at this points.
The code above works!